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Exponential Tech Investor

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Mary Alice Fields
November 3, 2017 3:00 pm

I do not think this is a worthwhile subscription especially for the price. All it has accomplished to date is to cause me to lose money. I tried to call them and they are closed for the day. Imagine that! I would like a full refund of my subscription price of $2,500.00.

November 4, 2017 5:42 am

Was the subscription price 2.5k or is that including money you lost from investing in their recomendations.?

May 1, 2020 12:22 pm
Reply to  Grace

All the newsletters are like $35 a year. Then they pump a magical stock with hour long videos to pump you up and all you do is Click their button to get the stock symbol….For Just $2,000

👍 80
May 1, 2020 12:19 pm


👍 80
November 19, 2017 4:16 pm

Ok I’ll admit it…I love to gamble. Jeff brown sounded like a snake oil dealer and i’m probably not wrong. I’m not real happy with this service so far… Brown says he is not so much an investor, but rather a cutting edge tech insider….So I plopped down the $2500 and hoped to break even on his hyped insider info on the Iphone release. I bought his program and all but one of his recommendations were already trading higher than the buy up to price. And the technology he insisted would be in the next Iphone?… Apple went with another vendor so he had big egg on his face after that one. The teaser about a stock ready to explode that was trading at around $1.50 was MicroVision. The other super hyped trade was for the company Energous. Both stocks had a brief run up in price but crashed and burned after earnings reports. Brown hyped the report by including his freee “bonus pick” which turned out to be SNAP…something free and low priced publications were telling everyone to buy already. His next big thing was Overstock, which I did buy, but mostly because of research I did on my own. Overstock worked out as i bought at 32.40 and it currently sits at 52.40…after the losses from WATT and MVIS i’m a little ahead of the game. In summary I think Jeff Brown is a “Me Too” analyst. I would definitely not put a lot of faith in his analysis so give him 2 stars.

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👍 16
December 26, 2017 11:05 pm
Reply to  hotfit

I’m looking into his newsletter. Would you be able to shine light on his most recent newsletter to gauge whether I should buy a subscription? Thanks.

May 1, 2020 12:18 pm
Reply to  Steve

I’m in it and find it basically worthless. But for $35 a year, it’s good for Leads using GumShoe to tell you what Stock he’s talking about.

👍 80
May 1, 2020 12:13 pm
Reply to  hotfit

Hotfit, my opinion is far worse than yours. I think the guy is a crackpot senile self aggrandizing old fart. He seems to think his audience are folks with IQ’s below their age….with all those STUPID ads he does with moron memes, like holding a piece of paper that catches fire, chopping wood in his remote cabin, etc.

The Number One Take for all readers is NEVER pay more than the $35 a year for the stupid newsletters. They Repeat themselves Over and Over again with the same pump & dump. ie, like a Hot Stock they call “Free Energy from Desert Sand!” winds up referring to what they magically call “Si” like oh….some ancient Chinese invention which is nothing more than Silicon used in new solid state batteries. And as far as the Solar Industry “magical” 24/7 production of electricity is the #1 pure USDA BS… It’s just a solid state battery which there’s probably 100 companies working on refinements BUT these batteries cost like $18,000 for a solar system for your home and it SAVES electricity to use at Night ROFLMAS… that is 20 hours worth of only lights but full house.. you got 2 whopping hours of use and it’s dead.

Virtually All these newsletters are “Agora” (Bill Bonner) fine line scam con artist. And if your a Trump fan, Bonner suffers from Stage 4 of Trump Derangement Syndrome (when he feels the need to spout off. Like you said…by the time you get the Symbol, it’s already shot up 100%. I started putting All their recommendations from the TWENTY newsletters I’m subscribed to in only a Watch List. 98% of them go Down within days so if you sit on them you lose.

The only benefit is “getting a Lead”…. then rely on GumShoe to you give you the heads up real scoop to make your decisions. Never a need to pay for the $2,000 hits because the GumShoe covers virtually Everything! And What’s With all their damn 1 hour videos just to tell you at the end. how to profit 25,000% IF you cough up $2,000 which is Valued at $20,000! LOL

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👍 80
January 14, 2021 11:37 am
Reply to  dbonweb

thank you. i almost spent $2k on the latest hype. i made the mistake of subscribing to the cheap newsletter, and now i get these “urgent” notices every day saying that i have one hour to get in on the deal of a lifetime. the deal never changes – a full year subscription to exponential tech investor plus a few “special reports” for a discounted price of $2,000.00.

👍 84
February 4, 2021 5:16 pm
Reply to  dbonweb

Yep, they really turned me off with their URGENT and MUST WATCH NOW emails. Then find out after 60 minutes it’s for the Expo Tech Investor (the $2k gimmick) and they won’t give the symbol unless you join OR it’s a video that was released MONTHS ago (they are not dated) and after 60 minutes you look up the TKR symbol and the stock has already jumped months ago. SO, he may have been right about buying the stock, but unless you are in the TOP group (Brownstone Unlimited)… and there is a higher group than Expo Tech… then you will likely always be behind in getting in low.
All the URGENT messages are the typical TV and in-home B.S. sales crap “buy now and save 50% off installation on…” , does that mean they pay the installers 50% of what they normally pay? Not on your life! The more emails I get from Jeff or Brownstone, etc the more I am driven away.
Going to ask for my $299 back from the original UPSALE I bought into from the $49 initial “deal”. When everything ends with Upselling it is a huge Red Flag!
It costs Brown NOTHING to give everyone the same information at the same time. It drives up the price on whatever stock he has already bought when thousands of followers jump on the same thing.

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November 27, 2017 6:40 pm

I got Jeff’s service as part of a “also included” in a lifetime subscription to Bonner and Partners. I really don’t have a clue what the other commenters have invested in. I have been tracking and investing with Jeff and he has made me lots of money. Square is up more that 150% in my portfolio in less that 1 year. New Relic is up a lot as is many of his “self driving” recommendations. I read many newsletters and invest using their recommendations and I must say that Jeff’s recommendations have made me more money than most.

February 18, 2018 12:17 am
Reply to  farmerM

I hot it the same way. I also got Jeff Clark somehow and he is amazing. He recommends options on mostly gold but earnings also.

Overall I find I make money if I react instantly and get it in time or just wait until price comes back or miss it.

I paid for the whole Bonner Lifetime crap which I got when I bought Focus from that Chris Mayer. Also good results from his shit. Two over 75% in under a year and just good picks. That Private Portfolio is also Chris Mayer and also very good so far.

He is a buy and hold guy. Value Investor. Picked some Banks that you hold for three years and they convert. He claims 12-15% a year on each of them and safe. Time will tell.

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👍 222
April 1, 2019 12:58 pm
Reply to  farmerM

What is the stock recommendation for the add with the orange hockey puck? Thanks

👍 450
November 27, 2017 8:13 pm

Over the past 1.5 years, I’ve followed 16 of Jeff’s recommendations (mainly from Exponential Tech Investor). 11 of them are currently showing a profit (up to 100%) and 5 are showing a loss (up to 25%). So, I’m fairly happy with the performance and have no problems with other measures of service and value.

November 28, 2017 9:22 am

Happy with the analysis and the performance has been good. Having said that, personally I don’t find growth investing easy (I gave the dotcom bubble a miss for example) so I’ve closed out most of my positions, too early of course 🙂

👍 51
Chris Anderl
December 4, 2018 5:31 pm

STAY AWAY FROM Jeff Brown AND BONNER AND PARTNERS. THEY ARE CROOKS. I have purchased shares of EVERY one of the Companies he recommended in both EXPONENTIAL TECH and THE NEAR FUTURE REPORT. Some have gone up, but more have gone down. His BUY UP TO prices are generally TOO HIGH, and he conveniently REMOVES HIS LOSING PICKS rather quickly while continuing to tout his winning picks. He is the opposite of transparent or honest: in other words, a snake-oil salesman who is selling UNWARRANTED OPTIMISM. Keep in mind that HE ALWAYS MAKES money, whether he’s right or wrong. I have never purchased a recommendation above his Buy Up to, and I have made money on some of his picks–but I’ve lost more than I’ve gained, and again: This is by investing in nearly EVERY ONE of his recommendations, approximately the same amount. So one could say, well, you just need to know to pick the winners out of his recommendations. No, that’s what you supposedly PAY HIM FOR. The other thing is: you the average subscriber HAS NO REAL IDEA what kind of INSIDER TRADING Jeff Brown and Bonner and Partners and their cronies are doing. Especially with some of more thinly traded stocks (say volume of less than 250K/shares/day), a few big buyers and sellers can make or break the stock price. If you are in the dark on those behind the scenes actions, then you are simply giving more money to those are intentionally manipulating price. His research reports seem quite well researched, but these tech areas are not at all my expertise (Humanities person here, oh the Humanity of it all.) The best cons are the ones that look as good or better than the real thing, especially when you don’t know what that real thing is. At best, he and his services are ahead of their times and highly speculative with SOME chance of gains–he certainly is an enthusiastic salesman, but then aren’t they (con men, comes from “confidence men” read the book by same title) always? At worst, well see above.

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Chris Anderl
December 4, 2018 6:41 pm
Reply to  Chris Anderl

“Crooks” is too strong a word, but I wasn’t allowed to edit after submitting. I have no direct evidence of that. The main thing that bothers me about Jeff Brown’s services is that he quickly sweeps his BIG LOSERS UNDER THE RUG, and carries on about yet the latest and greatest company you should invest in (he said that about all his losers as well.) So I’m sure with the money from new subscribers at all times–many of whom may not dig into his SELL at LOSS archives–he is perfectly willing to accept all the collateral damage of losing people who have seen how he operates over a year or more.

Also he says his service “is not a trading advice” service, but rather more of a long-term investment portfolio. That directly CONTRADICTS his frequent Buy and Sell (especially those that drop below Stop Loss points.) If he believes in the companies he touts as much he says he does, I would think he’d either set his Stop Losses lower, or hold on through the volatility.

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Alan Read
Alan Read
May 1, 2020 10:58 am
Reply to  Chris Anderl

jeff brown is more sincere than the rest of the gang at bonner and partners,but he forgets his
promises pretty quickly when it comes to members-only websites and archived updates. he’s too busy with his latest pitches to look after customer service issues. I enjoy his enthusiasm, but it can be dangerous.

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john cranford
December 24, 2020 12:22 pm

He is a highly intelligent con artist. Watch the travel channel, if you wish for adventure because he takes your non-refundable fee and you can watch his latest hour interview concerning his latest adventure, with his lapdog DAN and for another fee, you receive his latest money maker which is like the first you watched. Nothing. All he does is sell and you receive absolutely nothing. I told their employee I’d give him my $2000 fee for $500 and he wouldn’t take it

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January 19, 2021 10:36 pm

I joined the Near Future Report and the Exponential Tech Investor back in November. Everyone of the recommendations he suggested I’m up on and any where from 11% to 140%. I’m not the most experienced investor and I’m a dissector, I sat on the sidelines for 5 years fearful of pulling the trigger. Somehow I ran across Brownstone and the guy came off as honest and someone with integrity. I can’t play in the sand box with snakes. All I can tell you about is my own experience, it’s been absolutely amazing. You really never know why people post negative comments, people always want to blame others. It’s you’re money, invest it where ever you like, this has been frigin amazing so far for me personally and I wish the same to everyone who reads this. Good luck.

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👍 6
February 1, 2021 6:39 am
Reply to  markroot54

Hey mark33ok, just read your message from 19 January. Been watching Jeff Brown’s sales pitch “the second wave”. Is this the one you are speaking about? He talks about spending $19k to have his DNA genome done having flown last minute to a company called Human Longevity in Southern California. And with this report he names the company who makes the sequencer as his top pick plus “5 tech darling stocks” to drop ASAP, etc

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Jeff Brown - Brownstone Research
Nicholas Cram
Nicholas Cram
January 20, 2021 5:57 am

The New Tech Hawkers

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Judi Soderberg
Judi Soderberg
April 7, 2021 9:27 pm

I just listened to his latest pitch, The Last Digital Leap, just to see if he’d lie again. In the beginning, we were told he would be telling us about a company set to take off, and with no strings attached. We’d be given the ticker to it and everything. Nope. He gave us nothing. All hype, want’s $2000 to join his service, and from what I see here, not the best track record. So, he’s not just a scammer, he’s a liar.

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April 8, 2021 11:21 am
Reply to  Judi Soderberg

I wish I had read this before spending an hour with pen in hand waiting for the ticker symbols. I screenshot the blurred “Last Digital Leap Watchlist” and could make out some portion of the names. Assuming that these are the actual companies the #1 is ( ) Biosciences, #3 American () Corporation, looks like a 5 letter symbol so likely NASDAQ stock and #4 () Therapeutics.

Only marginally more useful than watching the video, but maybe its something

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👍 1
Trucker MB
Trucker MB
May 19, 2021 9:43 pm
Reply to  Judi Soderberg

Wish Ive read this posts before joining in June2020. He’s realy a liar. If we can post snapshots here, I took snapshots of his text msgs alerts and upsells on my phone, his pump and dumps, ads…..

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👍 28
October 20, 2021 11:14 pm

What about Jeff Bezos warrant plays with AMZ contracted suppliers?

👍 1

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