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Motley Fool Rule Breakers

Overall Rating

Rating: 3.7/5. From 105 votes.
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Rating from 504 votes
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Investment Performance

Rating from 158 votes
Rating: 3.8/5. From 158 votes.
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Quality Of Writing/Analysis

Rating from 115 votes
Rating: 3.7/5. From 115 votes.
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Value For Price

Rating from 126 votes
Rating: 3.4/5. From 126 votes.
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Customer Service

Rating from 105 votes
Rating: 3.7/5. From 105 votes.
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Sitka Charly
Sitka Charly
April 13, 2018 4:04 pm

Are the monthly stock picks for Stock Adviser and Rule Breakers the same?

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Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
April 13, 2018 5:22 pm
Reply to  Sitka Charly

No, they are separate services. There’s probably a little overlap in their portfolios, but they don’t issue the same recommendations at the same time.

👍 22025
Helen Saunders
Helen Saunders
October 5, 2018 5:50 pm

Perhaps I am not using this paid for service correctly. However, Rule Breakers and Stock Advisor do not give me the answers to questions hinted at stocks worthy of investment even though I am a subscriber. I paid for my subscriber but detest having to waste time searching for promised answers.

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rochelle linnetz
rochelle linnetz
April 27, 2020 2:07 am
Reply to  Helen Saunders

I feel exactly the same way. I’ll get an ad from MF but I can’t find it in my subscriptions.

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March 2, 2021 6:40 pm
Reply to  Helen Saunders

You can adjust the emails so that you don’t get their advertisement emails just the updates/new picks. In Stock Advisor and Rule Breakers the new picks or best buys come every thursday.

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October 30, 2018 1:19 pm

I have had a subcription to Rule Breakers for 2 years. The good is that they expose you to companies you never heard of and present some logical reasons to buy based on research and market related conditions. The bad is that since they invest for the long term they usually do not provide and explanation for poor performance over a quarter until the impact of that performance decline has already appeared in the stock price. One needs to consider that long term might be a great outlook but a 6 month low period deprives one of investing in other Motley recommendations that are in high growth cycles. This is where I think things fall short. All in all it is a good value as a trial and then decide for yourself.

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December 31, 2018 9:41 am

Very poor customer service. I have to search for the recommendations. I do better on my own

January 21, 2019 2:45 pm

I have been a member of Rule Breakers for a year now. I would highly recommend it, but you have to review the RB recommendations and “Do your Homework,” as Jim Cramer would say. I think they do a great job identifying potential stocks for a portfolio. I initially invested about $11,000 in about 10 Rule Breakers stocks in March 2018 and within 6 months, I was up $4,300! Then we had the market meltdown. I held on, as I am following the long-term strategy that Motley Fool recommends. By late-December, my gains were almost completely erased. Now that the market is moving upward, I am up by $3,100 as of January 18, 2019. Some of their recommendations are more speculative than others, so I recommend doing your own in-depth research on each company you are interested in. Overall, I think that RB is a great service.

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August 4, 2019 12:55 am

I subscribed to the new Artificial Intelligence Motley Fool service and found it to be realistically somber about AI short term prospects in contrast to my other sources. Excellent discussions of the subject for background and the status of present companies. Probably saved me the high cost of the subscription.

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👍 15
January 21, 2020 10:24 pm

I have subscribed to both Rule Breakers and Stock Advisors for at least 5 years. I have gotten a number of good picks from each service. Prime examples include Shopify and Align Technology, both purchased on recommendations in 2016. OKTA is a stock I bought in early 2018 based on a SA recommendation. These certainly were companies I was not aware of before learning about them in MF. As someone in this chain has written, the picks of David Gardner are doing especially good.

I don’t buy everything they recommend, your do have to apply your own thoughts about products/markets but I have been very happy with the 2 examples above and a good number of others.

Recently subscribed to Supernova for 6 months but decided to let that lapse. Overall it wasn’t beating the market – got some good winners such as ROKU and ODFL and some losers such as TWLO. Figured the picks being touted in Supernova should be coming up in the other 2 services if Supernova was the “best of the best” and didn’t really need to pay for a 3rd service.

Not sure why some people were saying they couldn’t figure out what the recommendations were – it is very easy to find their “current best buy” recommendations in both services.

I will say MF can be annoying with constant mailers asking me to buy more services, such as Supernova.

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B Elwes
B Elwes
September 4, 2021 7:02 am
Reply to  rbwwinters

I paid the fee. “How to lock out the million dollar advantage” / Click to learn more / Click here to view the presentation/ Click here to access your offer/ Long story and ask for more money/ I claimed money back and got out.

August 24, 2020 2:38 pm

I have found through out the years that Fool never tells you exactly What The Stock is , especially new ones . Even after “subscribing ” You get tons of emails , each one a book to wade through and still no revealing of the stock they are talking about . This is a waste of time and frustrating.

October 12, 2020 3:05 pm

I’ve been a RB and SA subscriber for over 10 years.
I find the analysis to be very good and the stock picks to be good too. 3 winners out of 4 picks – for the ones that I buy. I stay away from food and clothing – so there are several picks that I won’t even consider.
They also have a “penalty box” if a company is doing poorly. (i.e. don’t buy any more)
And they will also tell you when to sell.
The new website “dashboard” is a nice improvement.
Both services are for the patient investor – your may make some quick money – but my big winners are all companies that I’ve held for 3+ years. I have several companies that are “spiffy popping” several times a year.
I recommend learning/reading at and see if you like what they say – then try SA or RB if you like their style.

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👍 4
October 26, 2020 11:58 pm

I joined The Motley Fool about a month ago. I am a new investor at the young age of 62. I have the “Stock Advisor” and “Rulebreaker’s” services. They have a premium service called “Everlasting Portfolio” run by David Gardner. He’s putting Motley Fool’s money on the line with that one. I might buy-in, but its pretty expensive. So… what’s my experience been? TMF sends a veritable deluge of emails hawking their different premium services. Its annoying as hell. Sometimes it is difficult to find the recommendations touted in emails. Links do not go from email directly to the topic involved. I really like their daily slate of videos (live on zoom). They have enabled comments on the shows so folks can send in their questions. TheMorning Show and Rulebreaker’s Hour are the best. I started a simulator game at Investopedia and used the several stocks recommended by Stock Advisor and Rulebreakers that I am interested in. After three weeks I was up $6,100. Then trouble hit. Today, I’m $600 in the hole. With no stimulus bill, COVID cases spiking, a likely to be contested presidential election a week away and so on, I am reluctant to pull the trigger and actually invest because I think we are in for a bad time and this will be reflected in the market. Motley Fool’s guidance has been to proceed without regard to any of these challenges. Sorry, but I can’t believe that today is a good day to buy. I think the stocks will decline further – then I’ll buy. Motley Fool says its impossible to time the market anyway. Maybe, but I’m gonna take a shot. Overall, I think I have received more than my money’s worth from Motley Fool. I recommend the service. I don’t know that much about the other premium services. They may be bad or good. Just don’t know. I also subscribe to Zacks. Its okay, but Motley Fool is better. So, goodbye, good luck , FOOL ON!

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