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Jimmy Mengel’s “Delta-9” — is it “One Drug to End All Pain — Naturally?”

What tickers are The Crow's Nest pitching as "Delta-9" Stocks?

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, December 11, 2014

“The Greatest Medical Breakthrough in 72 Years…

“One Drug to End All Pain — Naturally

“A new revolutionary drug called ‘Delta-9’ will send a small group of companies skyrocketing for life-altering gains… starting December 31, 2014.

“The last time something like this happened 72 years ago… investors had the opportunity to turn every $1,000 into $1,640,000.”

That’s the intro from Jimmy Mengel’s ad, he’s trying to get you to sign up for a subscription to The Crow’s Nest, his stock-picking newsletter put out by Angel Publishing.

And it’s all about something he calls “Delta-9” …

“This new ‘Delta-9’ drug could make all of that a reality.

“20,000 independent studies have confirmed its efficacy.

“105 of these were peer-reviewed clinical studies.

“And they found…

“It is more effective than any single painkiller or narcotic out there.

“It relieves pain for longer periods of time — without dangerous side effects.

“It significantly reduces the need for ANY painkillers — to the point of zero.”

Sound exciting? Sure! That’s why we decided to figure out what he’s talking about. Here’s the immediate promise of riches for you:

“On December 31, 2014, scientists are releasing the results of phase III clinical trials for ‘Delta-9.’

“Results that could send the handful of companies pioneering its development through the roof.

“Using history as a guide, you could see nothing short of 164,000% gains….

“Today, I’ll reveal the three companies at the cutting edge of what could be the most groundbreaking discovery in modern medicine.

“These are companies you can buy into right now for astronomical gains… including one that’s set to release a ‘Delta-9’ drug into pharmacies across the country by December 31.”

Mengel goes on to compare the potential of this “Delta-9” drug to penicillin, which he says made Pfizer and Merck such huge winners after they went public in the World War II era — generating possible gains like turning, he says, $100 into $2.4 million in the case of Pfizer (I haven’t checked those numbers).

And he talks about some lofty potential for the drug:

“And it could not only end all pain…

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“But also reverse the symptoms of common diseases.

“Diseases like:

These are big markets. And the list goes on and on.”

And that it will help get rid of the problem of opioid addiction (which in turn has become a heroin problem as well, at least in our part of the country)…

“‘Delta-9’ is not just a potential replacement for prescription painkillers…

“It’s a potential addiction treatment, too!

“Mind you, this is a natural painkiller with virtually zero dangerous side effects or addictive properties.

“Once this goes on the market, it could rapidly wipe out the entire $9.4 billion painkiller industry.

“I’m talking about the end of Oxycontin, Oxycodone, Demerol, and other dangerous drugs.

“It could disrupt and shake Big Pharma at its foundation.”

So what is it?

Cannabis. Mary jane. Grass. Ganja. He’s talking about marijuana… and, presumably, about marijuana stocks — many of which have captured the public imagination over the past year or so in the wake of the continuing progress of marijuana decriminalization and legalization for both medical and recreational purposes. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is, if you want more detail, the psychoactive compound in the marijuana plant (usually called Delta-9-THC, or just THC).

Will it change the world, like penicillin did? Will the current crop of marijuana stocks be looked back on as the “next Pfizer” or the “next Merck” in 75 years? I don’t know about that — but some of them are making money, and some of them are “real” companies (many of them are not going to survive, since these kinds of stock manias bring out all the promoters and scammers who turn their old gold mining or 3D printing shell company into a marijuana shell company and promote it to naive speculators). We’ve looked at some of these before, as you might remember — including two that Frank Curzio teased when he was with Stansberry — one (FULL) for Phase 1 Investor and another (GWPH) for his Small Stock Specialist.

I’ve stayed away from the sector personally, just because I couldn’t get a handle on reasonable valuations and didn’t want to have to sort through the scams without any big picture idea about what might work in the end (my general thesis about marijuana is that the first big company, if there is one, will be the first one who develops a differentiated brand for consumers — but I’m not in the market myself so I probably won’t see it coming).

Still, that won’t stop us from trying to name the stocks for you — that way, you can decide for yourself whether or not you’re interested in subscribing to Mengel’s The Crow’s Nest, without some artificial pressure of stocklust to drive you to subscribe. So what are the specifics?

Well, he throws around a few charts about stocks that have had tremendous short term runs, and hints around about which stocks they are — but those charts are all from last Winter, when marijuana crested as a stock wave and almost all the stocks with “cannabis” or “marijuana” in their name went up by at least several hundred percent (and yes, the ad came in today — this isn’t just a retread).

But those aren’t necessarily the “three stocks” he likes… so let’s check out the details one at a time:

“‘Delta-9’ Stock #1 — Potential Profit: 1,000%

“This Arizona-based company is developing a range of ‘Delta-9’ drugs.

“For example, it has used ‘Delta-9’ to develop a spray that helps treat multiple sclerosis symptoms, cancer pain, and neuropathic pain.

“And it has a bunch of new medicines in the pipeline that will help treat epilepsy, schizophrenia, and diabetes.

“Its medicine for epilepsy could be a huge seller if approved. Epilepsy affects over 50 million people globally, and current drug therapies are ineffective at treating 30% of epilepsy patients.

“But ‘Delta-9’ has shown great promise in that area. And this company is pretty close to figuring out how to make that happen.

“To give you an idea of this play’s potential going forward, it’s already soared a whopping 759% in less than 12 months.”

This one is an old standby, GW Pharma (GWPH), the same one touted by Frank Curzio earlier this year — and mentioned in this space quite a few times as a “real” play on marijuana even before the legalization trend got going. Which is not necessarily a great thing for GWPH — if people can legally smoke marijuana under doctor’s orders, or recreationally, will they instead opt for a spray that gets them that same active drug from the pharmacy? GWPH has had Sativex, their pain drug that’s in the form of a mouth spray, approved for a while now in many countries, but has not really been able to generate any revenue growth — they do have sales, and they have generally gone up gradually in recent years, but they’re not particularly impressive for a $1 billion company.

So investors must be expecting something new or better from GWPH. And maybe that will come. They are expecting Phase 3 results for Sativex in cancer pain (a partnered program) “around the end of the year” — so that may be the December 31 bit from the tease (Sativex is approved in a bunch of other countries to help control spasticity from multiple sclerosis, but not approved for anything in the U.S. yet). They also have several other cannibinoid drugs in phase 1 or 2 trials for diabetes, epilepsy, and other diseases.

I won’t try to parse what their drugs might and might not do, that’s not an area where I have any expertise, but you can check out their presentation at a healthcare conference from last month for an overview of where they think they’re going. I suspect that the pain indication might be the biggie for them if you’re looking for 1,000% gains, at least in the near term (that would make GWPH at least a $10 billion company, by the way), but the epilepsy possibilities seem like they could be substantial, too — particularly as they’re targeting pediatric indications for some of it, and probably not so many folks want to be teaching their small children how to properly inhale from a bong.

Partly kidding on that, of course — part of the argument for GW Pharma is that they’re developing strains of marijuana plants that have more of particular compounds in them that they want to extract, so there’s also a targeting and quality aspect that make their drugs substantially different, one hopes, from just smoking or eating marijuana. But with that, I’ll leave you to your research — GWPH is stock #1. What are the others?

“‘Delta-9’ Stock #2 — Potential Profit: 200%

“This next company out of Chicago has developed a ‘Delta-9’ based drug that’s used for the treatment of nausea in patients undergoing chemotherapy and that’s also prescribed to AIDS patients suffering from loss of appetite.

“The best part is this drug has already received FDA approval.

“Since going public in late 2010, this stock has… more than doubled… and returned twice as much the S&P 500 index.

“I expect this company to continue to beat the market for years to come. So if you’re looking for a company that can deliver reliable returns every year, this is it.”

There are two companies that have been selling drugs using THC or a synthetic cannibinoid for nausea in cancer and aids patients, the drugs are called nabilone (branded Cesamet), which is a small part of the business of the Swedish pharmaceutical company Meda, and dronabinol (branded Marinol), which was developed by Solvay but acquired by Abbott Labs back in 2010 — so presumably here he’s touting either Abbott (ABT) or, more likely, the Abbott spinoff that now sells Marinol, AbbVie (ABBV).

Investing in Abbott back in 2010, when they bought Marinol, would have helped you to beat the S&P, to be sure, but it ain’t because of Marinol. Marinol has been sold for 30 years, patients have largely been indifferent from what I can tell, and it is not and has never been a blockbuster. Marinol has been available in generic form, but I’d be surprised if all forms of dronabinol combined generated even $300 million in sales (nabilone ought to be generically available, too, but either there’s no interest or I didn’t notice another manufacturer). I have nothing particularly bad to say about ABBV, other than that (like many big pharma stocks) it’s somewhat expensive, but make your choices about ABBV based on their actual business — it’s not a marijuana stock, despite the fact that it does sell one synthetic cannibinoid.

One more?

“‘Delta-9’ Stock #3 — Potential Profit: 2,900%

“It’s the smallest stock in our group… but it’s also the most undervalued, and so it’s the one that offers the greatest potential.

“The Vancouver-based company has developed over 60 different varieties of ‘Delta-9.’

“And it has over 60 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, so it’s not some fly-by-night operation.

“That’s why Canada has recently licensed the company as one of the first distributers and manufacturers of ‘Delta-9.'”

OK, that’s a good start — apparently Mary Jane is catching on North of the border, too…

“Right now, the Canadian market for the drug is growing rapidly, too.

“On April 1, the government altered regulations to rapidly boost the number of ‘Delta-9’ patients.

“In fact, these new laws alone could launch sales to as high as $1.3 billion annually.

“As CBC News reports, ‘the profit potential is enormous.’

“Industry experts project the ‘Delta-9’ market will grow from 40,000 individuals to 1 million in just a few years.

“That’s a whopping 2,400% gain!

“And this firm is a ‘pure play’ on this tremendous market growth.”

OK, so perhaps this is one of those little high-fliers that everyone loved back in February? How about some more clues:

“It’s one of the few companies positioned right now to grab the lion’s share of this new demand….

“The company is now doubling its revenue each month in 2014.

“By 2015, its revenues could grow sixfold.

“And in just two short years, its revenues could explode 2,900%….

“Just to give you an idea of its potential, this stock has more than doubled investors’ money in just ONE month.”

Thankfully, Mengel throws in a little chart for us, too, showing how the stock went from about 45 cents in early September to more than 90 cents — and actually almost the entire move came in just one day, and the stock stayed up around 90 cents for about two weeks… but it has since fallen back down and is now trading in the 50-cent range. This is the ridiculously named T-bird Pharma (TPI on the Venture exchange in Canada, haven’t seen a pink sheets symbol on this one). T-bird Pharma is the publicly traded owner of Thunderbird Biomedical, which was licensed as a marijuana producer by Health Canada earlier this year, and they say they’re the only one of the licensed companies to be publicly traded (though that may have changed by now). They’re public thanks to a reverse merger, so the stock didn’t really go up by 100% because of anything they did — that was akin to an “ipo pop” as they effectively went public by taking over the old listing of a company called Firebird Energy.

This is a tiny, tiny little firm — market cap around $20 million — and they haven’t really done much yet. They have spent a couple million dollars going public through their reverse merger, and a tiny fraction of that buying some equipment or facilities, and I don’t see any indication that they’ve ever had any revenue (they’ve only existed since early 2013). T-bird says they are expanding, after proving up their ability to produce some of the 60 varietals they have identified, and that they will have much more production capacity ready to be inspected by Health Canada early in 2014, but I didn’t see anything in their press releases or filings that mentioned revenue or income. No idea when such things might materialize — and without having any idea what their assets might be worth, what their sales could be, or what they’re specifically going to do other than hire PR firms and give their insiders share awards, well, it’s hard to be interested as an investor. Maybe you’re excited enough about Canadian medical marijuana and the boom potential to jump aboard a blank slate like this, but it doesn’t ring my bell.

There’s a summary of medical marijuana from here if you’re curious about the details and recent history of medical use. And, well, that’s about all I can tell you.

I see the potential for pot sales growing because of the obvious increase in legal demand — but I fail to see how that has anything to do with drug companies who sell products that are derived from marijuana, which has always been legal and, in some cases, on the market for decades, but has yet to be particularly successful. And frankly, when it comes to the startups and IPOs and reverse takeovers in the cultivation space, I’d expect most of them to be at risk of complete failure — it’s a gold rush mentality and an uncertain market, so make sure you understand these stocks fully if you want to invest in them with real money, and note that if you’re just riding the waves of attention that the huge speculative moves in the penny stocks (like T-bird) can go both ways and are, to my mind, largely unpredictable.

If you think I’m a fool who’s missing out, or have other and better ideas than Mengel’s in the cannabis “Delta-9” space, well, use our friendly little comment box below to let us know — we’d love to hear your thoughts.

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December 11, 2014 4:57 pm

well done

👍 255
Brian Rens
Brian Rens
January 5, 2015 5:34 am
Reply to  modernrock

I have posted a couple of comments and read a number of comments made by
people. I honestly believe that there is a huge amount of misinformation out there,
concerning the medicinal properties of this plant.
Before you can properly discuss or debate issues on a particular topic, you need to
educate yourself on it.
To this end I would highly recommend that interested persons take some time out and watch the following documentary. It is real, and not biased. Most importantly it is
Scientific, and the sources are indisputable and absolutely credible!
After you have watched the Documentary you will discover that there is nothing to debate, concerning the medical value of Cannabis.
Why poke around in the dark when you can switch the light on…

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December 17, 2015 11:52 pm
Reply to  modernrock

This Delta 9 pitch sounds like a pipe dream.

👍 450
Dr. Allan Cohn
Dr. Allan Cohn
December 11, 2014 5:06 pm

This entire column is misleading. In fact, there is little evidence that Delta-9-trans-tetrahydrocannibol (THC) has significant medical or therapeutic utility. “Delta-9 THC” is the psychoactive ingredient in the cannabis plant. There is medical promise in the non-psychoactive cannabinoids (CBDs), including cannabiniol. As soon as the distinction between THC and the useful cannabinoids is well understood, marijuana will not be considered useful for medical purposes. However, companies developing useful CBDs may find an emerging market, ultimately but slowly being approved by the FDA. Sorry, Jimmy & Travis–you are way hyperbolic about cannabis and marijuana–and clearly do not yet understand the science involved. Investors, be careful….. AY Cohn, Ph.D.

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December 12, 2014 1:55 pm
Reply to  Dr. Allan Cohn

THC Has therapeutic value even if it would be convenient for the anti marijuana forces to say that only CBD has value.

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December 15, 2014 8:33 pm
Reply to  Dr. Allan Cohn

At least one person who read this knows what they are talking about. CBD is the only good value in the plant. Now if someone can just bread a strain that is very low THC and high in CBD. That will be a stock that makes huge amounts of money. I dont care if people use THC and enjoy it but i prefer the true medical properties

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👍 5
December 16, 2014 5:06 pm
Reply to  cschertz

Not sure you should be the judge on who that one person is. There are many strains of pot that are low THC and high THC high CBD and CBD can be extracted as a stand alone product. THC does indeed have researched therapeutic values here is a recent study on THC and Alzheimer.

Brian Rens
Brian Rens
January 5, 2015 4:50 am
Reply to  cschertz

There is already more than one strain that fulfils this requirement Craig.
But if you do some more research you will discover that THC in combination with CBD
has valuable anti-cancer properties. The CBD attenuates the psychoactive effect of the THC,
making it possible for patients to use without unwanted psycho-activity. CBD is far from
the only useful Cannabinoid. In the correct combinations these substances can do miraculous things, and believe it or not, in has and does cure cancer.
Start by taking an open minded look at the Phoenix Tears Foundation, and watch the Documentary;

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April 11, 2016 11:15 pm
Reply to  Brian Rens

The studies you speak of about THC as cancer killing wonder drug is THC put in a test tube with cancer cells. In inhibits the growth of the cells and actually kills them off. But that’s in a test tube. I’m sure 409 or Coca-Cola would probably do the same in a test tube. When there is some actual proof of its efficacy in the human body, I wouldn’t get too excited for its abilities. If 409 worked in a test tube I would not drink it or inject it to rid myself of cancer. Let’s wait for more tests before making “half-baked” assumptions.

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December 19, 2014 5:52 pm
Reply to  Dr. Allan Cohn

As a chronic pain patient for 15 years, AND an experienced cannabis user, I can tell you it helps, but is not as effective for my particular pain as traditional pharma’s……

January 2, 2015 10:08 pm
Reply to  Dr. Allan Cohn


March 4, 2018 1:24 pm
Reply to  Dr. Allan Cohn

Sorry Doc-check out epilepsy in children and isn’t CBD the acronym for cannabidiol and not as you stated, cannabinoids?

👍 1
Allen B
December 11, 2014 5:10 pm

Excellent article, Travis. I made good money on the marijuana stocks boom of last winter but have watched my account decline quite a bit since then. As you suggest, all these stocks are highly speculative and prone to big declines.

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Paula D. Gordon, Ph.D.
December 11, 2014 6:27 pm

If you were to acquaint yourself with the research on THC, you would see that there is a basis for law suits owing to a whole laundry list of negative effects of marijuana use. The trial lawyers are going to have a field day in Colorado and Washington and soon in Alaska and Oregon where recreational use of marijuana has be legalized and in those states with legal medical marijuana, when the various parts of the marijuana industry, including legal dispensaries are held liable for health effects and deaths. Already there are dispensaries warning pregnant women not to use marijuana. Law suits can be brought over problems with pregnancy, as well as gynecomastia (hormonal en-balance and enlarged breasts in men). Law suits can be brought by the families of those who have lost members to respiratory diseases and lung cancer and by the families of those who used marijuana and had a history of cardiovascular disease but were not warned that use could precipitate a heart attack. Law suits can also be brought over the sale of marijuana to those who use marijuana and drive and are involved in fatal or non-fatal car accidents. One should know that all the ills that are caused by smoking tobacco and that were the basis for multimillion dollar law suits, can be expected by marijuana smokers.
TCH is an hallucinogen which can be of low strength to high strength in the strains of marijuana used for recreational purposes. Even the legitimate dispensaries are noting that the highest powered pot that they are dispensing can cause hallucinations and paranoia. They are even putting this in their “literature”. This is tantamount to letting their clients know that they are engaging in Russian roulette with their minds.

Please have a look at the research. Also follow what is happening in Colorado and Washington. See and the presentation entitled “Marijuana Legalization: A Man-Made Public Health Disaster Evolving in Two States in the US”.
Since mental health issues are also involved in addition to physical health issues, the laws suits that can be expected for marijuana will rival those for tobacco. A lot of people have a great deal riding on the commercialization of marijuana. Little do they realize that there will be law suits coming that will make many investors wish that they had never supported commercialization. Indeed, as the research on the brain becomes more widely known, commercialization may well be stopped in its tracks.

Please also keep in mind that THC has been shown for decades to have idiosyncratic psychotomimetic effects in human subjects (see the work of Isbell et al.). In the past year there have been many new research reports and research reviews posted in the most reputable refereed journals. These reports have shown the effects that THC is having on the developing brain. The brain is developing into the late ’20s. Some brain experts even say that the brain is developing in those fifty years of age. Of course, this also has implications for the development of the brain of the fetus .
Please, also recognize that as Jerry Brown says, no state can be great and no nation can be great if a portion of its citizenry are stoned. Do you really want to make money on the commercialization of THC, however short-lived such an “opportunity” may be when you are doing so at the expense of the mental, psychological, and physical well being of fellow human beings, as well as the rising generation?

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December 11, 2014 11:53 pm

If that stuff exists it’s because people smoke it. So what do you propose, put more people in jail? I know no healthy individual who messed up his life with THC. After a while it gets boring and side effects kick in (like bad mood and irritability) and people stop. The only stoner in CA is Jerry Brow but that’s another story.

Jim Leavenworth
Jim Leavenworth
December 19, 2014 2:51 am
Reply to  fabian

“Everybody must get stoned” U no who.

December 27, 2014 11:38 am
Reply to  fabian

From experience of smoking weed, esp. Nam weed and then continuing for years
afterwards, I found it can retard emotional and spiritual maturity.

April 11, 2016 11:23 pm
Reply to  Ol'Gringo

Maybe for you but please don’t make that assumption for all.

February 9, 2018 5:05 pm
Reply to  fabian

You say you never met anyone that smoked thc never messed up an opportunity to prosper? You never met a stoner then. As an employer I have passed up hundreds of people that came to an interview stoned and I lost all interest in hiring them because if they come to a interview stoned they’ll certainly come to work stoned and screw something or someone else up. And you say pot can’t screw up you life?

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December 12, 2014 12:45 am

I completely agree,legalization promoters may soon regret their actions when the lawsuits and regulations hit. As for medicinal properties Cannabis has been available legal and widely used for millenia,,,,,why have have all those wonderful medicinal properties gone undiscovered til now??

👍 7797
December 12, 2014 2:09 am

Many of the states legalizing or decriminalizing allow people to grow the plants themselves. No lawsuits
, no taxes and no profits to companies.

👍 10
December 12, 2014 11:44 am

So are there similar lawsuits against the alcohol industry for the same if not worst results to people’s health?

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👍 21
December 12, 2014 1:58 pm

“idiosyncratic psychotomimetic” had to look that one up and just as a note, it did not impress. A quirky imitation psychotic effect is what I got from the definitions, and sounds like nothing more than someone saying they got high. My personal experience is the same as Fabian(the next post). Got tired of it, got boring, sometimes paranoid because of the illegality of it. Had no problem quitting(about 5 yrs ago) ie nonaddicting, and as always one should compare and contrast as in pot smoking vrs tobacco and/or alcohol and drug use. And Jerry Brown is a politician, come on you can’t possibly expect anything other than political b/s from a politician, and in fact the quoted statement is so obviouly biased in that this whole nation gets “stoned on alcohol, prescription drugs, illegal drugs, and whatever else helps relieve the stress of Reality for awhile’ to say we are not a great nation is totally absurd.

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👍 223
December 12, 2014 2:01 pm

When does your Reefer Madness movie come out? Let me guess you are going to quote the Northwestern University Harvard paper on brain changes? called the “worst research paper of the year” by Computational Biology. Just Google “Colorado after legalization”, teen drug use is flat to lower, crime is lower, and traffic deaths are lower. How marijuana managed to not kill anybody for thousands of years but now is a health scourge can only be a story told by litigators and lobbyists.

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December 15, 2014 7:48 pm

Sorry Dr. Gordon – Fail,
I’m not reading about many liquor producers, breweries or distributors going bust due to lawsuits borne from similar, if not the very ‘results’ that you attribute to THC. Given the successful history of the booze and cigarette industry, I think a few good lawyers and warnings will do the trick to protect the companies associated with the cannabis industry, from lawsuits filed by uninformed/incorrectly educated individuals/patients. And if I’m not mistaken, States are immune to the class action lawsuits you and your compatriots insinuate are in the future.
However, I applaud your self promotion and high-horse ‘moral’ appeal.

January 11, 2015 9:58 pm
Reply to  MichaelH

Agree. The effects of alcohol are easily identified and can be immediate i.e. drink down a fifth of whiskey and DIE so why aren’t they sued into oblivion? Not defending pot as it does make one lazy, stupid, and paranoid but let’s be real as far as liability. CBDs are a whole different issue and are proven to have amazing health and healing benefits without the “high” of MJ use.

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January 2, 2015 4:40 pm

Dr Paula Morgan…I agree with your comments 100%. Please continue with your informative comments as required.

👍 6
Brian Rens
Brian Rens
January 5, 2015 5:09 am

Clearly Paula, you are brainwashed establishment, and incapable of differentiating
between valid information and data, and the disinformation spewed out by the establishment you serve.
A good start would be to try some pot, and stop believing everything you read – even if the source is Harvard! Open your mind and stop being led by the nose…

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Glenn De Vries
Glenn De Vries
February 15, 2015 9:33 pm
Reply to  Brian Rens

Your reference to ivy league schools is in my opinion the very cause for the leadership we have in our nations political institutions

John L
John L
January 16, 2015 12:15 am

I understand what you are saying about marijuana. I smoked it when I was younger. I agree with some of the things you wrote about. My question is then what about ALCOHOL? I think it is more dangerous than marijuana and look at all the money that is made from that.

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January 17, 2015 11:20 am

My backdoor play on pot is MO Altria. They are ging to get into the Pot business sooner than later. Their stock is solid climbing even when the market tanked AND? about a 4% dividend. My bet is stocking up on their stock on every pullback.

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👍 69
January 18, 2015 1:46 pm

Take a look at what has been happening in Isreal the last few decades, research on benefits of cannibus for many ailments. Come on ‘Doc’ deleve deeper and look outside the box. Cannibus saved my life without side affects like the opiates I was on.

January 30, 2015 4:52 pm

Aren’t there 30 or so known carcinogens in Marijuana? Yes so how is this completely safe as this blog postulates? Answer, it’s not safe. And, just wait for more kids to get their hands on the edible variety, packaged like innocuous confectionery treats…sadly kids are suffering heart attacks from this crap. No way will I invest in this crap.

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Ronald West
Ronald West
February 15, 2015 1:05 am
Reply to  pm

The kids won’t like the new chemical versions of corporate pot and will continue to pick up a quarter of real weed every other day from their local weed dealers and pass joints around with all their friends, just as always before.

I get a kick out of all of you sanctimonious parents with your “not my child” head in the sand outlook on things, when right under your noses, they are sneaking out of their bedrooms in the wee hours and doing all kinds of drugs and your teenage daughters are having sex for money to buy the really ugly drugs like crack and heroin, and you don’t have a clue what your kids are doing.

If the only drug your kids ever do is marijuana, you should consider yourselves very lucky. Sadly, a large portion of kids are smoking crack, heroin, and drinking whiskey, and of course pot but sooner or later bad things will start to happen, like trouble in school, trouble with the law, shoplifting, extortion, B&E’s, and more.

But you know you have a real problem when your daughter’s pimp comes to your door looking for her and making threats. By then, you can be sure that it’s heroin or crack and it’s probably been going on for months. I have known very few cases where kids steal or sell their ass for pot.

But you think that by demonizing these awful medical marijuana corporations by saying that they are going to be trafficking drugs to your child when they won’t be, that that will keep drugs out of your kids hands. Ridiculous! Your kids already know where to get drugs.

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rob mckee
rob mckee
March 10, 2015 2:54 am
Reply to  pm

kids are not suffering heart attacks from this crap..stop lying

Ronald West
Ronald West
February 14, 2015 10:09 pm

Oh, please. Give me a break! Your knee-jerk reaction that feigns concern for peoples’ health, sounds like a really bad commercial for the big drug companies. People have been smoking weed for decades and most of those “brain-damaged” individuals went on to become successful business men and women, lawyers, judges, you name it, even doctors. I have never heard of one case of lung-cancer caused by smoking pot, although that does not mean that it never happens – I just have never heard of any cases.

And why do you care if medical marijuana companies get sued for medical problems? You should be more concerned about your own patients suing you, for years of prescribing dangerous (legal) drugs. I do not really see it happening because the alcohol and tobacco industry have been immunized from lawsuits, ostensibly because they have paid off the governments involved, their respective “protection fees”, as the governments who have a vested interest in the success of these industries, wish to keep the tax revenue flowing, like the true prostitutes that they are. If the governments bless these commercial endeavours, you can be sure that the government will also protect their new-found tax streams by inoculating the medical marijuana industry against abuse from vulture lawyers, as well.

As a former heavy pot-smoker, I can tell you that there are no lasting psychological side-effects from marijuana use. Once it burns off, there are no flashbacks or lingering side-effects. There are however, a sizeable litany of side-effects (many of which are quite debilitating) from the poisonous mainstreet (legal) drugs that are foisted upon all of society by doctors (like yourself), and Big Pharma. Most of these drugs, which you yourself have undoubtedly prescribed countless times, are absolute poison and any concerns about side-effects, are routinely brushed aside, albeit with pages of disclaimers and listed side-effects, to avoid liability.

This seems to me to be somewhat hypocritical, given your imagined concern toward marijuana users and any legal drugs that could eventually become commonplace as a result of marijuana research. I don’t buy it. I think that you are a troll for the big drug companies, to add a measure of credibility to your objections by virtue of your medical pedigree.

Having said all that, and as a former pot smoker, I have my own opinion, and that is to say, that I think the entire medical marijuana concept is largely a front for people to legally get high, and further, I question the conclusions of countless studies that show marijuana to be an effective pain-killer. I suppose it dulls the pain a little bit initially because it diverts the mind’s attention away from the pain but for truly effective pain-relief, I have to say that Morphine and Heroin and Oxycontin have no substitutes, and that I am sure you will agree with. Further, I think continuous marijuana use makes people stupid.

However, I am violently opposed to any government or medical body legislating what people can legally put into their own bodies, under the guise of protecting people from themselves. Had there never been any draconian laws making the personal consumption of marijuana illegal, I somehow doubt that there would be a need for a medical marijuana industry at all.

When governments stick their snouts into peoples’ business, rebellion follows and takes many forms, as honest people are willing to risk criminal charges just to get high. I think the medical marijuana industry is one of the results of years of government abuse of the people. And for that, I applaud the people for their resourcefulness. Hats off to Mark Emory, who started it all in Vancouver, with his medical marijuana franchise of coffee shops.

Owing to many studies and millions of dollars in research grants from the various governments, I am pretty sure that the medical marijuana industry is the beginning of the end for this lengthy and stupid prohibition, and an entirely new industry in which many new million and billionaires will be spawned. So give it a rest Doc. You’re too late.

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robet brady
robet brady
December 11, 2014 6:47 pm

Thanks for setting me straight on delta 9

December 11, 2014 8:17 pm

Delta 9 Stock#2 is unlikely to be either ABT or ABBV if the clue – “Since going public in late 2010, this stock has… more than doubled… and returned twice as much the S&P 500 index” – is true. I would imagine ABT went public long time before 2010 and Abbvie was hived off from Abbott only in 2012. Thoughts?

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walter lamphere
walter lamphere
December 11, 2014 8:44 pm

I own two Marijane stocks, HEMP, which I was a nice gainer a year ago, and DSCV, A Canadian speculator in minerals and as of last year, also in partnering with Marijane growers, now, I would expect to see a grower and a processor gain some momentum in the near future as HEMP gets teasted as part of the Delta9 ,,, but at present, it produces no pain relief when I watch the charts… SO, am going to hold and hope on this one,,, but buy more Delta 9, I don’t think so. There is a British or Canadian if you prefer use report online that opines that the Delta 9 is not very effective. Well, what’s to hope for? Happy Holidays everyone, on or off Cannabis. Yams and Egg Nog for me. Thank you farmers and Dairy s, production , delivery and sales.

quincy adams
quincy adams
December 11, 2014 9:01 pm

Since when is blocking out the pain a cure for what’s causing it? Perhaps Mr. Mengel is lighting up to ease the pain of his stock picks tanking.

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January 17, 2015 11:21 am
Reply to  quincy adams

His name is too close to the NAzi doctor for Hitlaer scares me off LOL

👍 69
April 11, 2016 11:45 pm
Reply to  dealerdeb1

Lol. I was thinking the same thing. Plus Hitler had a drug named D9 that was a mix of morphine and amphetamines and not sure what else. It was tested on mini-submarine crews that none survived. So we have no info on what happened to them.

Allen B
December 11, 2014 9:50 pm

I agree, Quincy. Mengel seems to be hooked up with Nick Hodge, and both make shamelessly exaggerated claims about how much money you’ll make if you subscribe to their over-hyped newsletters and risk your hard-earned money by investing in what often turns out to be dubious and risky companies.

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December 12, 2014 2:54 am

Tobacco smoke has been proven to cause lung cancer. Is marijuana smoke less harmful?
Especially considering that users try to keep it all in their lungs?

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December 12, 2014 2:10 pm
Reply to  bj
December 27, 2014 11:50 am
Reply to  bj

If you smoke cigs, smoke a brand “SMOKING JOES”. It has no chemicals other than natural,
it is smooth. I suffer from a a spinal cord injury. Cigs with all those chemicals constrict blood vessels and increase spasms, JOES do not. Weed does not have added chemicals from manufactuerers. All those chems contribute to cancer. I quit smoking some years ago but still would like to light up now and then. God bless eveybody. “SMOKE ‘EM”.

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December 29, 2014 2:21 pm
Reply to  bj

Inhaling ANY byproduct of burning ANYTHING will cause lung cancer. Even a wood-burning stove. Firefighters are schooled in this during their training. Some products may have slower rates of consequences than others, but the consequences are there.

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👍 11
Brian Rens
Brian Rens
January 5, 2015 5:20 am
Reply to  bj

No, Marijuana smoke is as harmful as tobacco smoke.
Yes, like many other things in life, smoking can cause cancer – but is not the cause
of cancer. Your own genetic propensity is the cause. I am not advocating smoking of
anything, but you need to know that using cannabis for medical purposes does not imply
smoking it. The routes of administration are by mouth and by vapour inhalation.
Watch –
Then you will understand how people have been lied to and misled about this plant.

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Ronald West
Ronald West
February 15, 2015 1:30 am
Reply to  Brian Rens

Smoking vapor is just as bad as smoking smoke for your lungs. Not to mention that concentrating weed into vapor, is tantamount to cooking cocaine to make crack, and all of those concentrated THC molecules hitting your brain all at once, is just going to make you stupid, faster.

And who eats weed? I had some brownies once and was grossed out. Never again. But I have no problem with people who want to smoke weed and vegetate, if that’s what you’re in to.

As far as being lied to… get used to it. Governments, the Federal Reserve, big corporations, big pharmacy companies, global-warming (caused by humans) theorists and supporters, and other scientists and many more, have been lying to us for decades. Get used to it.

rob mckee
rob mckee
March 10, 2015 3:00 am
Reply to  Ronald West

well Ronald, you sounded kinda smart…except for your “going to make you stupid faster’ line Really ?? Do you know someone who has gotten stupid, faster than you ?

January 11, 2015 10:01 pm
Reply to  bj

Yet only 20% of tobacco smokers contract lung cancer. Causation? Hmmm.

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January 31, 2015 10:25 am
Reply to  Tactical111

It varies on one’s immune system. You may or may not suffer the effects but the risk is present.

February 14, 2015 5:47 pm
Reply to  Tactical111

But the third greatest killer of Americans is COPD, which can be brought on by smoking tobacco.

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👍 45
December 12, 2014 10:21 am

Marijuana is not without its harmful effects as Dr Gordon has pointed out however, it certainly no worse then alcohol or prescription pain killers. I don’t smoke it myself,but I would rather live next door to a pot head then an alcoholic that beats his wife everyday !

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👍 65
Art Slesinger
Art Slesinger
December 12, 2014 10:37 pm
Reply to  danielj1960

Marinol was sold by Roxanne labs, the generic arm of Boehringer Ingelheim. The indication was for appetite stimulation for cancer patients. A case of the blind munchies without having to inhale. I suspect it probably worked. Artie

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December 15, 2014 7:57 pm
Reply to  Art Slesinger

For some it worked. Others not – see:
Additionally, by only ‘legalizing’ marinol the FDA is supporting a market corner. I guess that’s good for investors of Boehringer Ingelheim/Roxanne Labs.

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👍 22033
biff summers
biff summers
December 13, 2014 5:16 pm

I bought into a little stock called ” GREEN CURES “. It may go somewhere and it may not.

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December 14, 2014 12:39 pm

The driving force for legality on the federal level is to balance out the loss of government jobs and funding of agencies. As is common knowledge, once an agency is set up and funded, it continues ad infinitum regardless of whether it is still necessary or not. Once the feds figure out how to balance the scales of legalization, it will be removed from schedule 1 list. I agree with many of the posts above. Marijuana is a plant that can be used UNPROCESSED. Alcohol and tobacco cause far more damage both physically and financially in the world than any other drugs (besides the pain killer epidemic). It’s very hard to compare marijuana to these others since they are legal and pot isn’t. Please research why exactly marijuana was made illegal in the first place and you will see it had nothing to do with being a “bad” drug. It was all about money and certain businesses concerned about hemp replacing pulp in the production of, well, just about anything. What interests me the most though is what we are told (the propaganda) compared to what is really going on. A good example is a recent request, funded by the NIH, to determine the shelf life of rolled marijuana cigarettes and extracts. To me, that doesn’t factor into the equation of harmful effects. I see it as the fed trying to see how they can best profit by legalization. I personally would love to see it legalized. I am anti alcohol myself but would rarely turn away a toke. And with a disabling medical condition leaving me dependent on opioids to have any type of quality of life, should it become legal, I’m personally confident that I would no longer be spending the $1,200 a month on pharma that I am currently spending for the drugs I take. And should my doctors find THC in my urine, I am denied treatment of this condition??? Absolutely absurd. If I could stomach the alcohol, I suppose I am allowed to drink as much as I want without any chance of being denied medical treatment. And it does help with the pain. Something that has been known for millennia. My opinion and 2 cents for whatever that’s worth.

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👍 10
January 18, 2015 2:03 pm
Reply to  rpboylesjr

In 2010 the Obama Administration has allowed any Veteran living in a medical cannibus state to not be denied any benefits if said Veteran has a medical recommendation from an outside doctor. Once again opiates are a slow death affecting the Central Nervous System causing the shut done of many organs, whereas Cannibus does not affect the CNS. Shame on the FDA for not allowing positive research and controling what research there is.

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December 15, 2014 3:37 pm

I think everyone has a valid point here however most of you do not understand the potential health benefits of orally ingested some of the compounds found in the marijuana plant itself. Smoking (burning) marijuana changes the chemical makeup of the plant and may provide some pain relief and a high however there are negative health consequences to smoking anything including tobacco, marijuana rolled tea leaves, bananas etc. The real exciting news about marijuana is all about the potential life saving natural compounds that can be extracted and concentrated for oral use.
Check out “run from the cure” and other related internet posts. Filter everything with common sense and make your own informed decisions. I think we need to investigate every potential positive and negative of this amazing plant.

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Jeff Brown
Jeff Brown
December 17, 2014 11:11 am

Marijuana aka cannabis /hemp is the most useful plant on the planet. Food, clothing,shelter,energy , medicine, spiritual insight etc. It has been used for thousands of years for such things. The people and the states are leading the charge to change prohibition of this most valuable herb. The feds have to comply to the will of the people. It is listed as a schedule I drug which is the most dangerous. A schedule I drug by definition has no medical use in the United States. Clearly it does as over 30 states say it does have medical use if only CBD , low thc in some states. Once the feds take it out of schedule I it will open the door for more research which is needed.

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January 18, 2015 2:08 pm
Reply to  Jeff Brown

De-Schedule! Sooner than later

Prof. M Zahidul Haque
Prof. M Zahidul Haque
December 25, 2014 2:10 pm

If Delta-9 as claimed is capable of very effectively reducing pain than those traditional pain-killers then we’ll welcome it. But I am doubtful whether it can really do so? I will look forward to see its efficacy when released in the market and used by general people.

January 2, 2015 10:13 pm


Steverino King O' Pain
Steverino King O' Pain
January 5, 2015 1:09 am

I have the worst pain condition there is called CRPS/RSDS look it up if you don’t believe this 21yr Warrior,no cure till I started using Cannabidol, I am doing better pain from 8-9 down to 4-5. BUY AT HEMPMEDS – No strings or problems ordering at their site. Expensive you may have to wait for a SALE 50% off every month or so. Easy as pie, cuz we don’t want to die…not like this anyway !. I would try anything for relief and so will millions & millions !.

Steverino King O' Pain
Steverino King O' Pain
January 5, 2015 1:11 am


January 4, 2015 2:30 pm

Snake oil has been sold for years. Delta 9 is nothing new. What would be new, is that this ‘wonder drug’ was distributed for free. Now, THAT would be a miracle, you damn sociopathicly greedy bastards!

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👍 22033
January 10, 2015 1:51 pm

Long ago and far away, I got seriously stoned – once – on a combo of “Molokai Baby Green” and some hash. I was in a serious professional education program at the time and had a helluva time recovering my ability to read and retain technical information. It took six months to wear off. Never again.
Use it if you want, but only if you can manage your life with the top 15 – 25% of your brain function missing!
And don’t ask me to help you pay to pick up the slack, or the pieces.

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January 11, 2015 10:06 pm
Reply to  Wikiderm

Righto. I too got stoned for a week one night. 🙂

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