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“Big Oil Wants a Piece of His Pie”

Sniffing out "one of the most anticipated oil wells in Europe of 2014" from the Casey Energy Report promo

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, August 19, 2014

The Casey Energy Report is pretty pricey these days ($995/year), and so it gets quite a bit of reader attention when they hint around about a hot new idea of theirs.

And so it was that your friendly neighborhood Gumshoe got a nice, full mailbox this morning with folks forwarding a story that the Casey folks call “The Billionaire Pizza Maker” … it’s one of those wonderful pitches that makes you feel like you’re in the room, sitting with Doug Casey and his billionaire friend around the wood-fired pizza oven, chatting about “the old days.” Sometimes, a copywriter who can build that kind of atmosphere in just a couple paragraphs makes you long for wealth even more than the one who shows pictures of the editor’s yacht and beachfront mansion.

So what’s the story they’re telling, and will it make us rich? Will we be hanging around supping wine and chomping fresh pizza with billionaire chefs? Well, let’s see what we can learn…

I won’t re-tell the whole spiel about the dinner Marin Katusa (he’s the one actually writing the letter) had with Doug Casey and our mystery billionaire (you can check out the “teaser article” here if you’re curious), but we do get a few clues about who this “mystery billionaire” is ….

“… our host for that evening makes his own olive oil, and itโ€™s come first place two years in a row as the best olive oil in the world….

“His friends and inner circle include presidents of countries, the Hollywood A-list, and the most powerful business executives in the world. This guy defines ‘cool’ and ‘success,’ but he is so easy to chat with, itโ€™s like hanging out with one of your oldest friends….

“Doug Casey is into skydiving, and as they say in that world, ‘He has 43 jumps.’

“As Doug was talking about his jumps, our friend pulled out a video of him jumping nearly twice the height of Dougโ€™s highest jump.”

So that’s the first bit of clues, about our “billionaire pizza maker” … we’ll get to “his” company, the stock being teased, in a minute, but the billionaire in this case is Frank Giustra. You probably know his name, you almost certainly know his name if you’re Canadian — he founded Lionsgate Entertainment, and was instrumental in building a bunch of (now big) mining and energy operations, including Goldcorp and Pacific Rubiales. He’s probably best known now as a philanthropist, but he does also have his own olive oil operation in Italy (Domenica Fiore, in case you’re curious … and it has won awards).

And what’s his company? Here are our clues:

“… we recently sent out an alert to our Casey Energy Confidential subscribers on a company few people have ever even heard of. And some of the biggest names in the business are not just on the board of the company, but are also big investors, and at the same price as the Casey subscribers….

“Now, what about our Billionaire Pizza Maker?

“Big Oil Wants a Piece of His Pie

“He is drilling one of the most anticipated oil wells in Europe of 2014. One of the largest oil companies in the world, during their Q2 conference call, mentioned this project twice, more than any other project they are currently working on with a junior. Directly from the conference call transcript:

  1. ‘And looking into the second half of the year, we have some important wells coming up in XXXXXXXXX and, of course, the XXXXXXXX in XXXXXX subsalt.’ (Page 4)
  2. ‘On the Frontier program, we spent two years to three years building up the acreage program, two years to three years drilling it out. It has been, statistically, less successful than the Heartland program to-date. Weโ€™ve had success in XXXXXXXXX.’ (Page 18-19)”

They didn’t specifically say that the stock they just sent out an alert on is the same as the “Billionaire Pizza Maker’s” (Frank Giustra’s) Stock, but that’s the implication.

And they say that the big oil companies won’t “mess around” with Giustra — he’s been too involved in building too many big resource companies to be taken advantage of, apparently. And that “Big Oil” wouldn’t have mentioned the drilling unless it was the “real deal”.

And finally…

“We have gone into great detail in the Casey Energy Report on why your portfolio needs exposure to this company, especially before the drill results are announced by the end of the Q4 2014.”

OK, so … several months to go, no rush, take a deep breath and do not run off and buy this stock right this second. But the Mighty, Mighty Thinkolator does have an answer for you — this is Petromanas Energy (PMI on the venture exchange in Canada, PENYF on the pink sheets). And yes, it’s tiny, with a market cap under $200 million and not a lot of trading volume, so if you all run out and buy it and drive the price up I decline responsibility ๐Ÿ™‚

And before I get any further, I should disclose that this sparked my memory — I still have a very small position in Petromanas warrants that I bought several years ago, back when I ran across the company as I was sniffing around some Mongolian oil stories and Petromanas was being spun out of one of the tangentially affiliated companies (Manas Petroleum), and I thought their Albania drilling might be exciting. They had a very bleak period for a while, including poor results that had them abandoning two of their Albania blocks (A and B) and the loss of some major investors, and I essentially wrote them off and ignored them and sold any equity I had in those companies, but held on to the small and nearly worthless warrant position. Come to find out, a wee bit of optimism has returned to these shares over the past year or so. The warrants have an exercise price of 45 cents and expire in February, so they’re still quite a ways from being “in the money” but now that I’ve had them called to my attention I guess I’ll keep on holding them — perhaps they’ll pay off if the news is very good (PMI would have to double to make the warrants worthwhile at this price, and there are only six months to expiration, so I could very well lose all of this position… but it’s small and I thought I had lost it years ago, so I’m not terribly worried).

Petromanas’ big deal right now is in Albania — that’s the XXXX’d out reference in the transcript quotes above. Their partner is mega-major Royal Dutch Shell (RDS-A or B), and the transcript is here if you’re curious… it doesn’t mention the name of their joint venture company, but Shell has bought in for 75% working interest (carrying PMI for $50 million or so), in the most prospective of their Albanian blocks (2+3), which are near the huge Patos-Marinza heavy oil field operated by Bankers Petroleum.

That’s the drilling that’s currently ongoing — they’ve drilled some and found some oil, but they’re still trying to prove up commercial reserves. Next up is the testing of their well Molisht-1 and the spudding of new well Shpirag-3, both of which are indicated to happen in the third quarter as of their last investor presentation (from June). Molisht-1 results, as of their last press release update (June 20), gave some optimism but nothing that sounded shockingly awesome to me… here’s what the CEO, Glenn McNamara, said:

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“The initial LWD interpretation is encouraging at this early stage. Our focus now returns to deepening the well to identify further fracture networks in the underlying carbonates.”

“After considering a number of scenarios for the Molisht-1 well, the Company is electing to drill ahead using the current bore hole. The Molisht-1 well is currently drilling ahead at a depth of approximately 4,650 metres. Petromanas plans to continue drilling through this section and now expects to drill the well to an estimated total depth of up to 6,000 metres. Based on progress made with further drilling, additional data acquisition and testing is planned to follow reaching total depth.”

So we do appear to be in a bit of a waiting period. Apparently Shell is pretty optimistic about results, per their comments in their last quarter, and have been since the encouraging Shpirag-2 drilling in 2013, but I’ll leave it to you to decide whether their Albania position appeals.

Lots of other folks are optimistic about Molisht-1, too, including famed resources fund manager Frank Holmes, who visited the site this year (there’s a photo of him with Marin Katusa, Frank Giustra, Doug Casey and others at the well in this story)… and newsletter guy Keith Schaefer wrote optimistically about their Albanian prospects back in February here. Frank Giustra is on the board, and did some insider buying earlier this year (increasing his position by about 20%) — it looks like his holdings are now worth about $17 million… substantial, but obviously not a “bet it all” position for a billionaire.

Their other projects are newer — they have some gas exploration blocks in France and an oil exploration project in Australia, both of which are being studied and analyzed with the apparent hope of generating some joint venture interest to move the projects forward to drilling, but drilling isn’t on tap for those projects this year…. the next several months will really be all about the Albania results.

The previous European energy story that we looked at from the Casey folks, by the way, with pretty similar “big drill results coming” language in their promos, was PRD Energy — the “Bakken guys bring their technology to Germany” stock which they teased and touted much, much more aggressively than this Petromanas idea… that one has not worked out spectacularly, though it’s right about where it was after the first well news fizzled and the “Casey pop” disappeared at the end of 2013. I haven’t looked at the PRD details lately, but they were producing some oil from the first well in the Spring and talking up how much they would learn from that well for future development in 2014 and 2015… then nothing of substance other than a fundraising in May, so it appears the stock has been declining gradually in recent months in the absence of any news about their operations.

So … interested in taking a gamble with Petromanas and their Albanian drilling with the Casey folks and the “billionaire pizza maker?” It’s your money, so it’s your call — but we want to know what you think. Let us know with a comment below.

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August 19, 2014 2:02 pm

I didn’t catch the name of the pizza company? Ty

๐Ÿ‘ 1
Rusty Brown in Canada
Rusty Brown in Canada
August 19, 2014 2:30 pm
Reply to  tyhub

Yeah, same here. Giustra’s wiki page doesn’t contain the word “pizza”.

August 19, 2014 6:09 pm

Yes, let us know the name of the pizza company.

๐Ÿ‘ 22026
August 19, 2014 2:10 pm

Wow. Congratulations on spelling Molisht-1 correctly! Five times, even. Good job Mr. T!

Active investor JH
Active investor JH
August 19, 2014 2:46 pm

Petromanas was re-recommend by Chuck de Castros’ Penny Oil Speculator back in July at which time he claimed credit for its 187% appreciation over the previous 5 months. Since then my shares have appreciated from $.14/share to .255/share

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August 19, 2014 6:09 pm

I bought at .11 cents

๐Ÿ‘ 1303
August 19, 2014 3:54 pm

As a Canadian investor, I have benefited greatly by the success of Wheaton River, Gold Corp and Silver Wheaton companies. Yet, I believe others deserve much of the credit for developing these companies into the great successes they are today. In particular Rob McEwen, Ian W. Telfer and Randy Smallwood, deserve most of the credit, not Frank Guistra, in my opinion. I find Frank Guistra’s association with Doug Casey curious. Casey, the complete Libertarian Atheist; the admirer of Scrouge McDuck (presumably of Ebenezer Scrouge before the Ghost of Christmas arrived), who calls Bill Gates and Warren Buffett’s support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and giving their wealth to help those in poverty, disease, or subject to infection by Polio; mostly poor, less fortunate children and adults: “actually immoral”. He refers to Buffett and Gates as “idiot savants”. Further, Casey’s view is: “Morally speaking, charity is not a virtue, it’s a vice.” How can Casey square that view with Frank Guistra’s $100 million contribution to a Foundation with Bill Clinton, to an anti-poverty initiative to help the poor raise themselves out of their dilemma. Casey’s opinion was stated on Nov. 4, 2009: “… they are making things worse.” If Doug Casey and I meet, I shall be honoured to be called an “idiot savant” by him. As a follower and believer in the person and mission of Jesus Christ (whom Casey rejects and misrepresents as well); clearly I am all Casey also despises. Bravo, this is truly a great honour to me to be on his Idiot Savant list! I am a dedicated Rotarian, working with the Gates Foundation and the Canadian Government to eradicate Polio among Asian and African children, who Doug claims “are not victims of anything but their own bad habits”; presumably Casey would prefer to see them crippled and dead, or maybe shot by his trusty S&W model 29 pistols, as I understand his philosophy. He seems to signal events, like current ebola virus pandemic in Africa, where we are sending in the doctors, as somehow due to the people’s own bad habits and where “aid rarely helps them.” Why should anyone, anywhere, listen to Doug Casey? Why is he such an arbitor of wisdom? I’d respect Frank Guistra’ opinion much more if Doug called him an “Idiot Savant.”

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August 19, 2014 4:23 pm

I saw this stock about 3 months ago. It was being “talked -up” by Mr Guistra and almost doubled in less than 2 weeks.

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August 19, 2014 5:42 pm

I subscribe to Oil & Gas Investments Bulletin. It has proven well worth the fee as I’ve made more than the fee each month from Kieth’s picks. Petromanas Energy was one of them, not necessarily the best but a good one. I got out with a good profit only because I wanted to turn my capital over more frequently that 2-3 years as required by some of the oil plays.

I think it is a good play mostly because it is so cheap but if I put $1,000 into 5 recommendations and they are up 10% it doesn’t really matter to me if the price was $0.26 or $50.35 with PRMRF as 10% is still 10%. In the long run I think Paramount Resources is a much better and certainly safer play but Paramount will likely go up very slowly 15-20% a year for the next three years.

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๐Ÿ‘ 2
quincy adams
quincy adams
August 19, 2014 5:42 pm

How wealthy do you have to be to make the “idiot savant” list?

August 19, 2014 6:08 pm

Hi, its Lulu, uneducated and trying to learn…..please Bakermre, I don’t feel this is the sight to voice your religious beliefs or BEEFS. As a Canadian, and I am going to stick my neck out here, hopefully I don’t get hanged, you are also and you know that is bad manners. We all choose which charities, investment advice, banks, churches, and politicians to support, follow and believe in…..atheists as well. Please if you have something to offer, please say it without bashing or suggesting religion has anything to do with decisions on investing.
Im am NOT a fan of Monsanto, but Im not going to avoid a good ETF because it holds the stock. Okay Ive said my peace/piece. I hope I haven’t offended anyone or wasted anyones time reading my rant.

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๐Ÿ‘ 1303
August 19, 2014 8:36 pm

No one’s stock picks have ever lost me more money than Casey Research’s. How well I remember 2008 when everyone’s Casey Research portfolio was a smoking ruin, dropping much more than the market overall. At the end of the year, in their annual assessment, the CR guys concluded that their recommendation made a small profit that year. I then realized that they are not just horrid stock pickers, they are liars, which is much worse.

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David Grumbling
David Grumbling
August 20, 2014 12:44 am
Reply to  Bob

I just signed up for a Casey newsletter. They were flashing 100%, 200%, as much as 300% gains to suck me in. It worked and I paid $149 for three months. Well, as soon as I logged in, I looked at their portfolio. Since March 2013 they’ve had more 99% losers than 100% winners, and no 200 or 300% winners. At least 3/4 of their picks were losers. Overall, if someone had bought all their picks, they’d have lost a huge amount of money. Luckily there is a refund policy for the first 60 days. I will be asking for my money back.

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August 20, 2014 8:30 am
Reply to  Bob

I got turned onto International Man because of my concern for the world and my philosophy moving towards Bastiat. So I got into the Casey Report orbit and trialed it but did not invest. I concur with the writer of this piece that the stocks recommended give Casey Staff an insiders position. All they have to do is a statistical calc on a group of stocks. Then blast the email out and wait for the the group to overall go up materially before selling. Then later when they are out, they send out the sell report. Then we have the question: if Casey Group is SO successful investing, why are they writing reports on how to invest? Think about that! Has the SEC investigated? (LMAO!)

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August 21, 2014 10:01 am
Reply to  Jack

Of course you guys do know that commodities stocks have gotten hammered the last 3 years?. As to selling subscriptions versus investing, you should also know that many of the newsletters specifically state that they don’t (in some cases cant) buy their recos. It is much easier to make money selling subscriptions than investing . Let’s say you buy your own reco with a million bucks, and it doubles for a 1 mil profit. Great but not a sure thing by a long shot. But if you can sell 5 thousand subscriptions at 199 year, same profit and you don’t have to be right or wrong… What really gets me aggravated about the “Agoraplex” guys is they are so arrogant. They sent me a spiel about their get together in their special get away in Nicaragua. They all rented zillion dollar sports cars and zipped around. WTF dudes, think about who your customer is..


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๐Ÿ‘ 31
August 20, 2014 9:25 am

I can’t see investing in something like this one (I don’t honestly know exactly where Albania is) when there are so many great other oils and midstreams that have well established operations and pay protracted dividends…to say nothing about earning a bit more with simple option plays that can juice our earnings

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๐Ÿ‘ 22026
Myron Martin
August 20, 2014 2:29 pm

When I think of Albania I automatically think of Bankers Petroleum which I made good money on after the 2008 market meltdown and I bought it again about a year ago and according to my CIBC Alerts a few days ago, it is up 7% in the last 3 months and 91% y/y. I am finding it is taking longer and longer for even good companies to reach a position of profitibiilty, so Peteromanas might be worth a look. I also find that many investors are too quick to sell a stock that does not give them a quick return, probably due to a lack of in-depth research sufficient to generate strong convictions on the competence of management and long term potential of the company. That thought was triggered by the negative comments about Casey Research to which I was subscribed back in the 90,s and well remember their glowing reports on Almaden which only now is turning positive. To be successful in small cap investing “you need a lot of patience” and have a traders mentality of knowing when to be in a stock and when to be out based on market cycles.

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James Clark
April 4, 2015 5:22 pm

Given the negative 2015 oil industry slump It appears those investments would also been negative

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