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What’s Casey’s “The New Ethereum?”

More Cryptocurrency Guessing as I Check out the teaser pitch for Marco Wutzer's new Disruptive Profits newsletter...

Also being pitched as "The ONE Coin to Rule Them All"

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, September 27, 2018

We haven’t seen much in the way of brand-new cryptocurrency newsletters in the past few months… which is probably understandable, since so many of the hot ideas that the early opportunistic newsletters had us salivating over in December and January lost 90% or more of their value when the air suddenly floofed out of the crypto-token bubble.

So I was a little curious to see what the enthusiasts are touting now — there remain just about 2,000 different coins tracked by (I remember being bewildered when it went over 100 maybe a year ago), and there are quite a few biggish ones (as of this moment, you have to go down to number 17 on the list before you find one that has a smaller “market cap” than a billion dollars, and all the top 100 have nominal values of at least $50 million each.

Whether those numbers mean anything real or not in the end I can’t tell you, but it at least means that people are ascribing value to a lot of different altcoins — whether it’s because they like the technology, want to somehow buy a piece of “the future,” have particular insight into one coin over another, or just like trading and betting these semi-anonymous tokens that they don’t really know anything about, I don’t know. I suspect it’s mostly “maybe I’ll get lucky” speculation and momentum-chasing trading, since there’s always a market that appeals to that kind of behavior (many of those crypto-chasers moved on to the marijuana stocks, but not all of them), but it’s equally true that there are a lot of true believers in blockchain who think this is like renting out your garage to Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. So who knows.

And Doug Casey, who has long adored speculation, particularly in mining stocks, is launching a new cryptocurrency/blockchain newsletter helmed by a guy named Marco Wutzer — it’s called Disruptive Profits ($1,595 up front, no refunds, autorenews after two years at $2,000/yr), and the real headline tease is that he’ll reveal the next bit winner in a special report called, “The New Ethereum: A Second Chance for 100X Gains.”

Here’s what Justin Spittler, who actually signs the ad letter, says about this:

“I can tell you with total conviction: This coin has the potential to replace Ethereum. And yet, it’s 1,000X smaller. I think you’ll agree it won’t stay that way for much longer….

“And while hundred and multi-hundred-bagger winners are rare, there’s no other place in the market with this kind of potential. In fact, I believe the next 100-bagger opportunity is one little-known coin insiders are loading up on right now.

“At last count, 32 VC’s have poured in more than $20 million. In just six months.”

There are even some creepy celebrity event photos with a younger Marco Wutzer standing next to Pink and Alec Baldwin, for some reason… and they establish his bona fides by saying that he was an early investor in eGold and other digital currencies in the pre-bitcoin era and made a fortune in crypto and traveled the world setting up cryptocurrency investments. I don’t know anything else about him.

And they’re positioning this newsletter as a “buy and hold” cryptocurrency newsletter — more like a venture capital model, less like a trading service because “traders get killed.”

The ad also cites some huge gainers in the crypto world…

“Like Stratis, which has risen 8,800% since January of last year.
“Spectrecoin, which has risen 2,150% since then.
“And Augur, which is up 1,269% over that same period.”

I suppose those numbers are probably accurate, if you pick the right day, but, of course, those projects barely existed in January 2017 and were priced at fractions of a penny — if you had bought anytime after anyone had heard of them or they became available on any exchanges, even as recently as May of 2017, you would have lost money if you held until today (though they all did go up 10X in value or so during the crypto bubble into December and January last winter before giving up all those gains).

And this new idea is marketed as “the next ethereum,” so first they have to explain that a little…

“Contrary to popular opinion…

“The single biggest force in advancing blockchain technology is NOT Bitcoin.

“Rather, it’s a digital currency called ‘Ethereum.’

“If Bitcoin is like email…

“Then Ethereum is like the Internet.”

And a bit more that…

“Ethereum is the greatest force in building out the blockchain.

“That’s why over 300 global businesses have joined a group called the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance….

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“Ethereum’s importance and size is actually vastly understated!

“All told, there are 496 different cryptocurrencies built on Ethereum’s technology.”

Which brings us, of course, to the tease about this “new ethereum” ….

“And the real future of this space, and big opportunity for you, is in what Marco calls
the ‘New Ethereum’…

“The original Ethereum has risen 41,000% since it launched back in 2015.

“The ‘New Ethereum’ can do just as well, if not better.”

One significant impediment to actually using cryptocurrencies in anything practical, we’re told, is transaction speed — both bitcoin and ethereum have had periods of time when transactions took half an hour to finish even when the network wasn’t buried in some sort of crisis, and hours or days at tough times… and it always takes substantially longer than credit card transactions, which is important for “transactional” type cryptocurrencies because credit cards are the gold standard of payment technology networks at the moment.

So lots of the new cryptocurrencies are designed to speed things up and make transactions much more efficient, without losing the potentially low-cost and high-security aspects that make blockchain appealing. So it won’t surprise you to hear that this “new ethereum” is being touted because of its speed….

“New Ethereum is on pace to be 5,000 faster than Ethereum!

“Ethereum can process 20 transactions per second…

“Paypal handles 193 per second…

“Visa can process 24,000…

“and Mastercard can handle 38,000….

“Now, look at the New Ethereum.

“It has the potential to process a whopping 100,000 transactions per second….

“It even has plans to reach 1 million transactions per second.

“That’s 41-times more capacity than VISA.”

OK, so we know that “potential” is not the same thing as reality… but still, that sounds pretty impressive.

The other clues indicate that this “token” has a “market cap” of something in the neighborhood of $25 million (1/2880th the size of Uber is the hint they drop, and Uber’s about $74 billion last I checked… and the “ethereum is 100X” larger puts it in this category, too, with ethereum’s “market cap” at about $23 billion now).

And we also get a “catalyst” that provides another clue:

“What’s facing us right now is a key deadline…

“While no official date has been set, ‘New Ethereum’—with its VISA crushing potential—is expected to have its ‘mainnet’ release.

“Up to this point, its core technology has only been in test phase.

“The ‘mainnet’ release means its technology is going LIVE—to the general public.”

Well, what is it? As I implied above, I’ll have to resort to guessing to some degree and can’t be 100% certain, but the Thinkolator sez our best match here is QuarkChain (QKC), which had its ICO this summer, is indeed a faster transaction network based on ethereum, and otherwise matches the limited clues fairly well.

You can see the ICO analysis of QuarkChain (QKC), from someone who undoubtedly understands the crypto marketplace better than I do, at here.

So how do those clues match? Well, about $20 million has been invested — $16 million in a private sale, $4 million in the ICO. Don’t know if that was by 32 VC firms or not, and that reference in the ad might have been to all of the cryptocurrencies he’s recommending as a group, but there are certainly a lot of VC/Hedge funds in the crypto space.

And it is poised for a mainnet release in the fourth quarter… which starts on October 1, though I have no idea whether it will actually take place on that first day of the quarter.

And the speed comparisons match — they say they’re getting about 2,000 transactions per second, with a design that they think can get them into the millions.

QuarkChain is essentially a new peer-to-peer transaction blockchain that solves the speed problem by hiving off transactions into a second layer and then re-confirming them with the original blockchain layer. At least, that’s how I understand it, so it’s probably far more complicated — they call this “sharding,” and there are other technologies who use this concept… I have no idea which one might be better, and a lot of the fairly large cryptocurrencies are also trying to tackle this same “transactional throughput scalability” issue with different designs and technologies.

Here’s how QuarkChain describes itself in their white paper:

“Recently, distributed ledger technologies — decentralized and trustless blockchains (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum), have started rewiring the nature of our current economy, communications and knowledge. As the global financial transaction volume in all electronic payments grows, the low capacity of the current blockchain-based networks cannot cover the world’s commerce anytime. However, a simple pursuit of scalability usually sacrifices decentralization and security. Therefore, the ultimate goal of blockchain is to extend the scalability as high as possible while keeping security and decentralization in an appropriate level.

“QuarkChain is an innovative permissionless blockchain architecture that aims to meet the global-wise commercial standard. It provides a secure, decentralized, and scalable blockchain solution to deliver 100,000 on-chain TPS.”

You can read the whole thing here, it’s relatively detailed and understandable compared to a lot of the cryptocurrency white papers I’ve seen. There’s even a “risk factors” section, which is good to see and probably important for prospective investors to read.

So… will this be the next big deal in cryptocurrencies? Will there, in fact, be another surge in crypto-token prices? I have no idea, I still consider all cryptocurrencies to be interesting technologies that don’t make a lot of economic sense as investments — they are driven by either “scarcity” that supports some value as an “asset,” in the case of bitcoin, or, in most others, as speculations on the future value of a peer-to-peer network technology where there’s no particular “earnings” to speculate on and no “ownership” of the network given to the token holders.

The only real way I can make sense of the value of a crypto token is by starting in the future and working backwards, because the only real “earnings” done in these networks are the tokens earned by miners for doing the calculations that verify and endorse transactions and therefore make transactions secure and possible. So to guess what a token is worth today, I would have to estimate what it would be worth to the miners who earn those tokens in the future as payment for enabling the network, and then walk that back to say that if those miners see value in the future for these tokens they earn, what is an identical token bought today worth?

Which is why I don’t buy them, because that’s super-speculative even for a very established cryptocurrency like ethereum, and for most others seems akin to buying a junior mining stock when the miner sort of knows where they’re going to dig, but doesn’t yet own the land and isn’t sure which metals they’re looking for or what they’ll be worth. The fact that it might work out doesn’t mean the probabilities can be assessed in any rational way… at least for me.

Your mileage may vary, of course, and perhaps you enjoy analyzing and comparing cryptocurrencies, or just like the action of trading them — there’s no shame in that, cryptocurrency trading is, I think, the most sincere expression of speculative psychology you can find in the financial world, so it’s probably a great arena in which to test technical trading strategies without any distraction from fundamentals like earnings or cash flow or quarterly reports (or even, in many cases, press releases).

We’re also teased that Marco likes a few other cryptocurrencies, and we don’t get hints on most of them… but one is probably fairly relevant to your analysis of QuarkChain… this is what he says:

“… another is addressing the same scalability issues as the New Ethereum—and is probably its biggest rival.

“(Marco definitely thinks the New Ethereum will emerge the winner… but just like you have Amex, Visa, and Mastercard… there’s room for more than one player here.)”

My guess on that one is Zilliqa (ZIL), another fairly recent ICO that is developing a high-throughput system that also uses sharding. Their white paper is a little harder to understand, but they do have a “position paper” that’s a little clearer for us non-experts. They aim to release their “mainnet” for use in December or January, but while QuarkChain is definitely a guess I’d have to categorize this as a “wild guess.”

So I’ll leave you there, with some guesses as to the tokens Marco Wutzer is recommending for that new Casey newsletter… and my personal misgivings about figuring out what a rational price for any of them could possibly be. If you want to dabble in these or other cryptocurrencies, you’ll probably have to get out of the happy little Coinbase sandbox and go to a larger exchange, and different exchanges support trading in different tokens and often have different pricing, particularly for some of the smaller and low-volume cryptocurrencies — one resource I’ve used to find out where tokens are traded (and at what price and volume) is CoinGecko, and you can find their Zilliqa page here and QuarkChain page here if you’re interested in that kind of info.

(If you want to dip your toe into crypto-world and reward your friendly neighborhood Gumshoe, by the way, you can check out Coinbase using my referral code and you and I will each get a little reward — I think it’s $10 worth of bitcoin right now… I’m not arguing that Coinbase is the best way to buy or hold bitcoin or the other big tokens, and I wouldn’t dissuade you from using some other exchange, service or wallet — Coinbase was just the service that I found easiest to handle and I trust their system with some of my money.)

I’m sure we have plenty of cryptocurrency traders out there in Gumshoeland, and I’m happy to learn — so if I’m missing something important here, or if you’ve got other ideas for this tease, or other favorite cryptocurrencies that you think will become important and valuable, well, by all means use our friendly little comment box below to share those thoughts with us. Thanks for reading!

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Jeff Williams
Jeff Williams
September 27, 2018 11:37 am

I get pretty sick of these cockteasing presentations – whether I’m interested or not, they always insist on a long drawn out verbal hustle. Cut to the chase, tell me what is the deal. I don’t have all day to sit through the constant bla bla.

September 27, 2018 12:26 pm
Reply to  Jeff Williams

Then don’t read them! If you sign up, then you’ll get the summary. Kapisch? Personally, I enjoy the information here and I find it very useful.

👍 100
September 27, 2018 1:52 pm
Reply to  kblyons46

I think Jeff was referring to the actual “tease” not Travis

👍 47
September 27, 2018 2:03 pm
Reply to  kblyons46

I’m an irregular myself but, like you, I enjoy reading all the information.

👍 8
September 28, 2018 12:44 am
Reply to  kblyons46

So you prefer to invest in some random ticker recco rather than bothering with all that boring due diligence…….hows that working out for you?

👍 213
November 26, 2018 8:23 pm
Reply to  sarahh

To all the above who responded to Jeff William’s complaint about the frigging long spiels newsletter promoters use to suck customers simply have not sat through enough or any of them to know precisely how irritating it is.

👍 68
John Carpenter
John Carpenter
September 27, 2018 2:00 pm
Reply to  Jeff Williams

Agree with Jeff Williams. The presentations are even more time wasting when they don not offer one a “Read transcript” option but only a damn video.

September 28, 2018 2:45 pm
Reply to  John Carpenter

yes they do pause the video wiggle the mouse or press back button the screen then pops up a window “WAIT” do you want to miss the opportunity continue video or read transcript

September 30, 2018 9:18 pm
Reply to  only6greens

There is a heap of them that don’t offer the “read transcript.” I drop them immediately. I don’t have time for all that video. They could say the same thing in 10 min.

September 30, 2018 9:40 pm
Reply to  Jeff Williams

I just click off the page once it’s gets started (after a minute or so) and it mostly gives you the option to read the transcript…that way you can skip/scroll thru the conundrum crap and pick out the meaty clues.

September 27, 2018 11:55 am

“…test technical trading strategies without any distraction from fundamentals like earnings or cash flow or quarterly reports.” Good one Travis!

September 27, 2018 12:16 pm

Agree with Jeff! I hate watching videos that I can’t fast forward to the conclusion.

September 27, 2018 12:21 pm

Could it be eos?

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👍 4
👍 21962
September 27, 2018 12:52 pm
Reply to  tlsjv922

indeed, I still believe EOS has them ( even the quarck and other beat). BUT that doesn’t mean with the speed these things change or are being invented , could be replaced as well. but i say EOS is the best main net out there ( as of today) lol.

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saint stephen
September 27, 2018 12:24 pm

I’ll pass on this “opportunity”.

👍 342
Pam Day
Pam Day
September 27, 2018 12:37 pm

Thank you ALWAYS you help all of us..what happened to Teeka….? HAVE FOLLOWED FOR 2 YEARS AND EVEN A Fidelity rep doesnt understand all of this..BTSC AND BTCS are penny stocks and do alot of volume and global blockchain penny stocks…BTSC had a low of .03 and in last years spike was. Was.63 an excellant profit me,less risk..and I am in control..There is supposed to be a huge announcement Sept 30th,…several say be in by then…what about Robinhood? So confusing and Teeka was so good..also Adam Sharp gives advise.he recommends Litecoin,and Nem,…

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September 27, 2018 12:42 pm

Yeah we all know crypto is a crap shoot but then again — some of us like crap shoots !

September 27, 2018 1:46 pm

I couldn’t find either symbol on a yahoo finance search?

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👍 41
September 27, 2018 2:11 pm
Reply to  upham77

I couldn’t find them either so I don’t know how you would play this even if you wanted to.

👍 8
September 27, 2018 2:30 pm
Reply to  upham77

You can buy on Binance and KuCoin

👍 4
👍 21962
September 28, 2018 3:55 am is good crypto research platform

👍 7
September 28, 2018 4:00 am

and if you want to confirm your fears check;

👍 7
saint stephen
September 28, 2018 10:53 am

Yahoo has a special page for crypto stocks.

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👍 342
September 27, 2018 1:57 pm

Good article but it’s Marco Wutzer, not “Wurtzer”. Maybe the “new Ethereum” is High Performance Blockchain (HPB)?

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👍 21962
👍 21962
John Lab
John Lab
September 27, 2018 2:35 pm


you nailed them both. I’m a lifetime subscriber to referred letter…

👍 21962
October 3, 2018 4:10 am
Reply to  John Lab

John I though this was a new newsletter , how did this get added onto a lifetime subscription , in my experience they always want more !

👍 83
September 27, 2018 3:19 pm

Floofing? A new technical term. You heard it here 1st folks.

September 27, 2018 4:08 pm

Good guess travis but i dunno, there are so many possibilities out there today. If i were to make an educated guess i would suggest EOS is it. EOS was dubbed the “etherium killer” and was to take over etc….much promise and millions of transactions per second, sort of sounds familiar. I bought EOS a year ago for about $1 but sold it in May for $18 near it’s peak. There has been much negative news about it and it’s founders i jumped ship quick. It currently trades around $5 and some say it could be worth hundreds so who knows. As far as crypto i am buying, look at theta, you can only buy it at huobi (a chinese exchange) or one of the lesser known exchanges. The founder is one of the original youtube founders and with the coming of 5G i believe streaming services like theta have a ton of potential. Besides the insiders bought out last years planned ICO themselves and have deep pockets. I am also buying tron a chinese blockchain with much potential, there are many more in that nation than anywhere else and they still love crypto!

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👍 137
September 30, 2018 11:54 pm
Reply to  jimbo16

See the post by John Lab, which says “Travis, you nailed them both”.

September 27, 2018 4:14 pm

There were dozens of crypto investment newsletter services that popped up everywhere over the last 2 years. Since the cryptomania thing blewup the last few months i can assume many have died a slow death, nothing is moving up and many have as you say, lost 90% or more in value this year. Nothing like paying a few hundred bucks for advise then losing half your investment. Ouch

👍 137
September 27, 2018 5:38 pm
Reply to  jimbo16

I also saw where James Altucher is back again with a crypto letter. SCARY!!!

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September 27, 2018 5:17 pm

OPEX is the coin from my research.

September 27, 2018 8:27 pm

RChain seems to be the one with all of the VC companies mentioned.

September 28, 2018 2:51 pm
Reply to  Andy

Rchain been dropping for 6 months and not upbeat recently so how come its had 20M invested doesnt tally

September 27, 2018 10:27 pm

In regards to the length of presentation issue, this is absolutely on purpose. Millions have been spent on psychologists studies that show conclusively. that the more time an individual spends reading these teases the more likely they are to justify their time by essentially “believing” them.
I am personally fascinated by this phenomenon. Any comments or separate threads would be much appreciated.

👍 363
September 28, 2018 12:06 am
Reply to  cabaoke

I am sorry. I should clarify. This is a big part of why I like the stock gumshoe so much. The quicktake is awesome!

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👍 363
👍 21962
September 29, 2018 6:39 pm
Reply to  cabaoke

Most interesting observation about the length of presentation.
They all follow the same pattern and repeat, repeat…
Is to be noted that a not so small % of the population is impervious to what amounts to a kind of brainwashing.

September 27, 2018 11:56 pm

How do I find out how to invest in these BitCoins and Blockchains that are so well hyped – Nobody has shared the exact way … always referred here and there. How trustworthy are they investment wise – Potential to disappear?

September 28, 2018 3:25 am
Reply to  Shashi8

Both coins mentioned (QKC and ZIL) are traded on Binance (world’s biggest exchange I believe). Sign up on whatever exchange you can get your local currency onto (Coinbase in US?) on there buy whatever coin has the lowest transfer out fee (and which Binance also lists…obviously) XRP is good, NEO is free usually. Transfer coin to Binance. Sell coin for Bitcoin, use Bitcoin to buy QKC or whatevs.

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October 3, 2018 6:24 pm
Reply to  ScaryGoose

I like XRP. Hoping that it will be a winner.

September 28, 2018 3:51 am
Reply to  Shashi8

Quote from the article above: “If you want to dip your toe into crypto-world and reward your friendly neighborhood Gumshoe, by the way, you can check out Coinbase using my referral code and you and I will each get a little reward”
I did exactly that long time ago. If you don’t understand Coinbase I would suggest sticking with cash.

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👍 110
September 28, 2018 2:56 pm
Reply to  Shashi8

its not simple that is true, Open a coinbase account and coinbase gets you from USD to BTC , then open a binance account and transfer the BTC from coinbase to binance in BTC. On binance use BTC to buy QKC and ZIL but do your own research on that one . If you have never done it youtube how it takes a deep breath but it is possible 🙂 Teeka Tiwari taught me so if you are serious sign up for a trial or the service . Crypto market is crazy worse than CRISPR expect to win and lose in a year and dont invest anything you dont mind losing . But that said in my opinion the future is blockchain

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September 28, 2018 3:46 am

If you don’t understand cryptocurrencies just buy Bitcoin. It’s the most secure, but remember “Not your keys, not your Bitcoin”.
And with the lightning network coming for Bitcoin my guess is that coins like QKC and ZIL don’t have a bright future.

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👍 110
September 28, 2018 2:41 pm

ETH is already doing testing on adding ‘sharding’ capability to speed the network. BTC is working on ‘Lightning Network’ to also allow transaction to be confirmed ‘off-blockchain’, then aggregated and confirmed later on the primary blockchain.

The risks here are which one will win? BTC is also working on adding ‘smart contracts’. BTC is the primary crypto (the ‘reserve currency’ of the digital world) – all others generally trade (but usually with higher delta) in the direction of BTC. If BTC is first to successfully deploy Lightning Network and/or Smart Contracts, then I have to think that it’s game over for the others, especially since BTC has scarcity working in its favor. ETH is the ‘reserve currency’ of the ICO world (nearly all altcoins were initially funded via ETH). If ETH successfully deploys ‘sharding’, then it’s game over for EOS and QKC, since the issue of scaling will be solved.

It seems to me that if BTC and ETH are too slow to successfully adopt scaling solutions, then QKC, EOS and others that can handle scaling can successfully fight it out and one of them could emerge as a big winner.

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👍 4
September 28, 2018 6:23 pm

What are some of your thoughts on NEO? They solve the scalability issue and use PoW for consensus.

👍 2

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