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What’s Moors’ “Electro-Wave Inversion?”

Moors says huge orders are coming for this little company starting April 1 August 21 October 1 thanks to "Executive Order 13795" and new Congressional Mandates... what's being teased by Micro Energy Trader?

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, September 27, 2019

This article was originally published in February, 2019, and has been lightly updated a couple times when new versions of the ad have been pushed by Money Map Press.

I’ve been getting buckets of questions about the latest pitch from Dr. Kent Moors for his Micro Energy Trader ($3,500/year, limited “performance guarantee” refunds possible), so that’s what we’ll dig into today.

The pitch is typical of Moors’ stuff, in that he conjures up this idea of an earth-changing new technology that is the province of “one little company” and will make you rich, with 50,000%+ returns… in the past, that’s always been a wild exaggeration (to be generous), but we’ll start out with an open mind. Here’s how the ad begins:


“It could create 2.7 million American jobs…

“Save 610,000 lives from deadly diseases…

“And unleash $3.9 trillion to the U.S. economy…

“Delivering early investors the profit opportunity of a lifetime”

So what is this “electro-wave inversion?” The spiel is that it’s a new and advanced imaging technology of some kind that can see through the walls of Fort Knox…

“Practically NOTHING’s ever been able to breach Fort Knox.

“Until now…

“You are looking at one of the most important innovations in modern history.

“So important, it just received special clearances…

“From both the U.S. Department of the Interior and the White House.

“And it could deploy any day now.”

More info?

“This specific EWI device is around the size of a quarter in diameter.

“And it’s just about an inch or so tall.

“Yet this tiny miracle has the power to unlock $3.9 trillion in new wealth…”

Laying it on thick, right?

What else?

“12 global Fortune 500 corporations…

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“With collective market caps clearing $2.1 trillion…

“Are lining up to cut $50 million checks to a tiny $8-per-share tech company…

“Just for the rights to ‘beta test’ this technology…”

OK, so it’s $8 a share. That’s one clue. And it’s a small sensor of some kind. Other details?

“There’s only one way to describe these devices…

“It’s like having an MRI machine that can see 10 miles deep into the Earth’s crust.

“All while fitting in the palm of your hand.”

OK. And apparently it’s got other uses as well beyond those Fortune 500 corporations…

“For the U.S. Navy, it can be 100 times more accurate at spotting enemy submarines than the best military-grade sonar.

“The United States Geological Survey could use one to detect volcanic eruptions in Krakatoa, Indonesia… two days before it even takes place.

“And Barrick, the $15 billion gold miner, could use one to find 92 times more gold in a single year… than has ever been found throughout all of history.”

And, of course, the big promise:

“Ahead, I’m going to show you how a modest $1,000 stake in this tiny firm at the heart of these EWIs could grow into a $557,560 jackpot.

“But first, it’s critical that you’re aware this could all happen in a flash…

“Because this tiny company has already turned the global $1.4 trillion energy industry on its ear.”

OK. So what’s the rush? Apparently there’s some kind of plan to “greenlight” this technology right away… back in February, this is the wording used:

“I’m going to examine what could be a government-mandated, nationwide rollout of this technology on April 1.

“And most importantly, I’m going to reveal the one tiny company that is perfectly positioned for an event of this magnitude.

“It has been awarded 107 patents for this technology.

“And could soon begin collecting check after check from some of the largest U.S. energy companies.”

Now that’s been updated to say that…

“Executive Order 13795 goes into effect on AUGUST 21”


“… on August 21, top executives from some of the world’s biggest companies – including Exxon and BP – will be attending a private meeting in New Orleans… just to bid for the exclusive rights to use this technology.

“I’ve been asked to take part in this meeting. And I can tell you this is going to be one hell of a bidding war.

“These companies are ready to throw tens of millions to get their hands on this technology.

“And it all happens on August 21.”

Though the latest version of the emails provide a new (and it seems to me, made up just for marketing urgency) deadline of October 1….

“After October 1, a majority of this money could be completely off the table. According to the federal documents I’m looking at, a plan drafted by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management could go into effect then – and it would launch a nationwide rollout of this technology.”

And, in a bit more detail:

“EWI devices are expected to receive federal approval to analyze 269 MILLION acres of unexplored underwater terrain on the Outer Continental Shelf!

“The first phase could start October 1.

“That’s when we could see the government open this coastal property.

“It spans 420,312 square miles.

“That’s about the size of Texas and California combined.

“It’s a historic moment for U.S. energy.

“And it could make early investors in this EWI technology filthy rich.”

Other clues?

“… this company is manufacturing one of these devices every four seconds…

“Just to meet the overwhelming demand.”

And it’s still quite small, but has some big backers…

“Its market cap is just $114 million…

Bill Gates has personally invested $60 million into this.

“Hedge fund billionaire James Simons’s firm, Renaissance Technologies, has over $8 million riding on this $8 stock.

“And over 18 multibillion-dollar institutions have backed them as well.”

OK. Pretty much every publicly traded company has “multibillion-dollar institutions” backing it, and Renaissance Technologies means essentially nothing when it’s on the holdings list of a company (yes, James Simon’s firm is arguably the most phenomenal money manager in history, but their advantage is quantitative analysis and rapid trading, knowing what they owned last quarter is not generally very useful).

So what is this sensor? It’s something to do with “infrasound,” which is lower-frequency sound than humans can generally hear….

“Infrasound can be over

“10,000 times LOWER than ultrasound.”

And, no surprise since this is Kent Moors we’re talking about, this is really an oil and gas story…

“While this technology is attracting the eyes of the U.S. Army, Navy, and NASA…

“To completely replace satellite, GPS, radar…

“And even some medical equipment…

“There’s a reason this $114 million market-cap company…

“Controlling ALL of their 107 EWI patents…

“Is foregoing easy U.S. Government cash…

“Just to disrupt a MUCH more lucrative segment.”

OK, so who is it that makes these little sensors and is going after a big US market? The only other clue of note was that the stock is listed on the NYSE… so, Thinkolator sez he must be teasing us about ION Geophysical (IO), the seismic services provider that has ridden the offshore oil and gas boom up and down several times in its 20+ years as a public company… mostly recently “down” in a big way since the 2014 collapse in oil prices.

ION Geophysical was at a $114 million market cap back in mid-January (when it was indeed at $8 a share, so that’s a good match), though it had a good start to the year and reached $200 million and $14 or so at the peak (it’s now below $100 million and $7/share).

The insider mentions were roughly accurate as of earlier this year, Rensaissance Technologies and Gates Capital Management were large shareholders of IO, and are still, though it looks like the copywriter screwed up — Gates Capital Management is an asset manager run by Jeffrey Gates, with a few billion dollars under management, and has nothing to do with Microsoft’s Bill Gates. Gates Capital owns about a million shares at roughly $7 million in value, so maybe someone also mixed up their decimal points — if anyone had invested $60 million in this company anytime in the past couple years, they would own roughly half the company… which doesn’t typically happen with small caps in the public markets. And no, there haven’t been any substantial oil or seismic data investment made by Bill Gates, at least in public companies in recent years (his holdings are generally listed under Cascade Investments or, more recently, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).

It’s not a perfect match, though — Ion claims “approximately 500” patents, so I don’t know where the “107 patents” bit comes from. They are indeed a manufacturer of geophones, through their Sensor subsidiary… and, yes, they produce a new one every four seconds at their factories. The images in the ad appear to be of the SM-24 rotating coil geophone, which is their core product — you can read all about it in their brochure here.

Ion is much more than a maker of geophones, thankfully, because sales volume has been pretty light in that area — they reported six months ago that only about $8 million of their $75 million in revenue came from devices, and that’s been a fairly consistent percentage… it’s a little lower now than it has been in the past, mostly because there isn’t as much seismic data collection going on at the moment, so there isn’t as much demand for the big towed sensor arrays that are dragged behind ships to collect subsea images for oil companies.

No, ION these days is mostly a services company — they provide analysis of seismic data, and sell access to the data they’ve collected in the past (their “data library”). This can be a really good business if you get the right data, mostly because creating and processing a good seismic “map” of an important exploration area can return your investment fairly quickly if you get a couple key customers to subscribe to the data right away, and then you own the data in perpetuity and odds are pretty good that some of it will be useful to another customer in the future.

And ION has also been on the short end of a very long legal stick for almost a decade, having been sued by WesternGeco and ordered to pay damages in a patent case that went to the Supreme Court — and is now back in the Circuit Court of Appeals to determine whether ION owes further back profits from foreign use of WesterGeco’s patents. That determination seems to be the primary reason for the stock’s run earlier this year, since the announcement came on January 11 — ION is not out of the woods, from what I can tell just from reading their press release, but things are looking up, partly because some of the patents in question are themselves questionable.

The stock price seems to have ridden this legal case to some degree, which is understandable since it’s a small stock and the initial award of $100 million or so was more than the market cap in 2017. And ION was a billion+ dollar company before the 2014 collapse in oil prices really gutted the value of offshore seismic fleets and seismic data libraries (if oil is below $50, the enthusiasm to do very expensive offshore exploration and development, at least in deep water, is severely diminished). I haven’t looked into the lawsuit developments since February, so it might be worth following up if you’re interested in that aspect.

How else does this match? Well, the tease points out that this “Electro-Wave Inversion” was critical in finding a big new shallow-water oil discovery in Mexico in 2017… and that this secret company was integral to that discovery. Which is true, but it had nothing to do with new “infrasound” data or breakthrough sensor technology, it was because of ION Geophysical’s reprocessing and imaging services — their analysis of old data, not the collection of new data with some magical new technology. And yes, most seismic data is collected on “infrasound” frequencies.

In fact, the most basic technology that the tease refers to has been around for more than a century — the big quotes about how this is “one of the greatest scientific achievements of all time” (European Journal of Physics) seem to be references to the very concept of electromagnetic induction, discovered almost 200 years ago by James Faraday (and maybe almost simultaneously by Joseph Henry). That is obviously a foundational part of the modern understanding of electricity and physics, and led to most of the designs for electric motors and generators, as well as being a key to developing these sensors which detect minute movements of magnets along their coils (I’m sure that’s a gross oversimplification).

And there are other clues aside from the “107 patents” that don’t quite fit — there’s a bit about how this company is working with ExxonMobil for the first time…

“ExxonMobil has entered its first agreement with this small tech firm.

“They’re deploying EWI devices to a project in Africa.”

And it’s true that last year, ExxonMobil was responsible for more than 10% of ION Geophysical’s revenue (as was Petrobras), and perhaps that higher level of sales to ExxonMobil was related to their oil work offshore Ghana, where ION has participated in a few thousand kilometers of data collection in partnership with GeoEx to support Ghana’s first licensing round, but ExxonMobil has also been a customer of ION’s in the past.

Though there are also some good specific matches — like the word that Shlumberger “turned to this small company to analyze an 80,000-square-kilometer site,” which jibes with Shlumberger’s work with ION Geophysical offshore Mexico starting back in 2016.

The “US government” stuff that was attached to the “April 1” deadline in the first version of this ad is all about offshore US oil exploration — as you’re probably aware, the Trump Administration has pushed forward to do more offshore oil exploration, particularly in the Atlantic, and that will first require a lot of seismic data collection (there’s been no real data collection or exploration offshore the east coast of the US for probably 30+ years, and not much before then).

That would probably create more business for ION and the other seismic providers, and the administration has provided the first level of approval for the seismic data collection (needed mostly because of the potential that seismic air guns, which create the sound that echos off the layers of earth underground, have the potential to at least harass marine mammals… which requires government permission), though in my inexpert opinion it’s not likely to dramatically change ION’s business overnight (and it will probably be slow, in any case, since some states will object, Congress sometimes thinks about banning offshore oil exploration outside the Gulf of Mexico, and the plan is not really even in place yet). ION does not even really mention the possibility of Atlantic seismic collection as a near-term business driver in any of their investor info, they are much more focused on areas where exploration is already well advanced like offshore Brazil and Africa and in the Gulf of Mexico.

And frankly, heading into an election year, and with lots of other stuff to fight about and (arguably) a glut of oil already available to US consumers, I can’t imagine major oil exploration being approved off of the East Coast of Florida or the Carolinas… those are key states whose Republican representatives have historically responded poorly to the idea of oil exploration messing up their beach tourism industries.

That was the original version of the ad, though — April 1 passed with no real impact for any seismic companies (as expected), they moved on to a new invented deadline of August 21 and promised that….

“These companies are ready to throw tens of millions to get their hands on this technology.

“And it all happens on August 21.”

Yes, August 21 was an important date for offshore oil — though it’s not necessarily going to bring any huge changes right away for ION or any other oil service firms, all of whom have seen falling share prices lately (IO is down by about 40% since the first version of this ad ran late in February, and by more than 50% since that first “April 1” deadline… April Fools!). August 21 is the day that the Federal Government put more offshore oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico up for bid as part of President Trump’s plan to open up more US waters to oil exploration (the April 1 date was about East Coast exploration, which is much earlier stage), and those who want to buy those leases will have to explore them, almost certainly using seismic equipment. The lease sale did happen, with no particular impact on IO shares.

And October 1? I have no idea whether US regulators will finally open up the Atlantic shelf to seismic exploration on that date… but that’s been something they’ve been planning off and on for years, with Congress often resisting or blocking them to protect other coastal interests or environmental causes (particularly marine mammals, when it comes to the fight over seismic exploration offshore), and, as I said, it’s hard to imagine that being something that happens without a lot more of a fight, particularly in a contentious election cycle.

How about that other stuff they hint at, how this could also save lives? Here’s a bit of tease…

Physics Today reports EWIs could have life-saving medical applications.

“Primarily, preventing cardiovascular disease.

“That’s right…

“By detecting infrasound, EWIs could find slight irregularities in heartbeat and blood flow.

“These are DEADLY precursors that lead to heart disease….

“Professionals are blown away by the results.

“Molecular biologist Nigel Flynn noted “[this] technology will dramatically impact mortality rates of the world’s leading cause of death and extend human lifespan.”

“It could save 610,000 lives in the U.S. alone!”

So that’s pretty much just hooey. Not that the technology doesn’t exist, it does — it just doesn’t mean anything for IO, or anyone else in the near term. And it’s not “a professional” who thinks it will “dramatically impact mortality rates,” it’s the Chairman and President of the company that’s trying to develop a commercial sensor that uses this kind of “passive listening” technology. They’re called Infrasonix, and they’re currently trying to develop a prototype of what they call an “Infrascope,” which essentially just collects sound at low frequencies and can therefore listen to things like the blood flowing through the body.

But the “hooey” is that this doesn’t have anything to do with ION Geophysical, or with any other manufacturer of infrasound detectors or sensors. They haven’t even designed a product yet, let alone try to source the parts, and there are at least dozens of manufacturers of sensors that can detect infrasonic frequencies, none of whom would have their financial picture changed meaningfully by this in the near term (no, in case you’re curious, Infrasonix is not public — this is a crowd-funded startup that will probably raise more money to take their next steps fairly soon. I’m sure they’d like to get involved with a large medical device or wearables company to commercialize a product, but there are also tons of other researchers working in this area. Infrasonix licensed their technology from NASA, for whatever that’s worth, and, again (and perhaps obviously), has nothing to do with ION or any of the other major seismic sensor companies… it seems to just be a story that makes ION’s sensor business sound more important than it is.

So yes, seismic data and infrasound sensors are a real thing. And they have made a huge difference in oil and gas exploration, and the technology does continue to improve in an iterative way each year… though it’s not really controlled by a single company or owned entirely by, in this case, ION Geophysical (there are several decent-sized seismic data companies, including some fast-growing Chinese competitors). Moors’ copywriter seems to be using a fairly typical trick, explaining the incredible value and importance of seismic data for oil exploration… but then skipping a bunch of steps and implying that this whole technology is somehow new or owned by “one little company.”

ION itself might be interesting if you’re patient… they’ll need another surge of interest in offshore oil in order to really become profitable again, but those surges have tended to come about every now and then as oil prices surge, and some reasonable people are predicting that we’re on the cusp of another offshore oil boom if global demand continues to increase. They’ve also delevered quite a bit, and they think they’ll be able to repay their upcoming 2021 debt when it matures, so that provides some comfort. They’ve continued to say that they expect 2019 to be better than 2018, subject to exploration budgets, which isn’t saying a lot because 2018 was terrible… but better is, well, better than worse, and IO has seen revenue rebound a bit this year (not enough to get them back to profitability, and analysts don’t think they’ll be profitable next year, either… but they’re losing less).

Mostly, what matters is oil prices — higher oil prices and the expectation of higher future prices are what determine investment by the big energy companies, and if they invest more than they buy more seismic data, and spend more money building new seismic arrays or vessels and upgrading to the latest technologies. Here’s the chart for the last 10 years that shows WTI crude oil prices (blue), ION Geophysical revenue (red) and the IO share price (orange). It looks pretty clear to me that the 2014 collapse in oil prices dramatically impacted ION’s revenue, and it has never recovered… which has not given the share price much room to recover.

The share price does respond to bumps up in oil prices (like we saw last year), at least temporarily, but since the oil price came back down after those recent highs it didn’t translate into more exploration spending and more revenue for IO… and the recent Iran/Saudi surge in oil hasn’t had much impact on IO’s share price, either. Maybe it will in the future if oil prices recover further or at least stay above $50 and big companies are encouraged to spend a lot more on exploration and seismic data, but oil prices are in many ways just a guessing game that has a lot to do with global demand and GDP growth, with a side of war and Middle East brinksmanship thrown in.

IO Chart

And that’s about all I can tell you. Interested in ION Geophysical? Think you’ve got a better match for those clues? Let us know with a comment below. We’ve left the original comments from the February version of this ad and article below to get you started.

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Mike Barnard
June 19, 2019 10:29 am

Thanks for the heads up. I was thinking of taking a serious look but you’ve covered all the issues extremely well and revealed much of the BS!
On a separate note I wondered if you’ve done a similar review on mandate 232 due for a decision by Trump on 13th July 2019 and the likely effect on US uranium prices and the consequential share price outlook for certain USA producers?

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June 24, 2019 6:04 pm

The chart tells the tale and it’s not strong: Use any chart program on symbol IO and you’ll find a downward move from $30 in April 2018 to current price under $8. I don’t even see much of a bump from this current round of hyped-up ads. Thank you, Travis – the Truth- Sayer.

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👍 28
vivian lewis
August 17, 2019 6:32 am

Schlumberger Ltd., s’il vous plait. It is an Alsatian French family name and spelled as if it is German. the company was created by two brothers of that name who developed methods for finding oil and gas using feedback from drilling rigs back in the early 20th century. It is now incorporated in the Dutch Antilles and run from Paris and Houston, currently by a Norwegian who is to be replaced by a Frenchman next year. Shlumberger is wrong.

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August 17, 2019 12:31 pm

Looks like the dead fish Moors is addicted to!!!

Max Schwartzmeyer
Max Schwartzmeyer
August 17, 2019 9:25 pm

So Travis, and of course you Savy readers of his, if someone was to be getting a “small” inheritance and they wanted to invest like 5k in like 10 “great potential” stocks where would you be putting your money ??

money tree
money tree
August 26, 2019 10:05 pm

Hey Max, Good for you to be looking at investing.
Because the #1 rule of investing is TIME.
Warren Buffet
Travis offers great insight with his “real money Portfolio”, but the point is that :
Travis is sharing what he is doing, so others can think about if they want to do it. and he is NOT specifically recommending.
That’s because 1: legally, it is tricky –
and 2:-everyones situation is different. So it is hard to advise anyone without some good financial planning… How much real estate, how soon you need cash, time horizon…
That being said, Travis offers great ideas at a great price. I also love the Motley Fool advice.

I encourage you to really diversify in several ways.
First, its PERFECT that you want at least 10 stocks ! That is a minimum! It seems no matter what you do, even if you are diligent, the 80/20 rule will apply. 80% of your returns will come from 20% of your stocks. So usually out of 10 stocks: 2 will be losers, 6 will mirror the market, and 2 will crush the market giving you outsized returns. For example, Who knew an online bookstore would become a trillion dollar company, Amazon. They crushed it.

Second, you could include some bonds in the form of a bond fund, or Bond ETF’s. A lot of advisors recommend 20% of portfolio be in bonds because it protects these assets and gives a yield. You’ll be glad if the market gets cut in half. It is personal preference though. How sad will you be if your portfolio gets cut in half. Can you sleep?

Third, there are stocks and ETF’s which further diversify your holdings. For example, the company Berkshire Hathaway, Run by the famous Warren Buffet, is a compilation of lots of companies, so it is already diversified. He usually beats the market by buying good solid value and holding long, long term.

Fourth, Study: “Dollar Cost Averaging.” It almost always wins. Especially right now with a lopsided market, global growth slowdown, and trade uncertainties. Populism is exploding and that is not often good for trade. Long story short… Don’t be in a hurry! Invest your money in 3 different stages: $3.3k now, $3.3k later, and $3.3k even later (at least a year later, or even two!). Buy when “there is blood in the streets” and no one would touch the market with a 10 foot pole… and then look away and hold your nose! It’s probably gonna stay stormy.

Why did I say the market is lopsided? because some sectors are super cheap! Like banks and oil. They are on sale! Because people are scared of declining oil demand and slowing economy and negative interest rates which is tough on banks.
Other parts of the market are on FIRE! Expensive. Like technology and software-as-a-service. Because some fo these are growing so fast, it is crazy to imagine what they are worth.

There is so much to learn 🙂 and it is fun!
I think Travis newsletter is a great find, because for a low rate you can get some good ideas. With $5k you don’t want to spend too much on a service, because it eats into your potential gains. So I would NOT spend more than $250. (5% of your investment capital!) As this thread shows- Do not buy Kent Moores newsletter. I tracked his performance on a spreadsheet, seriously, and it was AWFUL.

What is the story of the future? If you guess right, and invest accordingly, you will do spectacularly well!
I’m guessing: Internet-of-Things (a chip in everything), Cyber security, Health care, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Genetics, Machine learning, G-5, Liquid Natural Gas, Batteries, eSports, Virtual Reality, cashless society, Marijuana (tricky)… ..What do you see? (i get so excited!)

Everyones portfolio goes up and down! Don’t chicken out. If it is down after a year, keep waiting for five years. If you need this money soon, buy a CD. All the studies show, over and over that buying good companies and holding yields the highest returns. The more someone trades, the less money they have in 10 years, 99% of the time. Factual studies, not my opinion.

Be careful! Penny stocks are usually NOT the answer. Take your time and enjoy the ride.

So for ideas- study these: some banks(BAC, WFC, BRK.B), some internet cloud & data(MSFT, AMZN, TWLO, TTD, MDB), proven winners & internet(AAPL, AMZN, DIS, SHOP, FB) tech (WIX, TXN, TSLA) safer dividends like oil pipelines & Infrastructure, and consumer goods (ENB, NEE, BIP, PG), eSports (TTWO, ATVI), 5-G (VZN, AMT, XLNX, KEYS, KEM), Bonds (TGLMX)
You could throw in some Gold, Silver (FNV, AG)

READ! perhaps “Beating the Street,” Peter Lynch
Nothing wrong with 15 stocks, It’s way better.
Good luck. Enjoy Investing 1/3 now…
{ whew, that was a lot. sorry if you didn’t want all that. Perhaps you r already well invested and I just didn’t get it from your question 🙂

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👍 109
August 19, 2019 8:52 pm

Thanks Travis for $IO I just got an e-mail saying that Wed Aug 23rd is the magical day. We shall see.

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👍 450
Pam Day
Pam Day
September 27, 2019 11:44 am

I BLOCK anything from Moors…thank you are the Very best

Carl M Welch
Carl M Welch
September 27, 2019 1:10 pm

The people of the US have been brainwashed into thinking the government can take good care of us. Moors is trying to brainwash us into giving him $3500 based on an insignificant company. The biggest problem for the US oil industry is not a lack of geophones or geophysical contractors. It’s the price control imposed on oil and gas by the government through the CFTC.

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September 27, 2019 9:31 pm

Once again the old adage holds true, “A Fool And His Money Are Soon Parted!”

👍 186
September 29, 2019 3:51 pm
Reply to  ggswift

I lost enough on Linc Energy to be called a fool! Nothing more from Moors ever!

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👍 14
Bob H.
Bob H.
September 29, 2019 1:48 pm

Travis, due to my internet provider, I get your Gumshoe document 1-day late.
Hopefully you are still reading replies or anyone can help me with info on…….
Marc Lichtenfeld, Oxford Club Income Letter about “Extreme Dividends of 100%”
What is this all about???

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John Saputo
John Saputo
October 30, 2019 11:15 am

Well it sounds very interesting but for too complicated for me to understand.
But if their stock starts to take off and I see the future looks bright I will put a
small stake in it to see what happens.

Becky Weaver
Becky Weaver
April 25, 2020 11:49 pm

Wow, great analysis. MOVING FORWARD TO APRIL 2020, we all know what happened to IO over the last year. That newsletter you refer to was nothing but a PUMP & DUMP SCHEME. Now, It’s being touted again (as it’s trading at 1.55) – this time by EB Tucker, who refers to himself as a “tech legend,” but he’s a PUMP & DUMPER TOO.

You guys are talking about the stock IO being teased back in Feb 2019.

In Dec 2018, IO was trading at $5. Then, Kent Moors SENDS OUT THAT NEWSLETTER, and the stock goes up to $16.50 (by Apr 2019,) and tanks after this PUMP & DUMP SCHEMER & ALL HIS CRONIES sell their shares.

I have NO CLUE why people listen to other people who post crap like this online with NO CREDENTIALS OR REVIEWS about their “services.”

Of course IO went all the way down to 1.55 over the next year.

So now, E.B. Tucker, calling himself a “tech legend with Strategic Investor,” has his own PUMP & DUMP SCHEME, using a similar letter. Even if I’m wrong about the company he’s touting, I’d warn people to stay away from ANY ADVICE from E.B. Tucker – and anyone like him – this is a PUMP & DUMP SCHEME and people like this need to be shut down and put in jail.

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