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“Bigger than Penicillin” … what’s Mengel’s “Molecule of the Century” that “makes medical marijuana up to 80X more powerful?”

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, February 15, 2019

This teaser pitch has been around for a few weeks, but I haven’t gotten around to covering it until now… call it marijuana fatigue, just plain laziness, or a surfeit of other hypetastic pitches, but it just didn’t rise to the top.

Questions have rolled in from readers pretty consistently, though, so I’m finally digging in… what’s this “Molecule of the Century” that Jimmy Mengel says could cure arthritis, heart disease, and many cancers… and what’s the company he says could make you 116X wealthier?

Let’s sift through the ad and see what clues he drops… I’m sure the Thinkolator can find our answer in there somewhere.

The basic promise is that this company’s “future of modern medicine” breakthrough can make medical marijuana better… from the ad:

“Among its many superpowers? It can amplify the performance of medicinal marijuana by up to 80 times — making it vastly safer, cheaper, and more effective.”

And apparently this isn’t just an R&D project…

“‘The Molecule of the Century’ already has FDA approval. The company that owns it could have multiple “MoC” therapies in Phase 2 clinical trials this year.

“Unlike most ‘me-too’ medical pot stocks — it’s actually done it before.

“The CEO has taken a drug through Phase 3 clinical trials — raising $300 million in venture capital, and creating $1 billion in investor value.

“If any of its new drugs show promise — we could be looking at a $10 billion stock.”

And, he says, the market cap is currently under $100 million… so that’s a big forecast.

What other clues do we get?

“Up until very recently, this company was privately held. Unless you were an accredited investor with stellar connections, you couldn’t buy the stock at any price.

“It’s not being covered on CNBC or in the Wall Street Journal… yet. Even now it’s so deep ‘under the radar’, very few investors know it exists.”

So what’s the new approach to marijuana here? Apparently this “molecule of the century” helps with formulation and delivery of cannabidiol, helping to get a target dose to the right place with lower side effects. Here’s more from Mengel:

“The stock I’m telling you about isn’t just a medical pot company. It’s a nanotechnology powerhouse, with cutting-edge drug delivery platforms.

“Its breakthrough ‘molecule of the century’ was developed with the University of Alberta over the past eight years at a cost of more than $3.5 million in R&D expenditures….

“With ordinary CBD, only 10% of the drug gets past your liver. Protected by the molecule of the century — nearly all of it sneaks through the firewall into your blood.

“Once it’s inside — it sticks around much more effectively.

“Currently, 90% of pure CBD is “flushed” out of the body within five hours. With their innovation, you could have effective levels of the drug for up to a week.”

And he also says that this “molecule of the century” nanotech delivery system also helps to target areas of inflammation, which is good (arguably the most established and least controversial uses of CBD is as an anti-inflammatory).

Then he gets more specific about that market cap:

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“If you can solve CBD’s bioavailability problem — it’s going to revolutionize treatment for millions of people around the world AND create billions in investor value.

“This $51 million company isn’t the next Canopy Growth or GW Pharma…

“It could very well be the next Bayer, Pfizer, or Merck.”

Then, finally, we get a few more details about how we have “three ways to win” with this stock:

“The first and fastest route will allow it to get into cash flow in the first half of 2019 — without ANY FDA approval process whatsoever.

“It gives the company exclusive first-mover advantage in a market poised to grow 700%, all the way to $2.1 billion in annual sales by 2020.

“The second opportunity gives it a chance to become the first new FDA-approved treatment in the $15.35 billion diastolic heart failure market.

“That’s a disease category at least 10x the size of anything its competitors are capable of targeting. This unknown stock could soon own it outright.

“And right now its competitors are valued up to 82 times higher in the market! That’s the upside potential I’m talking about here…

“The third opportunity is the one that could literally change the world.

“It’s a therapy that combines the ‘molecule of the century’ with a kind of anticancer ‘heat-seeking missile.’ It could cure 90% of the most fatal brain cancer.”

Which is a long way of saying it has three clinical programs, I guess. Assuming those are all to the stage where they’re at least being tested on human beings.

That first one is apparently not an FDA drug — it’s an over the counter CBD supplement that they’re producing in partnership with Dalton Pharma… apparently their advantages are low cost and high purity synthetic CBD without THC (THC is the psychoactive compound that regulators don’t want to see in supplements).

And this is the more detailed clue about that:

“Its first product will hit stores as early as Q2 2019. The branding and go-to market effort is being led by an ex-VP from Diageo — the world’s largest producer of spirits.

“Unlike most early-stage biotech stocks, it could be in cash flow this year.

“Even with 10% of a $2.1 billion market — its revenue would be four times its current market cap. That represents a valuation floor for the stock, post-IPO.”

That’s a bit of a red flag, by the way, the misleading reference to a “low” estimate of market share is often used by copywriters to gloss over the difficulty of entering a market… going from nothing to 10% of any market is a huge deal, and usually expensive in terms of marketing, it should never be a “low” assumption even if it sounds kind of like a low number. You may not realize this, but the “gold rush” in marijuana and CBD has attracted pretty much every entrepreneur in the world… there are thousands of producers of cannabidiol and CBD oil out there angling for leadership in this market and pushing for shelf space in the key retailers (drugstores, grocery stores, supplement stores, etc.).

And the heart disease treatment is apparently close to getting tested…

“Its CBD therapy is expected to enter Phase 1 clinical trials later this year, with a plan to enter Phase 2 in the second quarter of 2019.”

And he thinks they will also be in Phase 2 for glioblastoma by late this year, which sounds extremely aggressive, but, well, we’ll at least try to figure out the name before we judge.

In case you weren’t paying attention, that also tells us this was originally written at some point in 2018 — most likely they took a recommendation that Mengel made to his subscribers and turned it into an ad pitch, though every publisher does things differently. I’m still getting it regularly, so the ad is certainly still in circulation.

The ad is for Mengel’s Marijuana Manifesto, by the way — that’s $1,999/year, no refunds.

So what is it they’re using as bait to lure you into a subscription? This is Cardiol Therapeutics (CRDL in Toronto, CRTPF OTC in the US), even though that stock has not quite been as low as a $51 million valuation as a public company.

They are working in the three areas teased by Mengel, though the timeline is not going to be as aggressive as the ad implies — they do have near-term commercial potential this year with their pharmaceutical cannabidiol manufacturing collaboration with Dalton Pharma (started as an R&D supply deal 18 months ago) that they expect to launch into the market in 2019, and they estimate that the medicinal cannabinoid market is $1.2 billion (that’s in Canada, in 2018), so that’s in the neighborhood of Mengel’s assessment. They are aiming to introduce a pharmaceutical cannabidiol oil first, then late in the year come out with a “water-like” formulation that can be used in a sublingual spray, with both of these formulations designed to be sold both through pharmacies (under prescription) and through marijuana dispensaries under Health Canada rules. Dalton’s founder is on Cardiol’s Board of Directors, incidentally (as is a former marketing exec for Diageo and Gillette, as teased by Mengel).

Their heart failure program is using their nanotech drug formulation and delivery capsulation to deliver either cannabidiol, methotrexate or cyclosporine — and they do want to move one of those drugs into phase 1 clinical trials this year, but they have not yet decided which is the best candidate.

And the glioblastoma program is a combination of their pharmaceutical cannabidiol with an immunotherapeutic… they also say in their presentation that they will begin clinical trials of that treatment in 2019, but in other places they also say 2020. They do say that they have “a Fast Track eligible orphan indication” for this one, but that still seems like a very aggressive schedule given the several balls in the air for this little company right now.

Cardiol is just getting started, you can see their latest investor presentation here if you want more of an overview. They’ve been around for about two years now and just went public a couple months ago. There’s very little to base an assessment on other than “yes, it sounds impressive if this early-stage stuff turns out to be effective” — though that’s what you can say about pretty much any early-stage biotech.

The wild card, I guess, is this Dalton Pharma partnership for producing pharmaceutical grade cannabidiol — and that’s an extremely competitive market with lots of different producers, particularly now that non-THC formulations and CBD from hemp are such active areas of investment, so you’ll have to be more expert than I if you’re going to assert that Dalton/Cardiol’s version is going to be the one that “wins” and takes share. It looks to me like Dalton is the supplier, and I have no idea how the revenue will be shared if they are indeed able to develop a compelling product that meets rising demand.

The good thing financially is that this is very early stage, and Phase 1 trials tend to be inexpensive, so unless they’re spending a lot on launching the pharmaceutical cannabidiol product this year their costs should be fairly low. We don’t really have any relevant financials, since all of their quarterly reports essentially predate the IPO and the more intensive level of work they’ve presumably been doing over the past four or five months, but the $10 million they raised last Spring and the $20 million or so they raised in their IPO in December might get them pretty far.

There’s also a good tranche of warrants available, issued at the IPO, so if you want leveraged exposure you could look into those — that’s high risk, of course, since they could easily be worth nothing. Each warrant (CRDL.WT in Toronto) gives the holder the right to buy a share at $6.50 until the expiration date, which should be December 20 of 2020 (they can force exercise if the stock trades above $10, just FYI)… and, of course, each warrant will expire worthless if the stock is below $6.50 at expiration. (Just a PSA on warrants, in case you ever decide to speculate on them: Warrants can expire worthless even if they are worth something or “in the money”, so make sure not to let your warrants expire without taking action — you need to proactively sell warrants or exercise them before expiration, there is no automatic process for that at most brokers like there is with standard stock options.)

But anyway, that’s all I’ve got for you — Cardiol has come down a bit off of its initial high, so it’s now at a market cap of about US$110 million (at $4.85). They may end up having some revenue this year, but when a company is starting up the commercialization of a new product it usually takes a lot longer and costs a lot more than expected so I certainly wouldn’t expect anything dramatic on the income statement this year. I assume they’ll get a bit of attention when they choose their first drug for what looks like the real meat of the company, this nanotech delivery technology, and apply to begin clinical trials, which they are telling us will be sometime early this year… but beyond that I can’t tell you what will happen — I’ll just provide the usual skepticism that it’s very early. Think about the risk before you daydream… it’s not going to go up 100X in the next few years even if everything goes perfectly, which it usually doesn’t, so you’ve got time to do your research and make your own judgement.

It’s your money, though, so what do you think? Excited about Cardiol’s potential? Wary of the hype? Let us know with a comment below.

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February 15, 2019 10:02 am

My fear is that CBD is just another “snake-oil” cure all that doesn’t or won’t/can’t. I’m already seeing in online retail the naming variants of CBD oil. I even went to a few sites to find out what the differences were in the names, and it seems that hemp oil is not CBD oil, but hemp extract is another name for CBD oil, and so on……….. So just looking online at the CBD/hemp product lines has my spidey senses tingling, not in a good way

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john gallo
john gallo
February 15, 2019 12:12 pm

CBD from the MJ plant is effective, not from Hemp

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February 26, 2019 2:30 pm
Reply to  john gallo

CBD from hemp must work because that is all Charlottes Web produces which helps in seizures, so you really can’t say it is ineffective.

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June 15, 2019 11:45 am
Reply to  Bidda55

Not sure you are correct. The child, Charlotte, was brought to CO because Marijuana was legal and CBD from marijuana was made for her and to qwell her seizures which it did and they named the product made from the Cannibidiol they too from Marijuana. There is controversy about Hemp vs Marijuana begotten CBD. I have used both and prefer that made from the Marijuana plant. NOT sure that one is from the leaves and one from the flower distilled out to be CBD. We will be learning much in a short while.

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June 18, 2019 10:25 am

Not sure where you got that info from Sandie but the Stanley brothers produce their product from industrial hemp which contains less than .3%THC levels. This is what was given to Charlotte.

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March 2, 2019 5:31 pm
Reply to  john gallo

Wrong! Full spectrum CBD oil from the Hemp plant works very well. I could be a poster child for it.
The key is to make sure the Hemp is organically grown in the US. Also, if a company does not publish independent lab reports, stay away.
Another key is dosage. Starting low and slowly working the dosage up until you hit the “sweet spot “ is essential. I personally take 50mg per day. I no longer have insomnia, my severe Neuropathy pain is gone. I am an amputee and had terrible phantom pain. This is also gone. At 74 I have arthritis just about everywhere. That barely bothers me now.
So yes, CBD oil from the Hemp plant works.

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👍 51
March 21, 2019 9:14 pm
Reply to  magicweaver

Thank you. I am truly happy for you.

Carmell Hergert
Carmell Hergert
March 30, 2019 2:48 pm
Reply to  magicweaver

Thanks , I buy this brand myself and have terrible neuropathy and cannot stand Lyrica that makes me feel out of my head for 2 days . It is pricey and I paid about 76$ for 23 mg Hemp Extract oil here in Nederland TX.

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May 26, 2019 6:13 pm
Reply to  magicweaver

Could you tell me which CBD you use? I’ve been taking CBD for two years. I no longer suffer from severe migraine but it’s done absolutely nothing for my fibromyalgia and other joint pain.

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May 27, 2019 8:05 am
Reply to  magicweaver

Dear magic weaver I am trying to find out what brand to get and should it be cbd/thx combo or just cbd? I have severe nerve pain, insomnia & more . need info

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June 15, 2019 11:46 am
Reply to  magicweaver

How about sharing what brand you use and do you buy it over the counter or in a Marijuana dispensary?

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February 15, 2019 4:28 pm

Also, I just learned that Amazon has “banned” CBD products for some odd reason, as most CBD is technically “THC Free” (The chemical in MJ that gets you high) at 0.3% or less. Amazon is probably thinking they are “taking the lead” to reduce any non-legal CBD (Where it has more than 0.3% THC) products showing up on their site, but all it seems to have done is cause more confusion in what the products actually are. Further reading/researching shows that the “legal” CBD is actually legal in all 50 states in the US, so Amazon might want to take another look at that……….. that’s missing some serious sales (Potentially)

👍 49
February 19, 2019 10:55 am
Reply to  kd1966

There’s many uses for cbd it’s definitely not a snake oil . That’s just common sense it’s been around forever why havnt you tried it out yet for yourself?

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👍 7
February 23, 2019 3:57 pm
Reply to  kd1966

From my very personal and very intense experience, CBD Has been a godsend for me and has helped me immensely with my Arthritis, Anxiety, and most importantly a mild brain trauma that I received in a car accident 5 1/2 years ago! It is no snake oil!!! I would encourage you to take some time and do your research! I spent over 100 hours. If you’re over the age of forty years old go try some yourself at that age in life there are more issues such as inflammation to benefit from. All that said from my experience make sure you take it at least twice a day take it every day for a minimum of thirty days. I would not still be doing most of my favorite activities had I not found CBD!!!

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February 23, 2019 4:50 pm
Reply to  David

What brand do you recommend?

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March 2, 2019 5:42 pm
Reply to  Andrew

Check out the high potency oil from Lazarus Naturals. Not only is their oil very effective, they also offer a substantial discount for Veterans, the disabled and people with low income.

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👍 51
March 2, 2019 6:11 pm
Reply to  magicweaver

Thank you Magicweaver.

February 23, 2019 6:47 pm
Reply to  David

David. So glad to hear CBD works for you. I suffer from arthritis, carpal tunnel and bad headaches. Any brand or strain you can recommend for the pains? Thank you.

March 3, 2019 2:15 am
Reply to  eleanor

Carpal tunnel and bad headaches sounds like a pinched nerve in your neck. Luckily I didnt get surgery on my wrist when tbe problem was in my neck!

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Sara J
Sara J
February 27, 2019 2:23 am
Reply to  David

CBD is definitely NOT “snake oil”!
I am a (“seasoned”) R.N. and have researched this product for hundreds of hours before trying it myself and befitting from very effective results.
My daughter and her friend visited after playing golf and were complaining of “stiffness” in their shoulders. I squirted a dose of CBD Oil under their tongues…about 35-40 min later I asked them how their shoulder stiffness felt…they did a range of motion and BINGO, the pain was gone…they have since purchased their own bottles. It certainly is a miracle OTC drug!
I am in my 70’s and find that my balance has improved and that my knee pain is diminished. I also take it for a better quality of (longer) sleep. Our bodies’ produce this chemical, (cannabidiol), naturally and as we age we become deficient in it…it is now being sold as a supplement in health food stores. The great thing about this is that there are no groggy side effects at all because it does NOT contain marijuana…it is derived from the hemp plant.
I have purchased CBD from several different vendors to “test the effectiveness” from various strengths. I would advise you to purchase the oil drops… place the dose directly under your tongue in order for the oil to be absorbed into your blood vessels…wiggle your tongue around for about 30-45 secs to facilitate quicker absorption before you swallow the remaining oil. Be sure to take it on a daily basis in order to reap the continuous benefit of CBD.
As we age we seem to get stiff and have limited range of motion…the “proof of the pudding” is how popular CBD is in Florida!
On the financial side, after personally being convinced of the effectiveness of CBD, I researched some stocks and “weeded out”, (sorry for the pun), those that weren’t seeming to go anywhere any too soon. I purchased Canadian stocks because the U.S. was dragging it’s feet toward legalization etc. The Canadian stocks that have served me well and now trade on the American Stock Exchanges are; CANOPY, TILRAY, CRONOS, (is adding CBD to beer), and HEXO…they are about to go higher since most are focusing on CBD vs just pot! CBD is the winner here. Young and old will be benefiting around the world! Check out the countries that these companies have contracts with…it is not too late to jump on the bandwagon and just let it ride! Happy trails!

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February 27, 2019 7:25 pm
Reply to  Sara J

Great CBD info.; thanks Sara.

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👍 784
February 27, 2019 6:50 pm
Reply to  David

David, if you don’t mind, what is the THC content, if any of the CBD you are taking….as it varies a lot. Thank You!

March 2, 2019 5:38 pm
Reply to  David

My experience is the same.

👍 51
March 2, 2019 8:32 am
Reply to  kd1966

CBD oip is not another snake oil. It helps people daily with many different ailments. CBD oils help with headaches, nerve pain, and even opiate withdrawals. That’s just to name a few bit there is a whole range of ailments it helps with.

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March 21, 2019 9:11 pm
Reply to  kd1966

Hemp oil may contain CBD but is not guaranteed. It still has benefits. But to get the real medicinal effect it must be CBD and I prefer in excess of 750mg. Lower then that is only moderately effective. I take 1000mg.

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February 15, 2019 11:07 am

If you want to learn about CBD, a great place to start and one of the most reliable sources of information may be found at “Project CBD”, a California non-profit established in 2010:
One can find clear explanations and the latest of published scientific findings.

👍 101
February 15, 2019 4:43 pm
Reply to  invest405

Very interesting site with loads of great info on the CBD subject; thank you

👍 49
Michele DiCiccio
Michele DiCiccio
February 15, 2019 11:09 am

Cardiol sounds amazing. If they can accomplish what they set out to do what a beautiful outcome for people. Skeptical of the warrant situation tho. It does warrant (no pun) some digging into for specifics.

February 15, 2019 12:02 pm

Your appraisal of the molecule of the century convinced me to subscribe to your ‘musings’ . I have invested where JM has signaled and had more success than expected . Your writings have shown you do know a thing or two and make what I now see as honest opinions , keeping my feet on the floor.
Please don’t stop.

👍 22
February 15, 2019 6:01 pm

Well, I guess time will tell…in terms of pain relief, currently CBD oil would need some THC, otherwise is basically a vitamin type formula. However if medically processed who knows…great if it works.

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Holistic Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy - Los Angeles
Reply to  jflynch

At 77 years old I have arthritis in my index fingers and other hand joints. My wife gave me a jar of CBD oil balm, and I tried rubbing it in the burning inflamed areas, without any particular expectation it would be of much use. To my amazement it rapidly took away the pain, and later reduced the inflammation and swelling. A second application a few days later produced the same result. I used only a small amount. Drawbacks are, 1) small jar is quite expensive, 2) it remains oily/greasy on the skin, and takes a lot of rubbing in to dissipate. Due to the progressive nature of rheumatoid arthritis, ongoing usage is probably needed, but the reduction of swelling in some areas has lasted 2 weeks.

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Richard Loehr
Richard Loehr
February 19, 2019 9:16 am

a friend of mine with MS tried it. No results at all. Very disappointing for him.

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February 16, 2019 2:37 pm
Reply to  jflynch

Join the discussionreally doesn’t need THC for pain relief, there are CBD receptors and I think they block the pain receptors

February 27, 2019 7:17 pm
Reply to  Dave

My wife tried the just CBD for arthritis pain and other back pain with no results…that’s why I previously mentioned the need for a small percentage of THC. Who knows the CBD will get better in time I think. Thanks for the comment.

March 2, 2019 5:48 pm
Reply to  jflynch

It is a matter of the quality of the oil and the dosage. I live in a Senior Community and had several neighbors tell me they tried CBD oil with no results. I educated them and they now have great results.

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👍 51
February 15, 2019 7:32 pm

As a grower and processor of hemp for CBD in Colorado, I can attest to the efficacy of high quality full spectrum CBD for a wide range of medical conditions. The upside of CBD as a nutritional supplement (which is not regulated by the FDA) allows for an expansion of the market at prices that are generally affordable. The downside as an unregulated supplement is that the market is saturated with substandard products making unwarranted claims. A company like Cardiol can come in with the” latest and greatest” with no stringent third party testing.
Seems the majority of stocks based on the cannabinol market take a quick upsurge based on investor hype, only to loose steam once the dream becomes reality.

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Ralph DiMaio
Ralph DiMaio
February 16, 2019 10:45 am
Reply to  Jay

So buy CRTPF or not? I have made %300. on marijuana stocks over the last 4 years, Get in , Wait till its over 25% profit and get out. If theres one you like wait for a pull back and buy again. Yes I did very well with Aurora, CBD, Tndyne, VFFI, But on those I got in early and cheap. Company valuations were my primary fundamental.

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February 17, 2019 2:43 pm
Reply to  Ralph DiMaio

definitely no – same group destroyed shareholder value at vasogen.
burn rate extreme as well as phase trials – valuation extreme

👍 22
February 17, 2019 4:28 pm
Reply to  microcapwiz

Are you saying not to buy Cardiol? For some reason it seems really hard to buy – I’ve had an order in for over a week at Fidelity and it never goes through even when the price has been well below my limit price.

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February 16, 2019 1:25 pm
Reply to  Jay

Hey, Jay, really interesting. I have been trying to learn about the growing and processing. I am wanting to get in the business, mostly just been watching youtube videos. I am married to a Colombian and we have a family farm , we are contemplating growing there, Supposedly one of the best places to grow. Not sure whether to grow with THC or hemp. I guess which would be most profitable. Also some family farm in Ky, which my grandfather grew hemp during WW2. My first thought is to grow Colombian Gold(just sounds really cool, not a pot user and some cannabinol products I tried didn’t work) Any advice?

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February 20, 2019 9:22 pm
Reply to  Dave

I would advise against Colombia, the cartel will not take kindly to anyone invading their “turf”.

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February 23, 2019 7:05 pm
Reply to  Dave

OTC: KHRNF Khiron is located in Columbia. Read about Khiron in Ted Ohashi’s weekly free enewsletter released on Monday’s. Vicente Fox, former Mexico president, is on Khiron board. Khiron is considered a leading company to distribute CBD products into Latin America, South America, and Mexico when Mexico legalizes.

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👍 784
February 27, 2019 7:23 pm
Reply to  Dave

Where would you sell it….in Columbia? The KY farm sounds good for Hemp as you could always sell your Hemp to another processer. Hemp is going to be big in the US….some farmers are switching from corn and soybean (cash crops) to Hemp. Good Luck!

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February 27, 2019 7:39 pm
Reply to  Dave

Hey Dave, See Cannabis Business Times magazine February 2019 article about growing Hemp One person mentioned is Andrew Graves, Chairman, Atalo Holdings; his grandfather grew Hemp in Kentucky before 1937.
Good luck!

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👍 784
February 16, 2019 12:49 pm

Hi, I think I read the same ad some time ago, but I came up with Nanoshpere Health Sciences, NSHF(I think), read over their stuff and was very impressive and dove in with 7,000 shares, (they were only .25), so much easier to get the gain he was talking about and I think it went public sometime in 2018. Their nanotechnology only makes it maybe 8 time more effective, but they also have transdermal applications(so that’s how I came up with the targeted areas) . Anyway, going to revisit the ad. But a question about warrants, I was reading this newsletter “Let’s Toke Business” and he was writing about Khiron Life Sciences and said he didn’t own any shares, but had 150K warrants($2 stock), but when I looked up it said there weren’t any options available. I did buy some share though, but on an American exchange. So if you buy warrants, you do** .WT?

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February 17, 2019 1:37 am

I teased this out when a reader posed the question and SG hadn’t replied but my comment was “waiting moderation” and never came through. I know SG has integrity, but very curious why my correct answer to a reader posted question was never approved and then 2 days later we get the official response.
One question – why can’t I buy it in Fidelity? I have had an order for over a week and like I said in my comment (that apparently wasn’t approved by the moderator), there are very few shares trading, but many outstanding. Why can’t I buy?
Why wasn’t my answer approved before your post??
When I make up the $30k I’m down over the past 8 months, the first thing I’m going to do is become an irregular.

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Jason Knight
Jason Knight
February 20, 2019 10:29 pm

I would also be looking at NanoSphere Health Sciences as a company that is somewhat like what is being described, just a thought.

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February 24, 2019 8:58 pm

Yeah Ok So I have to state the same concerns I see posted here. Its for good reason and appreciated the reality of these products, One, no standardized measured effectiveness across industry. Two, no regulated quality standards and enforcement of safety. I think if CBD has a controlled substance THC, requiring prescription that may be the best investment, trust of product. I think of hemp oil (snake oil) consistent with bath tub gin during Prohibition. So top off this teaser with another Canadian based OTC stock in trails, makes me shutter.

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👍 20
February 26, 2019 2:03 pm

I bought Jimmy Mengels newsletter and the stock he reccomends is Sproutly Canada SRUTF.

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👍 19
February 28, 2019 3:29 pm
Reply to  shelonious

Agree that Sproutly is of major interest. Given the buy price currently..WOW. Short factful article here

👍 35
March 1, 2019 5:26 pm
Reply to  jsr1972

and , I went to link you gave about Jimmy Mengel touting SRUTF Sproutly Canada – thanks much… part of DD due diligence will check out their website and patents.

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👍 35
March 2, 2019 11:21 pm
Reply to  jsr1972

Thanks much , I went to the seekingalpha link you gave on Sproutly SRUTF, it was very good. I was comparing with Lexaria LXRP which I previously owned a bit of stock (see this seekingalpha article ) The Sproutly article is compelling!
I particularily like their INFUZ2O water soluble cannibinoids process with inset of 5 minutes and offset of 90 minutes.

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jimmy mengel
👍 784
April 7, 2019 11:53 pm
Reply to  jsr1972

Yes grasshopper!!!! Sproutly is the one!!! Bought 1350 shares at $0.38 a while back after reading the article about Infusion Biosciences which is the company that Sproutly acquired. I would love love love to see Coke partner with them. Maybe the first one could be called Spritely?

👍 63
Alan blake
Alan blake
April 4, 2019 4:16 pm
Reply to  steveflick

Hi. How did you get on?

I’m new and was wondering.


April 16, 2019 1:16 am
Reply to  shelonious

The price is only $0.68, whereas Mengel’s ad says it’s a $3-4 company. I believe Mengel has 10 stock recommendations teased in his ad. Aren’t there multiple answers then? Travis wasn’t hesitant on this one, so trying to make sense of it. FYI, CBD works great for wife!

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👍 27
jane galt
jane galt
March 2, 2019 8:41 pm

I wanted to add my experience to the CBD oil efficacy comments. I tried two products purchased at a Colorado dispensary, one with THC and one without. I have suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for 30 years and am always eager to try products that have the potential to offer pain relief.

I did not find either product helpful. I would provide the brand if I had not discarded the remaining product. I am thrilled for those who have found it helpful, it just did nothing for me. I am glad I had the option of obtaining it legally.

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Carol Schwab
Carol Schwab
May 8, 2019 11:03 am

I got in to Cardiol early by researching on my own the Miracle Molecule. I will be increasing my investment in this company. I also researched Elixinol and invested in that at the initial IPO

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Helen Heindel
Helen Heindel
May 11, 2019 5:16 pm

Thanks for all the info everyone freely shares… helps sort through the minefields of info that comes my way, without paying a subscription price.!!!!

May 15, 2019 9:19 pm

Hello Gum Shoer’s
I want to Thank Travis and Steve for this service. It could keep you from paying $1999.00 and making Jimmy Mengel richer than he already is. This I don’t understand, if you have ever joined one of these services like “Motley Fool” all involved introduce themselves and go through all the money they have made from start-up businesses and selling them for millions and all the millions they have made from stocks, all the millions they have made from cryptocurrency. Why the hell are they working for someone? and taking orders? They should be sitting on a beach with one of those drinks with a little umbrella in it. I would also like to thank all you Gum Shoer’s who emailed me saying they want me to email them information about Marijuana stocks. I have 30 as of right now that I email. Now you can take this or leave it but 2 Republican Congressman has said the legalization for the U.S. will be June 21, 2019, I guess because there are people that expect it to never happen. Firing up a joint or bong is unthought of in front of your neighbor who is a police officer. I will have 4 stocks that are to explode on the 21st. And if you remember I said I would have one for May 31st. I will post all of that information on “Matt McCalls IPO” here on Gum Shoe. One of my topics will be Agora Finacial who I think are scammers. Ray Blanco, picks are wrong and sometimes late. and all their opportunities of a black box that will tell you which stocks are going to blow up tomorrow. If you want information about Marijuana emailed to you email me @

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👍 31
November 26, 2020 11:13 pm

Just an update on Nov 26,2020:
Sproutly is at .035 (SRUTF);
Cardiol (CRTPF) is at $1.89, down from 9 in March 2019

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