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“Lifetime Payouts” from Obamacare… plus some Friday File portfolio updates

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, March 13, 2015

I have a few updates for you this week — there was a little bit of earnings news in the Gumshoe Universe, and I did a little rebalancing in my portfolio to get cash levels up in anticipation of future buying opportunities… but first, the latest pitch for Chris Versace’s Growth & Dividend Report caught my eye (and a few readers asked about it), so I thought we’d get you a solution to that teaser first.

The opening of the ad is all about how President Obama’s visit to the building where Eagle Financial (Versace’s publisher) has its offices in DC threw them into security lockdown, which is certainly familiar to anyone who lives or works in DC — and Versace’s implication is that the President was in their building to meet with the Business Roundtable to discuss Obamacare. I haven’t checked that, but most if it (if not all) is probably accurate — the Roundtable did endorse, or at least “accept,” the Affordable Care Act, and there was a bit of a revolt over part of it last Fall when some of their member companies were sued over the wellness programs that Obamacare/ACA is supposed to support, and they did apparently have “closed door meetings” with the President … and he did address the Roundtable in December.

Which really just sets the table for Versace to tell us that Obama will make sure that his “cronies” on the Roundtable will profit, regardless of whether Obamacare continues in its current form under future administrations, who will also reward the fat cats — and really, though I’m sure health insurance regulation will evolve considerably over time, anyone betting on the full repeal of Obamacare in a meaningful way is probably being more of an idealogue than an investor… government programs, once created, generally don’t disappear easily.

So that sets us up with another pitch for an income investment:

“How you can get…

‘Lifetime Payouts’ …

“From the most surprising source: ObamaCare!

“… no matter what happens with ObamaCare — whether it goes on for years, or gets voted out of existence by Republicans…

“Obama and his cronies left open a backdoor opportunity ANYONE can take advantage of right away…

“One that we can legally exploit to get ‘lifetime payouts’.

“That’s why I’m contacting you today.

“I’m going to share this opportunity with you. We’ll milk the system just like ...

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