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What are the “‘Ebola Tech Plays’ Set to Skyrocket” from Teeka Tiwari?

Checking out the teaser for Ebola stocks from Mega Trends

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, September 3, 2014

Teeka Tiwari teasers wash up on the shores of Gumshoe island every few months, though we don’t cover them all that often because he hasn’t done a lot of teasing of individual stock ideas (he has more frequently, if memory serves, pitched his trading “systems”). It looks like Tiwari’s Mega Trends is now being published by Common Sense Publishing, one of the newer arms of the Agora octopus, so perhaps we’ll see more of his teases in the months to come.

This one caught the eye as one of several active promotion campaigns about Ebola-related stocks. No one is surprised that any stock with any kind of hint of a connection to curing or treating the dreaded Ebola virus is being chatted up by investors these days, that happens every time a deadly outbreak or, worse, a real pandemic, hits the public health radar (and the front page of the newspaper).

As Tiwari’s ad indicates, these perennial seasons of panic put wings — often very temporarily — under the share price of well-marketed biotech stocks with a connection to the panic, whether it’s Avian Flu or Swine Flu or SARS or the anthrax bioterror attacks. And yes, if you time these well and get lucky and the headlines continue to drive investors in your stock’s direction, you can certainly see a quick profit… though on the flip side, as you can probably imagine, you can also see the panic subside quickly and the associated stocks drop like a stone.

Tiwari implies that his study of those several past panics gives some predictive power to what will happen to the Ebola stocks (all of which have already risen and fallen sharply several times during this latest outbreak), but that strikes me as a dangerous assumption — a dozen stocks across three or four different outbreak-type events in the past 10 years provides just one tiny little sliver of data even if the fact that you see the charts spiking up repeatedly in the presentation to give you great confidence. Assigning any real predictive power to those past charts seems a bit foolhardy to me — this is not technical analysis, which does work on some level to put the odds slightly in your favor, technical analysis depends on well-studied long-term patterns. This is event-driven investing that a copywriter can imply is predictable through the use of visually compelling charts, but we all know — or should — that every event can easily be different than the last.

Which doesn’t mean that the Ebola stocks mightn’t go on another run, or double or quadruple from here. I have no idea. I can just issue that small note of caution, and go on to check out the clues and let you know which ones Tiwari is pitching. So let’s get to it.

Here’s a bit from the ad:

“If just one infected individual gets on a plane, weโ€™re looking at an epidemic that could spread like wildfire through the communities of suburban America.

“The U.S. and Canadian governments have already funnelled more than $5.5 billion into treating and containing this killer.

“Thatโ€™s not a ton of money to a big pharma giant like Pfizer. But it’s a fortune to the tiny companies actively racing to deliver a treatment to the hands of the government.

“But the fact is, the stocks we’ve found won’t rise or fall based on dollars changing hands…

“There’s a much more powerful catalyst that should drive these stocks to new levels…

“Itโ€™s a simple ‘trigger’… And once you know how to recognize it, proactive investors can make a small fortune.”

You can review his whole ad here if you want the details, and his assessments of those past “waves” of outbreak stocks. But That “trigger” seems to be, broadly, the wave of news-driven panic about outbreaks — and it’s getting triggered pretty frequently from what I can tell… including the further spread of the outbreak in West Africa reported just today. I’d argue that it’s pretty irresponsible to say that an epidemic would spread like wildfire through suburban America if one Ebola sufferer got on a plane, since the virus is not airborne and seems to be well contained in places that have good and consistent containment protocols… but it’s also a much scarier and more exotic disease than familiar (and sometimes deadly) ailments like influenza, so it is true that if a surprise Ebola victim shows up in a random American hospital or airport there will undoubtedly be panic, whether really justified or not.

So what are the stocks that Tiwari thinks can follow in the past “winners” footsteps of BioCryst, Novovax, Sarepta, Hemispherx, Sinovac and others that benefitted from big spikes from SARS or the various avian and swine flu epidemics?

Here are our clues:

“OPPORTUNITY #1: This Tiny Canadian Company Has Partnered with The Pentagon To โ€œCure the Incurableโ€…

“This tiny Canadian company has been researching and developing a cure for the Ebola virus for more than 5 years…

“It posted results of its pre-clinical trials on monkeys in scientific journal, The Lancet, in May 2010…”

We’ll stop it right there, they give another dozen or so clues and more jibber jabber about them, but this is quite clearly Tekmira Pharmaceuticals (TMKR in NY, TKM in Toronto), an RNAi “platform” company which has a cancer drug and a Hepatitis B drug in the pipeline but which is getting interest these days mostly because of its pre-clinical Ebola vaccine.

I won’t pretend to know what’s going to happen with Tekmira, or with their experimental vaccine — I hope it works, my quick read is that so far it has seemed encouraging on efficacy but discouraging on safety. Dr. KSS, who leads a series of biotech discussions for the Irregulars, has talked some about Tekmira and RNAi in past articles and mentioned it (not positively) in follow up comments like this one. Others will certainly issue cautious statements about wading into Ebola stock speculation, too, including Nigam Arora here.

There’s a more positive spin on the Ebola “opportunity” for Tekmira and others in this SeekingAlpha rundown, and Tekmira hit the NY Times and Wall Street Journal a couple weeks ago, which probably helped to keep the shares up in the $20ish neighborhood. And yes, any company with any potential for using one of their compounds for Ebola has ramped up the push to do testing or get emergency approval or whatever else to get more attention of late, though Tekmira has indeed been working on this Ebola vaccine for many years, largely with government funding.

TKMR is a decent-sized biotech, market cap around $450 million, and they do have $100 million in cash so they’re not going to be strapped in the next few months (that would be enough for a few years of operations at their recent “burn rate,” though presumably their currently early-stage clinical trials, if they advance, will become more expensive as they move on to the next level).

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So you can work out your bet on that one one way or the other — I mostly try to avoid highly volatile stocks whose markets I don’t understand, particularly when they don’t have anything to keep them grounded (like revenues, or earnings), but that doesn’t mean they won’t create compelling trading opportunities for folks who are more nimble than I.

How about Tiwari’s other stocks?


“Developed in Canada… Made in Germany… Sold in Iowa… And proven 100% effective in preventing Ebola infection…

“On August 5, 2014, in what might seem like a surprising move, this tiny cancer laboratory in Iowa entered into a contract with the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

“The point?

“To rush an Ebola vaccine itโ€™s been working on ‘on the side’ to clinical trials.

“As the company CEO said:

    “This [developing an Ebola vaccination] is not our primary business, but we have a vaccine that’s further along than almost all of the others, and it’s such a high-profile area that the government basically came to us and said, ‘We want to accelerate your vaccine.'”

“That contract gives the lab $1 million up front.”

This one, sez the Mighty, Mighty Thinkolator, is NewLink Genetics (NLNK). They are working on an experimental vaccine that has worked in primates, and they and their partners have donated thousands of doses to the Ebola fight, but it’s unclear whether anyone’s really excited to take them as testing continues — it’s one thing to treat a patient who has Ebola and has a huge need for any possible cure, it’s another thing entirely to vaccinate healthy medical workers or volunteers for the first time. There’s an interesting article on it from Bloomberg here from mid-August.

Ebola is not their focus at all, or at least it wasn’t a month ago — it’s not on their development pipeline, this is a company mostly developing cancer immunotherapies that they call “HyperAcute Immunotherapy”, including some that are in advanced clinical trials. A look at the chart says that something big happened for NLNK back in February and March — that was the release of preliminary data on their lead pancreatic cancer immunotherapy Phase III trial, a data release that was hotly anticipated and which took the stock on a wild ride (the stock more than doubled in anticipation of the preliminary data, then collapsed when the data was not as sexy and exciting as hoped, though it wasn’t necessarily negative). I don’t know anything else about the company, I’m afraid, so I’ll leave you to research it and find your own opinion — I don’t think they’ve ever come up on the site before.

And one more?

“While most companies have focused on Ebola, this company has been working on a treatment for Ebolaโ€™s โ€œlittle cousinโ€โ€”the Marburg virus…

“The science and medicine journal, Nature, reports monkeys injected with Marburg virus survived so long as they got this companyโ€™s treatment up to two days after infection… all the animals that didnโ€™t get the drug died…

“But thatโ€™s not all…

“So far, the drug has proven to protect mice from Marburg and Ebola…

“Plus it has protected guinea pigs from Ebola, Marburg, and Yellow Fever.

“The Department of Defense has the ultimate aim of using this treatment to protect the world from virus threats (including Ebola, Marburg, and Yellow Fever), high priority pathogens, natural outbreaks, and bio-threats.

“And one of the key selling points of this treatment is that itโ€™s small and might be stable enough to ship and stockpile wherever itโ€™s needed.”

And this:

“This Company Has a History of Profiting from These ‘News Event’-Triggered Trends

“The company has five products that are already in Phase 2 (of 3) of development.

“Back in 2005, this company partnered with Johnson and Johnson to develop an experimental flu vaccine…

“Currently, this drug is being sold in Korea and Japan. It was submitted for final FDA approval in December 2013. Once the FDA approves it, sales will begin in America. According to a report from Ibis World, annual revenue for the cough and cold industry totals approximately $8 billion…”

This one has gotten attention during almost every public health scare/outbreak — Biocryst Pharmaceuticals (BCRX). They are testing an Ebola drug in animals (non-human primates) soon, they say, and I expect you can find a thousand different opinions on this one. Dr. KSS discussed it briefly because of their Hepatitis C drug earlier in the Summer, we covered it a year or two ago when it was teased for the bird flu outbreak, and it was a top performer among teased stocks for that year, but I’m afraid, well, I’m out of time — I’ll give it to the peanut gallery to see what you think.

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September 3, 2014 5:36 pm

well done again captain oh captain!

๐Ÿ‘ 255
Christopher Wendell
Christopher Wendell
September 3, 2014 5:48 pm
Reply to  modernrock

Why no mention of NNVC(Nanoviricide)? Their technology applies to many different viral mediated diseases.

September 3, 2014 8:55 pm

NNVC has no plausible-in-the-slightest technology. Pure junk science,

๐Ÿ‘ 47658
September 3, 2014 5:56 pm

Anyone familiar with alternative medicine will at least try to get a bottle of nano silver water. After all it is a natural antibiotic. Another question—–would blood irradition work against ebola???

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September 3, 2014 8:54 pm
Reply to  rlr

Silver is completely bogus, It is snake oil. Blood irradiation would do nothing for Ebola

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๐Ÿ‘ 47658
Deborah G Flynn
September 4, 2014 2:09 pm
Reply to  DrKSSMDPhD

I absolutely LOVE you Doc I can’t stand the morons who think “Alternatives” Will prove ALL the educated Allopathic Doctors wrong. I have seen in my industry [ Horses}] where these fake so called “practitioners” with zero credentials other than they worked at a Vet clinic and saw with their own eyes how those evil Doctors were literally killin animals with their poison. Balah balh blah adnauseu. They always tout THEIR Special emedies and scream how the Vet is wrong and ONLY they have the REAL cure. Go get em Doc!

Donald Schumer Rph PD
Donald Schumer Rph PD
September 3, 2014 6:02 pm

From what I have read so far, It is my humble opinion that the most effective drug to treat EBOLA is the one developed by NNVC, On July 19th, 2010 they presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology by USAMRID SCIENTIST. A subset of the nanoviricides that were effective in cell culture were selected for testing in vivo in a mouse model of Ebola infection. The compounds were well tolerated by the animals and showed some efficacy against the mouse-adapted Ebola virus. Efficacy of nanoviricides treatment against Ebola was demostrated by an increase in the lifespan in this uniformly 100% leathal animal model. At the request by USAMRID, they have sent them their revised model for testing.

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September 3, 2014 8:59 pm

NNVC’s approach is deceptive. The action of a “nanoviricide” in culture is meaningless. Junk science that rational investors should avoid like….Ebola.

๐Ÿ‘ 47658
September 3, 2014 6:16 pm

I personally have no plans for any Ebola play, for these reasons.

One, the virus is burning itself out. True, it is in major cities, and is now in a separate strain outbreak in DRC (not the Zaire strain). Even so, the two Americans jetted to Emory survived easily, and most within medicine believe that the reason Ebola is so lethal has little to do with Ebola. It has to do with African hospitals, where basic iv fluids, symptom-relieving drugs, machines to do CBC and blood chemistries and antibiotics are commonly not available. With basic tools available in the west, there is little reason to fear its virulence.

I feel the smart money is shorting $TKMR now. You cannot give a toxic RNA drug, one known to cause cytokine storm, to someone having the worst cytokine storm of their lives and expect a good outcome. BioCryst may warrant investment in for reasons other than Ebola, but bear in mind its drug will be expensive (prohibitively) and must be initiated quickly after onset of symptoms if it is to help. I am not sure BioCryst and the PTB can accomplish that, as great expectations are commonly very futile in Africa.

Tobacco season is over for Mapp.

My sense is that many officials, such as people from the CDC and NIH, set great store by stirring up hopes for curative drugs because doing so is more expedient than admitting the problem is mostly Africa’s extreme primitive backwardness. If they say that truth, accusations of racism and political incorrectness can claim their careers.

Many more are clearly infected than have been reported, and many are yet to die. But Africa poses geographical, technical and logistical nightmares to providing meaningful therapies, ones I think mostly Americans don’t comprehend. If aid agencies are serious about the epidemic, let them provide soap and water, sterile iv fluids, basic CBC and Chem 7 machines, and several thousands doses of iv antibiotics and electrolytes. Let’s get the fundamentals and basics in place before we go for the exotics.

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๐Ÿ‘ 47658
September 3, 2014 6:56 pm
Reply to  DrKSSMDPhD

Dr. KSS I understand your words about the situation in Africa but I also believe in investing. I subscribe to Teeka’s newsletter and our Gumshoe is exactly correct in the stocks he named.

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๐Ÿ‘ 82
September 3, 2014 9:04 pm
Reply to  canonfodder

That the correct stocks were named is not in dispute, My point is that none are likely to make any money for shareholders. If you believe in investing, you surely are wary of sucker stocks, and Ebola plays are mostly just that. Spend time in Africa and you will know the outlandish futility of which I speak. What good’s a $10,000 schmancy Ebola drug when you cannot even correct the patient’s potassium of 2.5?

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๐Ÿ‘ 47658
September 3, 2014 11:15 pm
Reply to  DrKSSMDPhD

While you have a point about conditions in Africa, the author presents a solid case for animal spirits to drive the stocks just like they have in the past. Regardless of the facts, its a momentum play. I agree Timira is a short.

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September 4, 2014 9:04 am
Reply to  DrKSSMDPhD

When I worked there it was too difficult to test for potassium, they used an old flame test. Perhaps better test exist now, but I don’t know how many codes l go to in the US where the underlying etiology is hyperkalemia, high K+. Ultimately, in a severe dehydrated state in Africa,the kidneys may fail and hyperkalemia may be the cause of death.

๐Ÿ‘ 1097
September 4, 2014 2:28 am
Reply to  DrKSSMDPhD

Just one minor point,,I understand tobacco for ZMAPP is GMO and is being grown in greenhouses so it has less chance to get dna into commercial crop. That may bring enough available, sooner than field grown would. Otherwise total agreement.

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๐Ÿ‘ 7797
vivian lewis
September 3, 2014 6:55 pm

for whatever it is worth, GlaxoSmithKline, a British drug major, is testing an Ebola vaccine to make sure it is safe to take (not to make sure it works) in volunteers now and is also setting up a factory to turn it out, on condition that it works. GSK is on the big board and is
big. The other stock I know about in this area is Bavarian Nordic, a Danish firm that makes vaccines against nasties (like smallpox) and which has done work for the Pentagon DAFSA
in hemorrhagic diseases like Ebola and Marburg. You can buy either of them for their focus on vaccines and their expertise, but in both cases any Ebola developments would be icing
on the cake

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September 3, 2014 9:06 pm
Reply to  vivian lewis

Hi Vivian. GSK is being roiled by people demanding CEO ouster.

๐Ÿ‘ 47658
September 3, 2014 7:04 pm

I have taken a small position in each of the three stocks that Gumshoe named accurately. (I subscribe to Teeka’s newsletter.) I will watch closely for a spike and then probably get out quick. I have already made the mistake of thinking that a slight dip means nothing, only to see an investment drop in minutes.

๐Ÿ‘ 82
September 3, 2014 7:19 pm

Hey Travis,
I hate to bring this up down here in the comment section, , but I’ve emailed you several times over the past few weeks and have so far gotten no response. I’m a lifetime irregular member and I just need to ask; is there any way you can fix your site where we can stay logged in all the time? I am currently living in China and I don’t know what it is, but for the last few months when I go to your site it takes FOREVER for it to open. I’m talking about you don’t click on it and sit here and wait for it to open. You click on it and get up and go do something else for a while and come back later to check on it. So now about what I’m asking you, now that the site has FINALLY opened I need to log in in order to see the the quick take box. And yes, you guessed it! Another click and another FOREVER once again to get up and go do something else for a while. The site seldom opens in less than 5 minutes for me. You can imagine how extremely frustrating this is becoming.
Hope you can help me out with this, and again SORRY for having to bring it up here.

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๐Ÿ‘ 309
September 3, 2014 10:13 pm
Reply to  LostOkie

Forgive me if this is apparent

it sounds as if a tune-up may be in order.

Computer Tune up Windows 7

Iโ€™m using Windows 7 Pro, donโ€™t know if itโ€™s different for different versions

First letโ€™s get the icons on the desktop

RIGHT click on a blank part of desktop
Click personalize
Click Change desktop icons, top left
Put a checkmark in all five
Click apply
Then close out of everything.

1. Clean out cookies and temp files. I use CCleaner
2. Update Windows and drivers
3. Update Java and Flashplayer, make sure you only have one version of Java installed.
4. Install and run Malwarebytes
5. Change virtual memory
6. Clean out startup, CCleaner
7. Clean out add-ons out of browser, I use Firefox
8. Change DNS
9. Run check disk
10. Reset (power down and up) cable modem and router.
11. Check Scheduled Tasks
12. Uninstall programs you donโ€™t use or need.
13. Defrag

1. Download CCleaner, I usually get my files from Filehippo, hereโ€™s the link. Itโ€™s in the upper right corner and says download the latest version. Whenever you download something always scan it for viruses before you install. To scan RIGHT click on the file you downloaded and click scan for viruses, thatโ€™s how it works for Symantec anyways.

After install open CCleaner, uncheck history and recently typed urls. This is a personal choice but if you want that stuff erased them check them. Run CCleaner, lower right. Itโ€™s gonna tell you that itโ€™s gonna permanently erase stuff, thatโ€™s ok.

I run CCleaner every night when Iโ€™m done for the day.

2. Update Windows and drivers

Click start
Click Windows update
Do at least the important updates. Hardware updates are gonna be under optional updates.

3. Update Java and Flashplayer, make sure you only have one version of Java installed.

You should have a Control Panel icon on your desktop, double click on it.
Double click Java.

When the Java Control Panel opens click on the update tab
Click on the update now button in the lower right.

I have the Notify me before downloading and the check for automatically checked and when I get notified I do the above steps.

Last time I updated it did take out the old Javas

But to double check double click on add/remove programs in the control panel and look for more than 1 Java listed and uninstall the old one.

Flash Player: Double click on Flash Player in the control panel.
Click on the Advanced tab
Click on the Check Now button

That will take you to the Flash Play site which will list the version you have and the current versions. Just above the box that lists the version is a link to Player Download Center, click on that and following instructions.

Watch carefully when you install both Java and Flash Player they will want to install stuff you may not want like the Ask Toolbar or McAfee.

4. Install and run Malwarebytes

Download Malwarebytes (MWB)
Itโ€™s in the upper right corner and says download latest version
Remember what I said about scanning all files you download before installing.

Install MWB by double clicking on the file you downloaded.

Go slow and watch for the trial version which you do not want, uncheck it when you see the trial version.

When you get MWB open click the Scan Now button. It will let you know if you need to update it with a Fix Now button if it needs updating.

5. Virtual Memory

Virtual memory is a space on your hard drive that acts like RAM

RIGHT click the Computer icon
Click properties
Note how much RAM you have
Click Advanced system settings, over on top left
Click on the first Setting button
Click on the Advanced tab
Click on the Change button
You probably have System Managed sized checked
To change check the Custom Size
Add the numbers to the 2 boxes and click the set button. I would start with the recommended number down toward the bottom
You can always change it back if needed.
Donโ€™t feel like you have to do this if you donโ€™t want, but you can see if it makes a difference.

You know the saying if it isnโ€™t broke donโ€™t fix it.

If wonโ€™t hurt anything to try and see. Like I said, you can change it back.

6. Clean out startup, CCleaner
This is one of the best things you can do to speed up your computer.

Open CCleaner
Click on Tools over on the left.
Click on the Startup button
All that stuff listed that has a yes in the left column is what is starting every time you start your computer.
Most of the stuff you donโ€™t need. For instance, your printer might be in there. Your printer does not need to be running in the background, when you go to print it will print. Itโ€™s just in there taking up resources.

To disable something just click on it and click on the disable button in the upper right. You can always enable it if you decide you want it running.

If you are not sure about something in there ask. You can always click on the Save to Text File button then copy and paste the text file to a post and I will look it over for you.

Just make DAMN SURE you donโ€™t disable your anti virus.

7. Clean out add-ons out of browser, I use Firefox

Open Firefox, click on Tools
Click Add-ons
Click on Extensions you will be checking Plug-ins too
Look for any strange stuff, stuff you donโ€™t recognize, if not sure about something just ask
For example not strange is Microsoft, Java, Flash Player
Strange and bad examples Conduit, Coupon stuff, Ad stuff.

8. Change DNS

DNS = Domain Name Server every web page you go to has an IP address but peeps canโ€™t remember all those IPs so when you type for instance the DNS goes and looks up the IP and loads the page.

Start, the little Windows ball in the lower left of task bar
In the search programs and files type in cmd and cmd.exe will appear at the top, click on it
Type in ipconfig/all hit enter

Write down the 2 DNSs. DNSs come from your ISP but they are not always the fastest. I changed mine from the 2 Comcast ones to 1 Comcast and 1 google DNS which sped up my browsing. There is a program to tell you which is the fastest DNS, I will have to go find it but for now you can use one of your ISPs and a google one. You can switch them around too to see if that makes a difference.

To change DNS
RIGHT click on the Network icon on you desktop
Click properties
Click on the Local Area Connection, should be over to the right
Click on the properties button
Click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) DO NOT uncheck it
Click on the properties button
You probably have Obtain DNS server address automatically, which you can change back to if the changing of the DNS doesnโ€™t work for you, so fear not.

Check the Use the follow DNS server address.
Put in your ISPs first DNS listed that you wrote down.
In the second box use googles DNS which is
You can also try reverse order

Click OK and get out of everything and reboot.
Check to see if browsing faster.

9. Run check disk

OK, check disk requires exclusive use of you computer so you canโ€™t do this and be working on the computer. This could take an hour or more and will run when you restart the computer. It may look like the blue screen of death, DONโ€T PANIC that is what it is supposed to look like and when it is done Windows will startup.

Double click the Computer icon
RIGHT click on Local Drive (C:)
Click properties
Click on the Tools Tab
Click on the Check Now button
Put a check in both boxes
Click Start
Itโ€™s gonna tell you something like it need excusive use and ask you if you want to run check disk next time you restart, click yes, then restart the computer.

10. Reset (power down and up) cable modem and router

This one is easy and is usually the first thing you ISP will tell you to do if you call them because you are having internet issues.
Just unplug both your cable modem and router.
Wait 15 seconds
Plug the cable modem back in and wait until there are no lights blinking
Could take a minute or 2
Plug the router back in.

11. Check Scheduled Tasks

Double click Control Panel icon
Click Administrative Tools
Double click Task Scheduler
See whatโ€™s in there and if you donโ€™t want it RIGHT click it then click delete

Flash Player likes to check for updates every hour

If you want to keep the Flash Player but change the time I think you can just double click on it and change the frequency, not sure because I donโ€™t have anything in my Scheduled Tasks.Uninstall programs you donโ€™t use or need

12. Uninstall programs you donโ€™t use or need

There are 2 ways to do this

Double click Control Panel
Click Programs and Features.
Look for stuff you donโ€™t need or want anymore
Click on it then click Uninstall/Change at the top of the list, or it may just say Uninstall
Also look for strange stuff that you donโ€™t recognize, if your not sure ask
Strange stuff = coupon program, ad program and such

The other way is to use CCleaner

Open CCleaner
Click on Tools over on the left
Uninstall should already be highlighted
Click on the program you donโ€™t want then click on the Run Uninstaller button on the top right.

13. Defrag

Click on the start button
Click all programs
Click System Tools
Click Disk Defragmenter. HINT, if you RIGHT click on Disk Defragmenter then click send to, click Desktop (create shortcut) youโ€™ll have it right on your desktop for next time.

Make sure the C: drive is highlighted then click the Defragment button

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๐Ÿ‘ 22033
September 3, 2014 11:31 pm
Reply to  Will

Great write up and advice Will.

๐Ÿ‘ 3533
October 4, 2014 2:39 am
Reply to  Will


Ok, that’s the one kind of reply I did not expect to see. And absolutely great advice.

September 4, 2014 2:20 am
Reply to  LostOkie

Lost; How fast is your connection Ie do you have dialup? Do other websites load reasonably fast or are they all slow? Do you have access to another computer you could compare speed with. It could be your Isp or you may need to install a new or updated browser,,,,,I find Chrome to be fastest for me although I mainly use FireFox.

๐Ÿ‘ 7797
September 4, 2014 10:25 am
Reply to  arch1

Thanks Will. WOW! Lots of work there. I cut and pasted your instructions to notepad so I’ll have them later. Not so sure that’s my problem though as it’s pretty much just this site. Let me tell you this and see if it gives you any idea. This started back in late May at the same time that China started blocking Google because the 25th anniversary of the Tienanmen Square (Incident) was coming up on June 4th. Now let me say, I am not a techy kind of guy and don’t know what that could have to do with this site. But it was fine before that and has been screwed up ever since. And Google also has been screwed up ever since. And also, not being a techy kind of guy, that long list you gave me looks quite intimidating! LOL!! What I’m thinking is that all the filtering China does for its censorship is somehow causing this. Could that be?? Sometimes Seeking Alpha’s site gets affected by it and gets really slow but most times it is fine. The same with Yahoo mail. But with Travis’s site it’s all the time. And no problem anywhere else. Well anyway I was just hoping I could stay logged on all the time so I could at least eliminate one click, one 5 minute wait. I don’t see where there could be a problem with that on this type of site. I mean it’s not like we do any trading here or anything.
Well, anyway, I’m going to end this long winded post here. I may try your fix later if this persists. And it looks like it’s going too. But I dread it! hahaha
Thanks for your help

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๐Ÿ‘ 22033
September 4, 2014 9:09 pm

Thanks for that Travis. And yes I think that is my problem. In my earlier comment I forgot to add that while waiting for your site to open, the little (whatchacallit) down at the bottom of the screen says: connecting to, or waiting on, And like I said earlier google has been screwed up ever since it was blocked a few months ago.
So that being the case, there’s really not a thing I can do about this? right? except to just hope it gets better in time?
Thanks for your help Travis

๐Ÿ‘ 309
๐Ÿ‘ 22033
September 5, 2014 3:41 pm

Lost, CCleaner is a good program, but should not be used to clean the registry unless you are very computer literate, although it is probably the safest of all of the registry cleaners.

The Registry is a data base that contains the information the CPU needs to operate the computer โ€“ information for both the operating system itself and all of the programs (except for any โ€œportableโ€ ones) that you have installed. Worst case: deleting any one of several lines in the registry can make the computer unbootable, and there are many of these lines. Slightly less than worst case: a program might not be able to start.

The size of the registry is almost always a tiny fraction of the size of the hard drive, and rarely does cleaning it speed up the computer.

CCleaner is great for finding files that can be safely deleted, though, such as broken shortcuts, file fragments left over from removing a program, temporary files (usually temporally needed for installing a program but the program forgets to uninstall them), etc.. Files such as these can use up gigabytes of hard disk storage and slow file read times. I use it about once a month and defrag afterwards.

Based on your description of your problem, the most probable cause lies with your ISP.

BTW – Whenever the computer fails to start, try booting into โ€œSafe Modeโ€. Restart the computer, press and hold down the F8 key before the log-in screen appears. Select the option that says something like, โ€œGo back to the last settings that worked correctly.โ€

If any of the above was posted previously, I apologize for coming late to the party!

๐Ÿ‘ 1224
September 6, 2014 7:39 am
Reply to  hipockets

I’ve been using ccleaner for years on a number of PCs and laptops, and always run the registry cleaner. Not once have I encountered any problems with their registry cleaner, and it doesn’t require any advanced computer knowledge. I simply run it and instruct it to fix all of the errors it found with one mouse click.

September 4, 2014 6:08 pm
Reply to  Keith

Hi Keith,
I’m no techie either, I still keep and use a rolladex and yellow legal pad by my machine. ๐Ÿ™‚ That tune up comes from a friend and if you just approach it one at a time it becomes less intimidating and a little liberating as well. It doesn’t have to be done at one sitting, once done maintenance after that is only a few minutes a week.
CCleaner is a frrebie and I often run it at the end of the day (3-5 min.s of your time) and I’m good to go for the next day. Caution should be used with their or anyone else’s registry cleaner unless you’re sure of what functions to check to be cleaned/repaired. They do prompt for a backup before cleaning so you can undo any mistake.
It’s amazing the performance enhancement even for those that think it’s not needed.

Good luck and happy trading!

September 4, 2014 9:18 pm
Reply to  Will

Thanks Will,
To kind of show just how much a non-techie I am, I remember downloading CCleaner once and then never used it for fear of what I was going to screw up. LOL But like I said, I’ve saved your instructions and I suppose I should take the time to do that little job, a little at a time like you said.
Thanks again
ps: one question. “they do prompt for a backup” Can I backup by creating a restore point in Windows restore? or do I need to do something different here?

๐Ÿ‘ 309
September 4, 2014 11:53 am
Reply to  LostOkie

Keith I think Travis has it ,,,,google scripts being slowed by China. Are you using Chrome as browser,,,,that is also google. I.E. Firefox or Opera may load faster,,,,,costs nothing except time to download and try.

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๐Ÿ‘ 7797
September 4, 2014 9:26 pm
Reply to  arch1

Hi Frank,
Thanks for your help also. And yes I think Travis has gotten to the bottom of this for me. I use Firefox. tried Chrome once, been some time back, because I’d heard so much about how fast it was. But for me here it was much, much slower than Firefox. Maybe that same google thing here in China. Thanks for your help Frank. Have a good day

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๐Ÿ‘ 309
September 4, 2014 9:16 pm
Reply to  LostOkie

Lost, the fastest browser I have found, and I have tried almost all of them, is Comodo Dragon. It’s a stripped down version of Google Chrome and it’s free . It is also one of the most secure browsers.

๐Ÿ‘ 1224
September 4, 2014 9:28 pm
Reply to  hipockets

Thanks Pockets. I haven’t heard of that one. May give it a try.

๐Ÿ‘ 309
September 3, 2014 11:20 pm

I LOVE THIS ANALYSIS AND THE GOOD DOCTOR’S SAGE COMMENTARY. I always heed my doctor’s advice. Avoid these stocks for now, they are a trap and I doubt if anything but a lab mouse or rat will get the full treatment. (Get trapped for certain).

September 4, 2014 2:23 am

Speaking of companies that have the potential to treat health conditions that could be a “game changer” in the developing world and even China, I would like the good doctor’s opinion of a stock currently trading under $1.00 that I’m researching: Novabay Pharmaceutical, (ticker symbol, NBY). They just got approval from the Chinese FDA for clearance of their product, NeutroPhase Skin and Wound Cleanser. From the company’s recent press release they say 100 million Chinese suffer from diabetic ulcers that this product could treat along with treatment of necrotizing fascitis. They have some other products in their pipeline too, one which failed for ophthalmology use recently which is why the stock got beaten down below $1. I own the stock at 77 cents and am considering averaging up as the stock rises.

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September 4, 2014 7:42 am
Reply to  terrystickers

Hey Terrence,
Dr. KSS has already written about NBY (He is positive on the company and holds a long position in the stock). I see that you are an irregular, so I’m not sure how you didn’t know this already, but if you read Dr. KSS’s articles and subscribe to the threads, you will find a lot of valuable discussions.

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๐Ÿ‘ 503
September 6, 2014 10:54 am
Reply to  Elliot

Thanks, I only recently became a “regular subscriber” so I missed Dr. KSS’s previous article on NBY. I’ll look it up.

September 4, 2014 2:45 am

Reading about Ebola ; what about your thoughts on MAPP in San Diego, I think they supplied the drug that saved the 2 Americans that were infected.

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๐Ÿ‘ 2
October 14, 2014 10:59 pm
Reply to  mkamcooney

@ mkamcooney….
ZMapp was developed byย Mapp Biopharmaceutical, a privately held company. PHAC Zmab licensed to Defyrus, and then to Leaf Bio. Read about the connections here:

Michael Hullevad
September 4, 2014 6:28 am

Bavarian Nordic is a vaccine specialist and they are going “all in” making an Ebola according to danish newspapers. They have also just made a contract with the Canadians regarding smallpox vaccine.
But I do not believe their stocks will run up considerably even if they become a sole supplier! After all as Dr. Kiss has explained Ebola is only a large problem in Africa!

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September 4, 2014 7:44 am

“J & J to accelerate Ebola vaccine development โ€ข 7:02 AM
Douglas W. House, SA News Ed…
โ€ขJohnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) announces that it will fast track the development of its new combination vaccine regimen against Ebola and collaborate with its partners in global health to deliver relief aid to help combat the current outbreak.
โ€ขIts vaccine candidate is a prime-boost regimen where one vector primes the immune system and the other boosts it. The product features two components based on the AdVac technology from Crucell N.V. (part of Janssen) and the MVA-BN technology from the Danish biotech firm Bavarian Nordic. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is providing direct funding and preclinical services to bring the program forward. Human clinical trials may start as soon as early 2015.
โ€ขCrucell and Bavarian Nordic are both developing preventative vaccines against filoviruses, including Ebola, with the aforementioned support from NIAID. More than 1,000 humans have received Crucell’s adeno-platform-based vaccine in clinical trials. Bavarian Nordic’s MVA-BN platform is the basis for the smallpox vaccine registered in Canada and Europe with a safety record of use in more than 7,300 people.”

The difference here is J&J is likely doing this for humanitarian reasons and not for profit. No one is likely to make significant revenues from Ebola. J&J will make significant revenues with their diversified pharmaceutical portfolio.

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๐Ÿ‘ 503
October 14, 2014 11:04 pm
Reply to  Elliot

@Elliot… I agree with your thinking that J&J is doing work on ebola for humanitarian reasons. The company has a rich history of helping out during times of need.

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October 16, 2014 6:15 pm
Reply to  Elliot

I think that J&J is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of J&J.

October 16, 2014 6:32 pm
Reply to  Bob

ooops. I meant that Crucell is now a wholly-owned sub of J&J.

September 4, 2014 1:33 pm

yes. before I was interrupted by the guy with the big long computer vacuum cleaner I was telling you all about Bavarian Nordic, which we recommend over at and which Eliott Sedledsky properly noted above is now effectively in partnership with Johnson & Johnson in the Ebola vaccine space. While I admit JNJ is able to act out of goodness, I’m pretty sure there will be money in Ebola, even in the search, for BVNKF (best was to buy in the USA) or BAVA (in Copenhagen.) I had to fly my flag on my website and also buy more today before I would waste time here.

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๐Ÿ‘ 166
September 4, 2014 10:09 pm
Reply to  vivianlewis

“big long computer vacuum cleaner” :>) :>) :>) !!

๐Ÿ‘ 1224
vivian lewis
September 5, 2014 8:38 am
Reply to  hipockets

how to speed up your computer link by Will which rather took the site over

September 5, 2014 9:05 pm
Reply to  vivian lewis

He was trying to help me out with a problem. Sorry it bothered you so.

September 4, 2014 1:50 pm

Dr RSS pointed out that GlaxoSmithKline faces a possible boardroom battle because UK shareholders are fed up with the two Knight who are CEO and Chairman. I am not sure that will impact on the stock’s performance; I like GSK mainly for the dividend. Moreover, ousting the CEO and the Chairman has not ultimately hurt Teva (TEVA of Israel) that much, compared to its patent cliff.
I am surprised that the good doctor didn’t even mention Bavarian Nordic which specializes in killer plagues, also mentioned in my note. I am related to more doctors and professor doctors (German for doctors who teach at Harvard Medical School, my daughter-in-law’s parents) than most people and I listen to them and they listen to me.
For whatever it is worth, Johnson & Johnson was pushed by the US NIAID to get its European sub Jensen (of Belgium) via its controlled sub Crucell (formerly CRXL, which we used to own before it was acquired) to combine forces on Ebola and hemorrhagic diseases (like Marburg.) JNJ will do its best for PR but BAVA-Copenhagen, BVNRY or BVNKF on the pinks will get paid real money (by its modest standards) to join in. The little players are the ones who gain in these forced marches to a cure. Those of you who have tried out our newsletter know that I have selected Bavarian in the vaccine space months ago, and the appeal is not just one nasty disease but many on which it is working. It even has a lab in California.

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๐Ÿ‘ 166
who noze
who noze
September 4, 2014 10:08 pm

vivian any thoughts on bdraf

vivian lewis
September 5, 2014 8:39 am

dear who noze
what does this have to do with Ebola? why don’t you just sign up for if you want to know about a Canadian aircraft and railway manufacturer?
we are a business.

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October 14, 2014 11:02 pm

@Travis…. The Tekmira drug TKM-ebola is a curative drug. It’s not a vaccine.

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