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“$25 could let you profit BIG from the global shift to tokenization” — What’s up with Jeff Brown’s “G.T.E” and “World IPO Day”

New ads talk up "20,000 IPOs in one day" -- What's being teased in ads for Brown's Near Future Report?

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, September 14, 2021

Jeff Brown is pitching something he calls a “global token exchange” recently, abbreviating it “G.T.E.”, and reader questions are piling up on the doormat here at Gumshoe Manor, so it’s time to take a look…

The basic spiel, which takes the form of a long presentation/interview between Jeff Brown and a hired talking head that leads to an ad for Jeff Brown’s Near Future Report (that’s his intro level newsletter, $49/yr), is all about how “tokenization,” the process of making everything liquid and investable by breaking ownership it up into little pieces that are stored on the blockchain, is going to change the financial world in dramatic ways… akin to the huge revolution that was spawned with the birth of the first stock exchange.

That first formal stock exchange, most people say, was formed in Amsterdam in the 1600s, and was created to trade shares of the Dutch East India Company, which was the largest company in the world at the time, and is often credited as being the first publicly traded stock (some folks estimate that in today’s dollars, the Dutch East India Company would have had a market cap of about $8 trillion at its peak).

This next wave of revolutionary “tokenization” might be most recognizable at the moment for the fact that it enables the trading of Cryptokitties and little collectible snippet videos of NBA plays, so the headlines often make it seem trivial in comparison… but, of course, those stories also draw attention to a world where much more “real” stuff can also be “tokenized”. So what’s Brown talking about?

Here’s the start of the ad, to give you a little taste:

“Why are Billionaires like Elon Musk, Mark Cuban & Michael Jordan Investing in This Odd New Technology?

“Legendary forecaster who called #1 returning tech stocks of 2016, 2018, 2019 & 2020 — reveals how $25 gets you into one technology set to grow 2,000X BIGGER than Bitcoin”

And yes, Brown goes into that Dutch East India example and some others in explaining the importance of “tokenization”… here are a few more snippets to give you the idea:

“In 1602, the world’s first stock was born: The Dutch East India Company. Before then, nobody knew what a stock was. The bulk of global wealth was private — until one simple idea changed the world overnight:

‘Let’s split up our company into small pieces, and sell them to investors.’

“We take it for granted now, but 400 years ago, this was a technological breakthrough. It was the first time in history somebody could own a ‘fractional piece of something….

“‘G.T.E.’ is allowing us to apply that simple idea — owning pieces of things — to the ENTIRE world. Because this technology allows almost anything on earth to become tradeable.

“Like this Michael Jordan rookie card… this Picasso painting… even this $2.5 million dollar Kentucky-derby winning racehorse….

“… imagine a world where just about everything is publicly traded… every car… every restaurant… every work of art… every piece of real estate… every software program and new technology.

“Imagine being able to take a direct stake in anything!

“What we’ve seen so far is the first wave hitting the shores.

“But there’s a quadrillion-dollar tsunami behind it that hardly anyone is paying attention to.”

So that’s the basic idea, that this concept of a Global Token Exchange is going to democrative all kinds of assets, letting you buy and sell almost anything, not just stocks.

And we’ve all seen examples of that kind of thing, even recently with fractional ownership projects like Rally Rd. for collectible cars and handbags and other stuff, or Masterworks for fine art, neither of which is explicitly keeping records of the fractional shares on the blockchain. In that way, the world of cryptocurrencies, security tokens and NFTs is maybe not exceptionally earthshaking… it’s an evolution, and sometimes when evolution moves fast it feels like a revolution.

Fractional ownership as a concept has existed for a long time, you can buy pieces of lots of things beyond just stocks (and, of course, we’ve moved from having to trade in round lots of 100 shares of stock 50 years ago, to trading “odd lots,” and now to trading fractional shares)… but now it’s definitely getting a lot easier, and should be possible with a lot less friction from middlemen, which means costs and hassle should come down and usage of the technology should rise.

More from the ad, when he begins to hint at the investment he recommends:

“We’re in the opening seconds of what insiders call ‘The race to tokenize everything.’

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“But as tokenization allows the $2.1 quadrillion private economy to go digital, things will start moving even faster. That’s why it’s critical to get in now.

“And in a moment, I’ll show you how anyone can own a piece of the entire Global Token Exchange for just $25….

“That’s the beauty of today’s play: One investment lets you own the whole exchange.

“So instead of making dozens of different investments — and praying each of them go up — one investment lets you profit from every transaction.

“All on a ‘field’ that’s 48 times bigger than the stock market.”

He goes on to describe this one investment as “like a tollbooth” for the tokenization revolution, and as a “buy and hold” investment. So what is it?

Other than Brown saying that “this is the greatest buy & hold opportunity I’ve seen in my 36 years of investing,” and that the starting price is around $25, and it’s easy to buy, we get essentially no other clues. Just the concept that this investment is somehow core to the idea of tokenization.

Though we do also get this next bit, which could be a clue:

“… Blockchain technology is like Visa on steroids. 70% of Americans have a credit card.

“And Visa processes a whopping 1,700 transactions per second to keep up with our country’s shopping addiction….

“… the Global Token Exchange is expected to process 1 million transactions per second. That’s 500 times more bandwidth than Visa, the world’s leading credit card company.”

And a side reference to one of the “real world” financial assets that’s been tokenized:

“In fact, the world’s largest central banks are already using it. The investment bank of the European Union just issued the world’s first blockchain-secured bond. Guess where the EU secured their $120 million, Chris?

“Chris: On the blockchain?

“Jeff: Exactly. The EU is trusting hundreds of millions of dollars on the blockchain because it works.”

And that’s about it… so what’s Jeff Brown teasing as “My #1 Easiest Way to Profit from the $2.1 Quadrillion ‘World IPO Day’?”

There are several cryptocurrencies that are offered by some of the companies aiming to be the next platform, improving on Ethereum — and of those, a few were trading near $25 at some point in the past month or so, including Polkadot (DOT), Uniswap (UNI), Chainlink (LINK) and Cosmos (ATOM). I wouldn’t talk you out of dabbling in those, some small chunks of several of them are in my Coinbase or Voyager account (though more than half of my cryptocurrency holdings are in Ethereum, and another 25% or so in Bitcoin), but I have no idea which one might really gain traction. Solana (SOL), the most recent darling of the crypto traders, is also pretty close, though wasn’t quite down below $25 in August.

And it’s also possible that he’s pitching something more esoteric — there are lots of relatively young companies who are involved in the cryptocurrency space, so he could be teasing one of those… perhaps even something I own, like Galaxy Digital (GLXY.TO, BRPHF), which owns a lot of cryptos and does venture capital investing in that area in a bunch of interesting little companies who are trying to ride that “tokenization” wave, or another company that we’ve looked at before, like Circle (which runs USD Coin and offers some crypto on-ramp processing for NFT creators).

But in part because this is Brown’s entry-level newsletter, I’ll bet that he’s keeping it simple: The Thinkolator’s best answer today is a step back to basics. It’s most likely that he’s simply teasing Ethereum… but is pitching it for folks who want to use retirement accounts or brokerage accounts and not deal with direct crypto investments and wallets and the like, and therefore recommending buying ETH indirectly through the Grayscale Ethereum Trust (ETHE), the closest thing we have to an Ethereum ETF in the US right now.

And, yes, though ETH is well over $3,000 per token today, ETHE was around $25 a month or so ago, when Brown was putting this presentation together (right now it’s trading at about $32 — according to their website, the trust owns 0.010116996 ETH per share, which would give it a fair value at the second I’m typing of about $34, so it’s roughly a 6% discount to net asset value — though ETH prices shift quickly and dramatically sometimes, so don’t hang your hat on that).

It basically works like a closed-end fund, the number of shares is fixed unless they do a secondary offering to raise more cash or decide to buy back shares, so depending on investor interest it can trade at either a discount or a premium — buying at a big premium is a little silly, given how easy it is to buy ETH through Coinbase or any other major platform and the risk that a genuine ETH ETF at lower cost (and that always trades at NAV) might eventually be approved by the SEC, but buying at a discount takes some of that risk away.

So ETHE is not a ridiculous idea these days, assuming you want to buy into Ethereum and don’t want to deal directly with crypto ownership. It was a little crazy to buy the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust in the old days, when it often traded at huge premiums to the coins they owned, but at a discount it’s easier to stomach the relatively high expense ratios these trusts charge (about 2.5%). It’s not unlike buying something like the GLD or PHYS ETF instead of buying a few gold coins directly.

And while there are lots of competitors for Ethereum and Ether (technically, the token is called Ether and the technology platform and the network are called Ethereum — but people, including yours truly, tend to use the terms interchangeably), it’s certainly true that Ethereum is the basis for more cryptocurrency projects than any other technology. Another platform could supplant it, many popular tokenization projects and NFTs use other platforms, and there are many claims that other projects are better or more efficient, but Ethereum has a big lead.

And that might well translate over to great things if the long-heralded transition to Ethereum 2.0 works as hoped — that’s expected to get them to 100,000 transactions a second on the platform by sharding transactions, and to get rid of the mining costs, and as a further match to Brown’s hints the goal has been to get to a million transactions a second (though newer blockchain experiments have reached that level already), and that EU bond offering Brown referred to was indeed recorded on the Ethereum blockchain. The network effect is still very much real, and replacing a leading network is hard, even if your technology is better.

So yes, he could be touting something a little more complicated — but the idea of a Global Token Exchange is probably really mostly a generic concept to illustrate the idea of asset tokenization and the NFT explosion, as much a metaphor as it is a reference to one specific company, and Ethereum is still the established leader in tokenization platforms. When in doubt, the simple answer is usually right.

This is just that entry level newsletter from Brown — and we know from the Marketwise (MTKW) investor materials that the primary value of these newsletters is that they act as a key part of the marketing funnel to get folks to upgrade to higher-priced services that generate most of their profit (Marketwise is the parent company of Stansberry, Brownstone, Palm Beach, etc., they went public through a SPAC merger this year). So as soon as you sign up for Near Future Report for $49, especially if they’ve tagged you as responding to this particular blockchain pitch, I expect you’ll be peppered with ads for Brown’s “upgrade” newsletters, including the crypto-focused Unchained Profits ($5,000/yr). Steel yourself.

If you want a quick little take on what the connection is between Ethereum and NFTs and tokenization in general (a regular token like Bitcoin or Ether is fungible, like a currency — the NFTs are specific entries for individual digital ownership of something specific and non-fungible, often a collectible, though they’re basically tracked and recorded the same way on a blockchain), this Wall Street Journal article from back in May is pretty good and clear — sometimes if you get too sunk into the crypto news world, it ceases to make any sense for those of us who don’t live and breathe the competition between platforms. Here’s a little excerpt:

“The Ethereum network expends about 568 terahashes per second—a measure of the total computing power on the network—according to data provider YCharts. Bitcoin, by contrast, expends about 143 million terahashes per second. Moreover, Ethereum is in the middle of an upgrade cycle that will switch to an even less energy-intensive system.

“Its biggest challenge, though, is the same since its launch: scalability. The network aims to be a ‘world computer,’ handling traffic from hundreds of millions of people around the world. The recent surge in traffic has resulted in significant network congestion, spurring a lag in settlement times and a steep rise in transaction fees.”

And there’s also a pretty accessible article about Ethereum 2.0 from the Motley Fool here, FYI.

And I’ll leave it there. What do you think? The Thinkolator can’t be certain with this one, but do you reckon my hunch is on the money, or do you think Brown is pitching new investors on something like Chainlink or Polkadot? Have other ideas we should consider? Let us know with a comment below. Thanks for reading!

Disclosure: Of the investments mentioned above, I own shares of Galaxy Digital and at least some exposure to Ether, Bitcoin, Chainlink, Polkadot, Cosmos and Cardano. I will not trade in any covered investment for at least three days, per Stock Gumshoe’s trading rules.

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Christian Arial
Christian Arial
September 14, 2021 4:02 pm

I think he’s talking about Polkadot, but I’m not a subscriber to the report.

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September 14, 2021 4:15 pm

I’ve been in ETH for 7 months along with BTC (10 months) and many alt coins. Dot and Chainlink will likely be adopted. Right now, Cardano (ADA) is the buzz. MAN Y more alts with real adoption potential.

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👍 36
quincy adams
quincy adams
September 14, 2021 8:42 pm

I’d be surprised if anyone can buy ETHE in a retirement account. I just attempted that in my Merrill account just to see if I could and was blocked, like most other indirect purchases of cryptocurrencies I’ve encountered. I have been able to trade COIN, which is as close as I can get. And, like the cryptos themselves, I’ve had some difficulty finding the bottom.

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👍 22025
quincy adams
quincy adams
September 15, 2021 12:10 am

Perhaps a good reason to add an account at Fidelity, which I’ve considered.

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September 15, 2021 12:01 am
Reply to  quincy adams

Please stand by to be surprised then. I own both GBTC and ETHE in my Roth account at Fidelity.

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👍 309
September 15, 2021 7:54 pm
Reply to  LostOkie

I own both at Fidelity in a Roth acct. as well.

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👍 16
gene williams
gene williams
January 27, 2022 7:31 pm
Reply to  quincy adams

I purchase ETHE in my 401K in TD Ameritrade account.

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cormac glynn
cormac glynn
September 14, 2021 8:42 pm

Although he is not teasing this maybe readers should have a look at BTCS which went from the OTC to the NASD today and traded from$8 to $11 and back to $8 again.

👍 22025
September 28, 2021 2:11 pm

not sure about the queston?

👍 19
September 21, 2021 3:33 pm
Reply to  cormac glynn

Wallet investor “BTCS” Share Price Prediction 1-Year Forecast * ▲8.862 USD
5-Year Forecast * ▲11.722 USD

👍 35
September 21, 2021 3:39 pm
Reply to  Johnk2

Johnk2 is that 8 dollars?

👍 450
September 14, 2021 10:33 pm

ETH has been a Near Future Report recommendation since late 2017, for what it’s worth. I’ve seen no mention of using ETHE or GBTC as a mechanism for buying crypto in a retirement account. I made the mistake of buying OBTC in my IRA and am transitioning to instead holding crypto-adjacent stocks (Voyager and $HIVE) until we get a Bitcoin ETF.

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👍 27
September 15, 2021 2:47 am

I can confirm he is recommending ETH, buy it thru an account on Coinbase and then consider investing in a tax free IRA called Bitcoin IRA run by a firm in Mountain Oaks, California.
I am an Aussie so IRA ‘s don’t interest me at all. I just hold ETH in a secure wallet.
Can’t fathom this NFT craze either!

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👍 16
October 15, 2021 7:46 pm
Reply to  tgnaylor

you are confusing ETh as crypto vs ETHE

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👍 148
September 18, 2021 11:43 am

“Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has said that new-token issuance should be greatly reduced under Ethereum 2.0, which could increase demand.” What does this statement actually mean? What will happen to ETH after the new coin is issued?

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👍 163
September 24, 2021 7:54 pm
Reply to  aldosov

The problem with many cryptos is they have no cap and are seriously overvalued. Some command market caps in the billions devoid of premise and in order to meet the demand for coins issue more – much like the fed watering the dollar. Buterin means they are going to limit the total number of ETH to prevent saturation.

👍 148
October 16, 2021 12:51 am
Reply to  outsider

Did I misspeak here somewhere?

👍 148
Alan Bolotin
Alan Bolotin
September 28, 2021 10:27 pm

I think you’re right on about this teaser leading to the more expensive newsletters and I’m quite angry to be manipulated in this manner. I was serious about buying a couple $25 chunks of GTE and I’m going to get my money back.

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October 7, 2021 9:39 pm

I already own ETCG (Grayscale Ethereum Classic Trust (ETC) ETCG:OTCQX US). How is that different from ETHE (Grayscale Ethereum Trust (ETH) ETHE:OTCQX US

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👍 22025
November 11, 2021 12:52 am
Reply to  JayBee1

One is losing $ and one is making $.

👍 18
October 8, 2021 4:46 pm

Is it just me or is this the new thing with investor Guru’s. They all have the same type of videos. Jeff Brown has 1 on SAV, GTE, TASS. Says in all of them that Musk, Bezo’s, Cuban, Branson etc. have put billions into this trend. He doesn’t say trends. What about the Imperium technology one from that other clown, i forgot his name., and that Al toucher guy. Thay are all the same structure and that is how these guys are getting more rich. By manipulating the average investor with teasers and selling there news letter. Ok, does it really make sense to have a 20,000 IPO day and then every day after? Biggest hunk of crap I’ve ever heard. None of these guys actually tell you anything worth while once you join there newsletter. It’s all a complete scam. I’ve done tones of research on what could possibly tokenize the monopoly of IPOS and it sure wouldn’t happen on a specific date and send one crypto to the moon over night. He also states, it’s not a crypto, not on Nasd, on the Ny stock exchange. GTE is indeed a trend, however there is not 1 specific company that will do it all. Just like Inperium technology, which is DNA sequencing, DNA splicing. There are over 1,000 companies playing a part in that trend. TWST, BNGO, ILMN just to name a few and they have already risen over 1000%-12,000%. So now GTE, Global token exchange. There are number of companies that have websites that the business model is to tokenize data, things and IPO’s, however there not public. There is something I found on the Jamaican stock exchange called Blockstation. Check this out, what do you guys think? Remember,Scammer Brown said its not a Crypto, or be bought on NY stock exchange or Nasdaq.

Marko Hafez, CEO of Blockstation, states,

“We are excited to officially launch the Prospectus+ Smart Listing Accelerator Portal for issuers to tokenize their equity and list on a regulated stock exchange…The portal features low costs, short timelines and international reach, making Tokenized IPOs suitable for companies of all sizes and an attractive proposition for issuers who never would have considered going public in the past.”

Marlene Street Forrest, Managing Director of JSE, states,

“Blockstation’s platform incorporates familiar compliance rules to ensure a fair marketplace. We have spent considerable time and effort in our quest to move forward with Blockstation and to date, the training and support they have provided have been excellent.”

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October 15, 2021 7:44 pm
Reply to  Michael

until it’s regulated Blockstation cannot matter, much like other supposedly SEC backed securities such as INX

👍 148
October 9, 2021 5:20 pm

Just curious, what do all of you think the overall profitability of either ETHE or GLXY.TO BRPHF?

👍 34
October 15, 2021 7:40 pm
Reply to  DSWmp5

ETHE has a wider exposure and hence more profitability should the occasion arise. BFARF and GLXY, which I hold, are somewhat limited in scope

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👍 148
October 31, 2021 8:13 pm

Thanks for your article. It really helped to sort out some fact from fiction. I have a follow-up question relating to your link – “newer blockchain experiments have reached that level already”. I commenced researching after reading the article on the Predict site from your link. I live on the other side of the world in Australia and have found it difficult to do my due diligence on this start-up. I haven’t been able to get in contact with the Illinois State Security Commission at all to confirm whether Crispmind or Tectum are bonafide organisation/s. Could you suggest ways in which I could check this out before making a financial commitment? Cheers.

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👍 22025
November 13, 2021 12:19 pm

I first started buying GBTC in December of 2019 as a hedge, along with GDX (Gold miners). During the COVID crisis which started in March of 2020, GDX proved to be a much better hedge against market volatility than GBTC. For the first couple months of the COVID crisis, GBTC crashed (down about 40%), much more than the market overall did during that period; GDX moved up slightly during the same time, acting as a pretty nice non-correlated asset.

Interestingly, as the market began to recover GBTC exploded upward. So, in my limited experience with cryptos, GBTC seems to be highly levered to the market, with the potential for explosive moves on the upside and on the downside. Gold, or gold miners in my portfolio, provided some stability during that specific market decline.

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👍 45
November 8, 2021 12:12 pm

My bet and money is on
Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that is powered by the LINK Ethereum token.

Oracles are an important part of the decentralized finance (or “DeFi”) landscape: in the absence of a centralized authority, they’re the main mechanism by which DeFi apps receive accurate external data (especially prices). Until Chainlink was developed, there was no reliable solution that allowed smart contracts and DeFi apps to access external market prices.


Official website

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April 22, 2022 12:16 am
Reply to  KICK

hi. just want to pipe up and say Chainlink is the soggiest investment of my crypto portfolio, down from its 50 + ATH to a waterlogged 13, 14, 13, etc. It’s like a half submerged container…granted I bought it at 5, only 2 coins have lost money out of the 20 or so I bought; I bailed on Cardano at 3 and Harmony and Enjin only slightly after the top and boy am I glad on Cardano…like an idiot I rode Link all the way down because sooo many other projects use them, they’re partnered with a bazillion and three other companies and I thought having actual use meant something and that Link was one of the few with actual value. Need I say I wish I had traded it for the Doge or Shiba inu I thought people were retards for buying? I will never find memes cute and anyway cute is loathsome so a meme coin is something I would rather stomp on than invest in, given the choice. If anyone isn’t using Coin Gecko and or Coin Market Cap I prefer Gecko to find all the basic info like price charts, market cap, # of coins, TVL, ATH,ATL, blah blah for about 3,000 or so coins including links to their sites which often have whitepaper and dev info and links to social media because yes, the number of active followers matters but I cant bring myself to actually read that kind of trash for ninnies littered with “Lambo” comments, I hate knowing that so many people think that’s the point of wealth, to buy an expensive toy like a one word internal combustion billboard–SHALLOW. The notion of using wealth to support oh heck I don’t know Jane Goodall or coral reefs or helping smart but poor people or whatever strikes your fancy and helps human potential not go to waste….I’m just saying you have to know if there is enthusiasm but I hope you adore Jr. High School mentality. I recently noticed a couple of interesting super micro cap coins dealing with NFT’S in a specific way that definitely has huge potential for changing you tube pay paradigm and another that is a platform specifically for tokenization of assets like real estate, precious metals gems etc fine art cars blah blah. i would love to talk to anyone with interest/info/useful opinions also I am just learning technical analysis, and if anyone is a coder I have an idea for a game but I can’t code so, theres a smart contract waiting to happen. maybe. shoot me a few comments

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December 5, 2021 2:26 pm

Don’t understand why retirement accounts are limited to just BTC. Too expensive for an average joe. Lots will be made within that top 25 group.

👍 84
Shaun Hendricks
Shaun Hendricks
February 1, 2022 7:18 am

The 1 million transactions I think refers to the SETL blockchain, that is being tested by CITI bank and Deloitte. I cannot work out who is a new player dabbling with transaction settlements, meaning they will be the gatekeeper of the toll road. It seems as if CITI bank has stolen the march on other USA banks.

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Deborah Kelly
Deborah Kelly
February 4, 2022 4:45 pm

I did get the first 2.1 trillion 25. and you’ll profit from 20k IPO’s… It only suggested Ethereum, (not the ETF ETHE either)
It was hard to make out where he was going with it throughout the whole report, then he says get Ethereum.
From what Ive researched, certain Altcoin’s are where you want to get in right now, they are the main coins, not bitcoins, they were used to see how people would respond. Altcoins are what they are using to build main parts of the blockchain, some for securing our banks, some for securing our data, etc. But they were always meant to be the real coins in play here. I love your work Travis btw, thank you for what you do. Ive tried to sign up for premium a few times, but it hasnt let me, I’ll keep trying, it might have to do with being in a similar business, and using same tools, I’ll look into it when I get a chance. Deb Kelly
PS dont mind topic you have too many to search thru them!

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Deborah Kelly
Deborah Kelly
February 4, 2022 5:06 pm

Hi its Deb again, I do get info others dont, lately for Jeff Browns new adverts .Im being told to get into Coinbase for the 25. 20k IPO gains, he is even giving away NFT’s as well as some names. Evidently Coinbase is about to add an NFT ( Non-fungible Tokens) exchange Marketplace. The thing is, he wants you to sign up for 2500. this time! He tells me daily he is holding a free NFT for me, bit Im about to miss the boat. What do I need to pay 2500. for, Id go to coinbase and make a purchase on my own. You probably need to buy in to get it ahead of the Marketplace launch Im sure, but Id still make out just waiting till opening day!
Thats the newest from Jeff Brown. So keep an eye out for Coinbase Launch, and research Altcoins and what is really going on with them, thats where the money is.
Deb Kelly

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April 27, 2022 6:53 pm

it might be worth highlighting that AMP and the Flexa Network works to essentially tokenize everything listed above and while currently focused on payments has larger plans for collateralizing any asset. Not proposing this is the GTE he is referring to, but a see a lot of similarities in what Flexa is creating with AMP.

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