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Mengel’s pitching the “Apple of Pot” and the “Silicon Valley of Pot” — what’s this “secret” investment?

Checking into the latest Marijuana Manifesto teaser pitch from Jimmy Mengel

This one’s not exactly a tightly-controlled secret (though the ad makes it sound like one), but we’ll put the Thinkolator on the case anyway… we’ve gotten lots of questions about the latest marijuana pitch from Jimmy Mengel, who is advertising subscriptions to his Marijuana Manifesto service ($1,999/year) — seems that plenty of people want to know what his secret “Apple of Pot” stock is, and, well, we aim to please.

The general push of the ad is that you have to be invested by July 1, mostly because Mengel thinks that the pending move to full recreational legalization in Canada on that date is going to spur huge investor interest and open up new markets and get everyone excited… but this isn’t a Canadian pot stock, so the impact is indirect. (And yes, Canada is moving to that full legalization this Summer… though there’s plenty of talk about it being delayed meaningfully beyond that July 1 date, presumably both because of implementation complications and legislative foot-dragging.)

This stock apparently has some connection to the “Silicon Valley of Pot”, which is also called the “epicenter of the cannabis movement” and referred to obliquely in a few other ways, and that’s clearly a reference to the historical center (for last 50 years, anyway) of the marijuana cultivation movement in the US, Humboldt County and neighboring areas of Northern California.

Here’s a little snippet that covers his big picture argument:

“Canada will become the first ‘rich’ country to make pot legal. Not just decriminalized or unenforced but 100% lawful.

“Investors worldwide — and especially investors here in the United States — will be keeping a close eye on how it unfolds…

“They’ll see how early investors in legal marijuana firms stood to book gains as high as 11,084% and how new millionaires are minted in the process.

“You can bet when this happens, they’ll turn their attention to the United States…

“Where the marijuana market is set to top $35 billion by 2020…”

And then we get into the specifics about the stock…

“I say the Silicon Valley of pot is the most exciting marijuana opportunity I’ve ever seen — specifically the secretive company working on Project IVXX that’s been dubbed the Apple of Pot! ….

“Like Apple, it’s working on a hush-hush project, called Project IVXX.

“It took me two weeks to persuade the investor relations manager to get me on the phone with the CEO…

“Even then, it wasn’t easy to get the information I needed. But I did. And for the first time in financial publishing, I can reveal exactly what Project IVXX is…

“But before I go on, you should know that I have permission to share the details with you today. What you’re about to hear is akin to having insider information on the iPhone before the public knew it existed.


“Project IVXX is a program for creating and producing proprietary blends of marijuana.”

That seems a little silly — who would have a secret program for producing proprietary blends? Every manufacturer is trying to develop consumer-focused brands in marijuana, certainly all the pot companies are aware that it wasn’t the generic tobacco farmers who became wealthy, it was the developers of the brands like Marlboro who created consumer demand and loyalty (addiction helps with the loyalty, of course).

That’s what has mostly kept me out of marijuana investing, the notion that the plant itself is relatively common and easy to grow, and that the profits in the end are likely to go to whatever the most powerful consumer brands end up being… and we don’t know that yet (and I don’t know the industry enough to identify an up-and-comer brand with any great insight).

And of course, as we’ll see in a moment, this “Project IVXX” isn’t secret at all, it is actively marketed by the company both to customers, as a brand they’re trying to get distribution for, and to investors, as a distinguishing aspect of the company. More on that in a moment. Other clues of import?

“The company has developed and acquired a custom state-of-the-art extraction lab — reminiscent of Apple’s own bleeding-edge tech. It lets the company produce the finest grade marijuana that’s tailored to customers’ needs and feedback…”

OK, what else?

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It actually has some revenue…

“Between 1Q 2016 and 1Q 2017, it boosted revenue by 340%”

And they also have a New Jersey business, which might provide some upside…

“… you should expect legalized recreational cannabis in New Jersey very soon. And once again, its proximity to New York will be a massive boon.

“Our company — based in the heart of the Silicon Valley of pot — already has huge environmentally controlled greenhouses in New Jersey.

“Right now, they’re used for growing herbs and vegetables, but that could all change with pot laws. Meaning, not only is this company positioned in the biggest market on the West Coast, California, but also in one of the largest on the East Coast, too.”

So… hoodat? This is, sez the Thinkolator, Terra Tech (TRTC)… again, not super secret, since the real name of that secretive “Project IVXX” Mengel talks about is, well, IVXX. Which, in case you’re wondering, is a roman numeral interpretation of “420,” the longstanding shorthand/slang term for marijuana.

And yes, IVXX is effectively an attempt at a high-end brand in marijuana, with selected hybrid flowers and a variety of other products that, yes, are produced in what they call their “innovative and extremely advanced extraction labs.” They do have growers in Humboldt County, though Terra Tech itself is headquartered near Los Angeles.

Terra Tech also has a second brand in marijuana, the Blüm Medical Cannabis dispensary that has a couple locations in Nevada and California… and yes, to confirm the match they also own the large Edible Garden greenhouse in New Jersey, which seems to be a successful hydroponic vegetable grower that they say they’re actively expanding to other markets as they try to build a grocery brand, though it seems quite likely that they would immediately ditch Edible Garden if New Jersey law changes and they have the option of generating 10X the return with marijuana growing in that same facility (though they’ve been talking up this potential for four years, so I don’t know what the actual prospects might be).

Terra Tech does indeed have pretty good revenue growth, as well — though the one quarter they call out in a graph in the ad is their best quarter (no surprise there), with 340.8% year over year revenue growth in the first quarter of 2017… in the most recent quarter they grew revenues at 46%. The next report should be the year-end 2017 earnings, which will come out right around the end of March (it was March 31 last year), and investors will certainly have an eye on those top-line growth numbers — but the bottom line is not all that likely to be meaningful in the near future.

Terra Tech’s income statement calls our attention to the fact that this is a high-growth business, but also that it must be very competitive, with everyone trying very hard to gain a toehold, because the spending growth is extraordinary. There is no particular indication that the business is getting to be big enough to have any economies of scale at the product level, their cost of goods sold has generally grown just as fast as their revenue, but in the September quarter they did show some signs of growing into their SG&A spending, so things are moving in the right direction.

I’ll be curious to see what they say in their next conference call, they do have their license to sell recreational marijuana in California, so if they are able to get a toehold in that huge business with their Blüm dispensaries and/or the IVXX-branded products they could ramp up sales growth pretty dramatically — I have no idea what the competitive landscape is like in that consumer pot business in California, but there are at least hundreds of competitors so there is certainly a challenge in ramping up to try to take share. I do like the focus on that IVXX brand — it’s hard to see competitive artisanal dispensaries being leveraged into huge businesses, but you can imagine a packaged item like their IVXX joints or CBD oils or vape cartridges building brand awareness and a following. Doesn’t mean it will happen, but it seems possible.

So that’s an interesting one, it obviously carries all the regulatory risks of other US marijuana companies, which in the eyes of Attorney General Sessions probably includes “all of them” but, to my mind, particularly puts those whose business is predicated on a big boom in recreational marijuana at elevated risk (if there’s to be more legislative compromise, medical marijuana is far less controversial), but Terra Tech’s early brand-building efforts do catch my eye… and it’s not a micro-size company but it is quite small considering the possible eventual size of the legal recreational market.

Whether you think that’s worth their current $230 million market cap, of course, depends mostly on how active your imagination is — and you probably do have some time, assuming they don’t have a profit bombshell in their next earnings report, because their current pace of spending means they should be raising money again pretty soon with more equity sales, which tend to depress the price at least temporarily… and if they’re really trying to ramp up spending to take meaningful share of the California market, I would assume that the next equity offering will be a big one. You can see their latest investor presentation here if you want more of an overview of the company.

So there you have it… the so-called “Apple of Pot” is Terra Tech, and you can make your own call about whether the price makes sense given their financial performance and their market opportunity. So go forth, researchify to your heart’s content, and let us know what you think with a comment below… maybe we can all make each other just a little bit smarter.

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March 12, 2018 3:51 pm

Just was lucky enough to check my news feed after walkin the dawgs before lunch.
ANYone wondering about the short and long term effects of a RS on not just the share price but the reputation of it’s management team.
This action shows their true colors with regard to their shareholders…reducing us all into a giant ceaspool they only use when they need a little cash flow.
The worst part is that the industry is new and with it come thousands of unsuspecting investors who ate totally unaware of how these rouges and con men operate. They will reissue billions more shares and churn them out until the share price is right back to where it is today-post RS… THEN… they’ll do it all over again and again until there’s no one left to burn. THEN, they change their name to super weed or some other catchy name.
The biggest irony of them all is it’s our school kids being shot down and not those evil scum.
Nothing fair or just about this pink world.
Write down their names. Of you trade long enough you will see them again.
I think I mentioned earlier today the importance of knowing just who and what the management team really is all about…you bring snakes into your house ya better be ready for the sting of a few fangs.

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March 12, 2018 3:55 pm
Reply to  Chet

TRTC, sorry forgot we were hashing out a few different companies.
Ya can drop it off your lists now.
They sold their credibility for a quick buck and it’s gunna cost them.
You too if you stick with them.

March 13, 2018 1:57 am
Reply to  Chet

Chet Not a fan of the mgt either first time I ever threw money at them but like it or not they hold the big pcs to the west and east costs as well as soon as they put the 12 month freeze on them selling off there shares I doubled up see what there balance sheet shows now that they got a slap on the wrist just there name being thrown to the top of the pile by investment companies adds to the hype even more not as greedy as I was 25 to a dollar can’t pass it up if it drops 10 cents I will but more and maximize with there easy stroll starting in may when the Canadian investors have them at the top of there list with what they believe California holds I laugh when I saw the break down of Canadian investors agree to disagree my friend it’s a hell of a lot better than some over priced snoop dog or wopppy Goldberg thing it’s like the etfs the nyse starts everyhing off where they believe it willl be after 6 months Canada kept theirs a little harder to reach just long enough for the Canadian folks to get in I went threw pen trade got in at 7.25 mpx stayed close to 30 dollars so USA legit holdings and the Canadians are buying when it was still in the 30s there is no Apple of pot they aren’t a long. Term hold but they will at least hit a buck . And I did well as we disagreed again with Mymmf insider trading all cash business skimming early Las Vegas is the bigger problem yet they still double and triple and now they accepted free grant money from the prime minster to do studies that is the craziest thing I ever heard he’s lining his pension pockets they are building the biggest and the most efficacy monsters all o er the place don’t care that they won’t even be half way done by the summer don’t get more stable if the govt gives you money to sell pot as long as your between1.30 1.90 this will be there 6 dollar year for a week . Look at jimmy marijuana manefesto he did real well with everyone’s money but everyone makes mistakes here it’s only the rally dumb one that won’t double for you soon as I saw him not bail let alone get in massroots when his claim to fame was traveling and inspecting the properties and owners well mass roots was his facebook of pot unfortunately he either never stopped in to look around or being the youngster he is hung out the night smoking g up and taking a ride in the 25 year old owner Lamborghini which he crashes after falling asleep from all the icy he was eating . Kid got fired by his own business or face the lawsuit the bottom at 66 cents fell to a quarter and he still hasn’t at least said get out ASAP my friend that I used to sell a few buckles and dimes with in the eighths told me don’t fall in love with your stocks number one and Therese aren’t stocks in any way shape or form yet . Mymmf if you got a grand you want to turn into 4 set it and forget it I’m not selling I’m buying this is my second time in and out with them last time it was a maybe 60-100pct but got in a little late and still did 205 Pct so this time 1.45 I’m happy having 2500 in it would love to see it drop under 175 I have another 2,500 just waiting. Good luck always

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👍 140
March 12, 2018 10:44 pm

I’m sorry if this is wholly inappropriate question for this forum but I’m hoping someone can tell me if the rules have changed in these OTC markets since I was a very active trader in 2009? I became an investor when my trading account blew up in my face back then so I’m a pretty rusty trader.
I’ve spent the last few hours researching the OTC site and can’t figure out if they have added prioritised trading rules now?
Used to be NON-prioritized? That combined with all the naked shorting that was going on and you were totally at the mercy of your trading desk. I can’t count how many times I put up a trade well above the ask, trying to exit a position only to watch the trades go right past my offer and never fill!!!???
I’ve only been ‘actively’ trading again for a year or so and can’t really complain about MOST of my fills…still.
Has this market cleaned up any with more electronically exiquteted trades or is it all still a wild wild west?
TRTC promised to RS only for a ‘good reason’, ie to move to a more ‘favorable’ market but the ONLY way they do that is to move out of the otc market all together, when any changes within that market is basically through changes in accounting accountability and I suppose share price but TRTC was already above .01?
Just currious…any enlightenment there would be greatly appreciated.

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March 13, 2018 2:27 am

This was from the app NCV…New Cannibus Ventures…it got to me a half hour before the market closed at 2:30…notice the PR was time stamped 3pm!
No wonder no one heard of this… I got out and tried to update it here but I guess most news links missed it…
March 12, 2018 at 3:00 pm
Terra Tech Reverse-Split Ahead
Breaking News by Alan Brochstein, CFA
Terra Tech (OTC: TRTC) traded sharply lower today after initial strength following news that the company is conducting a 1:15 reverse-split on March 13th, a move that was revealed on FINRA’s website:
Lets see….28 x 15 = 4.20
I hope everyone is still laughing tomorrow?

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👍 11
March 13, 2018 3:26 am

Glad to see some listen there are big differences between Canadian stocks and USA based the Wall Street guys take the number and calculate values like these are actual stocks they aren’t all the no brainers are at bottom now except for imlf they shot up like last year when the stuck tobthere guns and have a patent that is worth money to every bio tech company. As soon as a company that has all the land in all the big states coming up as well as from the beginning and now that oils is the pot of the future that company profits will double as soon as extraction is up and running very expensive machines you have a can’t loose add in the hype and you have a minimum 300 Pct gainer if you get in at the inbeteeen vote bottom they will even start turning profits in Vegas where they follow the laws unlike California there a pain in the ass and are ahead of everyone only the tourist buy pot the locals have been growing there own for 10 years . I thought I was doing someone a good deed and they just are to In love with there choices it took 5 years of waiting justto be sure they weren’t going to take it serious and meet supply and demand which is a big worry in Canada they went overboard and as soon as companies like terra tec in the USA start popping up Canada is going to be storing there pot way over board. The best news will be when they vote or pass down grading away from heroine and coke do I think it’s going to be a legal mess yess do I think it’s a good idea to do completly legal no but treating it as a huge money maker for me I’m ok with it and the USA is broke you could fix all the money problems and then tighten down the laws I just have read so much bad info here I have ocd when people give out bad advice all the moves they made public were a done deal last month that info will raise the price a Nickle but since it’s a USA company the first legit one not like snoop dog and whoops goldburgs inflated ico process Going on but it will loose the 5 cents. If they stay out of the new for a week just the way the game works I have been doing this since the beginning and the mistakes I made were the stocks like wheaton that weren’t budging loosing a penny Going a penny they were all under 50 cent stocks and the guys like canopy that were moving made huge profits the first two times but once your over 10 bucks there upside is not 400 -1000 Pct anymore if I would of kept the small solid with the special angle like wheaton would of made the extra 300 Pct that’s just the way it works yes it’s greedy but it happens I type slow and. Didn’t come for advice even all I herd of a couple of interesting .005 stocks that I’m sure i can throw two grand at and maybe there still are a couple 1600 Pct left out there but if this doesn’t turn out to be the last round before the banks and Wall Street takes a terra tech gets in at 20 cents and offers it to the public finally at 10 dollars we make a little allowing them to get rich. God bless Chet I’m sure he means well but this place is all about letting the regular guys and gals in on something good or if you got some early down grade news by all means put it out there don’t confuse people with negative or positive unless you did more than a few hours of research . As soon as I read the number one invest ment in a USA stock by Canadians was terra tech they were a easy holding to add to the list and still have time to add more . I’m not talented enough to copy and paste all the info I have on the can’t dispute buy or not but you did a lot of shaking First or second timers to the pot game a gtreat service.
Another pc of advice now that cfo is went NASD Ac it shows companies trying to raise money be honest with your earnings and your patents and you don’t need to advertise even all you legally can’t the traditionally buy keep your ears open and. Read everyday about your watch list and holdings all these not so stick sharp ceo and cfos see the difference when your moved from otc that will become a major thing to try and get ahead of before hand that’s extra free money added on top of your hype crazy temporary highs . Don’t get greedy after 150pct unless your holding 12 holdings all well over 5000 . It’s free money hope you get as much as you can don’t sell off terra tech unless something crazy happens like the cfo is a crack addict! Good job you helpedalot of people not having to try and figure out what that soells

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👍 140
March 13, 2018 6:50 am

#ThankYOU Robert, Chet and others for sharing… 🙂
InMed Appoints Dr. Eric Hsu as Vice President, Preclinical Research and Development
March 13, 2018
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – March 13, 2018 – InMed Pharmaceuticals Inc. (“InMed” or the “Company”) (CSE: IN; OTCQB: IMLFF), a biopharmaceutical company specializing in the research and development of novel, cannabinoid-based drug therapies, announced today the appointment of Eric Hsu, Ph.D., as Vice President of Preclinical Research and Development. In this capacity, Dr. Hsu will assume primary responsibility for advancing the Company’s cannabinoid biosynthesis manufacturing process and preclinical research on new drug candidates, including INM-085 for glaucoma and INM-405 for pain.

Dr. Hsu joins InMed with over 18 years of scientific leadership experience in developing novel gene transfer technologies and validation of preclinical drug candidates. Prior to joining InMed, Dr. Hsu held various positions with enGene Inc., including VP of Research and VP of Scientific Affairs and Operations. During his tenure, his responsibilities covered a wide array of activities, from benchtop research, formulation development and manufacturing process development to patent prosecution, vendor contract negotiations and execution, and research partnerships. He has co-authored over 25 publications and abstracts and holds five patents. Dr. Hsu received his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in Medical Biophysics.

Eric A. Adams, InMed’s President & CEO, commented, “Dr. Hsu brings a tremendous scope and depth of scientific leadership to our Company. He has extensive experience to face several specific challenges which we will encounter as we develop our technologies, including biosynthesis and new product candidates.”

“InMed’s impressive technologies and focused approach to drug discovery and development have resulted in an exciting pipeline of drug candidates across many disease areas”, stated Dr. Hsu. “I am very excited to join the InMed team and look forward to assisting the Company in accomplishing its scientific and technology development objectives.”

About InMed:
InMed is a fully-integrated biopharmaceutical company specializing in the research and development of novel, cannabinoid-based prescription drug therapies utilizing novel delivery approaches. Along with building and validating its proprietary drug-disease targeting platform and biosynthesis technologies for broad commercial use, InMed is currently developing pre-clinical product candidates INM-750 for the treatment of epidermolysis bullosa, INM-085 for the treatment of glaucoma and INM-405 for the treatment of pain. For more information, visit
… #Best2ALL!

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👍 11604
March 13, 2018 12:34 pm

RobertHebel, I am a total newbie to marijuana stocks but have been using medical MJ for a year for pain and I’ sooo grateful for it. I am sure it will be a billion/trillion dollar economy. I’m 77 and would like to add buy a stock or two in something I believe in so much to add to my modest retirement fund. You seem like a kind-hearted and very knowledgeable person. I could invest one or two thousand in one or two stocks. Would you be so kind as to recommend a couple for me? Thanks so very much!

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March 15, 2018 2:20 am
Reply to  karenina

Absulatly no problem I can throw a dozen names at you but they each have there differences are they at the bottom yet the stocks that literally won’t move until 30 days prior to some gotta get out really early some you can do a little of anything I would waste time one this game being the final pure play can’t loose as long as I know exactly what your looking to do there are some buy right now and don’t have to adjust anything just be ready to sells by the 1st of July the wheaton 6102486892 text or call any time would love to help you out as long as your not a terrorist it’s free money and I hate when people make mistake listing to the wrong people you have time there are two really solid 200-400 Pct Gaines but need to get in now to maximize return if not there are so many good one just get in touch and tell me your situation. Future farms at 50 cents will minimum 1.50 2.25 right now at bottom but really need more info and don’t want to spell something wrong or misunderstand you so call anytime I don’t know much but this has been the miracle of my life me and a friend went threw round one and all theses years later it’s great giving some back to good people
Rob H

big tuna
March 14, 2018 3:51 pm

I thought I had missed out on TRTCD with what people were saying purchase price and then yesterdays high (funny with weed, get it?) was $5.74, then found out there was a 1/15 reverse split. I bought into weed with the ETFMG ALTERNATIVE HARVEST ETF figuring shotgun better than singles, but not retiring off that any time soon. Got myself some MASSROOTS too- how could you go wrong with the 2 buzzwords of weed and blockchain, but they did. Now I think of weed like gold mining stocks…….

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👍 299
March 15, 2018 3:13 am

Before terra tech I saw a mass roots comment. Friendly advice even all the stocks which is hard to call them do triple without ever making a single dime the name game is dying off but mass roots owner is a 26 year old opioid addict who inherreted a little cash and made money with the worst web sight i’ve seen and claiming to be the new pot face book was brought up at the last live conference. He recked the lanbergeni hi in pills got locked up was being shied by his own mgt to step down as owner for stocks or be taken to court well they made up took him back and have nothing to offer even got evicted out of Denver head office there are so many sticks to choose from there all winners but would pick that one especially that topic now that Canada hired SHOPIFY for all the transaction to go threw and basically make everything run smooth I would rather advertise with Shopify. Then them who everyone should be selling there mirickle grow and buying what every share you can with your miracle grow prices every Canadian companies transaction will go threw shop and this will be shops next big thing and will end up and stay up at 250 a share a lot more the the safe miracle grow dream. Hope everyone sold off terra tech made a few buck and be patient for it to find the bottom I know it was a pain in the ass but heads up for people who didn’t understand you can still get out ok temporary when they announce a puffed up earning and Friday and Monday it looks like you can sit tight the answer is no so if you didn’t know to sell to at least cover as long as you weren’t in at 35 -37 cents you might have to buy your average price down immediately and watch all day Friday and maybe into Monday depending on the earning amount don’t worry they aren’t going to nasad. Before it become a regular mover not there yet remember these don’t work like stocks But they are going to be able to put all the land in play and have Florida and NHS set up 75 Pct completion so defiantly get out unless you are a 10 cent a share very long and patient person who I find hard too believe there is anyone claiming they were in terra tech since the start if all this read a couple really crazy impossible dates unless they just exacerbated the amount they were holding sorry if your the one who claims you have sat on 100,000 shares making unmarijuana like plays with a really slow to developee company but whatever. Don’t know what the bottom will be so buy in slow and if your to soon dump again just don’t get stuck holding for 75-100 Pct return this is still a 400 Pct or better if you are patient just like wheaton movement probably slower actually defiantly closer to future farms but don’t not get back in you will regret.

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March 26, 2018 10:39 am

Any different thoughts now that they reverse-split these on a 15 for 1 basis? It’s been falling pretty steadily since, which is what tends to happen.

👍 1
March 30, 2018 5:52 pm

Hello all,thank you to Roberthebel for sharing the fruits of your research. I also understand the difficultys of typing on a phone ,my own 60 year old husband will only voice dictate his messages not bothering to read them ,it’s always interesting but I know he is very intelligent a and I can see you are too ! I hold Wheaton also it’s new operation being opened and is near us so I will be able to check it out,I feel that having Chuck Riffi founder of Canopy positive.Im also big on Shop but the recent drop from the citron report and the FAcebook debacle has caused the price to drop incredibly .Im thinking this will possibly be a good entry point as as many sellers from FB are going to Instagram owned ironicly by Facebook.Im also interested in your thoughts on when the next surge inSP could occur,since the last bill passed in senate March 25 things haven’t moved up much ,I will look at FFT also ,I saw your text number would you mind if I contact you and exchange email thank you Paula

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👍 11
April 5, 2018 9:18 am

Got in a little $SHOP this morning at 122.10 I’m thinking it looks good here, we’ll see 🙂

👍 164
saint stephen
August 30, 2018 3:43 pm

What’s this guy been pitching at his marijuana summit? He’s promised 1,000% gains. Why did this thread die so soon? It’s August 28, and there’s nothing new.

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February 21, 2019 12:50 am

I’m a private Aussie citizen, playing the Intl markets after a surfing accident broke my neck and changed my life. I wanted to share this tip with stockhumshoe, as a I have made some great money off stockgumshoe info. So I’m paying this forward.

There are a bunch of US, Aust, NZ and UK stocks advisories promoting a small ASX marijuana stock- average 7 promos a day in my inbox.. MJ is only medical downunder, it’s tiny with only a few 1000 approve users. The subject of all the hype is a company whose HQ is in my home town Perth on the West coast.

Ticker is ASX – MMJ.

It’s been referred to as Waren Buffett of Pot, Never done before special recommendation, Aussie superstar pot player and many others. It’s getting some serious press.

The stock is only AUD $0.25, so it’s cheap and the moves they’ve made is pretty amazing wth some great international buys, yet the stock is still stubbornly low. Check the investment and acquisitions history of this company, they’ve selected winners time after time, tip toeing thru the MJ minefield.

Almost every other Aussie pot play has been very average performer because, the industry is tiny, medcial only, there is minimal mention of legalization for recreational use in our media and by in large we have missed all the buzz that’s setting North America alight.

The only stock of note on the Aussie exchange is ELIXINOL. The rest have been underperformers, but that doesn’t mean some amazing developments will come out of Australia. ASX EXL.

I’m in on MMJ and EXL. Have made some good trades on both, buying in and out, always with an intention to get back in, as MMJ is a sleeper stock I believe will pop and EXL keeps on keeping on. to discuss.

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