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Chaikin Analytics

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November 20, 2022 4:34 pm

With all of the double, triple, and quadruple winner examples in the Chaikin presentation, it seems to me that this guy has been so successful that he and his family are well set for generations What is it with these guys? Is more, more, more money, going to improve his life at this point?

February 16, 2024 11:58 am
Reply to  Gene

I live in a comfortable home, drive a Toyata Camry , …….do I really need a boat , plane or other play toys ? My answer is NO ! Happiness comes from within and all these play toys will not give you happiness! Be thankful for all you have and most importantly Good Health is a must!

Jay T
Jay T
January 16, 2023 11:01 am

Here is the bottom line. This is ALL from notes. Every word of this is accurate.
The software is nice and appealing to the eye, but I personally have never made a penny using it and I have been at this for 40 yrs !
I wanted to tone down my trading and do some more conservative trades/investments and I had bumped into a few YouTube videos that looked promising.
Make of the software what you will, but as with any indicators there is a lag. You must learn to use this system w your own style and In my case I actually faded the system to have winning trades!
They will pitch you with phenomenal “calls” that were “predicted” by the software but it is not all that it appears. The YouTube video they have for the Power Gauge is especially misleading as it shows a nearly year long bull mkt trend of a large cap stock in an uptrend when every indicator they use is GREEN!
Far from a PROPHET system! Throwing a dart could have yielded this result!


1) PSX: Long in the mid 90s – stopped out at the bottom (a 30% LOSS) keep in mind this while OIL was going crazy!
2 weeks later after the stop around 70, PSX was well above 100! To add insult to injury, Chaikin just put this on his top stocks for 2023

2) Mid Summer his number 1 stock to AVOID was MSTR which was trading around $200 at the time.
He did a write up on it and how it would go BK due to being leveraged w crypto. This may well happen, but what immediately happened was MSTR soared to over 300!
If you sold your long or took his AVOID call to go short (and the software being ALL RED) then you would have been out over 50% in a few weeks!

3) PYPL was one of his subscriber picks. He recommended it in the mid 90’s.
Again, HE STOPPED OUT AT THHE BOTTOM (<$70) WITH A 30% LOSS! PYPL is now back to $79 as of this writing!

4) He tries to sell you other services w these great picks NON STOP. Over the Sumer he had 2 EXPERTS on that had appeared on tv (ne on 60 minutes) and the other was also some GURU. These guys were talking about the concept of HYPERSCALABILITY. The idea of making profits w fewer people employed.
They recommended APPS (Digital Turbine) saying it was a great example of HYPSERSCALABILITY.
The stock as around $20.00. Within a few months it was 11 !! It is now back to 16 and had an earnings pop after being deeply oversold it did pop to 19-20ish for a day or 2, but that is AFTER it went down to 11 ! You can't make this stuff up!

5) CC Chemours Chemical Company. Recommended in the 40s. A few weeks later the company missed earnings big time and TANKED to $1,500 on software and lost thousands following MARC CHAIKIN’s PICKS since SUMMER 2022. Maybe he has a better track record, but not since I have been a client (sucker).

I wish I never heard of this company and I wish I had my money back !

you have been warned

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January 28, 2023 4:23 am
Reply to  Jay T

TY for your insight on Chaikin. What do you make of his recent advertisements to get your money out of Banks and into his latest investment idea? He is not the only person predicting some kind of Crash related to Banks. I do not see anything yet from Gumshoe, and this has been a major tease from more than just Chaikin!
Any ideas?

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Get out of Banks
👍 207
Jay T
Jay T
February 2, 2023 1:19 pm
Reply to  advantedges

Who knows. Yes he has been touting a doomsday prediction. So have others. What do they ALL have in common? They will SELL you a sure way to avoid financial catastrophe…if you cough up $2-3,000!
*** I am signing back on to add to my above comment of Jan 16th. PLEASE READ:

I almost forgot, but Chaikin featured one other “guru” this past Summer. A stocky fellow in a double breasted suit w what appeared to be a slicked back pony tail. I cannot remember his name and they seem to have scrubbed his appearance from the website.
Want to know why?
Well, the guy had a 90 minute interview which was mostly Marc pumping this guy up.
So we wait for the big event for him to reveal his NUMBER ONE GANGBUSTERS PICK!
The pick was UNFI.
You can go look at the chart, but the pick was made when the stock was in the mid 40’s. Within a week or so they missed earnings big time and it tanked to 34~! A loss of about 25%
You couldn’t do worse than these “experts” if you tried.
** The most infuriating part and this is no lie:
Chaikin was sponsoring or I’m sure getting a kick back from Stansberruy Research (he promotes their “Dr.s” and “experts”.)
So he was selling a super secret system that this guy had been using to discover the best sectors while the mkt tanked. With that he could then pick the best stocks within those winning sectors.
*** Here is the kicker: 2 days after the stock tanked, Chaikin sent out a last ditch effort to buy the program before midnight when the special price expired.
*** At the end of the email he went on to say that his POWER GUAGE system just confirmed the expert’s top pick and his POWER GUAGE agreed & AGREED AND IT WAS RATED BULLISH!
He hoped you were finding value in the info!
Did he see that the stock TANKED? did he even know or did he even follow the pick and see that it TANKED within days of his guru picking it?
Or, did he come on and intentionally lie so as not to have egg on his face? Was the email and interview recorded well before the breakdown of the stock so the video and pick you were watching weren’t even timely? It was just some pick? Who knows.

Again, I wish I had never heard of these guys. I spent $1,500 on the power gauge because I had already bought the power report analytics for an intro price. Turns out the intro software just gets you in the door and on the email list so they can hound you w more products!
It looks promising based on the written material, but it isn’t very helpful in real time.
They also show perfect examples in hindsight.

Oh,.,lol. He also shows a stock that went parabolic from a few bucks to a few hundred. I can’t remember which one, but he showed a chart w a big red arrow pointing from the low (where the software picked it), to the tip top MAX price you could have gotten. That’s IF you sold at the top and if you didn’t stop out before.
He claims the system produced that trade. But it couldn’t have. Here’s why:
Sure it gave you a green light to initiate aa BUY signal (they just call it green/bullish) but after a few months it TANKED. The system then went ALL RED so you would have sold.
His arrow pointing up glided right over this drop where the stock went ALL RED.
According to his system you sell when things turn red/bearish. Using those rules you would NOT have been holding this stock when it went crazy!

OR..are you supposed to use his 30% STOP?
That’s the other thing: His model portfolio uses a 30% stop on one and hand , and on the other he uses the system turning red to stop out/sell.
So which is it? He is incosisten w his “rules” and he doesn’t really seem to apply wteh when showing a chart in hindsight. Wo what good are they!?!?!

And if he used either the 30% stop OR the red power bar as an exit he would NEVER have held this for the run to the top.
Does he think we are stupid?-

** The reason I came back to follow up is because Jan 31 Tues he had yet ANOTHER Stansberry expert whose record and background were touted. Of course the video eventually led to even MORE secrets of the power guage revealed and this guy’s top picks.
If you acted within 48 hrs it would be reduced to $5k (I think)
The promo itemized all the stuff you were getting and they valued it at $14k! So you were getting a great deal….. IF you forked over 5k!

NOW GET THIS: He now has his wife sending out Emails pimping the special and how it runs out in 24 hrs.. She says she tripled her 401k and found a stock that made 700% using the power guage. Maybe that is true, but remember we just had the covid bubble of 2020 & 2021.
She also said she had lost half her account due to a bad advisor.
QUESTION: If her husband and his Stansberry cronies are such Wall St Experts why was she w another financial planner that lost half her money?
THEN she decided to use the Power Guage herself to triple her account!
Again, if she did she claimed she was starting after the housing crisis and bad adviser killed her account so she luckily was starting low and holding on through a decade long bull run.

She also is a NOVICE who was just learning about the market.
So She learned how to seek out stocks and use the power gauge when she did all this !?
Hard to believe, (but I’m not accusing them of lying!)

SUMMARY: I bought the POWER GUAGE in AUGUST. Since then I have been bombarded w upsells and a new Guru or Chaikin system asking for a few thousand every 4-6 weeks. The gurus picks have all DUMPED!
Chaikin has stopped out of several stocks w a 30% loss. Usually buying the highs and selling the lows..and in the case of PSX telling you to get back in near the highs after he just lost 30%!

IS this guy really a “Wall St. Legend”
Sorry, if this is too long a response, but I feel obliged to hopefully prevent anyone from getting involved in the nightmare I have experienced w Chaikin Analytics.
Of course, in his updates he explains away (blames) all the losses on the “mkt” and economic conditions all while touting his wins of 8% (OXY) which took MONTHS to realize.
He compares his pawltry gains in a few stocks and reminds you the mkt tanked 20% so he “outperformed the mkt.” Is this a joke?


They are the worst thing I have come across in my nearly 40 yrs of trading!

Good Luck. I’ll answer any questions anyone has.

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Jay T
Jay T
February 3, 2023 12:47 pm
Reply to  Jay T

Hello again.
This will be my last comment unless anyone has questions.

A few more things.
He has 2 main products:
Investor Report & The Power Gauge.
Each one comes with emails and a model portfolio where Chaikin makes the picks.
Based on using the Power Gauge.
Each portfolio contains approximately 10 stocks.
Then he has a top 10 stocks for 2023.
He also has a bottom 10 stocks for 2023.
He also has a “special opportunity” list of picks.
Basically if you tried to follow all these stocks / picks you would have to follow approximately 50 stocks!

Someone mentioned KFRC . It is still in the special opportunities portfolio.
It has been stuck in the mid/high 50’s for several months w no significant gain since he picked it.
Another one from the special opportunity picks was TAP (Molson Beverage)
His reasoning was that even in economic downturns people will still drink beer (maybe even more)
It has done nothing but go down since his pick and he eventually threw in the towel.

Here are a few more non portfolio picks (he occasionally sends out urgent BUY alert emails):
1) COP(Conoco Phillips): One day he sent an email to BUY COP at 10 am the next day.
COP was in the low 120’s. IT did get to 137 after the pick, but only after it went DOWN. It is now $109 as of FEB 3, 2023.
Also, I he wasn’t picking it for 15 pts (10-12%)
In his newsletter he says he “HE DOESN’T BOTHER” with 10-20% trades.
He looks for “two baggers” or more. He removed COP from the list of picks with no follow up whether he wants you to still hold or stop. Another loser he left you hanging with.

2) TSLA. At the end of 2022 he made a bold statement that the #1 stock to avoid in 2023 was TSLA.
TSLA was around 120 or so when he made his “AVOID AT ALL COSTS” call.
It is currently $196.00
Again, if you were long and sold on his advice you would have missed out on a 60% gain.
The power gauge was ALL RED at the time of his call. Worse is if you took his call (and the power gauge being all RED/BEARISH) to go short, you would be out 60% in a month!

Lastly (enough of the picks. you get the idea),
He writes newsletters/articles periodically w his “market insights” (when he’s not emailing you about new products that is).
He also has a fellow named PETE (I won’t use his last name) who Chaikin says is his secret weapon and his right hand man for doing technical analysis.

Get this: Chaikin has been calling for “the possibility” of a rally based on historical data: rarely are their 2 down yrs in a row. Yrs after mid term elections are mostly positive. Recently he posted about a breadth indicator of advancers vs decliners. (well, a possibility is right and wrong depending on what happens. He will always say he showed you what could POTENTIALLY happen. What good is that?
The kicker?
A few weeks prior, his TA secret weapon man Pete showed a head & shoulders chart of the S&P and warned not to get suckered in to a end of yr rally and he called for a massive decline to levels that would produce a once in a generation buying opportunity (that is IF it happened).

So, do we let the TA expert scare us w his head and shoulders warning or do we listen to the 40 yr Wall ST guru Chaikin?
No mater what happens I guarantee Chaikin will send out a newsletters crowing about the call/warnings. Of course if you lost your ass they will have a new product that promises the secrets you need to be successful.
He always spins every vague call into him being right no matter what, even as you lose A LOT of money based on his “expert” advice!
That’s the last thing I want to mention is that the POWER GAUGE which he claims he normally sells for $5k and only major institutions had it, he will sell it to you for $2,000 (or $1,500..whatever the salesman lowers it to in his urgent plea emails/calls). The Power Gauge is supposed to be the be all end all to unlocking massive gains. And if you have been having trouble using it (after you shelled out $$$), well he THEN follows up a $2k guide called THE SECRETS behind the POWER GAUGE where he will tell you the best way to optimize the PG.

Thanks everyone for reading.
The lunacy and greed of this company knows no bounds.
It is almost a parody of con artists it is that over the top!
I think I have covered nearly everything I have experienced with Chaikin Analytics since I started w them in August 2022. Six months and I have done nothing but lose money following his picks.
All he does is doubletalk with his advice so he can always pull a quote and say “I told you so” now buy more product!
The picks are HORRENDOUS w several 30% losers.
He also abandons picks w no follow up if they underperform of leaves them in the portfolio or special opp list for more than a year (I guess he hangs on hoping they will eventually go up)

Please anyone reading: Do not give these people your money. The software is basically useless IMO.
It will be all RED at the bottom and finally go GREEN after a big move up that you missed.
Often the GREEN/Bullish signal finally comes at the top where it reverses to neutral.
It is only useful if there is an extended (3-6 month) bull market. But then who would need this indicator to “MAKE A CALL”!

After a few months of losing my money I stopped following his picks and focused on using the software. While my own non power gauge trades were winners (longs), the power gauge was bearish and only went bullish/green when I was exiting/taking profits.
It would be best if you traded OPPOSITE of this thing from what I have personally witnessed.

I will answer any further questions.,
I rest my case.

Please AVOID CHAIKIN ANALYTICS & his software selling company!
(unless you enjoy losing money!)

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March 24, 2024 8:46 pm
Reply to  Jay T

I just paid the guy 49 dollars and put 500 dollars into his recommended stock of the moment, should have read up on him first ,it sounded too good to be true

February 3, 2023 4:28 pm
Reply to  Jay T

Thanks for all your comments, Jay T. I also subscribed to the Power Guage, and very quickly decided to cancel the auto-renew. I ‘m not a fan of auto renewals anyway, and don’t want to be bothered keeping track of when to cancel, especially when the product isn’t helpful.

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May 19, 2023 1:07 am
Reply to  catherine

You had me until I read Macys!

March 28, 2023 10:38 pm
Reply to  Jay T

Thanks! I feel the same way after watching their latest “live event”

👍 7
June 10, 2023 9:02 pm
Reply to  Jay T

To confirm that the Chaikin system is far from perfect. His POWR portfolio is only slightly better than 50% in the black. Not reliable.

👍 25
March 28, 2023 1:08 pm

I bought in, at a discount, for a 2-yr. subscription for access to the Power Gauge. Maybe the full blown/full access version is of some value, unless you have nothing to do all day but watch the stock market, it seems to me the biggest winner is Chaikin. It’s irritating to get an email that entices you with this next big thing and click here to read the full report or see the video and once you get to the end of the report or video, it’s just another pitch to buy something or subscribe to something more in order to get the info. I’d rather put my money to better use, and quite honestly, how much do you really need to live on. The more you make, the more taxes you have to pay!

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March 28, 2023 10:35 pm

I just finished watching the special “LIVE” presentation for Tuesday, March 28th where he introduced his new biz kid trader Briton Hill, who sounded pretty sharp and has apparently had a good record as a trader. Some fresh, young blood is worthwhile.
However, after I listened to all the longwinded sales pitches, I decided to check out the comments here on Stock Gumshoe. After reading them, I realize the SMARTEST decision I can make is to NOT subscribe to this service.
It only talks about their winners and NEVER mentions their total losses and one year actual cumulative profits or losses, which is a telltale sign that you are being taken for a ride!
Let the potential subscriber beware!!!

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👍 7
May 19, 2023 1:09 am
Reply to  davidhepler

They are getting better at allowing one to just read the transcript. Not a chance in the world that I would listen to one of those frequently pushed spiels about how great they are.

Robert Brink
May 30, 2023 2:24 pm

I have been making a lot of money with Chaikin Analytics since subscribing a few months ago. I also lost a LOT of money following the advice in a newsletter that turned out to be 100% wrong. I held a huge amount of cash from getting exercised on an option trade, selling puts. The stock was headed down, and Chaikin put out a newsletter warning not to seek safety in utilities, and specifically warned about my stock, XLU. I panicked and sold all of the shares for an $11,000 loss. I quickly shorted the stock, and ended up losing another $4,000. He had been adamant that buying XLU, which his system rated Very Bearish, would be disastrous. Turned out that selling it was disastrous, as the stock climbed from then, and I could have exited with a loss of $1,000 to $2,000.
What was worse, I called to complain, and was told Chaikin had done nothing wrong, because that was just “information” in a newsletter; it wasn’t official because it wasn’t in the portfolio. That made me furious. Obviously, you don’t include suspected losers in a portfolio. I asked why the hell anybody should read his newsletter if you weren’t supposed to act on any advice in it. Shortly after XLU began to climb, it ranked Neutral in the Power Pulse. But it was too late for me.
On the other hand, my portfolio of about 50 stocks is way up, with winners as high as 85%. I have several other, low-cost services, and type their stock recommendations into the Power Pulse, and buy only those rated Bullish or Very Bullish. It’s worked well so far. But I never put in those 30% stops; I always sell way before then if it’s dropped as much as 15% or so. I recheck the Power Pulse, and the rating usually has lowered below Bullish.
As for the continual pitches to buy or renew services, I’ve found they all do that, and just ignore them.
But my experience with XLU has undermined my confidence in this outfit, and I never just swallow as gospel anything Chaikin or his sidekick Marc Gerstein expound on.

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August 1, 2023 4:49 pm
Reply to  Robert Brink

Can you please share some tickers / trades that you made money on by using Chaikin’s software? Also any updates on trades since your May 30th update. Thank you

👍 9
Tim Fisher
Tim Fisher
June 25, 2023 12:11 pm

I can’t believe the number of different websites apparently set up to tout how amazing Chaikinn is and how his track record speaks for his success. It must cost him a small fortune to manage the hundreds of sites that sing his priases all in the discuise of independent reviews of his services

July 21, 2023 9:23 pm
Reply to  Tim Fisher

I was about to say the same thing but you beat me to it. I see his predictions of a recession – last year and also this year. And that on CNBC. So I searched for “Chaikin scam” and found so many websites singing his praises!

June 26, 2023 6:34 pm

If his picker is really used by the “big houses” let’s see some screen shots to prove it.
OR… let’s see some screen shots to disprove it.

👍 55
September 8, 2023 7:58 pm

Chaikin Analytics

👍 9
October 27, 2023 5:10 pm

I have subscribed to old and new versions of the Chaikin service run by Stansberry. The old was terrible and the new one is okay, but not any better than just having a TradingView subscription. I have used Chaikin Money Flow and oscillator for 10+ years. Great tools. Marc Chaikin is in fact a big deal. But, the investment letter through Stansberry is over priced, under featured and does not explain anything well at all. It’s a weak algo system that you’re better off without. Buy TradingView, learn to use it, make sure to read up on what Chaikin Money Flow and oscillator are, and apply your own fundamental analysis. The Chaikin Analytics is no shortcut and it’s not cheap.

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👍 31
March 8, 2024 12:04 am
Reply to  Kirk

Does the Money Flow data still have value? It is available in their least expensive Power Gauge.

Someone mentioned the end times warnings coming out of the videos. I suggest you ignore them as they are a chip off the old emotional Stansberry extremest ideology. Use the cheap version of the Power Gauge, read his essays and compare what you find to your other sources you consider reliable. Now you have another chunk of data to consider, compare and contrast… now, see what works for you.

👍 55
March 10, 2024 11:18 am
Reply to  pnerjr

If I need to use other sources to check on the validity or accuracy of the Power Gauge, what is its use? I might as well use my sources and save the $1500-2500 annual fee.

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Power Gauge
March 10, 2024 1:26 pm
Reply to  Walt

Makes sense… what sources do you find most reliable?

👍 55
December 6, 2023 9:33 am

Marc Chaikin / Power Gauge

ABNB – Power Gauge
April 20, 2023 : “This Stock Could Soar 100% Over the Next Year” ( $118.4)
October 31, 2023 : “We recommended the travel marketplace in our April issue. It traded for $120.10 per share at the time. And as the market rallied through July, it climbed to more than $153 per share. Airbnb trades for around $116 per share today. We’re now sitting on a loss of about 3%.”
So Chaikin’s BUY advice was after the $119 local peak 2 days earlier, and his SELL advice was at $118 – 2 days after the 4-month LOW of $114 !
Now, on December 4, 2023 ABNB close was $133…

AXP – Power Gauge
July 20, 2023 : “This Credit-Card Leader Is Set to Surge 41% by the End of 2023 ”
October 24, 2023 : “we recommend selling credit-card giant American Express (NYSE: AXP) today. We established a position in the company in mid-July. The stock traded for $177.12 per share at the time. Now, it trades for about $145 per share. That’s a decline of around 18%.”
So this guru’s BUY advice was at the 4-month peak (1-year HIGH was $182) and his SELL advice was at $144 – after the 1-year LOW of $140.9 !
Now, on December 4, 2023 AXP close was $173…

Buy high, sell low! Easy! 😀

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Old Guy
December 6, 2023 3:10 pm

I’m a former subscriber. The bottom line is that their own portfolio is not so hot. They have a couple of breakout winners but overall their portfolio is nothing stellar. So much for their advice on what I should buy…..I’ve cut my losses with them and have moved on to Zack’s, which so far is excellent.

👍 80
Old Guy
January 3, 2024 3:08 pm

And by the way, I’ve been subscribing to the Zack’s system and have been doing VERY WELL with their analysis and recommendations. Don’t know why I ever wasted my time with Chaikin Analystics and Motley Fool Stock Advisor (which keeps regurgitating the same old recommendations over and over again).

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👍 80
January 16, 2024 5:24 pm

Supposedly the big traders pay a lot to use his system. OK… let’s see scree shots of these traders screens showing the Chaikin software they use to make their mega clients all that money.

👍 55
Denise Wright
Denise Wright
January 25, 2024 2:07 pm

I bought WDC on its good rating at Chalkin, lost $$ right away

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February 20, 2024 8:00 pm

Thanks for the very useful information and experiences shared here. I was reviewing a pitch from CA and it’s so bloody difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. I really appreciate folks sharing their experiences.

👍 2
February 28, 2024 3:13 pm

There is an old saying in the news business – if it bleeds it leads. Stand on a pulpit and scream trades might get you noticed for a minute but the puppit will crumble if your focus is short. Wall Street is littered with “gurus” – one ore coming? Whatever happened to Joe Granville?

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March 7, 2024 5:14 pm

I sat through the latest video which is overlong and then checked with Gum Shoe. I use Motley Fool exclusively and have for over five years. My portfolio is up 300% and it has worked out exactly as they say with my top stock in the +3500% range and my bottom one at -82%. Sounds like Chaikin isn’t worth much.

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March 7, 2024 11:49 pm
Reply to  OCIndie

I have also made money from Motley Fools suggestions over the years but can now get more serious about using their tools.

I see suggestions which look real good but only have so much money to invest.

Please tell me which MF tools you subscribe to and how you use their suggestions.

Thank you.

👍 55

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