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Update: Casey’s “Lawyers canceled our trip to a secret oil drilling site”

What's Marin Katusa's "next Bakken" stock with results expected September 16?

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, September 11, 2013

[update: Yeah, as of late September we’re taking back this admission of a mistake — we were right all along, the Casey folks just threw us off with a red herring, as is clear in the subsequent ads that they are now using to pitch this same idea, now looking at mid-October as the time when results will come in after the initial drilling hit some trouble and delays. I still don’t own the stock as of September 26 and haven’t traded it, and won’t until at least October]

I originally wrote an article about this Casey Energy Report tease following the first wave of teasers from the Casey folks, on August 20 — since then, they added some more detail to the teaser pitch that made my solution not fit, so we’ll take a mea culpa and accept this as our mistake for 2013. I’m willing to release one incorrect teaser solution each year before I begin the process of self-flagellation, so we keep our 99%+ accuracy rate but, as always, we are not infallible.

So what’s the story? The Casey folks had a pitch for their Casey Energy Report about the “Next Bakken” — a very early stage exploration company with a large land position and expected drilling results in mid-September. These are the clues they gave initially in their first teasers:

“Over the last year this little company has quietly assembled a 2-million-acre concession in a region whose geological conditions for the production of oil and gas are actually far more promising than those in the Bakken….

“In July, one director of the company, who is also the CEO of a major Canadian oil player, bought 200,000 shares at the market – bringing his holdings of the company’s stock to a total of 1,235,237 shares.”

Which pointed the Mighty, Mighty Thinkolator directly at PRD Energy (PRD.V, PREGF) — they’re working on rejuvenating oil production on about two million acres, using unconventional technologies (horizontal drilling, etc. — I guess we have to start calling those “conventional” now). And more importantly, we had an exact match on those shareholders, here’s what I wrote three weeks ago:

And yes, they are expecting to have short-term results from their first well, which they call Boerger 7A, in mid-September — so the September 16 projected catalyst fit as well. That well is a farm-in they’re earning on a GDF Suez property, and they hope to use this drilling to acquire more data about these kinds of reservoirs as well as earning in their 50% share of the project by spending the money required to drill and get seismic data.

So … sounds like a perfect match, right? Marin Katusa, a Casey analyst, has even recommended them in the past, and he has written in the last six months that he’s looking at “next Bakken” opportunities in the heart of Europe, which would also connect us to PRD. I was convinced.

But then some versions of the ad changed up a bit. The original version is still the same, you can see it here — the same ad they pitched started on August 20, as far as I can tell. Still a perfect match for PRD Energy.

(Back in April, Katusa said: “we believe that we have a company in our portfolio that is just as good: a junior exploration company that is sitting in the heart of Europe. By applying new technology to old fields and old wells, it may very well be sitting on the next Bakken.”)

But dammit if they didn’t throw in another clue in a separate letter that was sent out several days later — that second letter took away the reference to the insider buying but kept the two million acres, and added a clue that conflicted with my first answer. You can see the second version of the teaser pitch here, it’s not up on Casey’s site but someone else published the email. Here’s the offending paragraph:

“Until the company has completed its flow tests and made a public announcement, other than saying it’s in the Southern Hemisphere, we can’t share any details about the company – or even the country where the ‘next Bakken’ is located.”

And, um, no — Germany (where PRD’s fields are) is not in the Southern Hemisphere.

So, resisting the urge to be petulant forever, we went searching for another match.

There are plenty of places around the world who have big potential shale oil deposits, there’s been precious little shale exploration (and even less exploitation) anywhere outside of North America — so if we assume that these two ads are touting the same little stock, what’s another candidate?

A refresh of the clues?

  • An insider, who is a CEO of a different Canadian energy company, owns 1,235,237 shares after buying 200,000 in July.
  • They have a concession of roughly two million acres, acquired over the last year or so, in a “region whose geological conditions for the production of oil and gas are actually far more promising than those in the Bakken”
  • They are expected to have flow test results from a well sometime in mid-September, on or near the teased September 16 date.
  • And for the second version of this tease, they now say the drilling is in the Southern Hemisphere in a “resource rich” country (and they don’t mention that insider buying bit in the second version).

Need to hear some of the rest of the tease, just to refresh your memory? Here’s a bit:

“Just a few days ago, a hastily assembled team including Chief Energy Investment Strategist Marin Katusa and Casey Research Managing Director David Galland were preparing to fly to a secret location. A location where a small oil company is about to drill the first oil well into what appears to be a massive new oil bonanza.

“But at the last minute, the oil company’s lawyers canceled the trip and imposed a total communication blackout. They did so out of concern that regulators would think having the Casey Research team on site gave our subscribers an unfair advantage…

“… our energy analysts believe the company may have as much or even more potential than those companies that made billions in the now legendary Bakken formation….

“Be Ready: We Expect the Initial Drilling Results on or Around Monday, September 16”

Now, the very nature of small exploratory stocks like whatever this one turns out to be, and like Africa Oil before they hit oil in their first hole, means that you have to accept a pretty high likelihood of failure and stock volatility. That’s likely why they’re waiting on results before they send this special report to their subscribers, or at least that’s my impression from the ad — though they also say that members of the Casey Research team are invested in this stock through an investment fund, so it seems someone believes it’s worth a flyer before they make that expected announcement next month. Who knows, maybe they’ve already mentioned it to their subscribers and they’re just holding off on a glowing recommendation until the drilling results come in.

So there you have it. What’s the stock?

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Well, there isn’t one. Not in the Southern Hemisphere, and not that can be found by even a fully refreshed and awake Thinkolator — you can’t match all of those clues and the Southern Hemisphere together and come up with anything particularly interesting.

So … I still suspect that they’re following PRD Energy (PRD in Canada on the venture exchange, PREGF on the pink sheets)… but I can’t say I’m sure anymore, not with that Southern Hemisphere red herring in there. Think of this as a decision in a civil trial, not a criminal one: I’m going with the “preponderance of the evidence” decision here, not the “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

It could be someone else, to be sure — Tag Oil (TAO in Canada, TAOIF on the pink sheets) in New Zealand comes close on some fronts, but they don’t have any CEOs of Canadian companies on their board, nor have they had any insider buys to speak of this Summer (and no one owns that exact number of shares). The other oft-cited possibility is New Zealand Energy (NZ.V in Canada, NZERF on the pink sheets) — but they don’t have any CEOs of large Canadian companies on the board, either, nor have they had that specific insider buying behavior (they do have over two million acres, and they are expecting some flow tests to give them more data about their potential in the unconventional basins on the east side of the North Island — the same area where Tag is also looking for future growth. Tag has had concerns about declining production of late, and New Zealand Energy is trying to make a pretty big acquisition so they need to raise some money, but I haven’t monitored them all that closely otherwise.

PRD Energy shares have gone up by about 50% since the Casey teaser campaign started on August 20, probably in part because our coverage amplified the impact of their teaser ad on the stock (we didn’t charge $800 to tell you the solution to the clues, so we probably had a few more readers). PRD is a company that’s exploring for oil and gas in Germany on just under two million acres, largely in areas with known past-producing or past-explored oil fields that haven’t yet seen horizontal drilling or other new extraction technologies (they say they don’t require fracking to be profitable, which may be important), and it has a market cap of now about $90 million.

The director who recently upped his stake to 1,235,237 shares is Grant Fagerheim, who is also CEO of Whitecap Resources, a much larger ($1+ billion) Canadian producer that’s profitable and pays a dividend. They also have some folks on the board and in their technical team who have Bakken and Alberta experience, and they specifically compare the opportunity to the Bakken in their promotional materials (the New Zealand guys do that, too, as does anyone with any kind of shale prospect around the world).

And yes, they are expecting to have short-term results from their first well, which they call Boerger 7A, in mid-September — that’s a farm-in they’re earning on a GDF Suez property, and they hope to use this drilling to acquire more data about these kinds of reservoirs as well as earning in their 50% share of the project by spending the money required to drill and get seismic data. Here’s the pertinent bit of their latest operational update about this potential catalyst:

“Mobilization of the drilling rig is well underway and PRD expects to begin drilling on August 2 or 3, 2013. Drilling will start from a depth of 680 meters and continue to a total vertical depth of approximately 1,800 meters with a 300 meter horizontal leg. Drilling is expected to be completed in August. Depending on drilling results, the Company expects to announce short-term production test results in mid-to-late September.”

That news has not yet come out. Don’t know if it will really hit on September 16 or not — and, of course, it might not be good news.

Their investor presentation is pretty compelling in making the case for the opportunity in these old German oil fields, many of which haven’t produced for 20 years, but, of course, it’s an investor presentation — its job is to be compelling. And as is teased in the pitch, they have indeed built up this portfolio of concessions relatively quickly and quietly, the vast majority of their acreage was added over the past year.

I’m not buying or selling this one (or either of the New Zealand companies), and of course I’m not telling you to buy or not to buy it, but it’s still the best match for the stock the Casey folks say they’re going to analyze for Casey Energy Report subscribers following the drilling results next month, and the version of the ad they’re sending out these days again fails to mention the Southern Hemisphere clue that threw us all into a tizzy on August 26.

I can’t explain why that teaser pitch about the Southern Hemisphere got added on to make the clear and specific match no longer a match, but coincidences are certainly possible — maybe there is another company that matches all of those disparate clues from the two different teaser pitches … or maybe the ad that mentioned the Southern Hemisphere was a mistake or an intentional red herring (remember, the ad with the Southern Hemisphere did not mention the insider ownership specifics).

So I’ll toss it out to you — If any of the other Gumshoes out there can find a match for us of a company that is sitting on roughly two million acres of oil exploration concessions with some drilling or flow test results expected in the next couple weeks, that has a board member who is also CEO of a Canadian energy company, who bought 200,000 shares in July and now owns 1,235,237 shares, and is drilling for oil somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere, I’ll upgrade you to a lifetime membership in the Stock Gumshoe Irregulars for free (just in time! I’ll be reporting for the Irregulars from the Value Investing Congress next week). If you’re already a lifer, I’ll find something else to give you.

I’ve kept all of the comments from our original August 20 article below, including some speculation about those New Zealanders and some other commentary — feel free to add your notes to the pile.

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September 11, 2013 7:22 pm

Marauder has got a fair bit of land in NZ. It could become a big buyout company. From the research that i have done on them. They seem be sitting on alot of black gold from what i have been reading. Another little beauty is East West Petroleum. They have partnered with Tag Oil in NZ & also have alot of land stakes in other countries as well. I also think EW has alot of potentional.

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September 11, 2013 10:28 pm

Travis, can you take a look at Casey’s email teaser from 10/11 Sept titled “3 Stocks to Own When Gold Recovers”? He mentions three companies that are worth looking into.

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Bill Chenault
Bill Chenault
September 12, 2013 12:48 am
Reply to  Cinarra

Hi Cinarra,
I will take a shot on Travis’ behalf. I do follow the gold market some, but these are not guaranteed to be right, as I don’t really have a professional grade Thinkolator – just a do-it-yourself-kit assembled version, and I think I may have put it together wrong (had a few left over pieces). Also, even if I can identify the stocks, doesn’t mean that they are good ones to own right now. Entire gold market has had a rough few months since April (or perhaps a rough couple of years, depends on how you choose to look at it).
#1 – Explorer Turned Producer – I think this one is Carpathian (CPN on Toronto). They have a mine under construction in Brazil, and it is was scheduled to begin production really soon. I think their second quarter financial statement (released in July? But this is from memory, so go back and do your own research) said they were 82% done with construction. That means they should be about finished now – but I haven’t heard that it is completed yet. They also have a large gold / copper resource in Romania that is a few years away (if ever) from becoming a mine, so that fits the few clues given. They also (last couple of weeks) have diluted by issuing more shares at below market prices. They issued shares at 0.14 cents – stock had recovered from its lows (near 0.14 cents) to around 0.18 cents / share prior to dilution announcement. It is a little disappointing that CPN diluted so much just before they should begin getting cash flow from Brazil, but maybe they ran into some cost overruns, or perhaps it will take time to ramp production up and I guess they needed the money.
#2 – Takeover Candidate – I think this one is Bayfield Ventures (symbol is BYV). Their property in Canada is basically surrounded by New Gold’s property (New Gold has been (or still is) taking over the Rainy River project – that project surrounds Bayfield’s Burn Block project in Canada). I haven’t followed this one that much, and don’t own shares. The gold does cross the property lines, but may just mean that no one else is interested in taking over the resource (can’t expand). Although logically New Gold should want to take over the Bayfield project, they will also likely want it for as cheap as possible, so if Bayfield doesn’t have other options – properties to explore, etc. – New Gold may try to wait them out.
#3 – Holy Grail – large and high grade deposit in South America – I think this one is Almaden Minerals (AMM on Toronto, or AAU). They have a large (millions of ounces likely) resource in Ixtaca Mexico. Currently about $1.59 US. Many of their intercepts are hitting several grams / ton, and the overall size is quite big. But this one is still drilling and delineating their resource. Long way from building a mine, and I don’t know how much more dilution would be required to get there.

Anyway, these are my best guesses …
Best of luck.

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September 21, 2013 3:58 pm
Reply to  Bill Chenault

I think #1 is banks island (BOZ).

September 11, 2013 10:33 pm

Could it be: Arckaringa Basin surrounding Coober Pedy which is said to have oil reserves ranging from 3.5 billion to a mind boggling 233 billion barrels of oil?
Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere.

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👍 4
September 12, 2013 4:48 am
Reply to  prowalt

Hello Walter. I live in Australia. If their right about how much oil is in Coober Peddy then that would be one of the biggest finds any where in the world. They say it could even dwarf what they have found in the Bakken Shale. Their is a very small company that has been buying out rights to mine the land. This companies share price could easily go up 400% and even more in 1 to 2 years. Link Oil or AU:LNC is the ticker symbol. Their is one small catch. Because this is only a small company it needs alot$$$$$ to mine the land. But if a big player steps in with the Funds. If even less then half of what their saying is true & a big Mining firm steps KACHING$$$$$$

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September 12, 2013 11:08 am
Reply to  Bosko

Need a bit of help here. I can’t find a ticker symbol for Link Oil in any way on my broker’s page. Is this only on the Australian exchange?

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👍 82
👍 22026
September 11, 2013 11:32 pm

I just started with you people yesterday so that I was not aware of any of the “promo” that you seemed to be hung up on. But I am an old (90 years) oil man and I would hazard a guess, from the size of the leased acreage, that it is in Australia. You should check with them for drilling permits, etc.

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👍 22026
jonathan taub
September 12, 2013 1:09 am

looks like new Zealand energy came up with a creative financing solution to the origin blocks requiring no loan or dilution…now if they can get production costs down I believe this horse has a shot at running!…and considering its selling below book value I jumped in today with 5000 shares!….I think its a good bet not perfect but worthy of risk!…and it has considerable institutional ownership for such a tiny stock

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September 12, 2013 1:32 am

What about HRTPY?

👍 22026
Warwick Sitana
Warwick Sitana
September 12, 2013 11:25 am

Hard to see how this can’t be PRD, well besides being located in the Southern Hemisphere.
I noted Grant Fagerheim to be a Director of the following companies: Escavar Energy,
Barrick Energy Inc, PRD Energy Inc, & Sintana Energy Inc., could it be one of this companies operating somewhere in the Sthn Hemisphere.

I live in Australia and recently started following the shale gas/oil play here. The industry is in its infancy stage. The most de-risked Basin in Oz is the Cooper Basin. In terms of unconventional (tight shale) play, there are currently three companies who are actively drilling. Beach Energy & Icon (ASX: BPT & ICN) are based in the Cooper Basin (JV with Chevron). They are in the process of undertaking horizontal fracture stimulation, one of the first of its kind in Oz. Also in northern QLD, Armour Energy (ASX: AJQ) is currently undertaking fracture stimulation of the its first horizontal well. Results from flowback testing will come out early October. Apparently their holdings are bigger than Fort worth n & Eagle Ford basin combined.

None of these Oz companies have a current Canadian CEO as a director, although the market caps of ICN & AJQ are closer to the teased stock.

Perhaps we could do a continental process of elimination to arrive at the touted stock.

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September 12, 2013 1:11 pm

My daughters boy friend has a friend of a friend that might get him on at haliburton, When my college educated son heard this he decided he is all in, He will quit his job as a lab tech, to try to get just an interveiw. from 35k to 40k to 90k a year job. Maybe you should be telling people how to land a job. This is a good goal for the young. It is a north Dakota job, however next time it might be the montery shale. Less cold. This should work out very good for everybody. I’m pushing 60 so I won’t go there myself. I’m tempted, But just got to let this one go.

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👍 22026
September 14, 2013 10:33 pm

Linc oil is my guess. Black Jack also made a comment about it. What happened to Black Jack?

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September 14, 2013 10:43 pm

I think Tag oil, tao,if . NZ nz,erf. Linc oil lnc. are just a few that are going to do real good in NZ and Australia. Thanks for all comments

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September 15, 2013 1:08 am
Reply to  dennis

Linc Energy lacks a Canadian CEO on its board of Directors & Tag is full of Canadians 🙂 but Grant Fagerheim isn’t one of them, or is this the red herring?

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September 16, 2013 10:45 am

PREGF’s has taken a big 23+% drop this a.m. Any updates?

👍 3
September 16, 2013 10:53 am
press release
Sept. 16, 2013, 6:31 a.m. EDT
PRD Energy Announces Operational Update

CALGARY, ALBERTA, Sep 16, 2013 (Marketwired via COMTEX) — PRD Energy Inc. (“PRD” or the “Company”) CA:PRD -22.62% announced an operational update for the drilling of the Boerger 7A well.

After setting a whipstock at 660m, PRD encountered directional drilling challenges in soft sediments requiring changes to the well plan. The decision has now been made to mill the existing casing, set the whipstock point at approximately 1,200m and then drill to a depth of approximately 2,024m followed by a 400m horizontal leg. Operations to remove the existing whipstock will commence the week of September 16 whereafter plans to complete the balance of the program will be finalized.

The information gained to date on this first program will prove valuable to the Company’s future drill design and operations on its other blocks in Germany.

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September 16, 2013 10:58 am

The report? Maybe it’s just underwhelming.

PRD Energy Announces Operational Update

CALGARY, ALBERTA, Sep 16, 2013 (Menafn – Marketwired via COMTEX) –PRD Energy Inc. (“PRD” or the “Company”) announced an operational update for the drilling of the Boerger 7Awell.

After setting a whipstock at 660m, PRD encountered directionaldrilling challenges in soft sediments requiring changes to the wellplan. The decision has now been made to mill the existing casing, setthe whipstock point at approximately 1,200m and then drill to a depthof approximately 2,024m followed by a 400m horizontal leg. Operationsto remove the existing whipstock will commence the week of September16 whereafter plans to complete the balance of the program will befinalized.

The information gained to date on this first program will provevaluable to the Company’s future drill design and operations on itsother blocks in Germany.

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👍 3
Roger Bond
September 16, 2013 11:49 am

So it is PRD after all, what’s the Southern Hemisphere thing all about if PRD’s fields are in Germany?

Or, since everything else we were ever taught the government says now isn’t true, has Germany’s geography changed too?


Roger Bond
September 16, 2013 12:09 pm
Reply to  Roger Bond

Sorry, my bad, didn’t read the entire email.
The Southern Hemisphere “hint” was admitted by them to be an intentional misdirect, purportedly to prevent subscribers from “chasing” the stock and paying too much.

It was indeed – as Travis said – a red herring

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September 18, 2013 2:23 pm
Reply to  Roger Bond

Though the stock briefly touched 63 cents post the Sept 16th announcement it hasn’t looked back since. Those who missed that dip must be sweating now. Still there’s time I suppose before this story changes materially and plenty of chance for more volatility I bet though personally I have my full position in this stock. Good luck to all!

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👍 2
jonathan taub
September 16, 2013 1:55 pm
September 17, 2013 10:58 pm
Reply to  jonathan taub

Lets keep our mouth shut in the future until we are proven wrong. Turns out you were right. Wasn’t a big winner but is was a winner if you wouldn’t have scared us back out. May be more damage done here than you know. If gumshoe has actually become that much of a threat that newsletters are posting false or misleading information knowing that you will pass it on to your subscribers than we have nothing here. Very disappointed about this.

👍 5
👍 22026
jonathan taub
September 18, 2013 1:06 pm


👍 22026
September 19, 2013 10:51 pm

Actually, I think if you take a look at the board of directors of TAG Oil (ca:tao) you will find the main thing that links all the other clues together. Keith Hill, a director of TAG, is also the current CEO of African Oil Corp, another company Casey has plugged massively and hints at in the tease, and more than likely the director who purchased shares on market. One other thing, TAG Oil also lists Casey Research as an active analyst covering the stock.

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David Grumbling
David Grumbling
September 18, 2013 11:48 pm

Can anybody come up with an explanation for the 11,300 shares of PREGF that supposedly traded at .0811 on 9/17? Did somebody really sell them by his own typo accident? Or is it a typo error from Yahoo?

September 24, 2013 4:57 pm

In my inbox Sept 24 an update to this teaser from Casey confirming it’s in Europe.

” Hidden deep below Central European soil may be one of the largest oil deposits in the world, comparable in size to the legendary Bakken formation in North America. I call it the “next Bakken.”

The full extent of this oil colossus is still unknown, but the final result could be one for the record books. And a small company with 2 million acres of land in the “next Bakken” is hard at work to prove up the reserves and make itself and its shareholders rich in the process.

This is not a stab in the dark; there’s no doubt that the oil is there. In the past, 93 million barrels of oil have been produced on the land the company owns now. But thanks to the company’s state-of-the-art technology, management expects to be able to unlock many more millions or billions of barrels of to date inaccessible or uneconomical oil.”

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September 26, 2013 1:47 pm

No chance this is about the Southern California shale oil “discovery”?

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September 26, 2013 1:48 pm
Reply to  anonymole

Or the Adelaide Australia shale oil discovery?

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September 26, 2013 2:25 pm

Maybe they are just teasing two separate companies? PREGF and either TAOIF or NZERF?
They could be recommending several and just intentionally chose two very similar ones to tease.

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