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“God’s Chosen Investment”

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, September 20, 2010

This is a fun one to start off the week with — Christian DeHaemer, who writes the Crisis and Opportunity newsletter that got us all so gaga over Mongolia early this year has a new pick to tease for us that he calls “God’s Chosen Investment” (that Mongolian oil push continues, by the way, my latest note on it was here and I also shared some thoughts on Mongolia in my latest note to the Irregulars on Friday).

This time, as he has so often for similar teasers in the past, DeHaemer is looking at a war-torn or unstable area of the world to find a small cap resource company. That has sometimes worked quite well, as for his suggestion of Dragon Oil in Turkmenistan a couple years ago and, so far, of Mongolia’s Petro Matad, and sometimes it blows up in your face, as with his older Somali oil idea, Range Resources (the Australian one, not the Marcellus Shale gas company).

So what is it this time around? Here’s the gist, in his words from the teaser:

“The Bible predicts that Israel would discover oil…

“The Torah also proclaims that Israel would ‘suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock… ‘

“That Zebulun and Issachar ‘shall suck of the abundance of the seas, and of treasures hid in the sand… ‘ (Deut 33:19)

“And that Asher would ‘dip his foot in oil’ (Duet 33:24).

“And oil they found…

“The U.S. Geological Survey estimates 122 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered, recoverable natural gas located in the Levant Basin Province in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

“The oil lies in the coastal areas near Israel, Lebanon, and Syria, and can be recovered using modern technology.

“This bullish report is the first by the USGS to identify viable resources in this basin…”

So … oil in Israel. As if they don’t have enough to fight about in that little sliver of the world. To DeHaemer’s credit, he does note a couple of the risks involved with Israeli oil, in that they have territorial disputes, which everyone knows about, and that their oil and gas regulations may not exactly be firm just yet. Here’s how he puts it:

“There are two risks to profiting from this new energy mega-find…

“The first is that Israel is revisiting its oil and gas regulation last updated in 1952, an attempt to extract more money from the oil and gas companies.

“Oil and natural gas production is an expensive process that takes years to pay off. Companies don’t put billions down if they think the rules are going to change midstream…

“The second risk is the lack of official boundaries with Lebanon. Israel is still officially at war with that country; part of the Levant find is over the line, and Hezbollah doesn’t seem to need a reason to blow stuff up.”

He also goes on to talk about the leading company in Israeli oil exploration, Noble Energy (NBL), which is already producing gas offshore Israel and doing much of the offshore exploration in newer fields (most of the Levant Basin is offshore, in Israeli waters). But of course, Noble Energy is fairly well known and is a big, profitable company … which is to say, it’s boring, and it’s not going to go “to the moon” based on Israeli drilling results.

But DeHaemer teases a different stock, one that he gave a buy report on to his readers about a week ago — this one is onshore.

“One of the men who compiled the data in the USGS report used to be a researcher for the Geophysical Institute of Israel. Today, he owns a small company that just announced it has started drilling for undiscovered oil on land.”

So that’s probably enough of a clue for anyone who has looked into Israeli oil investments in the past, but there’s a bit more:

“This company has a $105 million market cap and has exploration rights within the Levant Basin. Part of the reason that this company it is so cheap is that the CEO believes and professes that the Torah says they are preordained to strike oil, and quotes the verses in the first paragraph.

“MBA/investment types don’t go in for that sort of stuff and dismiss this company with a smirk.

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“But I think there’s a lot more value here than meets the eye. They started drilling two weeks ago; there’s plenty of upside, little downside, and nice catalyst to spark a rally.

“If these guys hit oil, this stock it will launch.”

So who is it? This mus be Zion Oil and Gas (ZN)

I wrote about this one ages ago, when it was twice the price and being teased by Ian Wyatt.

And yes, they are currently drilling in their license area in northwestern Israel at the Ma’anit-Joseph #3 site in what they call the Joseph Field (most oil and gas production both onshore and offshore in Israel, which has been pretty limited in general, is in the southern half of the country) — you can read their basic story of the Joseph Field exploration and background here. The last update came on Friday, when they announced that the current hole they’re drilling is at 3,900 feet and they’re compiling logs and doing well casing. They’re pretty good about updating investors with info about their drilling, so if you want to keep an eye on what’s happening you can do so here (though I’m sure there will also be a splashier press release announcement if something notable happens).

So far, they’ve not exactly had a Spindletop moment in 3+ years of drilling, but I don’t know that anyone was expecting that — they’re going deeper with this next well (aiming for 19,000 feet+) and have previously said that the drilling should last about six months, which would mean they should finish in February. News could obviously come at any time, either good or bad, but that’s all I’ve seen about timing.

This is a pretty new area for oil exploration in the Northern part of the country, with the only real excitement of late being Zion’s own previous wells (which were disappointing — Ma’anit #1 suspended drilling and was abandoned, Ma’anit #2 failed to find a commercial discovery and is being at least temporarily abandoned) and the purported discovery of a large field by Givat Olam, (this partnership trades in Tel Aviv — the pink sheets ticker is GOOXF, but trading is halted due largely, from what I read, to incomprehensible filings). Zion’s other drilling project to date appears to still be halted pending more seismic data, after their drill got stuck in some kind of volcanic rock.

I’m not sure what investors expect at this point, but it is true that the company was founded by Christian Zionist John Brown, who has written books about the experience, with what you’d pretty much have to call a “mission” in the religious sense of the word — he visited Israel in the mid-1980s and soon after dedicated his life to Israeli oil exploration, leading up to the founding of Zion Oil and Gas about ten years ago. Here’s how Brown puts it:

“As a Christian Zionist and New Covenant believer, I received the calling to render assistance to the Jewish people and Nation of Israel and to aid them in the Restoration of the Land by providing the oil and gas necessary to maintain their political and economic independence.”

And yes, the company’s goal is basically to find the oil that the Bible says is there — which, you’ll be unsurprised to hear, does put off the more analytical oil investor crowd and attract a more faith-based investing group to the message boards. They definitely have a “half wacko” reputation among investors, but they also have a lot of committed followers, and the Levant Basin is real and has shown at least some signs of oil in their prior drilling for the Joseph Project, and the company does employ geologists (which isn’t to say that they’ll find oil, lots of companies doing wildcat exploratory drilling without guidance from the Bible fail to find oil, too).

I’d hate to think that faith was behind investors losing their money in these shares to this point, but if so, perhaps that faith will be rewarded if they strike a substantial oil reserve. I have no idea how likely that might be, though if they have gangbuster results one imagines that skeptics would overlook the bible verses and buy the oil company. And really, the sentiment here shouldn’t be out of place — Wildcatters in Texas have certainly been known to drill on faith as well, and it’s a business where hope and prayer are to be found in abundance, it’s just that most folks don’t take their drilling directions quite so directly from the Bible.

DeHaemer also noted in this tease that …

“One of the men who compiled the data in the USGS report used to be a researcher for the Geophysical Institute of Israel. Today, he owns a small company that just announced it has started drilling for undiscovered oil on land.”

That’s not John Brown, who, not surprisingly, is the largest individual shareholder in Zion Oil and Gas, but it could be Yehezekel Druckman, whose prior studies were cited in the USGS Report [pdf file]. Dr. Druckman is a director and was formerly Petroleum Commissioner for Israel and a longtime staffer at the Geological Survey of Israel, so he would have taken part in much of the earlier study of Israel’s petroleum prospects. He does own a small piece of Zion as a director (about 12,000 shares), all of it, as far as I can tell, gained from an options exercise.

There is, of course, abundant room for caution, though DeHaemer sees some opportunity and I imagine he’s taken a closer look at this company than I have — Zion has been around for a while and raised money many times, with several rights offerings lately to sell shares to current investors and generate funds to pay for drilling and seismic studies. Overall I think they’ve raised about $70 million and spent it all, (most recently to buy 51% ownership of the drilling rig they’re using so they don’t have to rely on an outside contractor). They have a market cap of just over $100 million now with a share price around $5.60, so certainly news that is bad or good could easily move the shares.

So what do you think? This stock usually inspires a strong response from people, and their religious commentary and strong media presence certainly get them more attention than most $100 million exploration companies would receive. I can’t say that I’ve ever been tempted by this stock, but I do love a good story. Feel free to toss your comments on the fire by entering them into the friendly little box below.

And if you’ve ever subscribed to Dehaemer’s Crisis and Opportunity, please share your thoughts by clicking here — you could be the first to review this newsletter. (Or if you go back a ways and subscribed to his older Crisis Trader newsletter, which I don’t think exists any longer, feel free to review that one if you prefer — we don’t have any reviews of that on file yet, either).



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Len Aaron
September 20, 2010 12:52 pm

ZNEOPEC?? OILMART Central Mt. Carmel?

Zion stopped just short of prior target Ma'Anit Rehoboth #2… A Fault Zone.
They have extremely advanced imaging equipment and see what's there.
Everything Zion Oil does takes Israel's security needs into consideration.

Earthquake could open the sea of the great deep… Liquid Golden "Honey".
USGS says Levant Basin is likely full of oil and gas… We shall soon see!!
A Global Geopolitical Earthquake in the balance of power in the making??

ISAIAH 41: The Oil Tree? A Sharp New Threshing Instrument with TEETH?

PSALM 110 Aligns with 2010:
Rod of Strength: Rule in the midst of thine enemies. Drink. Lift up The Head.

Putin strongly prefers EC gas pipeline monopoly. EC Security 4 ZNEOPEC?
Could be the proverbial "hook in jaw" of Russia… Big Bear & A Fat Honeypot.

Global Life-Blood? Inevitably… After All. Wars: "IT'$ ALL ABOUT THE $pOIL!"

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Len Aaron
September 20, 2010 1:20 pm

MEGIDDO Atop MOTHER LODE of Abundant Pure Petro on Mediterranean Sea?

Ben D.
Ben D.
September 20, 2010 1:43 pm

The oil that Scripture refers to is olive oil. Asher's land was in the olive-rich north.

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September 20, 2010 2:16 pm

Its a great story that that could turn out very well for those with a little "faith".
When I compare to Enron and Worldcom, at least these guys are being honest about what they believe and are putting their money where their mouth is.

I'm in!!

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Myron Martin
Myron Martin
September 20, 2010 3:13 pm

Frank is right, these people ARE putting their money where their mouth is, but that is no guarantee that their vision or faith is well placed.

I hope i don't open a can of worms here and none of my comments are intended to cast aspersions on anyones religious faith, they are simply based on a lifetime of studying the bible and finding that the divisions among Abrahams children encompassing Jews, Muslims and Christians are highly divisive and in many cases badly flawed.

My first observation is that people in general confuse modern Israel with the ISRAEL of the Bible and assume falsely, that the "JEWS" constitute Israel in scripture. The fact is that ancient Israel SPLIT into 2 nations, Judah (from which Jew is derived) who with a small contingent from the priestly tribe of Levi and a few from Benjamin remained loyal to the Jerusalem leadership forming the Southern Kingdom. The other TEN TRIBES rebelled and formed the Northern Kingdom and were over the ages dispersed throughout Europe and even into Russia and from there eventually migrated to the new world and populated countries like the U.S. Canada and Australia and the British Isles.

The Bible prophesies about the descendants of each of the 12 children of Abraham in Gen. 49, not just the Jews or Judah, but the whole world has lost sight of the migrations of the northern ten tribes, which are however traceable in history and the dominant tribes in modern countries can be and have been established by numerous authors, notably Steven Collins (Google if interested) and since I can not PROVE my contention without a book length treatise, I will just state my point.

American evangelicals who founded this company are no doubt well intended, but they woefully misunderstand and misread Bible prophecy by not understanding that only a small portion of the current SECULAR state of Israel are actually descendants of ancient Judah, which is only 1/12th of ancient Israel. Biblical references to Israel therefore in many cases (determined by context) are prophecies relating to the ten tribes descendants lost in history now occupying some of the major nations already mentioned.

France is primarily occupied by Rueban, the Dutch and Swiss are Israelite descendants and the original U.S. immigrants were primarily from Mannaseh, the British Ephraim, and Ireland Dan. etc. Given that history, who is to say that the references being quoted in reference to the "flinty rock" to be found in Mannaseh is not referring to the shale gas being found all over America the past few years?

It may not refer to the ancient land of Israel at all in reference to the specific section each tribe then occupied. In short, while i am not saying commercial quantities of oil can not be found in the modern state of secular Israel, it is more likely to happen with modern geology and seismic imaging reliance rather than through blind faith in a flawed interpretation of scripture.

Investment in a company like Zion would constitute a gargantuan "leap of faith" based on a very shaky foundation and just maybe the results achieved too date are indicative of the false premise on which it was launched. If and when they finally drill a productive well will be time enough to consider the companies future potential.

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September 20, 2010 3:16 pm

What about Delek? They have a large stake in both of the highly touted offshore natural gas finds (Leviathan and Tamar).

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September 20, 2010 4:50 pm

4:40PM Zion Oil to launch rights offering of units of its securities (ZN) 5.62 -0.14 : Co announced that it intends to launch a rights offering. Under the rights offering, ZN will distribute non-transferable subscription rights to holders of ZN's common stock on the close of business on the record date of September 28, 2010, to purchase their pro rata portion of ~3.8 mln Units of ZN's securities. Each Unit will consist of one (1) share of ZN's common stock and one (1) warrant to purchase an additional share of ZN's common stock at an exercise price of $4.00.

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Jeff Robinson
September 20, 2010 8:33 pm

Another small cap in the area is Bontan Oil and Gas. Symbol- BNTNF.
Have you any comments on it?

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September 20, 2010 11:06 pm

Come on Travis, let’s put a limit on the eccentric religious commentary! I was hoping to learn of an important new oil/energy investment. I would rather invest in E, Eni or other middle east oil interests (or even XLE, COP or other majors, like TOT or XOM or even CVX).

People need to discuss how speculative it is to buy into these exotic oil plays at this time. The risk/reward is not there. Buy a SLB with the potential for steady reward.

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September 21, 2010 9:39 am

I think we would all do well to heed the writings of Myron. He is correct in every statement! If nothing else, his post should give pause to those who would invest because of a misinterpretation of scripture.
Thanks Myron for your excellent input.

September 21, 2010 3:02 pm

No mention of the now infamous Ness Energy

September 25, 2010 1:21 pm

Anyone who bases their investments on biblical prophecies is engaged in losing crapshoot. If you're depending on the word of a God to validate your investment decisions, then you're depending on the same supernatural being that gave us the Holocaust and hundreds of molested Catholic and Evangelical alter boys. You'd be far better off reading the pages of the WSJ than the pages of the Bible.

September 27, 2010 10:33 pm

You can run vehicles on olive oil. Now all you need is genetic engineering to increase the oil content, the size and number of olives on each tree. Go for it Israel!

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September 29, 2010 7:54 am

"The Bible predicts that Israel will discover oil." Oh, please. That's enough right there to send me racing for the nearest door or window.

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January 25, 2011 8:22 am

Well skeptics and deniers you were all wrong and gas, oil discovery in the Holyland is there and to stay for a long, long time.

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June 7, 2011 4:38 pm

Very late to he subject. I am curious about the tiny Canadian Co. that is abi player in Leviathon. Byon is really pushing this. Any hints?

Aubie baltin
Aubie baltin
July 9, 2011 9:58 am

You cannot take partial sentenances and or phrases out of comtext and expect to gety a true understanding of what the Bible says or means. Abraham and his decendents were oonly promised all the land fron the Neil to the Eufrtates. and younwill notice that God kept his promise.

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