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McCall’s “World’s First $1 Million Stock” Teaser… Answered

What's being teased by NexGen Investor as the "Amazon of Biotech?"

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, March 13, 2018

Matt McCall is pitching a “$200 into $1 million” stock idea as he tries to drum up subsribers for his NexGen Investor… and that sounds fun, right, owning a stock that goes to a million dollars per share?

It probably won’t happen, of course, and I don’t know how many times it might have actually happened in history — even the stocks that you’d think could be close to that level don’t generally have returns that remarkable, and most have split their shares a bunch of times in the interim to make them more palatable for new investors to consider (Amazon, for example, would be at roughly $15,000 per share right now if it weren’t for stock splits — a nice gain from the $18 IPO price, but even that’s not in the “$200 into $1 million” category… Amazon IPO investors who held on for 20+ years to today would have turned $200 into about $165,000).

But anyway, McCall’s “passion,” he says is to bring you the next great early-stage disruptor that could make investors rich… he uses the examples that make us all feel greedy, like Netflix, Amazon, Tesla, Apple and Facebook, and then leads into his spiel about this new stock:

“It features another early-stage profit opportunity that could be bigger than ALL of these past moneymakers….

“I realize this sounds hard to believe.

“But not when you realize this company possesses a game-changing DNA technology that’s about to turn the $3.3 trillion health care industry upside down.

“That’s not just me saying this.

Bloomberg says this technology ‘will change the world.’

Forbes calls it ‘the next step in human evolution.’

“Nobel Prize-winning scientist David Baltimore agrees that this DNA breakthrough will usher in ‘a new era in human history.'”

Those are references to the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing discoveries and advancements that we’ve seen over the past few years, though there’s seemingly been as much action in the patent courts as in the clinic. The Bloomberg reference is from this article about the patent fight between Feng Zhang and the other early CRISPR researchers Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier, the Forbes quote is likely from this article, and the quote from David Baltimore has been widely circulated in stories about gene editing, it’s from his opening remarks to the International Summit on Human Gene Editing in December 2015.

And there’s plenty more of this general boosterism for genetic editing:

“… this DNA technology allows researchers, on the cellular level, to ‘cut out’ the bad strands of DNA that are the root cause of hundreds of chronic diseases.

“I call it Genesis because it has the power to virtually rebuild every DNA from the beginning.”

As well as some references to specific “cures” or treatments that have caught peoples’ attention — like the story of Christian Guardino, who regained his sight thanks to gene therapy (using what is now called Luxturna, from Spark Therapeutics — which is certainly a gene therapy, and it was huge news when they got approval in December, though it’s not a therapy that relies on CRISPR-Cas9 editing technology).

So all of that, and most of the big picture stuff he cites in the ad, is about the promise of gene editing and genetic therapies in general… and mostly about the rapid speed of advancement in that field thanks to the precise tool that CRISPR-Cas9 editing gives researchers. We can agree on that basic “genetic editing is a big deal” premise, though I have no idea when it will become something that we can rationally analyze when it comes to economics… partly because much of this is still lab science that has barely begun human testing, and partly because the economics are completely untested and will shake up the pharmaceutical business — how much is a “one shot cure” worth? Who pays? There was an interesting Wired article on this following the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference a couple months ago, should you want to dig deeper.

But anyway, let’s move on to see what other specifics we get — OK? See if we can name this “secret” company that McCall says will be the “world’s first $1 million stock” for you?

First, we’ll sift through and see if there are any more clues… he continues to use these terms and seems to mix the ideas and technologies pretty interchangeably, referring to the whole broad spectrum of CRISPR and gene editing and gene therapies as “Genesis DNA editing” … and then we get some more specific hints:

“… this is no longer experimental technology. It’s proven and far beyond the discovery phase. Our top pick in this sector already has two gene-editing products on the market, two more nearing commercialization, and four more programs in clinics—giving it one of the greatest pipelines of DNA cures in the industry.”

OK, so it’s definitely not one of the “big three” CRISPR stocks — Editas (EDIT), Crispr Technologies (CRSP) and Intellia Therapeutics (NTLA) are the leading names in the public CRISPR space (and the CRISPR patent fights), but none of them have “products on the market” or near commercialization, nor do they have clinical programs. These are R&D companies that are just barely beginning to consider human testing.

So who is it? More clues:

“We’ve already seen the stock’s price jump 342% since March 2016. With two more life-saving DNA products near commercialization, we expect the company’s stock to jump another 342% over the next two years.

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“That’s just the beginning…

“The big money will be made as their treatments become as common as Band-Aids over the next 30 years….

…add just one share of this $200-a-share company to your holdings now”

And thankfully, we get a little chart of the company’s progress since early 2016 — when it has gained 342.35% versus the S&P 500’s 45.03%, so that level of specificity makes the Thinkolator happier, and lets us confirm that yes, this “world’s first $1 million stock” teaser is all about bluebird bio (BLUE).

Which is indeed pretty close to $200 a share, it’s at about $225 right now after a 10% jump in the past couple weeks. They reported their fourth quarter earnings about three weeks ago, you can see some summary notes on that from the Motley Fool here. The company is using combinations of gene therapy, gene editing and immunotherapy to develop treatments for cancers and rare diseases, including ALD and sickle cell disease, but probably their most-followed drug is bb2121, which is partnered with Celgene for multiple myeloma.

Will bluebird be a huge winner from here? You’d have to be a damn site smarter than me to prognosticate what their financials might look like in ten years, if and when they have a portfolio of revenue-generating therapies generating lots of cash, so right now it’s all about what value is placed on innovation and how much big pharma partners might want to pay for access to bluebird’s technology or pipeline — it’s already an $11 billion company, so if they’re going to turn $200 into $1 million over the next 30 years, assuming no share buybacks or share sales, then bluebird would be a $55 trillion company in 2048. I suppose that’s possible, but it’s definitely not in the “probable” category in my book — I wouldn’t plan my retirement savings around that expectation.

Which doesn’t mean it’s a bad stock, of course, or that it might not work out fine — it’s just a reminder that you have to ignore the ridiculous promises of teaser ads before you can step back and consider the stocks they recommend with some level of rational thought. I won’t go further into looking at bluebird here, plenty of you have invested in it or commented on the stock in the past and we’ve covered it pretty recently, when Charles Mizrahi was pitching it for his Park Avenue Investment Club back in January as the “biggest breakthrough since chemo.”

And what about McCall and that “NexGen Investor” service? That’s fairly new and we don’t know much about it — his claimed returns are pretty remarkable, per the ad:

“Since he launched NexGen Investor in May of 2017, his picks have handed his readers average annualized gains of 1,011%.”

Which indicates to me that he has probably included a bunch of short-term windfall gains, like successful options trades, or perhaps some cryptocurrency trades that had remarkable jumps (he did tease some crypto-related stocks for one of his other NexGen newsletters back in December). If you post a 20% gain in a particular week for a short-term position, for example, that’s an “annualized gain” of 1,040%, even though, of course, you’re not likely to get that kind of trading gain each week unless you have an extraordinary run of luck.

(My most successful short-term trade over the past year, for example, was a lucky speculation on Nasdaq ETF (QQQ) call options that posted a four month return of 2,250% or so, which would be an annualized return of 6,750%. That’s obviously nice, and I suppose I could claim an annualized gain of 1,000% even if I posted 100% losses on a handful of similar speculations, but be careful about the term “annualized” when people use it to talk about huge recent gains — it’s more useful when you’re talking about long-term performance, and, of course, actual gains are much more important than ‘annualized’ gains.)

So if you have tried out McCall’s products in the past, or subscribed to his NexGen Investor, we don’t yet have any subscriber feedback on that publication, so please do click here and let your fellow readers know what you thought.

And, as always, we learn from each other… if you’ve a thought or opinion to share on bluebird bio, or on the financial dreams inspired by any of the gene editing or gene therapy stocks, CRISPR or otherwise, feel free to share them with a comment below.

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March 13, 2018 4:58 pm

The druggies will fight this tooth and nail. If it becomes possible to cut out bad DNA, which I seriously doubt, then drugs will become extinct. Big Pharma wants to keep us sick for decades so that instead of curing us, they can medicate us to death, slowly. A $million stock in the making? It has never come close to happening and never will until perhaps the Dow trades at 500,000 or some such. Still waiting for the “God Key” to provide 50,000% returns. Check back in about 20 years on all these “miracle” promises.

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Dave S.
Dave S.
March 13, 2018 7:22 pm
Reply to  yukonjack

Messing with DNA will not cure all diseases. Many diseases may have a genetic component, but are also strongly influenced by environmental/behavioral factors. No matter how sophisticated DNA manipulation becomes, drugs will be with us for a long time. And no, the pharma companies are not trying to keep us sick.

March 13, 2018 5:07 pm

Motley Fool has been touting BLUE for a while. They’ve also been touting Celgene (CELG) which hasn’t done a whole lot since its big fall back in October. BLUE’s been doing better, though they did lose over 4% today, but I’m wondering if it isn’t time to put money in CELG.

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March 13, 2018 6:14 pm
Reply to  Britt

Play it safe here…buy ARKG ETF …it has all these hot biotech stocks.

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👍 35
March 13, 2018 7:49 pm

There are a lot of rare/orphan diseases that no big pharma companies will touch that could be impacted by CRISPR technologies. But picking a winner amongst the leading companies is going to be difficult and there’s the possibility that others enter the market too. There is a lot of work going on to build a better CRISPR enzyme and if this new enzyme is better (and patented) it could take over rapidly. There were a couple great papers a week or 2 ago that detailed a new enzyme with better specificity, less off-target cuts etc that shows how quickly this can happen. Impossible to predict who wins out in this race

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March 13, 2018 8:56 pm

Travis, your common sense approach is worth a 1,000 % imaginary gains on that perfect get rich stock. Recently a long time promoter that works for a company on the Vancouver exchange where I have lost thousands in prior years finally hit it big. Over 2-3 years he kept promoting a nickel stock when it was at 3 – 5 cents per share and as of last September it went to 11 cents per share.
Well, I didn’t buy because I had no proof their nickel search exploration would ever cause the stock to go up. Wrong. It is now about 2.00 per share and may go higher. Am I recommending it to buy. No. Why? Because I still can’t predict. This is a perfect example as why most inexperienced stock pickers are impressed with the get rich scenario. Probably working for 3 years without pay gave him is 3 million plus shares when he recently sold half and will likely sell the remainder soon. True story but the lessons are difficult. I now simply try to understand the company as if I were an owner.
Buffets Rule 1 is a rule I still try to achieve. “Don’t lose money.” I still am looking for good advice based on experience and I appreciate yours. Any other experienced successful advice is always appreciated.

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👍 42
michael lacy
michael lacy
March 14, 2018 1:45 am
Reply to  dcinvest

Travis, as a beginning investor who is only trying to keep my head above water with astronic medical bills due to an unseen spinal cord injury you have no idea how much I appreciate your common sense no nonsense straight to the analytical point. I can’t afford to fall into stock advice from so many “stock advice for sale promoters” who could care less if I lose what miniscule amount of money I do have. To me Travis, you’re the last ethical man who helps so many, not for money, but because you care. Put a price on a sincere caring man, you, in today’s sad world. Thanks Travis. I don’t know you but I care. You’re the best.


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March 14, 2018 4:33 am
Reply to  michael lacy

Mike, that is the nicest, most eloquently stated, true comment in existence, regarding Travis, Please except my small gift of one year Irregular membership to StockGumshoe; the only subscription an investor needs for a fighting chance against these effed up markets full of wolves and scammers. Lynn, please send me an invoice.
Long #Gr8Gummunity, sharing and caring. #Best2YouAlwayz – Ben

👍 11604
March 14, 2018 5:37 am
Reply to  SoGiAm

Great gesture Ben !!
I reiterate once again my sentiments about the stock market pundits which can be summed up in two words – Be Aware:

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👍 260
March 14, 2018 5:47 am
Reply to  StockMidas

#Laa0709,, Had previously missed your thread. Subscribed. Well done Chief!

👍 11604
March 14, 2018 2:56 pm
Reply to  SoGiAm

Ben, you are at the top of the class in the Gr8Gummunity. Thank you for doing that, at 4:30 in the morning no less, and for all you do for us.

👍 644
Timothy Hudnut
Timothy Hudnut
March 17, 2018 1:26 am
Reply to  SoGiAm

Ben: You are a true humanitarian to make a kind gesture to Mike regarding the eloquent statement about Travis’s ground work. I am a new reader in the last two weeks and find Travis’s research extremely worthy at this time. I am in the same shoes as Michael is, with a terrible back surgery gone wrong. There are so many awful advertisements out there tease you out of curiosity that it is confusing to really be convinced where to go for great advice for investment purposes.

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March 14, 2018 5:25 am
Reply to  michael lacy

Mike, send me a message to trader709@yahoo,.com

👍 260
March 14, 2018 5:26 am
Reply to  michael lacy

Apologies – was duplication. Cannot delete this.

👍 260
March 14, 2018 8:43 am
Reply to  michael lacy

Mike, totally agree with you. I hope you do recover soon and are able to resolve your situation. Your assessment of Travis is spot on!. I too am a novice investor and always looking for ways to support my family, not easy when you’re unemployed. I am not seeking any freebies, but I always refer to comments here to various trading services I receive via Email. We are bombarded with so much hype about making money through various services, yet none are for sure. From my assessment, I haven’t seen anything reliable from these so-called experts whos has been trading for numerous years, or who had developed a formula or trading platform. Thanks to Travis and his “Thinkolator”, he does care for the average person. Thanks to Travis.


PS. I want to thank other contributors to discussion threads for their input as well.

March 14, 2018 12:26 pm

KO in the veins; then another industrial mass production to have undo it obviously. The theory is sound as coke is “bad for one” and “we’re all addicts.” This teaser “is doomed to pay big.” Reminds me of when Buffy eats too much Dairy Q. ice cream, gets rabid, shorts everything in his account -he’s too rabid to care he now gets 0 divs until he gets over his fit and covers- viola 2008. Side benefit is stocks are awfully cheap then.

Well, really tho – MASS[ive] PRODUCTION. The keys to the world’s wallet out there. ‘t’s why, when the whole market tanks, you see those root beer-drinking illuminati-trader snakes ALWAYS driving straight upward in price at the same time, at least 3 of the DOW 30 members. You don’t laugh at THE.

In honesty, the BIG-DOW mass production across time thing is not going to be found via this teaser item. Disease is allegedly more sporadic or happenstantial than daily coke addiction (the latter meaning all the commodities, stuff and items one uses eternally and incessantly).

Perhaps the company can overprice the product to even the field and attain the
big, big pay zone?

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March 14, 2018 1:32 pm
Reply to  johnnyboy

Edit: (No way to edit original!):
Should have included as:

“This teaser, (BLUE), “is doomed to pay big.”

Or it’s like “What’s this nut talking about?” for the rest of it.

Need edit capability in Gumshoe comments.

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March 14, 2018 1:38 pm
Reply to  johnnyboy

This is an ultimatum. We either get edit capabilities of our original post or people are going to find out I AM some kind of one (nut) as I spew out my spontaneous first thought. With edit capabilities we will be able to decorously hide something like that better.

👍 22033
Cookie P
Cookie P
March 15, 2018 9:22 am

Please note that genetics are such a small percentage of a person’s actual health outlook that”editing” genes will accomplish little except in rare or extreme cases. Habits, environment, attitude and behavior, which only oneself can “edit, are what works. No silver bullet.

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March 15, 2018 10:06 pm

Man seeing they guy pay for the other mans subscription was really cool.
Fwiw I enjoy the comments just as much as the articles here and have found some really great stocks from some of you.
I don’t come here often enough but after reading this thread I am going to change that & hopefully get a better handle for the guys here that are regular commenters etc.
This is my second comment ever here and the first one was asking if the gentleman commenting in the weed stock thread the other day was Rainman.
It’s was hard for me to follow his writing style but he was nice enough to reply.
I guess I am going to have to break down and become a sub if nothing else but for the comradery you guys share.
Thanks guys

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March 16, 2018 9:23 pm
👍 11604
March 19, 2018 1:19 pm

BLUE is falling like a rock There is no profit in their near future look at the losses per quarter or annually. 9billion valuation right now Might be an options play now

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👍 11
May 16, 2019 3:45 pm

its interesting how the exact date of the all time high of BLUE is the date this article was released/ XD

August 25, 2019 2:35 pm

At the time of this article Blue was trading 199-200. Now it is around 106.79 and has been less.

👍 483
April 3, 2021 2:21 pm
Reply to  frank_n_steyn

And today April 2021 it is about $30.00.

👍 38

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