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IKCoin, EKCoin and ICoin — De-teasing Manward’s “three most important third-generation cryptos to buy right now”

Andrew Snyder's Manward teases that "These Crypto Plays Could One Day Be Bigger Than Bitcoin" ... and the Thinkolator's got some answers

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, September 22, 2021

Everybody and his brother seems to have a cryptocurrency-focused newsletter these days, which I guess should come as no surprise — investors see the fortunes that have been made by the lucky early bets on Bitcoin or Ethereum or other cryptos, and they want a piece, which creates a huge demand for anything that might be perceived as wisdom in this space. And Andy Snyder at Manward Press didn’t want to be left out, it appears, because he’s using a tease of some favorite “altcoin” cryptocurrencies to get signups to his Manward Letter… that’s the ad we’ll look at today.

First, let me warn you up front: I have been dabbling in cryptocurrencies for years, having nibbled on Bitcoin starting in late 2013 and on Ethereum in 2016, so I’ve enjoyed getting lucky and harvesting some gains from those nibbles, and I do still hold a position in both, but I really have no idea what I’m doing in the cryptocurrency space. I’m willing to hold and gradually learn as the space matures, and as some protocols and cryptocurrencies actually begin to take their very first small steps toward meeting real world needs instead of just serving as story-driven gambling tokens, but my comfort level for a market like this that regularly provides both 500% gains and 90%+ drops in value for no fundamental reason is quite low, which is why I haven’t let my exposure become huge.

That’s where I’m coming from, and I don’t want to pretend that I’m an expert just because I’ve been tangentially involved in this space for a long time and understand the basic concepts and some of the appeal. My gains have come from a willingness to risk money on interesting ideas and, probably more importantly, from luck.

But I’m always curious to see what mainstream investing folks are saying about cryptos, especially when they talk up one of the newer cryptocurrencies — so the recent tease from Andy Snyder at Manward Press got my attention. The ad is dated August 2021, so it’s presumably been around for a few weeks now, and it begins by bathing in the “what if” regrets of returns you missed because you didn’t buy Bitcoin when it was at $25 (or 20 cents, or whatever):

“Think back to January 2013.

“The holidays had just ended. Maybe you were making some New Yearโ€™s resolutions.

“No doubt you were thinking about the new year and how you might improve your life.

“Now I want you to imagine walking over to your computer, sitting down and making a single purchase.

“Even back then, it would have taken only 10 minutes or so. Today, itโ€™s even easier.

“Imagine that when that simple purchase is complete, your life is forever changed.

“Because you just bought Bitcoin at $25…

“Now… why am I having you imagine this scenario?

“After all, itโ€™s not like you can go back and make it a reality, right?

“Well, what if I told you that there are three coins today, including one that trades for less than $2, that I expect will someday become MORE valuable than Bitcoin and its $600 billion market cap?”

Bitcoin’s back to about a $800 billion “market cap” these days, thanks to the recovery from the late July lows, but still, that’s enough to spark a few daydreams, right?

Fair warning: If you don’t have time for a little rant, then skip forward a dozen paragraphs or so.

That’s a powerful marketing strategy that financial newsletters use all the time, urging you to sit back and imagine the amazing returns you could have had from Buying Amazon or Netflix 15 or 20 years ago, or Bitcoin a decade ago, or whatever else that we know, with the benefit of hindsight, was the smartest investment ever. It both implies that these newsletters are brilliant, because it implies that they made those investments (even if often they did not), and it imbues investors with a lottery-seeking mentality.

Which is fine for some folks, but it also plays with your mind and makes rational investing hard. Much like pornography can ruin your emotional life and make it impossible to think rationally about the flawed and real human beings who are part of real life, this kind of financial pornography can make it impossible to think rationally about the risks and opportunities that exist in the “invest your money today” world.

Often those whose minds are overwhelmed with regret or envy about missing those past life-changing winners will either take too much risk chasing the stocks one might imagine rising by 10,000% (and human imagination for exponential returns is very much lacking, we can’t imagine real companies having that kind of return, so that typically means taking risks on dumb high-risk penny stocks or risk-everything options speculations), or will give up entirely because nothing seems to offer that kind of opportunity.

What’s the actual spiel? Snyder is selling his Manward Letter ($79), and if you subscribe he promises to tell you about his “three most important third generation cryptos” … so let’s dig into what he means by that.

The basic idea of “third generation” is really just a way of saying, “Bitcoin and Ethereum got us started, but newer cryptos are building on them and will be better.” He compares it to the commercial internet, with its first stage investments (Netscape) and second stage (Yahoo), both of which are almost forgotten to time now despite making some investment gains at various points, but he says the third generation, with the advent of Google (now Alphabet (GOOG)), was where the big gains were really made.

Of course, he doesn’t mention that there were hundreds of other “third generation” internet companies born after the dot-com crash in the early 2000s, too, Google was not the only one, and a lot of them failed and have been forgotten so they don’t play into the way we think about the historical odds of success for these companies at the time — something that the behavioral economists would call “survivorship bias”. Finding that winner is not necessarily easy until you’re looking back with hindsight.

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I happily own Google shares, it’s now my largest investment and it was a pretty obvious buy to me in 2005, but my portfolio was small and I didn’t buy that much, so even though that first buy is sitting in my portfolio with almost a 3,000% gain, and I’ve added through the years without ever selling, my total return on those shares only comes in at about 25% a year. It’s great, but it’s not life-changing — and that’s mostly because you don’t know in advance which investments will provide massive returns… and therefore you don’t risk life-changing amounts on those investments. You’re not crazy, after all.

Sure, maybe there will be more investments that return 200,000%, like you would have gotten by buying Bitcoin in the $20s. I wouldn’t tell you not to speculate on those, the same way you might speculate on a money-losing growth company that you love, even though it’s at a historically stupid valuation, or a few nights of betting in Las Vegas.

Here’s how I like to think about these kinds of speculative ideas: It has to be money you really don’t mind losing, and it has to seem like a pretty stupid idea to the vast majority of people, otherwise you are very unlikely to ever get anywhere close to 200,000% returns without a lot of luck and several decades of time. The only real life scenario I can call to mind for 200,000% returns in an investing lifetime is buying Microsoft sometime in 1986 or 1987 and never selling — but a lot of that is the value of time and compounding, that’s 35 years… even if you were wise and patient enough to hold for that long, resisting the urge to take profits or sell during bad years (and even a bad decade or so there in the middle), that only tallies up to a compound annual growth rate for the stock of about 23% a year. From maybe the best mainstream long-term investment in modern history (yes, I’m sure there have been others that don’t come to mind — if you have an example, feel free to share, I’ll throw it into future lectures). That’s only slightly better than twice the average return of the S&P 500 (which was about 10.5% for a similar timeframe).

Acting normally gets you normal returns, most of the time, and, if you give it time, that’s pretty good. If you put $1,000 into the S&P 500 in 1986, you’d end up with something close to $33,000 today. No, it’s not the $1.2 million you would have gotten from Microsoft during that time period, but it ain’t bad, and you didn’t have to know that Microsoft would be the biggest and best survivor in computing. That’s what we should do with most of our money — shoot for normal, it’s a big target and it’s easy to hit — you can do it with your eyes closed, one hand tied behind your back, and hopping on one foot.

But sure, if you want to go wild on small tech stocks, or $2 cryptos, or whatever the next exciting option might be with some of the rest of your money, I sympathize… I like to gamble and speculate too, and I try for above-normal returns because I like to spend a lot of time and energy analyzing investments. I like to dream of life changing returns, so I’ll stop the soapbox lecture at this point. I’ll even hold your beer, go ahead and give it a shot.

That’s about it for the ranting… welcome back!

OK… so, what Snyder is hinting at in his ad are three “altcoins” — with “altcoin” being a designation that means pretty much “everything except Bitcoin and Ethereum.” Which ones? We’ll sniff through the clues and get your answers, but first here’s a little bit of the ad to give you his context:

“…the three altcoins Iโ€™m going to talk about now have better technology than Bitcoin…

“They are also faster…

“And, best of all, they have the potential to totally disrupt and replace entire trillion-dollar industries.

“In short, these three altcoins are the wave of the future.

“And I believe investing in them now is as close as youโ€™re going to get to a Bitcoin do-over.”

That’s right, the “Bitcoin do-over” — daydreaming about that Lamborghini yet? More from Snyder:

“Many of the same investors who bought Bitcoin in 2013 and Ethereum in 2017 are starting to buy into these three coins… and now is your chance to join them.

“The three coins I am recommending to you are not just digital money. They all are positioned to be โ€œGiant Killersโ€ of different trillion-dollar industries…

“This could be like getting into Amazon right as it completely upended the retail industry… or getting into Apple just as it dislodged the music industry with its iPod.”

OK, so what are they? He calls them “Killer Coins,” so let’s jump to the clues…

“Ethereum Killer Coin (EKCoin)

“This Ethereum-killing altcoin was actually developed by one of the original founders of Ethereum.

“He left Ethereum early on when he saw the flaws in its design.

“His name is Charles Hoskinson, and he is a brilliant mathematician and entrepreneur who started creating the EKCoin in 2017.

“His main focus was to solve the scalability and speed issues of Ethereum while maintaining the smart contracts and decentralized financial services it offers.

“And heโ€™s succeeding!

“The result will be a fully scalable, fast network which operates for pennies on the dollar compared with the Ethereum network.”

Betamax was better than VHS, too, and look where that got them. Better doesn’t always win, and there are lots of “better” networks and platforms that have built on Ethereum… any other clues about which one this is, specifically?


“While people are minting and trading NFTs on the Ethereum network for hundreds of dollars, the first NFTs were recently minted on the EKCoin network for about $3.

“These advantages could eventually lead to the EKCoin replacing the Ethereum network outright….

“Remember Prakash Chand and his billion-dollar crypto fund, FD7? The guy who recently sold most of his Bitcoin to buy third-generation coins?

“The EKCoin is the one he put $380 million into in March.

“And while the EKCoin is moving up in value very quickly, it is still incredibly cheap.

“While Ethereum costs nearly $2,000, the EKCoin is still trading for less than $2.”

So this is another network that enables blockchain projects, like Ethereum, making it possible to do smart contracts or all kinds of other things. Anything else?

He does drop one final hint, which is that this is about to solve one of the specific Ethereum issues…

“Another weakness in the Ethereum network has been discovered in the coding of its smart contracts.

“The coding weakness has allowed hackers to get into those Ethereum smart contracts.

“Consequently, with the EKCoin, Hoskinson has developed some of the most secure, virtually unhackable smart contracts yet to be seen on any network.

“And theyโ€™re scheduled to go live within the next three months.

“So investing now means there could be a ‘good news bump’ built in on the horizon.”

That’s way more clues than we need, of course, he’s not being all that secretive here… but yes, the Thinkolator can confirm that this is Cardano, whose ADA token is now, according to, the third largest cryptocurrency by “market cap” (which is just a number borrowed from stock markets, the price of the token multiplied by the total number of tokens that have been created to date). Cardano has been around and in development for a long time, but the value of its cryptocurrency token, Ada, really took off in 2021, it was at ten cents a year ago and is now a bit over two dollars.

Here’s how Cardano describes itself:

“Cardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain platform: the first to be founded on peer-reviewed research and developed through evidence-based methods. It combines pioneering technologies to provide unparalleled security and sustainability to decentralized applications, systems, and societies.

“With a leading team of engineers, Cardano exists to redistribute power from unaccountable structures to the margins โ€“ to individuals โ€“ and be an enabling force for positive change and progress.”

So that’s the actual platform, and the token they use to run the network is Ada, which is what investors can actually buy if they wish. Here’s how they describe that:

“Ada is a digital currency. Any user, located anywhere in the world, can use ada as a secure exchange of value โ€“ without requiring a third party to mediate the exchange. Every transaction is permanently, securely, and transparently recorded on the Cardano blockchain.

“Every ada holder also holds a stake in the Cardano network. Ada stored in a wallet can be delegated to a stake pool to earn rewards โ€“ to participate in the successful running of the network โ€“ or pledged to a stake pool to increase the pool’s likelihood of receiving rewards. In time, ada will also be usable for a variety of applications and services on the Cardano platform.”

I own some ADA, right now it’s about 3-4% of my cryptocurrency portfolio. I have no idea whether it will shoot higher, but it has an ambitious scope and is fairly high profile and easily available on most of the “easy onramp” cryptocurrency exchanges (I use Coinbase and Voyager personally, mostly because I can’t be bothered with the hassle of trying out some of the other trading platforms and wallet services and don’t want to go overseas, but there are a bunch of others).

What’s next? Here are the clues for the second “altcoin” teased…

“Could This Next Gen Crypto Actually Replace the Internet As We Know It?

“We will call it the ‘Internet Killer Coin,’ or the ‘IKCoin’ ….

“A fully decentralized internet is the dream of many web developers.

“Enter Dominic Williams, famed crypto theoretician and internet expert.

“In October 2016, he began the project that would eventually become the IKCoin: a decentralized internet that runs on a blockchain instead of traditional service providers and traditional IP addresses.

“He and his massive team of experts spent years working on bringing web speeds and unlimited scalability to their blockchain network.”

Again, kind of a cool idea — replacing the basic directory functions of the internet with a blockchain-driven addressing protocol. More clues:

“The IKCoin network does away with IP addresses and replaces them with identifiable, yet anonymous, blockchain addresses. It allows unlimited addresses to be created in the future….

“The IKCoin network uses a system where people buy the IKCoin and use that coin to pay for their websites.

“And, of course, as developers begin using the IKCoin network, you will see demand for these coins go up….

“The more that internet developers move their websites from the old internet to the new IKCoin decentralized internet, the more important IKCoins become…”

And it’s fairly new to the cryptocurrency world…

“… the amazing thing is that the IKCoin just began selling a few months ago.

“I told folks about it nearly immediately.

“Itโ€™s already quickly moved into the top 24 cryptocurrencies by market cap, and I expect it will slowly move up to the top 10 to join the EKCoin I am also recommending to you.”

That’s Internet Computer (ICP), a creation of the DFINITY nonprofit which is trying to improve the public internet. I also have a very small bet on this one… mostly just because I thought it was a cool idea (they explain it pretty clearly here). And I like their little rainbow infinity logo.

The ICP token is also down about 90% in price from where it first started trading in early May, so that’s a good reminder that there’s no “right” price for these things, most of these ambitious functional tokens that represent a stake in a new platform or network are not really generating meaningful transaction flow or income or carrying any real-world value at the moment, they’re all a bet on what it might be like to own part of the value of a network that could be foundational in the future… as in, for Internet Computer, owning some stake in the actual internet instead of in a company that uses the internet. That’s wildly ambitious, and it probably won’t work, but it’s pretty cool. Which was enough to get me slightly involved, but not to risk a meaningful amount of money.

So the broad project is basically, “put the internet on the blockchain” and make it work better, more securely, and with a lot more autonomy for participants… here’s how they describe the token, which is what you can buy if you wish:

“The ICP utility token (formerly known as ‘DFN’) is the primary mechanism that allows the broader internet community to participate in the governance of the Internet Computer network. ICP can also be dissolved and converted into cycles, which are then used to run websites and applications as well as power computations on the Internet Computer via canisters.”

I love the idea of all of this stuff, it’s fascinating, but it also makes my brain hurt after just a few minutes. I’m a dilettante in this area, not a developer, but it’s fun to see the scale of ambition that cryptocurrency projects can enable. I expect they won’t get as far as they hope, forcing change is hard, but maybe they will attract enough developers who want to build on the platform to begin to build something impressive… they certainly have a lot of folks working on DFINITY and the Internet Computer right now, it’s just too early for me to have any idea what any of it might mean in an economic sense. The ICP token is also available on Coinbase, should you be interested in checking it out.

And one more…

“Crypto Just Solved a Major Problem for Savers

“I call this final coin the ‘Income Coin’ or the ‘ICoin.’

“With all the various cryptocurrencies in a major growth pattern right now, liquidity is very important as they expand and advance the technologies of their blockchains.

“Rather than turn to traditional banks, these altcoins have come up with a unique solution.

“In short, they are offering to pay yields to those who use their coins so that circulation expands.”

OK, so one of the Decentralized Finance altcoins that provides ways to earn a meaningful yield of some kind on your crypto holdings. Which one? Here are the clues…

“… there are roughly half a dozen networks currently making this possible.

“But by far the BEST is the one behind my ICoin…

“Because its unique platform gives users the chance to supplement their retirement income by collecting the highest yields available.

“Unlike its competitors, it automatically moves a userโ€™s investment to whoever is paying the highest yield. (Imagine a traditional bank doing that!)

“If another group starts to pay a higher yield, the ICoin network immediately transfers the userโ€™s money to that new group… so they ALWAYS get the highest possible yields at all times.”

He says there are possibilities for yields as high as 12-20%, so what is he pitching?

There are a ton of these DeFi platforms who focus on providing the potential for income yields, including Compound, Aave, UniSwap, Balancer, Synthetix, Curve, and Ren… but given the focus on automation providing the highest yields I expect he’s teasing (YFI is usually the abbreviation)

Here’s how describes their core income product, which they call Vaults…

“Capital pools that automatically generate yield based on opportunities present in the market. Vaults benefit users by socializing gas costs, automating the yield generation and rebalancing process, and automatically shifting capital as opportunities arise. End users also do not need to have a proficient knowledge of the underlying protocols involved or DeFi, thus the Vaults represent a passive-investing strategy.”

This all blows my mind to some degree, I have no idea how to think about a crypto vault protocol that’s effectively like a quantitative “black box” investing strategy for maximizing income from transaction volume (and “gas” fees) and lending of cryptocurrencies. It’s probably not fair, but it makes my mind drift to Bernie Madoff’s secret computer that he kept in a closet, and which tracked his (fictional) steady 10-12% returns.

Like I said, it’s probably not a fair comparison — but these kinds of projects, often called “yield farming,” are so new and so inscrutable to me at this point that I’ve not gotten involved. Maybe you’ll understand them better and be willing to risk your money (and put in the time to really “get” what’s being done with your money), but as for me, well, I keep coming back to the idea that it’s OK to miss out on some things.

So goes in the “too hard” pile for me. There are lots of projects that are trying to build the next generation of decentralized finance (DeFi), including several that run networks to enable those who stake their cryptos to earn money… I even have some small positions in a few of those from some small-time dabbling I’ve done in the easily accessible cryptos (ie, those that are on Coinbase or Voyager), but this is an area where we should not make any assumptions about future returns.

And that’s about all I can tell you, without further illustrating my lack of expertise in cryptocurrencies. My allocation to crypto in general is very small (it’s at about 3% of my portfolio now, similar to my physical gold and silver holdings), and that allocation is about half Ethereum, 25% Bitcoin, and the rest split among a lot of much more speculative little projects that caught my eye at one time or another, including, of the ones mentioned here, Cardano, Internet Computer, Compound, and Aave, along with a dozen or so small stakes in other speculative ones that I’ve put some money into over the past few years, including Polkadot, Chainlink and Cosmos. I don’t write about them much because I don’t want to send anyone astray with my mistakes in this area, I have very little conviction and I’m really just playing around… but if you’ve got thoughts on which ones might have the most potential, whether among Manward’s teased cryptos or not, please do feel free to share your ideas with a comment below. Thanks for reading!

P.S. Shameless referral plug here: I use both Coinbase and Voyager as my favorite easy platforms for buying and trading cryptocurrencies, and generating some income from them in some cases. If you are just beginning to explore this world, you can sign up for a Coinbase account here and deposit $100 and get $10 in free Bitcoin, or use this link to try Voyager and get $25 in free Bitcoin (with code AF72CA). I’ll get a similar reward if you do so. Thanks!

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Piano Jeff
Piano Jeff
September 25, 2021 2:02 am

Quick question: After you buy an altcoin and hold it as an asset in your coinbase account, is there any way to put in a “sell” order with a limit price on a good-till-cancelled basis like you can do with stocks? Or do you just have to tediously keep checking every single day until you see it reach a certain price that’s your target sell price?

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๐Ÿ‘ 22025
September 27, 2021 8:16 pm
Reply to  Piano Jeff

Also, you can use a stop/limit order on CB-pro but it’s no guarantee it will fill….

๐Ÿ‘ 5
Ricky Calliham
Ricky Calliham
September 27, 2021 6:55 pm

You investigate some of the most interesting “SPIN” all of these sellers of hope and of course I don’t join in any of these offers if they have a money back guarantees. It seems to me if they give a “Full Money Back” offer, then their advice is not worth the salt it takes to create these subscription offers.

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๐Ÿ‘ 22025
Sky Blue Swain
Sky Blue Swain
December 17, 2021 7:01 pm

So true Travis. It also cost more to staff for the 1000s of refund requests they get.

September 27, 2021 8:11 pm

I have ADA, ICP, as well as SOL if you are going to stake (earn yield) pick a stable coin, that’s actually back my dollars (USDC, PAXOS) not USDT and transfer to or Celsius and earn interest as high as 13.5%. Of course, this is not investment advice…..just some food for thought.

๐Ÿ‘ 5
October 6, 2021 2:10 pm
Reply to  coulisnosaj

Sorry to add to this conversation so late after it was first introduced, but this may be the first time ever I feel like I have a handle on how the stock market is actually using crypto as an investment possibility ( a high risk one still), but I see how it is blended what essentially always just seemed like the wild west where anyone can create or mine a currency ( which is just insane if you stop and think I it, I try not to as I continue to slave for an Almighty dollar).
But thank you Travis for another great explanation of the way things are currently working,

I just have one question related to the last post by and keep in mind I am Canadian and never deal in crypto Ever lol…what is the difference between USDC and USDT that is making one stable or โ€œ stablerโ€…? i likely should have scanned those tickers before asking. Part two,how is or Celsius able to offer such a high level of interest compared to other sites?

Thanks in advance,

๐Ÿ‘ 45
October 6, 2021 3:01 pm
Reply to  pipsqueak20

USDC is the Coinbase digital US dollar (it’s backed by USD and audited) USDT (tether) is not or it’s very questionable on the backing. They loan out your USDC to high net worth individuals that leverage trade BTC and ETH (at least this is what does) The fees that they pay on the margin are what you’re paid % wise. (Celsius may do other things) Is there a risk that they blow up their accounts on bad trades, yes! But it’s spread over many so the risk is less. Is it insured or backed by the Gov. NO? So like anything, don’t put in more than you can afford to lose. I’m comfortable with BC since they are based in Germany, and they are one of the oldest crypto wallets around. Customer service is excellent, blows CoinBase and Binance away.

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๐Ÿ‘ 5
October 6, 2021 7:30 pm
Reply to  coulisnosaj

Thank you, that is all very helpful to know. I can not say that I will be rushing headlong into the crypto asset world, but I do feel that a lot more of my questions about how things are valued/priced works.
Thanks again.

๐Ÿ‘ 45
John Lab
John Lab
October 23, 2021 1:25 pm
Reply to  pipsqueak20

you might also note that the loans require at least 50% ltv. in other words the borrower must put up 50% of whatever currency is used

November 10, 2021 4:35 pm
Reply to  coulisnosaj

Well done with SOL, it’s a game changer.

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๐Ÿ‘ 2
Paul Schaerer
Paul Schaerer
October 6, 2021 10:23 pm

I lose money on everything I invest in. Always bad timing, and “chickenshit”…Looked at Netflix when they were mailing DVD’s? Pass… Looked at Starbucks and thought, “Who in the world would pay $5 for a cup of coffee?” Google? money loser for years…finally, a stoner friend said “Dude, you gotta buy Bitcoin!” it was $250! So I bought 2, and being too clever by half, I sold one when it doubled…anyway, I let the free one ride. Now it grew into $90G in Eth, ADA, and a half dozen other altcoins. I was going crazy with multiple wallets, platforms, exchanges. Then I found NEXO. The Swiss Bank for crypto. I Put 10% in their token, then I earn up to 10% interest on all my coins and can swap between assets for free! I could also borrow 50% of the value to re-invest or use some cash…They hold my assets, insured, so I can honestly say I do not possess any crypto. I have asked them if they could program a stop loss bot that would transfer assets to stable coins if they fall more than a set percent. They said they will look into it. Nice people.

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October 8, 2021 10:14 pm

I am a beginner to crypto world. in 2017 when BTC was high I ended up buying LTC ; and have not looked back ; I currently have couple LTC in coinbase and coupleLTC in binance. I would like to move them to a new platform where I can get in on a few other alt coins. Please help me pick a correct platform. Thank you all

October 8, 2021 10:52 pm
Reply to  Starter_crypto

I just read the above comments and I am considering Nexo or

Nate rEaL Adams
December 13, 2021 3:45 pm
Reply to  Starter_crypto


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John G
John G
November 9, 2021 8:44 pm

Where can one purchase EKCoin and IKCoin? Neither are supported by Coinbase.

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November 21, 2021 6:42 am
Reply to  John G

These are not real coins. According to the writer or analyst the EKCoin is ADA and IKCoin is ICP. You can buy both in Coinbase.

Last edited 2 years ago by tiruvur
๐Ÿ‘ 9
November 29, 2021 1:47 am
Reply to  tiruvur

Why is Cardano (ADA) down so badly these days?!?!?!?
Is it expected to go back up soon, or what?

๐Ÿ‘ 760
November 29, 2021 11:30 am
Reply to  kazito

ADA will probably become the best crypto and wipe out most competitors because much more secure and will be cheap to use while ETH is insane expensive in gas fees and while SOLANA is cheap but not secure enough in my opinion. So start buying ADA while the price goes down and accumulate when it goes lower and never sell at least half of your coins when the next bear should happen,long term better to hold instead of jumping in and out.
Most crypto’ are junk and will vanish even BTC is not shure to survive in the long run,is very save but has no real use for smart contracts ,NFT’s,DEFI etc. Only a supply of 21 million BTC coins and several millions wentlost already and the proof of work is energy wise potentially problematic in the futur.

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Nate rEaL Adams
December 13, 2021 3:47 pm
Reply to  socr


November 30, 2021 8:03 pm
Reply to  kazito

This is a good question… some say itยดs been delisted in some exchanges… also heard some problems in DEX, but not sure what it is…
Some people think it will be on the narratives again on january or so… Iยดd love to know what future catalyst may drop into ADA…

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๐Ÿ‘ 129
November 26, 2021 6:16 pm

What an incredible read , research & reporting about EKCOIN & ICOIN. I’ve taken note of what you have written & will be exploring on the information which you have provided. Certainly saves a lot of money & save many hours of reading “PILES” of reports by Manward Press on the same articles which they are trying to sell in their spiel. Thanking you very much indeed on your findings & the publishing of same. Simply, FANTASTIC.

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Nate rEaL Adams
December 13, 2021 3:38 pm


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Paul Bouchard
January 3, 2022 9:35 am

How can I buy EKcoin?

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Paul Bouchard
January 6, 2022 6:00 pm

How can I purchase EKcoin recommended by Andy Snyder?

January 26, 2022 7:24 pm

Really really appreciate your common sense. Have read Manward letter for year or so, agree with some, but almost all these folks advertise for each other and send MULTIPLE shame on you for not subscribing letters weekly…highly annoying. if it sounds too good to be true and is hard to understand, it probably is too good to be true.
Thank you for a straightforward and honest essay.

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Paul Steen
Paul Steen
February 10, 2022 8:55 pm

how and where can I purchase the IK, EK coins?

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July 28, 2022 11:25 am

I have the saddest crypto story in history.
I bought $100 of Bitcoin through a multi-level marketing business of some kind (can’t even remember the name) back around 2003 or 4, when Bitcoin was only about $10. So, I owned 10 Bitcoins.
However, I quickly lost interest in the MLM business, never really did anything with it, and eventually forgot all about it…until Bitcoin exploded in price a few years ago.
Unfortunately, I don’t recall the company’s name, where my Bitcoin was stored or anything…and since I made that purchase about 3 or 4 computers and different bank accounts ago, I have no records about any of it.
So, in short, I DON’T have a quarter of a million dollars in Bitcoin that I bought for just $100.

On the flip side, I made some quick money investing in both ADA and during the crypto boom of 2021. Recently bought back into ADA around 45 cents – hoping it goes to the moon. I can tell you this much – ADA is one of the few cryptocurrencies that is strongly recommended by virtually every big-time crypto market analyst. Hopefully, they’re not all wrong…although it does seem a bit concerning that ADA is constantly recommended by multiple crypto advisory services, yet there doesn’t seem to be enough interest/demand to drive the price significantly higher, at least not so far..

If anyone should find 10 Bitcoins just laying around someplace, unclaimed…. ๐Ÿ™‚

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