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Elliott Wave Trader

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April 4, 2021 11:36 am

“The Elliott Wave” SUCKS! Been a paid member since the 1990’s. They constantly brag about being right, when they have been dead wrong for decades.

Avi Gilburt
Avi Gilburt
April 4, 2021 8:43 pm
Reply to  Walter

Interesting post since – – the site being reviewed in this thread – opened in 2011.

K Solnik
K Solnik
May 11, 2021 10:46 pm
Reply to  Walter

This is just insane really. You should see the other ten thousands of investors who follow them and think the opposite. Maybe, just maybe, you did not take the time to fully understand their analysis’s, probabilities etc. I do not know any clearer service than this one.

K Solnik
K Solnik
May 11, 2021 10:33 pm

For most people I know – the stock market, is a foreign planet. It goes up and down and they all try to comprehend why. Everyone has their opinion and follows different news or analyst sources, and the main common denominator is — if we are honest– fear. Fear to lose all the money they have so carefully earned, inherited etc. If there were a good alternative fixed income option I am sure a lot would go for that. But today there is not, hence the revived interest and also the personalized one. A lot of us realize the hedge funders or bankers etc don’t have our best interest. After some searching, as everyone does, its a road…. I got to this site. Its a learning curve. Majorly. But — if you wanna understand and wanna know the probabilities of what’s next…. and you will take the time and do the effort to do your own work and research and reading…. this is to me as good as it gets. The best EWT is invaluable for their analysis as well as their honest estimate. The different services give you the best probabilities after their extensive research and based upon their deep knowledge and give you the risk reward entrances with the stops all included. How much better can it ever get? I am hooked and yet, have so much more to learn. The only regret I have, is not to have subscribed earlier. And not to have a bigger brain to absorb all the learning curve faster. If you wanna stay in the dark….. go ahead. If you wanna plug in some effort and join the learning curve, it will pay off. Thank you Avi and team. Mike, Jason, Ryan, Luke, you are all amazing! Thank you

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Elliotwaves- The best!
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Elliotwaves-learn and fly
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Last edited 3 years ago by K Solnik
June 1, 2021 4:08 pm

In all honesty, EWT has been one of – perhaps the best – service I subscribe to when it comes to trading and longer-term investing. And the great thing is I’m very new to Elliott Wave. It just makes SENSE. I look forward to earning and learning as I go. Thank you EWT

June 17, 2021 2:17 am

I spent a lot of time here on Gumshoe because I had a relative that had been taken advantage of by so many ridiculously priced newsletters that gave what I, as a novice, could see were incredibly suspect “advice”. This site helped me form a robust skepticism.
I first watched EWT in the early part(y) of 2016, while gold, silver, and miners were all on a parabolic move. I had just taken over the account of the above mentioned ailing relative who had depleted his account by one third within the previous year. I had no experience whatsoever trading . I was a bit of a slow learner, in part because I had a full time practice as a bankruptcy lawyer (which as you may guess does not adequately prepare one to become an expert stock trader; “lie down with dogs and … ” etc.).
I became a paying member of EWT in 2017. I fought the logic of the entire EWT system, even when I could see that it was working. It still did not make sense. Too much amygdala for me.
Eventually, I became convinced. At the same time, I also researched the gold and silver miners sufficiently—-maybe a thousand hours of self-education and research—to gain a significant advantage in choosing junior miners, and promising explorers, in a manner that significantly increased my chances of picking a winner.
I also learned risk management from the EWT guys. I was a bit of a slow learner on that front as well.
EWT gave some forewarning of the cataclysmic declines in March 2020 in metal prices—-not the exact day, not the exact depth, but flashing red lights that prompted me to place cascading stop loss orders on about fifty miners and Au/Ag related holdings, and to pick out the stocks I was going to buy. By the latter, I mean I put in buy orders at 20%, 25% and 30% below the price of the stock at the beginning of the month. Measured from the beginning of March 2020 to mid April 2020, I had only a negligible loss, AND I bought stock in that time period that I still hold today.
During the time I have been there, EWT staff has grown from around 6 or so, and membership of around 2,500 to the present staff at 16 analysts and, last I heard, membership above 7,000. I have not had experience with all of them, but there are immensely talented, incredibly dedicated analysts—–without which I would have accomplished any of the above.
Finally, the members are a GREAT part of the benefit of “hanging out” on EWT. Invaluable insights. I was never in the military, but it seems like the OJT you might get in combat.
During the period beginning November 2017 to May 31, 2021—-the account has has an annual compound growth rate (Merrill Edge labels it as the “Cumulative Time Weighted Return” but I believe it is almost identical to CAGR) of 228%—that is not a typo TWO HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT %,, CAGR over 3 + years.

I most enthusiastically endorse !

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👍 14
June 17, 2021 3:19 am

I am not quite sure why there are attackers here with their crosshairs on For those of us who have years of experience on EWT, and are absolutely convinced it is one of the best bargains available, those attacks seem very suspect.
I do not know Avi Gilburt personally, but I have spent thousands of hours on the website. More than enough to know Avi is very dedicated to the members and to his staff, AND to his mission. I think that he is firmly convinced, and rightly so, that EWT interpreted through his proprietary “Pinball Wizard” metric, is more powerful than any other tool available. And that it is as beneficial to the dedicated lifelong financial professionals who are members, as it is to some kid fresh off the streets.
So, IMHO, Avi believes that the people who attack him have some ulterior motive—and whatever that motive may be, EWT is worth defending like it was his family.
Next, I am about 1,000 per cent convinced that there are no “sock puppets” , or “bots” being utilized to provide defense by proxy. If any reader here still holds a fervent skepticism, get a free 15 day membership to EWT, and spend about 50 hours reading through the exchanges between members, or staff to members. You will find that there are at least 10 individual analysts with expertise and valuable advice sufficient that just one of them is worth the monthly fee—that might be true about every one of them, I just have not had the time to investigate every one of them. While you are there, pick out a precious metal (Au, Ag are most extensively covered) or Natural Gas or WTI—-and track the advice on the site over a three year period. If you have been one of the loud protestors, you will be well advised to “eat your hat”, as my grandmother used to say.

But, please please do not infect EWT with some of the vitriol I have seen here.

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👍 14
August 5, 2021 8:47 am

This site has offered the best and most dedicated service I have found. The only problem is the learning curve. You have to study the recommendations and balance them with your investment goals

👍 9
William Goulet
William Goulet
November 17, 2021 7:27 am

Elliot Wave Trader has helped me out tremendously…I’m not some rich trader, just a field geologist…but following the EWT guidance I have been able to profit enough to take large swaths of time off to see the grand kids etc. It simply wouldn’t have been possible without Avi Gilburt and the team. THANKS! I’d give 50 stars if it were possible!

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May 13, 2022 4:44 pm

Avi is on brilliant form right now. Everything he says the reverse happens! It’s almost worth subscribing just to stand on the opposite side of his calls !

👍 49
Follow the trend
Follow the trend
June 13, 2022 11:14 am
Reply to  jockstrap

I followed them for a while and lost money on pretty much every trade I tried to execute using their service. They used to have an S&P trader who executed a ton of trades. Once they bragged about getting half the gains of what the S&P did over a few month period, where he went long and short whereas you could have just stayed long and more than doubled their gains doing nothing (and a lot less work!). They missed the 2019 bottom and were still claiming almost half a year later that they didn’t see signs of a bottom while the market had already recovered well over 20%. Avi also “chuckled” a few months ago when some of his non-expert subscribers were concerned about the S&P going back to the 3000’s when it was closer to the 4800 top. He only got a little bearish (started hedging) after the market had corrected toward bear market territory. Any chartist could have told you the market had signaled a huge bear flag from a rising wedge pattern half a year ago but that EW pinball garbage he uses didn’t give him any clues. Any time the market does not do what they expect (and with all the tons of ALT possibilities with EW pinball they can always claim they are right because one of the many alt patterns was reasonably close), they say it’s the market’s fault for not following the EW “setup” (how convenient, what a great excuse if you are trying to fool your readership into thinking what a great stock analyst you are). EW is the perfect vehicle for someone trying to look right because there’s always a bull and bear version on the chart AT THE SAME TIME. Moreover, the blue boxes with the fib level support and resistance are often so wide that it’s hard for the market not to be in one of them. One of his experts once posted a laughable long-term chart where the blue boxes were MUCH bigger than the space in between the boxes so the odds of being inside one of the boxes was probably 75%! And I’ve seen the price levels go right through these magic blue boxes anyway without hesitation, so I find them mostly bogus anyway. Avi talks a good game, and acts like he has a lot of knowledge about the markets. But he is using a seriously flawed tool so being an expert in a very flawed tool can be very costly if you are following him. My advice is stick to basic charting like trend lines, moving averages, and simple chart patterns. It can be very hazardous to your financial accounts if you try to use paid services to gain and hold onto your wealth.

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June 13, 2022 1:23 pm

1 billion thumbs up for this guy!! I couldn’t agree more!
Just get their free trial and do a little backtesting: take a few charts from 2018/19 or 2021 and just see what happened next. I assure you that’s a lot of fun!
You’re going to see how wrong they were in 2019/2020, how wrong they’ve been for the last 6 months and how faulty their method is in general. And the funniest thing is that they will never admit any of these disasters; actually they still publicly claim they correctly called the bottom in 2020… well just have a look and you’ll see they miserably missed the top and then called “one thousand” bottoms in 2020 before hitting the right one! Seriously, same story in 2022: they started calling for a bottom in January!!!
This is just a very well wrapped up coin tossing service, with a lot of marketing and targeted censorship in order to maintain that infallibility story. Just wonder why most of Avi’s articles on SeekingAlpha have the comment section locked!!

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👍 21
June 30, 2022 8:19 am
Reply to  alexmark

Well it makes a pleasant change to read some real people commenting on here and not the usual Avi sock puppets!

👍 49
Avi Gilburt
Avi Gilburt
May 13, 2022 5:32 pm

I find it amazing that it takes years until someone posts something negative again. And, again, dishonestly. Especially when this was just posted in our trading room over the last 24 hours:

“I cannot imagine a better value for the money out there than what you provide. Nothing even close to your product.”

“He’s the Michael Jordan of analysts.”

October 31, 2022 4:33 pm

I’ve been a subscriber for years, and I still am. It’s a good service with great analysis up until the past year when the accuracy has gone down the tubes now that we’re in a bear market. Updated analysis from multiple analysts just keep redrawing the line in the sand for wave 4 low lower and lower, week after week, month after month… In the past, their calls have been some of the best, but this year, they have been some of the worst of any analysts out there tbh (in terms of primary count) Literally everyone else I’ve seen has embraced the bear market for quite some time now, but they are still fighting it. I hope this is just a 1 time glitch and they don’t stay so stubborn about bullish outcomes in the future when price is consistently saying otherwise.

But I do stay because Avi is one of the best EW analysts out there, if not the best… and his blue boxes are amazing for Support and resistance. I just wish he would stick to EW and not criticize virtually every other trading system, website, or analyst outside EWT on the planet. It’s gotten to the point where the site is feeling cultish with all the really shallow criticisms of other methods. I have a few friends who have been trading markets probably as long or longer than Avi has been alive that laugh at some of the claims he makes such as fundamentals not mattering at all, or that trendlines are a “lower form” of TA lmao among many other things. I DM other members all the time that bite their tongue every day to these comments but Avi is the most stubborn person on the planet with these views and is completely undebatable because he is always right (he’s the boss). So most people who know better just bite their tongue. If he would stick with what he is good at, I would give it 5 stars. If the cultish feel gets much worse, I might have to go elsewhere.

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November 6, 2022 5:30 am

1) Most Important. EWT has absolutely NO performance metric and NO independent rating of Performance by any proper Rating agency like The Hulbert Financial Digest or The Timers Digest etc.. On their website too there is NO Performance figures at all. In just 2 of their services I saw the individual Analysts made an attempt to post their performance figures and both UNDERPERFORMED the market, so subsecuently both stopped posting their performance figures. We subscribers need more accountablity from a responsible and especially expensive newsletter s like EWT.
2) I read in one of the reviews below that EWT now has some 17 analysta. Its not like all these 17 analysts are working only for your subscription, as they also have numerous subscriptions, 17 different subscriptions for every area of the market. And they are trying to increase their subscribers by enticing every one to join several subscriptions which I totally detest. I can understand separate subscriptions for say 1) ALL equities. 2) All commodities. 3) All Futures markets. 4) All Forex including Crypto currencies, and maybe one more for grace.
Then I can agree that we have a privelege of 17 analysts working between 4 or 5 different subscriptions .
In fact, the service I like The Best is that of analyst Larry White called Larry’s Live Trades. where Larry is the only analyst managing it. So, my advice is to in fact reduce the number of analysts and Improve your performance.
3) The price is ridiculously high at about USD 1000 pre year for EACH separate subscription. So, it would cost about USD 17,000 per year if one were to subscribe to all the 17 different subscriptions. And after that still underperform the market. Just for your information , I have a Lifetime subscription to Louis Navellier’s Growth investor for only USD 250 FOR AN ENTIRE LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION. And its performance is near 3x the market , well recorded by The Hulbert Financial Digest . And it covers all the world Equities. Also, there are others with much better and recorded and verified performance statistics like The Stock Gumshoe,, etc.. for example, at much lower prices.
4) As a positive, I would like to add that the Founder and owner, Avi Gilbert seems a nice caring guy meaning very well for his subscribers and the analysts are all working very hard. Only, they need to improve their performance AND reduce their price.

👍 8
March 5, 2023 9:52 pm

If you can find an unlocked essay by this guy on SA just let me know. Back in the day when he was bold enough to allow comments you couldn’t read/ find a negative one. Now, would why would ANYONE give money to a guy that calls himself “The Michael Jordan of Investing?”

Peter Stock
Peter Stock
July 25, 2023 11:31 am

I followed this service for years because I had a good start when gold, silver and miners were rallying in 2016 and they saw this coming. This, however, is basically the one big success I can point out in years. For instance, they were completely wrong the whole year before the covid crash when they were insisting to be bearish in a steadily rising US stock market, only to give up that view and turn bullish some weeks before the covid crash occurred. Subscribers were completely unprepared and many of them angry or shocked. Even though it is hard to tell how many because negative comments are often deleted within minutes. Moreover, wrong market predictions are very rarely being admitted even if obvious and often there is a very unfriendly reaction when an analyst, especially Avi, is being criticized.

So while the overarching superiority of this service is being emphasized a lot and practically each time they were right (in any of the alternative paths), I do think the reviews given by farhangp or followthetrend are not unfair.

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Jeb Bush
Jeb Bush
December 25, 2023 10:06 am

big ego, wrong a lot ( says the market may go up but it may go down. Then claims t be right all the time. Quite a putz.

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December 28, 2023 11:55 am
Reply to  Jeb Bush

I believe this type of comment almost doesn’t require a reply.

That said, it shows a lack of understanding of what I believe is the purpose of Avi’s website. He stresses that markets are not linear, but using the tool of Elliott waves one can work within parameters of support and resistance ,which allows you a higher degree of profitability.

While offering a Primary perspective, the site always offers alternative counts. If one was right all the time, there would be no Price Discovery, and SPX would go straight from 666 to 6000. Just as Price requires discovery over the different waves that appear to duplicate over time, it is shaped by how Market Sentiment changes during that period. It can cause impulsive waves to deteriorate into corrective waves, and vice versa. As much as knowing the probability of future shapes, it’s important to adapt to the changes in Market Sentiment as they occur, and advise your clients as quickly as possible of what these changes are. I find Avi quickly adapts his shorter term counts to do so, and reviews how those shorter term changes effect the longer term counts.

The site goes out of its way with extensive teaching tools that help one learn how to use Elliott Waves, along with Avi’s Fibonacci Pinball.

Avi allows any member to question and post their own interpretation of what will happen next. This makes it clear to me as a long time subscriber that many members come in with a preconceived bias of where the market is heading, and they want to assume that is where we are going. They cherry pick the counts to agree with their biases, and refuse to learn the system that offers them. Perhaps that is what Jeb ‘s rant is based on.

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April 22, 2024 5:38 pm

Review of Avi’s service (subscribed for 10 months). Summary; (2.5 Stars **)Great commentary but too many alternatives to facilitate short term trading, general direction fair to good.
Throughout any day, Avi and his team will post regular updates with graphs and support/resistance and pivot numbers on a wide range of instruments (like the SPX, Silver, Gold, USO etc) and to all intents and purposes ignore (or trash) the news at any point focussing solely on the Elliott Wave analysis. It’s key to understand this if you use their service as a bad/good/unexpected piece of news appears their charts can get upended in a flash, and of course if you are committed to an Options position for example that can be very painful (or exciting) but seldom comfortable! As a short term intraday/intraweek trading tool and especially if using Options I would rate their accuracy as poor mainly because of their deliberate disregard of any news feed. Taken on a longer time frame however of maybe 14 – 21 days their accuracy (in terms of general direction) is usually pretty reasonable, so this service may suit a long term investor potentially. However, the biggest drawback I found, was on every chart there are 2 or three possibilities outlined with one being the preference at any one moment, but the service almost never gave me a clear ‘nod’ in the direction of significant (short term) travel and by the time one of the possibilities had taken place, either the (short term) opportunity had been missed, or worse the market then went into reverse! (I trade Long and Short so I am applying this to all trading types).
As a general directional indicator Avi’s service is fairly good, but in terms of timing it is not (certainly at an Options level), and to be fair I believe that in the market timing is really everything and even more so in Options. You see at it’s simplest, if I say Silver for example is going to $30 + when it is trading at $27 (12% +), it doesn’t really help me when I then buy it a $27 only to watch it fall to $23 or $24 and then three or six months later his $29 (for example), far better to buy it at $23 or $24 and then watch it grow, but Avi’s service is not capable of giving you that entry point for most of the time.
It’s not that the service is bad, nor that Avi’s work is weak, but I do believe the over reliance on Sentiment, coupled with the disregard of news items, makes for a service with what can be called poor timing at the best, unless of course you are buying stocks for the long haul, but then if you follow the trend – you’ll do that anyway without Avi’s service. Really I’m just sad that the timing is so poor and the various outcomes on the charts so variable and subject to short revision.

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Avi Gilburt
April 26, 2024 6:33 am
Reply to  bigbluemacaw

What makes me scratch my head about this review is that you have never even been listed as a member of Elliottwavetrader! Yet, I will address the issues you brought up anyway.

I love reading reviews that are reviewing what we do not do, especially when we outline that we do not do it. I have said many times that our job is to keep you on the right side of the trend and to outline where we see trend changes developing. Moreover, I have said even more times that we will not be able to identify the exact timing of the moves. Rather, we will outline the set-ups as they develop for those moves.

As far as my silver and gold calls, I think you have absolutely misstated the actual facts, with the great majority of our members disagreeing with your perspective. All our metals clients have been ecstatic with our work, as we have called just about every twist and turn in the metals complex since we opened in 2011. In fact, another member (with the chat handle SP) said this quite recently and it is listed in the chat room for anyone to see, along with many other similar posts:

“You’ve done an amazing job catching all the turns on the metals Avi!”

But, if you are looking for specific timing of moves, especially intra-day – there is NO ONE that can do that. Good luck in finding something that does not exist.

Lastly, if we were as bad as you claim, then I highly doubt we would be one of the largest subscribed market analysis site on the web, with almost 1000 money manager clients as well.

So, the fact that you are posting this review and have never been a member of Elliottwavetrader is a big red flag to begin with.

Moreover, this review is akin to being cramped in the back of a small uber car while you are attempting to post a review about first-class seat on an airplane: “There really is not as much legroom as I want, and it took much longer than I expected to get to my destination.”

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May 22, 2024 12:20 pm

I joined in March 2019. I’m one of those many quiet members that just sit back and use all the information provided. Since joining, my retirement portfolio has increased by 5 fold. I would not be in this position if it wasn’t for the constant guidance received from this service which provides that ever so valuable perspective on the market cycle. This service has become a core part of the financial side of my life, and I don’t think there are enough words for what an early and comfortable retirement can mean to someone.

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