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Solved: ’29-Cent Stock just finds $4.12 billion of gold, Forward P/E of 1′ (Chuck de Castro tease)

What's Penny Mining Speculator's "make 5 to 6 times your money" gold stock?

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, August 25, 2015

We write about Chuck de Castro teasers every now and again, and this one caught the eye of quite a few Gumshoe readers — as you can guess from the headline, it’s about a junior mining stock, not exactly the headline favorite for today’s markets… though you never know when the “currency wars” might help gold finally catch a real bid and make another big move, and when gold optimism rises it’s the junior gold explorers that tend to be the most wildly levered plays on gold.

Doesn’t always work, of course — even if gold does go up sharply on some kind of “flight to safety” or “currency devaluation” fear, we might not have the “animal spirits” in the market to get greed impulses really flashing and convince speculators to pile in to little mining stocks again… but, well, gold stocks have been down so hard, for so long, that it seems downright cruel not to nurture at least a wee modicum of hope.

So what is the stock being teased by Penny Mining Speculator? Well, if you’re curious (as I am), and don’t want to pay up $1,950 just to sate that curiosity (I sure don’t), let’s take a look-see at the clues De Castro uses to entice us and see whether we can name that stock for you…

Here’s how the ad begins:

“Cost to produce an ounce of gold: $616. With gold currently at $1,150, they’re going to be making $534 an ounce. Estimated production will give them gross annual profits 4 times their market cap. So their forward price/earnings ratio is less than 1….

“This new recommendation is already up 16% in a week. With a forward price/earnings ratio way under 1, this 29 cent stock is headed for $3.00. Get in now.”

I imagine we’re probably going to want to quibble with the notion that the possible gross profit that might be earned eventually from a mine that is yet to be built belongs in the denominator of a PE ratio, but we’ll leave it for now. Suffice to say, don’t look at that “P/E of 1” the same way you’d look at the PE of a company that actually has an operating business now.

And then we get into some more specific clues:

“This 29 cent-a-share company holds 28,000 acres near the heart of one of America’s richest, most famous gold mining districts.

“Since 2011, the company has drilled over 400 holes, which hit 3 gold-rich zones:

* Zone 1: 2.5 million ounces of gold reserves
* Zone 2: 700,000 ounces reserves, and
* Zone 3: 1.3 million ounces reserves”

He says this 4.5 million ounces of “mine-able reserves” makes it one of the ten largest gold reserves in the US, and that the company anticipates (in their pre-feasibility study) that they’ll produce more than 350,000 ounces a yeaer.

And one other clue…

“The gold ore is rich in antimony, a metal used in cameras and smartphone screens, including the iPhones and Samsungs. By selling its antimony by-product, this company’s all-in cost to produce an ounce of gold will be lowered to $616 an ounce!”

So what is this $40 million company that de Castro says will be generating “nearly $200 million a year” in gross profits? (Once they start producing those 350,000 ounces, that is)…

Thinkolator sez that Penny Mining Speculator is teasing: Midas Gold (MAX in Toronto, MDRPF OTC in the US)

Midas is indeed a little junior gold explorer, sitting on substantial resources (or reserves, depending on who you ask) of gold in Idaho — and, like most junior gold miners, their stock is a mere shadow of its former self… Midas had a half-billion-dollar market cap back in 2012, and the value of the company has fallen by about 90% since then. The share price, in US$, is down from a high of about $4.50 to the current 29 cents… so it has indeed showed some recovery already, de Castro hinted that it’s up 16% in a week and that’s true, but it’s still awfully close to that all-time-low of 24 cents that it hit last month. And the leverage to metal prices that you look for with mining stocks is certainly there… at least on the downside — with gold dropping 3% so far this year, Midas Gold is down about 30% in 2015.

All of the numbers do match up with the tease — you can see Midas’ latest investor presentation here, from April, and that includes those same numbers of 4.5 million ounces of “probable reserves” (or 4.6 million, depending on how you do your rounding) at their three sites (Hangar Flats, Yellow Pine, and West End) in the Golden Meadows project near Stibnite, Idaho. All three sites are old mines — the whole area was mined off and on for decades, though apparently mining stopped in the late 1990s. Midas’ reserves numbers (and those are probable reserves, not proven reserves) are from their prefeasibility study that was released in December of last year.

I have seen no indication of when the company might try to get financing and start to build the mine, but from the prefeasibility study presentation scenarios it looks like they anticipate construction costing about a billion dollars and taking three years. They don’t have that money, obviously, so they’d have to borrow it to get to building — at the base case scenario, they estimate that the net present value of the mine, using $1,200/ounce for gold and $20/oz silver (the lowest scenarios they included), is about $187 million after taxes at a 10% discount rate. It may be that’s too conservative, either because you think gold should be higher than $1,200 or because you think a lower discount rate is fair (given the risk of a junior miner, I think 10% is the minimum you’d want to consider… but if you use a 5% discount rate the net present value would be over $500 million, so you see how assumptions about the future — and about the value of money — flavor your assessment of the value of a project), but it is, at the least, a more sobering number than $4.12 billion, so hopefully that will mean you can give yourself time to think about it, read the studies, and understand the potential of the mine before you jump in and assume that $40 million is “cheap” for this stock.

Maybe it is, maybe the stock really should be worth $100 million given the reasonably attractive project and the fact that even at current gold and silver prices the NPV is probably at least $150 million, and the large size of the project that has a decent hope of being a major economic force in their little corner of Idaho for close to 20 years. That all depends on your assessment of the likelihood the mine will be permitted and built, the price of gold (and silver, and antimony) at the time they start producing, and the cost to finance the development of the mine. The estimates set the “payback” at about four years (under their most conservative scenario, which is the only one that interests me at all), which gives plenty of time to generate meaningful profit over time, and they have gotten some decent partners — Franco-Nevada bought a royalty on the project, and Teck owns about 10% of the company.

But the fact remains, they’re going to have to raise a lot more money and borrow a lot of money even to get the permitting process really underway, and unless permitting is a lot easier at this site than it is elsewhere you could certainly be forgiven for adding some “margin of safety” to your value assessments by guessing at the number of years it will take to get permits, particularly for the water disruption and diversion and the amelioration of the old mining site that will have to be part of the project. Idaho may indeed be generally mining-friendly, and I’m sure the neighboring towns could use the jobs, but this is also Federal land and there are seemingly dozens of permitting steps outlined in the prefeasibility study, none of which I have any idea about when it comes to potential problems, delays, or even how long it would take to get started if everything goes swimmingly.

And, of course, banks aren’t going to be thrilled about financing the project with $1,200 gold prices underlying the low-end estimate if the price of gold falls to $1,000 or below again, so gold prices will always be a key consideration — this is a much larger potential project than are a lot of the little junior mining stocks that get teased, but that doesn’t mean it’s particularly safe.

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So what do you think? 4.5 million ounces of gold dispersed among hundreds of millions of tons of rock at an old mine on forest service land in Idaho is obviously not worth $1,000 an ounce (that’s where the $4.12 billion comes from), but is it worth more than one percent of that ($40 million or so, where the stock is trading now)? That’s a good question — let me know what you decide. I’m not itching to add a junior miner to my portfolio at the moment, but there are certainly a growing number of investing pundits and newsletter folks who are calling for that gold rally to finally restart itself as global currency craziness gets everyone nervous, and they might be right one of these times. Let us know what you think about Midas Gold, or gold in general, with a comment below.

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August 25, 2015 9:54 am

A better prospect is MAW toronto MWSNF usa OTC
Much higher grades and much larger resource.
Yes I own shares.

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August 25, 2015 11:37 am

While I do like Midas, their 2012 PEA NPV of $1.45B is based on $1400/oz gold and a 5% interest rate. The NPV will come down quite significantly when $110/oz is used with an 8% interest. Even with an NPV of say only $700 million, 165 million shares outstanding and 20% of the NPV to be shareholder value, their share price SHOULD be around $1.06, rater than $0.40 today. Their biggest issue is a high CAPEX. They are much closer to production than Mawson which is still pretty much an explorer. Mawson has not done a PEA yet.

An even better investment in my opinion (being a mining engineer) is Claude Resources, who are in production (70,000 ounces projected for 2015).

I do not own shares in any of the three companies mentioned.


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👍 22033
August 25, 2015 1:10 pm
Reply to  WPCD

Very interesting viewpoint.
I still think that the stock price of Mawson is way too low and thus has a higher potential upside than Claude but Claude is in profitable production as you said.
The preliminary grades of Mawson also are quite impressive so I have great expectations for their PEA.
Thanks for the information.

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August 25, 2015 10:26 pm
Reply to  david

David, WPCD: Since you guys seem pretty knowledgeable, how about an opinion on
PVG and CGOOF ? Long both

👍 9968
August 26, 2015 11:15 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Hendrix, just a quick comment on CGOOF. Reading their PEA (page 33), taking their Lower Case and guesstimating an NPV @ 8% the after tax NPV comes out at around $600 million. Assuming that 35% of this value today translates into shareholder value the current share price with 125 million shares outstanding should be no more than $1.70/sh. This compares to today;s price of $1.96.

Let me also look at PVG.

August 26, 2015 11:32 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Hendrix, using the same approach for PVG as I did for CGOOF, today’s share price of about $5 should be compared to a guesstimated value of about $3.50/sh.

Clearly with the low gold price of today the potential for both stocks is quite significant.

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August 28, 2015 12:31 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I am into very conservative and basic valuations only, so the technical angle I will defer to
Mr WD.
I just look at the drill results for MAW and where they are located and how many hectares they have.
Its a strong case in my opinion.
Good Luck David

August 25, 2015 12:19 pm

I purchased Oxfords recommendation TRQ with big backing fro Rio Tinto.
I should have known better when I saw it was in Mongolia. You must take much into consideration for these lotto tickets!
Good luck

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Myron Martin
August 25, 2015 12:39 pm

Haven’t followed de Castro so can not comment on his creditability in respect to past picks, but I do know the project. It is also regularly teased by Nick Hodge of Angel Publishing but i have held off on doing the story until I could see a clear catalyst for the Midas project, which as Travis points out, is not in evidence currently. Potentially it is certainly worth looking at under the right circumstances, but there are so many mid-tiers already in production or at least permitted and financed to enter production in near terms that I consider this a highly speculative gamble whether it will actually get developed by the present owners. Steer clear for now since there are many well financed companies selling at bargain prices with much better risk/reward profiles. Same applies to another Nick Hodge teaser also at least 6 months old, (Midway Gold) I have also been “sitting on” for lack of a clear path going forward. These types of promo’s may be great for selling newsletters but they can be a “trap” for gullible investors because they tell only one side of a many facetted story.

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August 25, 2015 2:12 pm

Well put as always Myron. It’s a pleasure to have you back, and I’m looking forward to your next piece. Also wondering if you’re aware of a company named Viscount Mining (V.VML) working in Nevada. And I’m also a fan of Mawson, and own some, due to the grades they’ve found in early exploration so far.

👍 114
Illuminati Investments
August 25, 2015 4:54 pm

FYI, another junior miner that I keep getting sucked back into and also trades around 30 cents, VGZ, also owns a roughly 10% stake in Midas even after selling half their position.

After getting some tax breaks for developing their Mt. Todd mine in Australia, they’re practically trading at their cash plus Midas holdings, so that might be another way to play it.

Although I will warn you that management is fairly incompetent and moves at a snails pace in doing the environmental studies necessary to get final permitting, which has dragged on for years and is why I finally bailed out in this gold price environment, but again it’s always on my radar because of the perceived discount and I’ll probably get sucked back into it again if it sells off again during tax loss season.

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Illuminati Investments
August 25, 2015 5:05 pm

I’m sorry, it was 10% of the company, but now it’s down to 4.9% after their latest round of selling and the stake is only worth about $2.4M.

However, luckily they sold a bunch at much higher prices and still have some of that cash left, so plus $17M in cash and short term investments as of June 30 they have $19M, which is practically their entire $24M market cap.

So you’re almost getting the rest of their properties for free. Of course, they could be worthless in this gold price environment, but dang it, I’ve almost talked myself into buying into this value trap again!

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Mining Maven
August 26, 2015 2:54 pm

Given the way that Gold has been pummelled these last 4 years, most Gold miners with producing assets are at interval lows.

Watch any You-Tube video from Mike Maloney, Peter Schiff, Dr. Ron Paul, Dr Paul Craig Roberts, Egon von-Greyerz and dozens of others, and you realise that people should be investing in the physical metals (Gold and Silver) before they should be buying miners.

That said, Junior miners who are already producing, have good reserves/resources (Proved and Probable / NI 43-101/ or equally good figures to Australian and South-African mining standards) would be good to watch. BUT, my favourite is one I’ve been watching for 12 plus years, but whose political situation both internationally and domestically has so far driven the price to the bottom. The company has properties in 5 countries, has a gold mine currently producing almost 60,000 ozt p.a., and has the only nickel mine, smelter and refinery in the whole of sub-Saharan Africa. To build their portfolio of assets to the current level would cost in excess of $500m, yet the whole company could be bought currently for less than $15million. Their historical P/E is just 7, and a recently launched a Corporate Bond to raise $20m, was fully supported to develop their assets. They have Gold, Diamonds, NIckel and a major Copper resource – BUT the fly in the ointment is the location of these assets – DRC, Angola, South-Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique.

At £0.0108 as I write, when Robert Mugabe goes which given he is 90+ the price will surely rise just like it did 8yrs ago, when it was announced he was ill. A punt to be sure, but the risk reward ratio is about as good as it gets.


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August 27, 2015 5:40 pm
Reply to  Mining Maven

Mike Maloney wants you to buy gold so that he can sell it to you. If it’s got such great prospects for a price increase, why doesn’t he keep it instead of selling it?

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August 27, 2015 4:11 am

Mining Maven I wondered if this is Mwana Africa PLC ? Did not see it on your wordpress site.

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Mining Maven
October 3, 2015 7:11 pm
Reply to  aheroman

It is MWA, though the name has just been changed in the last few days to ASA Resources Group.

That said, the board has also recently issued 300+million more shares, and the price has fallen in response. The recent board change, and other changes, suggests the large Chinese shareholders got tired of waiting for Mugabe to go, and are rather taking things into their own hands. I am still watching and waiting to see whether things in the commodity space get any better (Glencore notwithstanding) and politics on the ground in Africa. If you want to see where I mention it go to…


If you watch his you-tube videos – (History of Money pts1 – 5) he doesn’t say you MUST buy from him, he just says you need to have some. – I do… (And at least he is talking his own book)


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pam day
pam day
August 29, 2015 2:48 pm

since gold went up,then down,didwell with Jnug,the inverse stock….went from 6 to12 in a month….sold….bought back at6 and now over 9….its a basket of junior minors that as a Direxion,pays 3 times…mux is ok too

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September 1, 2015 1:20 pm


I saw a blurb about some Junior Miners getting into the “Green Gold” (read pot growing) as a way to create additional income streams while hedging against against being ore based only. I assume the same incompetence/competence as far as management would hold and while I think it it relatively insane to go so far off the core business, it almost seems insane enough to produce positive stock movement considering the relative dearth of remotely trustworthy cannabis producing stocks that are publiclying traded.

Has anyone else seen the same noise recently and if so are there any companies specifically that stand out or have announced plans of this sort?

Thanks in advance.


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👍 56
Mining Maven
October 3, 2015 7:20 pm
Reply to  d3t0x

David, the problem for Green Gold producers is Banking Services…
Banks are not allowed in many jurisdictions to process money/open accounts or offer services to such companies. So many of those are using Bullion dealers to hold their reserves (i.e. buying Gold/silver as a way of storing their cash)

Which is how the Banks got so powerful, and bloody critical to the economy. But it might also mean they’re pretty well destined to become HUGE, when the inevitable happens.


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