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“Convergence company taking over Biotech” — What’s Jeff Brown’s “Small Cap Company Using AI To Discover Drugs?”

"A new class of biotech companies is popping up, seemingly out of nowhere.... They've found a way to 'skip ahead' in the drug development process by 20 years or more... "What's being teased in ads for Exponential Tech Investor?

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, September 29, 2021

The first solution to this teaser pitch from Jeff Brown was originally published on May 13, but we’re getting more of these “Convergence” ads from him, and more reader questions, so as we approach the six-month birthday of this pitch I’ve updated our coverage below with some new thoughts and new numbers from the company. The ad itself doesn’t seem to have changed, it still carries an April 2021 date in the fine print at the bottom, but the ads are still, of course, full of “you don’t have much time left to buy” urgency. We’ve kept the comments from the original article attached below, in case that provides any perspective.

It’s an impressive-sounding artificial intelligence drug discovery pitch, to be sure, all about how AI can make the discovery and testing of new drugs far more effective and efficient… and, of course, there’s “one tiny company” at the heart of it all, which you’ll only learn about if you pony up $2,000 for a subscription to his Exponential Tech Investor.

Or, of course, if you keep reading and seeing what the Thinkolator can reveal for us… at a much more free-ish price. Though the real cost, of course, is that you’ll have to think for yourself a little bit. It’s OK, thinking can be fun!

This is the latest summary on their newsletter order form:

“This small-cap sits at the intersection of AI and biotechnology. It’s entered contracts with all of Big Pharma. It’s backed by connected billionaires like Bill Gates, David E. Shaw, and Ron Baron. It’s been called “even more compelling than an early-stage Tesla” by Citron Research. And now it sits on the verge of creating its very own cure — a drug that would completely transform modern medicine if discovered successfully.

“And yet it still remains a secret to the vast majority of the world…”

And here’s how the ad originally drew us in back in May…

“While Amazon is using AI to modernize the brick-and-mortar shopping experience, a small, little-known company is using AI to modernize the entire biotechnology industry.

“In fact, this convergence of AI and biotech is completely changing the way drug discovery and therapeutic development is done….

“AI can quickly and cheaply screen a database of existing drugs to determine which ones have a reasonable probability of being effective against other disease targets. That takes much of the guesswork out.

“And it saves millions of dollars and valuable years in the process.”

And then as you proceed to the “presentation” we get the “behind the scenes” references to secret locations and unknown companies…

“Behind the scenes, at a facility tucked away in the northeastern corner of the United States…

“This explosive stock market event—this “Convergence” that’s happened just a few times in human history—is happening again…

“It’s happening at a small cap biotech company, 1% the size of Johnson & Johnson.

“And it’s upending the world of modern medicine as we know it.”

Johnson & Johnson (no relation, sadly) is a $450 billion company, so 1% of that size ain’t exactly tiny… but yes, we’ll stipulate that $4.5 billion would be considered a “small cap” these days. Any other clues?

Yep, we get plenty of hints… but first, a little rundown on what this company’s technology is doing. First, the inefficiencies that create the opportunity:

“… human drug researchers don’t really know what they’re doing…

“Only 1 in 5,000 drugs that are discovered in the lab… actually make it to market….

The process involves sorting through thousands of possible molecular combinations… trying to ‘guess’ the right sequence—the sequence that will become an FDA-approved drug.

“It’s like trying to randomly guess a password….

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“Modern medicine as we know it—and the many miraculous cures we’ve found so far…

“All of it was built on that “slot machine”—on that 0.02%.

“So imagine this…

“Imagine bumping that success rate up… to just 1%.

“What would that mean?

“Well, that would mean 50 times more drugs on the market.

“50 times as many answers to pain, suffering, and disease.”

That’s the basic spiel — smarter systems lead to better drug discovery, leading to more and better drugs, which would lead, one assumes, to more profits for those drug developers.

And that system, of course, is being sold by a small company. Here’s more from the pitch:

“This small cap has found a “new way” to discover drugs.

“This ‘new way’ isn’t aiming at 1% better odds… or 2% or even 3%… it’s aimed much, much higher…..

“This small cap is using artificial intelligence to discover drugs—without human input….

“I found this buried down on page 3, line 24 of a protected government document.

“Per this document, this company’s technology can, quote, ‘evaluate billions of molecules per week’ ….

“… if this AI can evaluate just 2 billion molecules per week, that means it’s no less than 10.3 billion percent faster than human beings.

“10.3 billion percent faster than the people who have discovered every cure to date.”

Other clues? Well, that “corner of the Northeastern US is, you may have heard of it, New York City….

“It’s in operation right now, in a lab in New York, at a tiny biotech company.

“Yet you haven’t heard a word about it.

“You haven’t read about it in the mainstream press… The Wall Street Journal hasn’t put it on its front page.”

And there are some big-name investors involved, as always…

“Bill Gates heard about it, of course. He’s purchased over sixteen million shares in this small cap. His fellow billionaires heard about it. David E. Shaw bought over 9 million shares… Ron Baron owns this stock too. So the information was there… somewhere.

“But most people—people like you—have been kept in the dark. Today that changes.”

And there are bunches of other quotes from luminaries and brand names to support Brown’s assertions of the special-ness of this stock…

“The research branch of the infamous hedge fund, Citron Research, called this AI the ‘most disruptive software platform to ever hit the pharmaceutical industry’….

“They also called this company ‘even more compelling than an early-stage Tesla’—they mentioned the word ‘Tesla’ fourteen times throughout the eight-page document….

“A business scholar from the University of Michigan published an analysis in which he wrote, quote, ‘the market is missing the disruptive potential of [this small cap]’….

“Business Wire, a company owned by the oracle of Omaha himself, Warren Buffett, says, ‘[this small cap] is transforming the way therapeutics are discovered.'”

That’s way more info than the Thinkolator needs, thankfully, so we’ve got an answer for you… if you want to join us on that voyage of self-discovery, you can find the sources of those quotes from Citron’s report (Feb. 2020), for example, but we should also call out the silly name-drop of Warren Buffett there — Business Wire is just a press release distribution platform Berkshire Hathaway happens to own, and that quote is included in pretty much every single press release this “secret” company puts out. The full quote, which has nothing to do with Warren Buffett, is…

“Schrödinger is transforming the way therapeutics and materials are discovered. Schrödinger has pioneered a physics-based software platform that enables discovery of high-quality, novel molecules for drug development and materials applications more rapidly and at lower cost compared to traditional methods.”

So yes, this is, as some have no doubt already guessed, a tease leading to a recommendation to buy Schrodinger (SDGR).

Which is an interesting company, for sure, and one that I put in my Lock Box portfolio after it dropped earlier this eyar (though it has dropped further still since then). What else does Jeff Brown say about them?

“Each of the top 20 pharmaceutical companies in the world have now entered contracts with this small cap to use its technology.”

That’s true, they’ve essentially got every major company in the industry using their platform for drug discovery, to at least some degree. It’s sold on subscription, like any other cloud platform, and they had total software revenue of $92.5 million last year, with annual contract value growing at a 16% CAGR over the past seven years — which is not nosebleed growth for a SaaS company, but it has accelerated in recent years (up 22% last year). They have 16 customers who each generate more than $1 million in annual contract value, up from 10 in 2019, and they had 99% customer retention.

That makes them a pretty interesting cloud software company, though it would be understandable if you didn’t feel like paying 40X sales for a software company that’s growing subscription software revenue at 20% a year. That is a little steep, even in the context of the crazy valuations we’ve seen in SaaS land in the past year.

There is more potential growth on the software side, and Schrodinger makes clear in their presentations and investor calls that they believe the growth potential remains high in that sector because their large users are still not really “power users” and can dramatically increase usage of the system (and therefore revenues) as they begin to accept the benefits it provides… but the big potential beyond that base level of subscriptions might be from the other ways in which they get a piece of drugs that are discovered on their platform… more from Jeff Brown on that…

“There’s a reason why everyone is going to hear about this small cap soon—there’s a reason its name could soon appear on the front page of The Wall Street Journal.

“But it’s not just because of its contracts with Big Pharma.

“It actually has to do with the ‘Second Phase’ of this small cap’s business model.”

Oooh, oooh, what is it? What’s the “second phase?”

Prepare to take a blood oath, here’s more from Brown:

“Please understand.

“What I’m about to share next is strictly private.

“I ask that you do not disclose it to anyone, for any reason.

“This stays between you and me….

“This small cap isn’t just renting out its AI to Big Pharma.

“As of today, in virtual secrecy…

“It’s using its AI for itself. To create something remarkable… to create its own ‘miracle’ cure.

“Meaning the gains on the table could be even more massive.

“Because when a small cap company can create its own drug…

“The upside could be bigger than anything we’ve discussed so far.”

OK, so no, it’s not “strictly private” — they haven’t made a huge amount of progress on their plan to develop their own drugs just yet, but they sure talk up the potential with investors every chance they get… this is from their “corporate profile”:

“Schrödinger’s industry-leading computational platform facilitates the research efforts of biopharmaceutical and industrial companies, academic institutions, and government laboratories worldwide. Schrödinger also has wholly-owned and collaborative drug discovery programs in a broad range of therapeutic areas.”

So yes, that’s the basic outline of why any investor would buy the company: The software sales create pretty steady cash flow, and the company has a bunch of collaborations with pharma companies that would lead to royalties on any future approved drugs, as well as a pipeline of it’s own (very early stage) molecules that they’ve discovered and are preparing for possible clinical trials.

The company has been teased before, back in February when Chris Wood touted it (and when the price was about $50 higher)… this is what I said after my first look at the company back then:

“If I were to buy SDGR (I’m not planning to at the moment), it would not be on a near-term bet that something big will happen, it would be on a bet that they might have a dozen good things happen over the next five years, with the growing software sales helping them to avoid burning too much cash while they wait for drug development deals to become commercially meaningful, and I’d try to mostly ignore the share price in the interim — it will probably be a long time before the business catches up with the market valuation, but you can see that it’s clearly possible if the trajectory of their software sales continues and their collaborations yield some fruit and begin to generate meaningful revenue at some point. The main risk today is that, as with so many popular growth stocks, current valuations mean you’re prepaying for quite a bit of success that might or might not happen in the future. Bill Gates waited 10 years before he started selling shares, you might have to wait a bit as well.

“There are only a couple analysts making guesses on SDGR’s future, but right now they expect the company to become profitable next year and for revenues to double between 2020 and 2022. They have continued to raise their price targets over the past few months, but they can’t keep up with the investor enthusiasm for the shares.”

And after the stock fell 40% or so to below $70 in March, I added it to my Lock Box portfolio. Here’s a little bit of what I wrote at the time:

Schrodinger (SDGR) has come up several times in teaser pitches and pundit commentary in recent weeks, and that stock also got clobbered on earnings — so it has now lost about 30% of its value in a week or so, and the share price is back to where it was in December, around $70. The shares are still up 80% since they went public about a year ago, but everything is relative. The reason the shares got clobbered, other than the general panic about richly valued stocks, is that they issued guidance for 2021 revenues that was wildly lower than analysts had been forecasting — I expect that’s partly because of a misunderstanding about how much revenue would be recognized from their big Bristol-Myers Squib deal announced last year, partly conservatism in the face of what is likely to be lumpy revenue, and partly just that we don’t know this company very well yet — they’ve been public for less than a year.

The valuation is still nutty by any historical standard, at 30X next year’s revenue, and that’s probably too much to pay for a cloud software platform that’s still in a fairly niche area of drug discovery… but the reason to consider it is the pharmaceutical partnerships beyond that and the actual drug discovery work, which, if they bear fruit (that’s a big “if”) will lead to milestone payments and royalties. It will be a bumpy ride, and it might fail completely, but it will need time to play out as they develop their drug targets for Bristol-Myers Squib (BMY) and begin to bring their self-developed targets into the clinic, and if the early indications of success turn into something much more compelling it could really snowball with milestone payments and royalties over the next decade….

The primary risk that analysts and investors seem to be worried about is whether or not they’ve “used up” their target market, since they already work with most of the large pharmaceutical companies, but that doesn’t particularly worry me — the platform can be used lightly or heavily, with variable costs, and their customers mostly use it lightly so far… so there’s potential growth as they become familiar with it and begin to use it more, assuming that it continues to work well for them (retention is very strong), and there’s also the just-barely-tapped market outside of pharmaceuticals as they sell their software platform to materials companies who are looking for the best molecular interactions for things like new battery materials.

And how’s the progress? Brown implies that he’s got some special info:

“This small cap is using its AI to create a drug that would, if discovered successfully, completely eradicate one of the deadliest conditions in existence: cancer

“Pancreatic cancer, to be exact.

“This type of cancer has eluded human scientists for decades—and, if nothing is done… it’s set to be the second most common cause of death within the next ten years….

“This cure isn’t just an “idea.”

“This small cap’s AI is already discovering it—as we speak.

“What’s more…

“This possible cure is mere steps away from making it into human patients….

“I know this because it came straight from the CEO’s mouth.

“I’m not adding any interpretation to this.

“He stated, in his own words:

“‘We expect to initiate [the first step of the “golden path”] later this year'”

And, of course, he implies that this info was shared in some secret confab for only the uber-elite…

“This small cap’s CEO didn’t say this to a big crowd… he didn’t say it in an interview on TV…

“He said it somewhere only people like me are looking—a location I frankly can’t disclose at this time.

“What I can say is…

“I believe when this hits the wire, all bets will be off.”

OK, so we can pull back the curtain there… this is just a quote from the CEO’s opening remarks in their March quarterly conference call, the actual words were “we also made excellent progress on our discovery pipeline and expect to initiate IND-enabling studies later this year for multiple programs,” according to the Motley Fool’s transcript.

“IND-enabling” is still a pretty early stage, to be clear — that means you’re doing the lab research that would provide enough data for you to apply for IND status (that stands for Investigational New Drug) with the FDA, and if they approve that then you can put that drug into a human being for the first time as you launch Phase 1 clinical trials. Drug discovery is speeded up by the ability to use AI and their massive processing power to select molecules for their precise interactions with other molecules, but that doesn’t mean the process of actually getting regulatory approval and testing the drugs in humans is going to be any faster than usual, so prepare to wait.

Who knows, though, sometimes stocks move significantly on news that a drug is entering the clinic… or on the first news releases about early results from those clinical trials. Neither of those things will be coming from Schrodinger this year, it appears, this is what their Head of Discovery R&D said in May in their first quarter update:

“I will highlight three of our most advanced programs, MALT1, CDC7 and Wee1. Based on the strong data we have generated to-date, we plan to move forward with IND enabling studies for these programs. Subject to completion of the preclinical data packages, we expect to submit up to three IND applications in 2022, with our first submission expected in the first half of next year. “

That Wee1 inhibitor drug they’re developing, which they call SDGR2, could be used to target pancreatic cancer, so that might be the specific drug Brown is hinting at (though they haven’t narrowed it down that specifically yet), and I’m definitely not an expert on the science involved here… so I’ll just issue my typical reminder that it’s going to take a while, and failure in these early stages is common. Maybe it will be less common with a molecule that is vetted for its physical properties and interactions as well as those discovered using Schrodinger’s technology, perhaps there’s lower probability of surprising side effects or higher probability of efficacy, but that’s really still just conjecture at this point. And yes, that forecast for when they’ll get into the clinic with those three drugs remains the same as of the August quarterly update.

And that also means the news flow might be a little less immediate than Jeff Brown implies (which is common, newsletters need to generate a sense of urgency to make sales), since Schrodinger won’t even be asking for permission to test their first drug on humans for probably a year or so… clinical trials are still quite a ways off. You’ve got time to think it over before their self-developed drugs get onto that “golden path” (which seems to mean just, “beginning clinical trials”).

If you want some further confirmation, that quote about “billions of molecules per week” appears several times in Schrodinger’s SEC filings, (or, if you want to make them seem more mysterious, “protected government documents”), like this in their IPO registration filing (S-1):

“Speed. Our platform is able to evaluate molecules in hours rather than the weeks that it typically takes to synthesize and assay molecules in the laboratory.

“Scale. Our platform can explicitly evaluate billions of molecules per week, whereas traditionally operated discovery projects only synthesize approximately one thousand molecules per year, thereby increasing the probability that we find a novel molecule with the desired property profile.

“Quality. In a peer-reviewed study, our platform was tested against traditional methods for selecting tight-binding molecules and resulted in an eight-fold increase in the number of molecules with the desired affinity.”

We should be clear about what’s being claimed versus what Jeff Brown is touting, however — Schrodinger believes, with evidence, that their platform can help cut the time for drug development in half and make it more efficient and effective. That’s a really big deal, but when teaser pitches start throwing around phrases like “10.3 billion percent faster,” well, we might get an unfortunate tendency to overreact. There are lots of different AI-powered drug-discovery and molecule testing strategies in use now and being developed in labs, Schrodinger’s is not the only one… though it is one platform that has been adopted for at least some use by almost all the major pharma companies, and the company sees a huge potential to ramp up usage as those companies see the results of their initial work and begin to use Schrodinger’s platform more aggressively.

And Schrodinger’s biggest partner is also name-dropped in Brown’s ad, in case you’re curious about the “free” stock he gave away in his presentation:

“I told you earlier I’d give you the ticker of a company on the ground floor of this major moment in biotech and AI — this ‘Convergence’ — for free….

“As a thank you for sticking with me right up to the end, here it is: Bristol-Myers Squibb. Stock ticker “B-M-Y.”

“This company is sitting right at the epicenter of this small cap’s “Convergence”.

“Bristol-Myers Squibb is actually partnering with this small cap.

“They’re looking to take a cut of the profits if one of this small cap’s drugs goes to market, so they’ve agreed to handle the “dirty work,” like marketing and distribution, in return for a piece of this small cap’s sales.

“It’s an incredible deal for Bristol-Myers Squibb.

“But, of course, as great as this deal is… Bristol-Myers Squibb is, as you know, a large cap company. A market cap of $140 billion.

“As I’ve shown you, it might see a modest bump from this news, maybe it won’t—that’s the nature of large cap companies like it.”

That collaboration between Schrodinger and Bristol Myers was announced back in November, and it is a big deal — with the potential for billions of dollars in milestone payments and some good royalties if drugs are successfully developed and commercialized… though investors reacted lustily to the news and drove the shares up dramatically after that, and then sold them off when it became a little clearer that this collaboration was not going to instantly double revenues.

SDGR did not change their forward guidance for 2021 this last quarter (which perhaps is another reason for recent weakness in the shares), so they’re still anticipating something in the range of $133 million in revenue this year — and have made it clear that milestone payments will not be as consistent or imminent as was originally anticipated by some analysts back in November, so they’re not likely to be profitable this year or next.

That’s really the shock to the system that caused the share price to falter earlier this year — analysts overstated the immediate impact of the BMY deal and sent the 2021 revenue estimates to $175 million or so, with expected profitability right away (47 cents/share in earnings forecast), and SDGR threw cold water on that in March and has continued sprinkling water to keep the flames down in the most recent quarter (announced August 12). Now with revenue estimates down quite a bit from that earlier enthusiasm, and with Schrodinger’s update that they expect their software gross margins to fall and their expenses in general to rise faster than revenue this year, profitability is pushed out to 2023, most likely. The business is very hard to predict and analysts have probably over-corrected on the pessimistic side, but the valuation is still steep so the shares are likely to remain volatile. SDGR is valued at a little under 30X 2021 sales and about 19X forecasted 2022 sales.

I continue to think Schrodinger is an appealing speculation for the long term, because of both the possibility of meaningful growth in subscription revenue and the many partnerships and development programs that could bear profitable fruit in the future.

Unless they have huge new collaboration deals to announce at some point, which is inherently unknowable, the next two updates of import will probably be their software revenue growth at the end of the year, since the customer upgrades seem to be concentrated in the fourth quarter, and their launch of clinical trials for their own drugs in development. Which means, I wouldn’t count on anything super-exciting happening in the next few months, the third quarter report is unlikely to bring any big changes in November unless they substantially increase their revenue guidance at that point, and the important Q4 update won’t come until probably the first week of March… and that first IND filing for their own programs could happen anytime, but guidance for “first half of the year” doesn’t often mean they rip out of the gate with that accomplishment in January. You’ve probably got time to think it over.

That software revenue guidance for the balance of the year looks to me like it’s being sandbagged a bit, given that most of their customers renew their annual contracts and increase their usage in the fourth quarter but they’re not projecting much growth in that quarter, so either there’s more risk of some customers being cautious or even losing a customer (which is rare, their retention is in the 96-99% range), or SDGR management is just trying not to over-promise. Hopefully it’s the latter, but I don’t really know.

There are 25 or so collaborative programs moving forward as well, though only five of those are actually in clinical trials at this point, and they’re all early (Phase 1 primarily, though I think one is in Phase 2 now), so there could be a steady roll of milestone payments over the next few years as drugs progress, and they will likely announce new collaborations as well (like the one they announced with Zai Labs over the summer), but the hoped-for royalty portfolio from these collaborations is many years away.

I expect the best hope for a steady rise from here is for the company to consistently surprise with upselling their customers to higher usage of the software platform, or to make more large collaborative agreements like the Bristol-Myers deal last year, and I even think that’s relatively likely to happen over time… but huge milestone payments (for things like drug approvals) or clinical triumphs could easily be years off, and royalties further off still, so there will probably be lots of quarters of overreaction for the stock, both up and down. They’ve got plenty of cash on hand, and I’m willing to be patient (my position is locked up for five years), but I sure don’t know what the stock will do this year. As of now, it is down about 20% since I added it to my Lock Box portfolio. You can check out the company’s September update to their investor overview presentation to get more detail on their progress and plans.

That’s just me, though, and I’m neither a physicist nor a biologist, so maybe I’m missing something terrible or misreading the potential of Schrodinger’s technology — as a non-expert, I’m following the money and putting a lot of weight on the fact that essentially all the big pharma companies are using the platform, and that on average they’re using it more each year. Have a different perspective? Other AI-driven drug discovery stocks you prefer? (There are a bunch of them, many still private and venture-funded.) Please do let us know with a comment below.

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September 30, 2021 1:01 am

Does anyone know Jeff Brown’s stock picks for the 5G Flip? Once I learn of a stock I always check it out using the internet etc.

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October 4, 2021 12:20 am

Hi Mr. Ian Neil Flynn and everyone else.
Please read this post and the one right after, as it will give you a rather extensive (most of ) Jeff Brown’s recent recommendations in various sectors.

I have a lifetime subscription to Jeff Brown’s Brownstone research which includes EVERYTING he ever recommended in the past, present and will be recommending in the future.

Here are Jeff Brown’s Apple-related $12.3 Trillion portfolio:
(I am listing them in FIVE categories, A thru E):

A. ” The 5-G Super Stocks”
(I’ll just give you the tickers here):
1. Ticker: AKTS
2. Ticker: IIVI
3. Ticker: MTSI
4. Ticker: INFN

B. Electric Vehicle-related stocks:
1. Company name: Fisker, (Ticker: FSR)
2. Company name: Lumentum Holdings Inc, (Ticker: LITE)

C. Three stocks to buy amid Semiconductors shortage:
Note: As Jeff pointed out in the webinar, these three stocks are foreign stocks which we have to call our brokers to help us do the buying transactions (through Taiwan Stock Exchange):
1. MediaTek (Ticker: 2454TT )
2. United Microelectronic Corporation (Ticker: 2303TT)
3. Taiwan Surface Mounting Technology ( Ticker: 6278TT)

D. Company using Artificial Intelligence to discover drugs:
Schrodinger (Ticker: SDGR)

E. Finally, his free pick stock recommendation:
Company name: (Ticker: AI)

By the way, I’m dying to know which coins are in LUKE LANGO’S AND CHARLIE SCHREMS ULTIMATE CRYPTO package. I would truly appreciate anyone sharing this info. Thanks, in advance.
If anyone wants to know anything of Jeff Brown’s past, present, or future recommendations, all you have to do is ask. I don’t hold back anything, as we’re all in this together. I don’t believe in “Exchanging” an apple for an apple. I believe in “Sharing” with gusto, even if I don’t get anything in return.

In fact, right after this post, below, I’m going to share a whole bunch of Jeff Brown’s most recent recommendations in Crypto space (In his most recent (newest) publication called ” Unchained Profit Pro” ).
Best of luck to everyone.

👍 760
October 4, 2021 12:22 am
Reply to  kazito

Here are Jeff Brown’s latest crypto (and other) recommendations:
1. Buy Polkadot (DOT) up to $45
2. Buy Celo (CGLD) up to $5.12
3. Buy Maker (MKR) up to $5,000
4. Buy ZeroX (ZRX) up to $1.40

Important Note: Please keep in mind that all of the recommendations are selling considerably bellow Jeff Brown’s “Up To” prices. So, please do your shopping diligently and don’t pay too high a price, unnecessarily. Also, be mindful of the inherently high volatilities in crypto, and shop diligently in order to buy at minimal prices.

The following two recommendations are also in Jeff Brown’s latest publication and can be purchased on your regular brokerage accounts (For example TD Ameritrade, or whatever):
5. Buy Cipher Mining , (CIFR) ; I believe this is a crypto mining company.
6. Buy CND, (Concord Acquisition Corporation) which is a SPAC and it is believed to be acquiring the company Circle (CRCL), soon enough, as perJeff Brown.
Buy CND up to $10.50

Finally, Jeff’s last recommendation is a coin Token by the name (and Ticker) NEXO
7. Buy Nexo , (NEXO) up to $3.00
Important Note: You can ONLY buy NEXO at the site:, as per Jeff Brown.

Best of luck to everyone.
Suggestion: You might wanna subscribe to this comment thread (scroll all the way down and you will see the link). If you send me any message or inquiry here, I will get an email alert so I can spot your comment and read it. Thanks.

👍 760
October 6, 2021 4:13 am
Reply to  kazito

Thank you, Kazito!

👍 5
October 6, 2021 3:53 pm
Reply to  schtelmansson

You’re most welcome, Schtelmansson.

👍 760
October 7, 2021 12:00 pm
Reply to  kazito

thanks !! i only have suscription to pb confidential

October 10, 2021 1:15 am
Reply to  jorgeabu

Any recent (good) recommendations in Palm Beach Confidential you can share with us? Thanks.

sir kensington
sir kensington
October 23, 2021 7:57 pm
Reply to  kazito

I just found your JB recommendations and wow, thank you. I have his Exp Tech Investor but was curious about his crypto picks.

Also curious about his $6 stock which should go to $35 if you know? He is trying to sell it in a recent email. My guess is its in the Early Stage Trader but didn’t suffer through the video.

I have PB Confidential.
Latest Hyperboom portfolio from PBC:
ZRX < 3.00
Ren < 2.00
CRV < 5.00
MATIC < 2.50
CELO < 12.00
LDO < 12.00
He combined a two older picks with 4 made this year.

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👍 11
sir kensington
sir kensington
October 24, 2021 8:55 am
Reply to  kazito

Thank you for the tips above. I only have his Exp Tech Investor letter.

I’m curious if there are any good ‘penny IPO’ recommendations?

I also have PB Confidential. The latest is the Hyper Boom Portfolio:
ZRX up to 3
REN up to 2
CRV up to 5
MATIC up to 2.50
CELO(CGLD) up to 12
LDO up to 12

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👍 11
November 18, 2021 6:37 pm
Reply to  sir kensington

ZENYF, Zentek is an IP development and commercialization company with expertise in nanomaterials (graphene). ZenGuard ppe mask (produced by TreborRX) kills Covid on contact. Stock is doing great. Recently applied for NASDAQ listing.

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Thomas LIncoln
December 12, 2021 11:27 am
Reply to  kazito

Kazito. Palm Beach: No.1 crypto recommendation: The Graph. Currently at 67 cents. Available on Coinbase.

Thomas LIncoln
December 12, 2021 11:55 am
Reply to  Thomas LIncoln

Kazito, when I first got the pitch on PB #1 crypto it was touted at being “recently at 77 cents”. But, at that time is a bit over $1.00 and I bought some. Since then it has gone down. I believe it’s currently trading at about 68 Cents.

December 13, 2021 9:51 am
Reply to  Thomas LIncoln

Thank you so much for sharing, Thomas. I already bought Graph a while back. I really appreciate it.

👍 760
October 10, 2021 10:24 pm
Reply to  kazito

I really appreciated this, Kazito. Unfortunately, I don’t have anything to share as I just read Travis’ free newsletter and am new to investing.

October 10, 2021 11:54 pm
Reply to  yogini

Yogini, that’s okay. I appreciate it, anyhow.
Welcome to the gumshoe family. You landed on the best site with the most, friendliest members, all sharing ideas and recommendations from whatever subscription everybody has.
Not to mention Travis who is the BEST market analyst and most humble. Thanks to all gumshoe family.
Best of luck to you, and all other members.

👍 760
October 23, 2021 7:27 am
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kazito,

What is Jeff Brown $6 stock recommendation which will go upto $35. Can you please let me know.


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November 5, 2021 7:24 pm
Reply to  jaskaran

Jaskaran, you will need to tell me which sector the stock is in, and which publication of Jeff Brown the stock is teased in before I can find it and tell you. He has countless recommendations in different sectors which appear in different publications of his.

👍 760
November 18, 2021 9:38 am
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kazito,

Hope you don’t mind me asking you a further question? Do you happen to know whether the day 1 investment scheme JB has launched is suitable for international investors? I’m considering subscribing but obviously need to know whether non US investors can take part.( &nNo reply yet received from their help desk!) Do you think it would be a v high risk set of investments ,,,any thoughts on this? Thanks!

👍 25
November 17, 2021 9:28 pm
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kazito, will appreciate your input on the day one summit, Jeff Brown has been teasing about. Thank you in advance.

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day one summit
👍 2
November 18, 2021 9:16 pm
Reply to  Rav

Hi Rav.
Be happy to share the info.
The name of Jeff Brown’s “DAY ONE” company is:
“Realm Metaverse Real Estate”.
You can reserve your investment amount on website.
You need to HURRY. It will fill up fast and you could be knocked out of the chance to invest, as Jeff Brown pointed out on the webinar, too.
Good luck.

👍 760
December 16, 2021 3:49 pm
Reply to  kazito

Thanks for sharing I just found this site!!

👍 1
January 27, 2022 9:23 pm
Reply to  kazito

Thank you Kazito! What a generous person you are, your kind help is very much appreciated, especially by us who are ‘financially challenged’ and can’t afford the expensive subscriptions – I have The Near Future Report and PB Letter, on special offers. I listen in to most of the presentations, from the UK in the early hours of the morning, and get the odd free ‘tip’ like Jeff Brown’s last evenings “Solana” (SOL) re his “The NFT Moment”. Again, many thanks! Best regards.

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Jason DeMarino
Jason DeMarino
October 8, 2021 10:47 am
Reply to  kazito

i faintly remember A pitch about luminar and some other ticker about a censor that reads and forsees everything for self driving cars I’ll look into BUT Before today i liked stellantis for EV but they hit chip snag

October 22, 2021 11:11 am
Reply to  kazito

Dear Kazito,

Very generous of You, I hope some day I come up with a useful information for you as well
Best GS.

👍 2
October 22, 2021 2:51 pm
Reply to  create

You’re most welcome, gsinter.
I appreciate it.

👍 760
October 30, 2021 4:36 am
Reply to  kazito

Dear Kazito,

I’ve just stumbled upon this thread/forum after many hours spent sleuthing using JB’s stock pick clues! I’m afraid I only subscribe to the Near Future Report, (which of course you will have..) so cannot currentky share any further gems with you, but just wanted to thank you for sharing your info here – really appreciated!
I also wanted to ask if one of my bits of sleuthing has led to me correctly guessing ( or not!!) one of JBs recent penny stock picks- he mentions a biotech co involved in cancer treatments which has recently set up a dedicated facility with off the shelf treatments…..might this be PDS Biotech, do you know?
I’m also curious as to the third of the 3 biotech penny stocks he alluded to in one report..I figured out Kaleido biotech, I’m guessing PDS might be the second but am struggling with the third biotech! Do you have this info?? He says it’s “the cheapest stock in my portfolio, a screaming bargain”, and has 2 FDA special designations….

Much appreciated if so…


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November 18, 2021 11:18 am
Reply to  Roozie

Hi Roozie. I need you to tell me which one of his publications your requested stock is supposed to be in, and also a time frame as to when he recommended the stock. There are a lot of recommendations made in different publications of Jeff brown. So, unless you give me as much information about the stock and the specific publication it came in and the approximate date/time he recommended the stock, I will probably not be able to find it. Like I said, there are just too many publications of Jeff brown, and too many recommendations, made at different times in each publication. Please provide me with these specific info, and I will try to go there and dig it out. Thanks.

👍 760
November 18, 2021 4:13 pm
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kazito, firstly, thank you soo much for taking the time to reply., I really appreciate it. In fact I have since found out that my assumption there was incorrect (PDS) and it was actually Precision Biosciences (DTIL).
However, while I am here, could I ask whether you will be gaining access to JB’s Day 1 Private Investing (Pre IPO) portfolio as a part of your lifetime sub deal? I am considering signing up but at 5K am trying to justify whether it’s worth it. ?Unfortunately I don’t see an easier way to gain access to pre-IPO deals without his service, so am seriously having to consider it. Any info you have on it would be gratefully received. I’m certainly intrigued about the name of his first private metaverse deal that he touted last night…

Thanks again.

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November 18, 2021 7:02 pm
Reply to  roozie

Hi again, Roosie. Yes, I have a lifetime access to Jeff Brown’s “DAY ONE” pre-IPO companies, as well as all his other publications. I already gave you the name of the one great company he touted in his webinar last night.(gave you the name of the company in my earlier reply to you).
I will give the name of any “DAY ONE” company that he recommends in the future. So, no need for you to waste $5,000 for a subscription. All you have to do is shoot me an email and I will send you the name of any future company he recommends in the “DAY ONE” publication (or any other recommendations he makes in any sector, for that matter). My email is: If you want, please send me a quick email (with your name in the email), so I will have you in my inbox for future correspondence. Thanks.

👍 760
November 18, 2021 8:53 pm
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kazito, I had the same question as Roozie (thank you for asking) and probably it got lost in the other responses. Thank you for responding to these. Looks like I missed your day one recommendation from the webinar and cant find it in this thread. Will appreciate it if you could share the details here again or if its alright , I could email you. Its very generous of your offer to save $$ for others. Sorry I do not have anything to offer to you in return. Thank you again

👍 2
November 18, 2021 9:25 pm
Reply to  Rav

Hi Rav. I just responded to your message on another thread. But I am copying and pasting the same response here, again:

Be happy to share the info.
The name of Jeff Brown’s “DAY ONE” company is:
“Realm Metaverse Real Estate”.
You can reserve your investment amount on website.
You need to HURRY. It will fill up fast and you could be knocked out of the chance to invest, as Jeff Brown pointed out on the webinar, too.
Good luck.

👍 760
November 18, 2021 9:51 pm
Reply to  kazito

Thank you kazito. I sent you an email, please add my email for future recommendations.

👍 9
Walter Pisary
Walter Pisary
November 18, 2021 11:02 pm
Reply to  kazito

Thank you very much, Kazito!
I am getting Exp Tech, Near Future and Outlier Investor, bur can’t justify shelling out another 5K for that service.
BTW, if you (or anybody else for that matter) are interested, the newest PBC trade on metaverse is 3 coins
Sandbox (SAND) < 8
Yild Gild Games (YGG) < 12
Enjin Coin (ENJ) <5
You need a little crypto sophistication to invest in the 2nd but none for the 1st and the 3rd if you just leave them on the exchange. Not recommended but a viable option for people who are not comfortable setting up their own e-wallets.

The 3rd is a past recommendation with updated buy up to price.

I would like to send you an e-mail as well if you don't mind.

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November 19, 2021 8:55 am
Reply to  Walter Pisary

Hi Walter, I’ve been looking at SAND amongst others. Just wondering if PB only recommends staking via Uniswap or whether doing so more simply, (via say Binance) is ever mentioned? ETH fees so high I find it hard to justify doing it on a DEX like UNiswap! Appreciate any thoughts!

Walter Pisary
Walter Pisary
November 20, 2021 6:31 pm
Reply to  roozie

He doesn’t recommend staking it anywhere. You can buy and (I believe) stake it on Gemini. This is the easiest option but their rates are low.

November 19, 2021 3:57 pm
Reply to  Walter Pisary

Hi Walter. Thank you for sharing the crypto coins info. Can you please tell me on what exchange I can buy the following metaverse coins:
1. Sandbox (SAND)
2. Polkcity (POLC)
3. Arweave (AR)
4. Audius (Audio)
I will check your email, as well. Thanks AGAIN.

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👍 760
November 19, 2021 8:45 pm
Reply to  kazito

Sandbox and Audius are available in Binance. Dont know about the others.

👍 2
November 20, 2021 11:49 am
Reply to  Rav

Thank you, Rav.
I appreciate it.

👍 760
Walter Pisary
Walter Pisary
November 20, 2021 4:42 am
Reply to  kazito

SAND is available on Gemini.
I need to do a little research on others,

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Walter Pisary
Walter Pisary
November 20, 2021 6:27 pm
Reply to  Walter Pisary

Couldn’t find any mention of POLC or AR or listing on major exchanges. Sorry, can’t help you with these.

Walter Pisary
Walter Pisary
December 18, 2021 9:17 pm
Reply to  kazito

You might want to check out I think they have quite a few coins that are not available anywhere else. I didn’t have time to explore it thus far but hope to get some (time that is) during the final week of the year.

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November 19, 2021 1:14 am
Reply to  kazito

Thank you so much Kazito. I checked it out and put down some money too. Greatly appreciate this.

👍 2
November 19, 2021 2:38 am
Reply to  Rav

You’re most welcome, Rav.

👍 760
Marilyn Van Heerden
Marilyn Van Heerden
November 19, 2021 11:13 pm
Reply to  Rav

Hi Rav,

I was excited to go check out Reserve Realm Metaverse, but unfortunately, I can’t afford $1000 right now 🙁

My budget is $100. Are there any of Jeff’s Day One recommendations that has a min investment amount of $100 or less? Something more within the budget of the little guys?

November 20, 2021 3:14 pm

Hi Marilyn, credit goes to Kazito for sharing the information and did mention that there has been only one recommendation so far. As far as this particular investment goes there is a minimum unfortunately. You could check out the crypto recommendations suggested earlier by Kazito and Walter in the thread and may be you can invest in some of them. That could be a way of getting into the metaverse play as well.

👍 2
November 19, 2021 6:57 am
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kazito, thank you, you are a star!! I was v v close to subscribing to JB (along with my father) so your help here is hugely appreciated. I do wish I had some potential gems to share with you but alas I don’t currently as am only subscribing to the JB’s NFP and Motley Fool. Plse let me know though if the latter is of interest to you – I subscribe to The Fool UK share advisor service as well as to The Fool premium. (so could share with you the names of more UK based stock recommendations if that’s ever of interest?)
I will email you now so you have my address for future ref. Once again, many thanks! Annie

November 19, 2021 3:48 pm
Reply to  roozie

you are very welcome. I will reply to your email. Thanks.

👍 760
November 20, 2021 12:44 pm
Reply to  roozie

Hey roozie, kazito et al
I just wanted to say how nice it is to happen across you guys.
I’m new to all this having recently inherited a few funds and figuring that it is going to earn diddly squat if I leave it sitting in my bank account.
I’m finding the whole thing rather overwhelming – I paid for subscriptions to The Motley Fool’s Share Advisor and Hidden Winners and now seem to be being deluged with demands to buy higher priced subs ….
It is really good to come across a bunch of people who are just helping each other out – more power and the bewst of luck to all of you.

👍 2
November 19, 2021 12:15 pm
Reply to  kazito

thank you so much for all good information. I am completely new at this and this is so informative. does anyone know what the first three pre IPO codes are?

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November 19, 2021 3:59 pm
Reply to  Nancy

You are most welcome.
Jeff Brown has only given ONE recommendation for his “DAY ONE” pre-IPO company.

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👍 760
December 19, 2021 1:48 pm
Reply to  kazito

God bless your heart, Thanks for helping investors

Julie Ash
Julie Ash
December 28, 2021 11:35 am
Reply to  kazito

I would like to send you my email so that I can also be added to the list of future “ONE DAY” PRE IPO picks. I’m so grateful that you are willing to share this with us! I subscribe to Near Future Report (Basic Subscription) and Unchained Profits (crypto service) I’d be happy to share the picks. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Thanks to you I have already signed up for the Real Metaverse RE. This is so EXCITING! Looking forward to a fabulous 2022!

December 28, 2021 12:27 pm
Reply to  Julie Ash

Hi Julie! I think I can speak for everyone in saying that your contribution to this thread with the Unchained Profits crypto recommendations, dates of recommendation, and buy-up-to prices would be most appreciated

December 4, 2021 1:23 pm
Reply to  kazito

Thank you for your inputs Kazito! Appreciate you sharing the love! Quick question on JB’s Semiconductor shortage recommendations. I think he refers to them as the “Tech Shock” portfolio). Anyway, he also mentioned a list of tech stock casualties to AVOID. What are these? I’m quite interested in this side of the coin as well. :). Have a nice weekend!

👍 23
October 1, 2021 5:35 am

As always good job Gumshoe. People intrested in AI and Pharma combination can/must/better check POAI, Predictive Oncology

October 26, 2021 7:36 pm
Reply to  Ves

check out additive material solutions for production

👍 148
Normally Dubious
October 2, 2021 12:38 pm

SDGR is doing so well (not) that I bought a put and am making a profit on it so far.

Meanwhile, since I sat in on the presentation, I’m getting mails daily about today they’re shutting it down… no today (The next day)is the last day they’re shutting it down… no tomorrow they’re shutting it down…doesn’t matter – I’m not buying.

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👍 239
October 5, 2021 11:27 am

FYI, Fidelity gives SDGR very close to their lowest rating. They’ve been wrong before but I think I’ll watch for a while.

👍 59
sunset wine
sunset wine
October 14, 2021 12:58 pm

Chiliz 09/10/21 $0.33 $0.33 -0.62% $0.40 Latest Update
Electroneum 09/21/20 $0.0049 $0.01 80.45% – Sold on June 11, 2021. Latest Update
HNT/USD Helium 07/22/21 $10.88 $19.75 81.48% $20.00 Latest Update
XMR/USD Monero 05/14/21 $416.51 $267.46 -35.79% $430.00 Latest Update
DOT/USD Polkadot 09/21/20 $4.12 $39.88 868.05% $41.00 Latest Update
XLM/USD Stellar Lumens 01/15/21 $0.28 $0.37 31.81% $0.65 Latest Update
GRT/USD The Graph 04/09/21 $1.74 $0.73 -58.07% $1.90 Latest Update
Tron 09/21/20 $0.0250 $0.05 104.00% – Sold on March 12, 2021. Latest Update
UNI/USD Uniswap 09/21/20 $4.57 $25.34 454.38% $35.00 Latest Update

👍 20
sunset wine
sunset wine
October 14, 2021 1:01 pm
Reply to  sunset wine

The sells are 2. ETN and TRX. New is CHZ which has been doing well and I bought before he recommended

👍 20
October 26, 2021 7:22 pm

somehow TIME hasn’t been mentioned

👍 148
November 5, 2021 12:51 pm

great site!

November 20, 2021 8:13 pm

Hi, everyone. Hope everybody is doing well.
Here are some (fresh to fairly recent) recommendations from Jeff Brown:

1. The Apple car (or iCar) stock is Fisker (Ticker: FSR), recommended roughly 1.5 months ago, or so.

2. BorgWarner (Ticker: BWA); recommended roughly 20 days ago. This is well below his recommended buy price. I bought it at the time he recommended, and it went down in price now.
So, I am in a negative, but you guys can take advantage of it and buy it cheaper 😉

3. Jeff Brown also recommended TWO crypto coins last night (Friday evening, November 19, 2021). They are Algorand (ALGO) and Civic (CVC). Both are well positioned, pricewise.
I jumped on both coins (ALGO and CVC) right away and bought some of each.

4. His most recent stock recommendation (just a few days ago) is the company Zendesk,
(Ticker: ZEN), with a “buy up to” price of $109. You can buy it in your regular brokerage account.
It is still well below his recommended “Buy up to” price of $109.

Remember, sharing is caring. We’re all in this together. Let’s help each other out and beat the Wall Street .. Hahaha… . If anyone has any subscription and can share ANY recommendation(s) in ANY sector with the rest of us, it is well appreciated.

Thank you all, and best of luck.

👍 760
November 21, 2021 1:19 am
Reply to  kazito

thanks so much once again, Kazito!
by chance, did Jeff have a buy-up-to for the 2 new crypto plays [i assume that is his Click for Crypto?] and for Zendesk [is that his Outlier portfolio?] and Fisker?

November 21, 2021 3:41 pm
Reply to  Andrew

Hi Andrew. You’re most welcome.
I don’t buy anything in the Outlier file due to the high share prices.
ZEN and FSR are strictly Jeff Brown’s recommendations.

Aldo and CVC are both well below Jeff’s “Buy up to” right now.

Action to Take: Buy Civic (CVC) up to $1.00.
Started to Trade: July 2017
Current Market Cap: $340 million
Project Type: Application
Where to Buy: Coinbase

Action to Take: Buy Algorand (ALGO) up to $4.00.
Started to Trade: June 2019
Current Market Cap: $10 billion
Project Type: Layer One
Where to Buy: Coinbase, Kraken

Good luck.

👍 760
Walter Pisary
Walter Pisary
November 21, 2021 11:45 pm
Reply to  Andrew

The latest recommendation from Outlier Investor is Dynatrace (DT).

Buy-up-to Price: $68.55 Sector: Technology


November 22, 2021 2:36 pm
Reply to  Walter Pisary

Thanks for sharing Walter, Looks like it’s starting to be oversold on technicals? Might be a good time to invest? Don’t quite understand why the buy up to price isn’t far off current price, assuming they’re taking a longer term perspective on the stock? It was up in the high 70’s in Aug…

Walter Pisary
Walter Pisary
November 22, 2021 8:07 pm
Reply to  roozie

The difference between buying at 68 and 78 is 5 extra shares if you commit 2,000. Should the stock go 3x, these extra shares will be worth half your original investment. I think he is looking for a little dip when recommending. As for the right time, my timing is usually terrible, so I simply follow recommendations instead of trying (and failing miserably) to squeeze every last drop of juice from the market.
If I hire a doctor or a lawyer I will follow their recommendation (at least for the most part). Why should it be different for the guy I hired to pick stocks for me.

November 23, 2021 5:59 am
Reply to  Walter Pisary

Agree- incredibly diffiulct/impossible to time your entry points, I usu end up buying at the ATH with most of mine, (hence now trying to take more of a look at some basic technical stuff..) although as they say, time in the market better than time out!

November 22, 2021 9:50 pm
Reply to  kazito

Thank you Kazito

👍 2
November 23, 2021 12:22 am
Reply to  Rav

You’rev welcome, Rav.

👍 760
November 26, 2021 12:25 pm
Reply to  kazito

Good Morning, as always thank you for your tips. does anyone aware what are the 5 tiny stacks that trade on the Nasdaq?
thank you

December 19, 2021 9:54 pm
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kazito, thank you again for all that you are doing. Just wanted to check if there has been any new recommendations on the pre IPO.

👍 2
December 19, 2021 7:23 pm
Reply to  kazito

Thank you so much Kazito. You are very kind to share this information.

👍 1
December 10, 2021 3:57 pm

Hi guys, does anyone here happen to know the name of the tiny micro cap that Jeff B was teasing us with today during his “urgent” interview from the inside with a CEO inside the tech company in question? I’m sure it’s another of his ultra hyped attempts to lure us into a paid sub to Exp Investor but am curious…..any info much appreciated!

👍 25
December 10, 2021 9:14 pm
Reply to  roozie

Roozie, if you tell me the name of the subscription publication , I can dig it out for you in the subscription files. Thanks.

👍 760
December 11, 2021 4:33 am
Reply to  kazito

Hey Kazito, so kind of you, thank you! I believe its called “The Buyout Report” and is only available to Exponential Investor subscribers….it may be Akoustis but confirmation of that would be great. He’s claiming its ripe for a takeover and in usual JB style believes it’s imminent!! Thnks again 🙂

December 11, 2021 9:48 am
Reply to  Roozie

Hi, again, Roozie. I looked it up and indeed it is in his “Exponential Tech Investor” file. As you had suspected, it is indeed Akoustis Technologies (AKTS), and the present “buy up to” price is $16.25.

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👍 760
December 11, 2021 12:26 pm
Reply to  kazito

That’s really helpful Kazito, thanks so much,! I’m wondering just how new this recommendation is..? – I think JB tends to repeat certain ones, yet would have you believe that time is of the essence in each case and that you simply cannot wait. Short of having actual inside information, I don’t see how he can make such bold statements…

March 13, 2022 5:27 pm
Reply to  kazito

Kazito, thank you so much for all of the information. I also stumbled upon this site. I see that the last post is in DEC. Do you have any other information that you can share?

Thomas LIncoln
December 12, 2021 11:12 am

I was just now (Dec. 12, 2021) watching a Jeff Brown interview in which he said he would reveal (FREE) his number one BioTech IPO pick. But the video aborted before any such reveal. At one point he did, however, mention the association of Dr. Jeffrey Gordon who was the Horowitz Prize winner for his contribution. For what it’s worth, I did some online research and learned that Dr. Gordon had partnered with a BioTech company called Kaleido Biosciences (KLDO). Further research indicated that they weren’t exactly an IPO, having been around for about 3 years. Once trading at around $21, currently down to $3.08. I never got to Mr. Browns, “FREE, no strings attached” announcement, but it appears that it had a $2,500 pound chain attached for subscription to one of his newsletters.

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Thomas LIncoln
December 17, 2021 8:30 am

Does anyone know what Jeff Brown’s M.T.A. is all about?

January 18, 2022 10:09 am

Hello, anyone with PB metaverse and psychedelics companies for 2022?

March 16, 2022 6:03 am

Hi Guys,

i missed out on JB “Secret Project Perception Video” this evening due to work…

can someone fill me in please

March 16, 2022 3:37 pm
Reply to  nicotrixta

I believe it’s tonight not yesterday!

March 17, 2022 5:03 am
Reply to  nicotrixta

Thanks Roozie,

that s correct I miscalculated as I am based in Australia – will still miss it due to work.
if anyone finds out the “three crypto coins that are about to explode as JB say within the 60 day” window please inform me. NEW SERVICE: NEURAL NET PROFITS
Ruth are you enquiring about the 2022 psychedelic companies that Tika released? (as i have subscribed to Legacy research “special opps”

March 17, 2022 11:35 am

Interested to know the names too, or at least the name of his free pick to save me the pain of sitting through yet another of his long winded vid’s!

March 17, 2022 12:27 pm
Reply to  roozie

The free pick from last night is Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC). I don’t have the other three.

March 17, 2022 1:33 pm
Reply to  tamareta

Ah thanks, yes i think I did see that recc mentioned elsewhere on gumshoe …
does it matter whether it’s WBTC/BTC or WBTC/ETH – either do you know?

March 17, 2022 4:46 pm
Reply to  roozie

I really don’t know. All I know he said was WBTC. I was having technical difficulties and my laptop kept pausing. Also, I wish they would shorten those events, I can barely make it through them. Lol

March 18, 2022 3:56 pm

: thanks for the informative sharing. would you share Jeff’s crypto pick from his perceptron club?

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👍 13
March 18, 2022 8:37 pm
Reply to  rattler8

Hi, Rattler8.
1. The “Convergence company taking over Biotech” — Jeff Brown’s “Small Cap Company Using AI To Discover Drugs is Schrodinger, Ticker: SDGR

2. Here are the three coins Jeff Brown recommended in his Coneptron webinar (The “Neural Net Profits” subscription package):

1. Dogecoin (Ticker: DOGE)
2. Civic (Ticker: CVC)
3. Loom Network (Ticker: LOOM)

Good luck.

👍 760
March 18, 2022 9:50 pm
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kazito, thank you for being so generous giving the names of Jeff’s recommendations. I only have The Near Future reports, unchained profits, and Day One Investments. That’s all I can buy now and really I haven’t made any profits. Do you know when that first Day One recommendation will take off? I’ve been waiting and waiting and still nothing. On the 3 recommendations on Neutral Net Profits. When does the 60 day window start on those? Thank you so much for sharing with everyone on here.

March 19, 2022 12:44 am
Reply to  kazito

Kaz: thanks for the kindly sharing. we appreciate that.

👍 13
April 3, 2022 3:14 am
Reply to  kazito

Hi Kazzito, you are a hero!!!!
WOW, thank you so much!!!
Do you know if Jeff Brown is still strong in EDIT, DTIL, KLDO, SPERO?? All of this stocks are way down. I just want to know if is still good time to cost averaging is still a good idea or are they a sell. If you have any info on those it would be deeply appreciated!!!

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crypto guy
crypto guy
April 9, 2022 12:10 am

Kazito > Can you share which 1 crypto jeff brown advice to sell instead of holding 60 days

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May 4, 2022 1:43 pm

Seems like SDGR is being suggested as the big “secret” biotech buy Jeff Brown is suggesting but, Exscientia (EXAI) just struck a big deal with BMS regarding their AI.

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