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“Gold Sands … the discovery of a lifetime?”

The following was originally published on July 2 in the Friday File for the paid members of the site. It is republished here with no editing or updating, and the author continues to have no position in the stock.

Well, this seems like a good way to get back to work after a week of moving — and I must say, I’m relieved that it’s not a hugely difficult teaser, since the mighty Thinkolator is not yet up to speed after the move. Hopefully I’ll find the rest of the pieces by next week.

This teaser ad is for another special report and conference call from Stansberry & Associates, a call that they’ll be holding on July 12 (so although the stock is actually moving up already today, a strong indicator that lots of investors figgered this one out on their own, thanks very much, there is a potential catalyst from this call in 10 days that could bump the shares up or down considerably — and on July 8 they’ll release the written report on this one to subscribers, so that could make a difference as well).

The product they’re selling is their most expensive newsletter, Phase 1 Investor, so there are probably lots more folks who figured the stock out on their own or who are reading this note today than will subscribe to the newsletter for this deal (the list price is $5,000, they’re currently selling it for $3,000 … still one of the more expensive letters I ever write about). Phase 1 recently got a new editor, Frank Curzio, who concentrates on low priced stocks (he ran a “stocks under $10” letter for before leaving and resurfacing at Stansberry with a new penny stock letter, and now they’ve given him Phase 1 as well.) I don’t know Curzio, though I listen sporadically to his podcast and generally like the kinds of ideas he hunts down.

But you just want to know what this “gold sands” stock is, right? For me that conjures up the Alberta oil sands, but this time we’re actually talking about sand that’s a lot closer to the beach. Here’s how they introduce it in the ad:

“We’re received report of a major gold discovery… in a location you’d never guess in a thousand years…

“If this gold were buried underneath the Washington Monument… or the Sears Tower, it would probably be less surprising…

“But the fact is, after 10 years of investing and writing about finance, I’ve never heard or seen anything like it.

“And I’m not the only one…

“‘Geologically… this is definitely the best prospect I’ve ever seen…’ said Dr. Charles Morgan, a geochemist and former project manager for the U.S. Department of Interior.

“‘The gold content is incredibly high,’ Dr. Steven Scott, professor emeritus of geology at the University of Toronto, said in an interview. ‘It is exceptional.’

“‘These are very, very high contents of valuable metals,’ said CSIRO scientist, Dr. Ray Binns.”

Sounds exciting, right? So why isn’t this in the headlines and getting chatted about on all the investing sites? There has to be a catch, right? More on that in a moment …

“… this discovery is located in one of the most unusual places on Earth. When I tell you where it is, I’m sure you will be surprised—it’s a place no man has ever stepped foot.

“The other interesting thing about this situation is that several of the largest gold and resource companies and investors in the world have quietly been building positions in this tiny firm../ including a powerful billionaire metals-and-technology investor who has invested in Facebook, Gazprom… and whose last stake in a small resources company shot up as much as 910%.

“It’s just a matter of time before these guys tap this gold and mineral treasure trove.

“In fact, we think this could happen very soon.”

So … some of you will have already figured this out, but they’re talking about underwater mining — that narrows the list of companies down to, oh, about one … here’s some more about the location, and the reason for this highly concentrated ore:

“So, where is it? Where is all of this gold buried?

“Here are a few hints:

“There’s no traditional mining infrastructure needed.
“There’s sand everywhere.
“And it’s 1,650 meters below sea level.

“That’s right, it’s underwater!

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“… About a mile below the Pacific Ocean, in a region called Melanesia…

“There’s an incredible amount of gold and other rare metals such as silver, copper and zinc.

“Billions of dollars worth.

“And one tiny company may soon have the rights to mine and produce it….

“… it’s not far-fetched at all…when you consider the geology of how gold mines work.

“You see, most of the world’s richest gold deposits were underwater at one time… typically thousands of feet beneath the ocean.

“The amazingly rich mines of Ancient Cyprus… Eastern Egypt’s gold and silver mines… Kid Creek in Canada… Rio Tinto, and BHP Billiton’s original cash cow – Broken Hill…

“They all started out in the ocean, along hot cracks in the ocean’s floor called ‘volcanic vents.'”

And I told you that the list was narrowed down considerably by just the mention of an “underwater miner” … so who is it? This stock is … Nautilus Minerals (NUS in Toronto, NUSMF on the pink sheets)

And yes, I mentioned that the stock is already moving thanks to this teaser campaign — the stock is up 20% today on no other news. Heck, even the completely unrelated Nautilus Inc. is up a few percent today for no reason, perhaps just because of the similar name (that’s a guess — Nautilus Inc., ticker NLS, makes fitness equipment, just FYI).

Nautilus has been exploring in their zone offshore Papua New Guinea for many, many years, and they have identified several prospective areas of underwater volcanic sulfides that include high concentrations of copper, zinc, gold and silver — they were the first explorer to get a commercial exploration license for this kind of underwater project, in the area that they call their “Solwara” prospect, which encompasses a number of named sites (Solwara 1, 2, etc.). They also have other exploration tenements in the South Pacific, including offshore Tonga and New Zealand among a few other spots, but the Solwara project is clearly the basket they’re putting almost all their eggs in right now.

And it has been for a very, very long time — there are a number of quotes in this ad from mining experts and reputable sources, but almost all of them come from a New York Times article about this exploration project. That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with the source, of course, but it’s very much worth noting that the article ran in 1997, when Nautilus got these exploration licenses. This is also an industry — whether on dry land or underwater — that’s fueled by optimists. Here’s a quote from the Nautilus CEO from that article — 13 years ago — about what they saw as the “immediate future” …

“‘I see hundreds of millions of dollars worth of metal in the immediate future,’ said Julian Malnic, the company’s chief executive, who works in Sydney, where Nautilus has an Australian office. ‘And it won’t take us very long to get into the billions.'”

Well, I don’t know what “immediate” means to Nautilus, but for your friendly neighborhood Stock Gumshoe it certainly means “less than 13 years.” Julian Malnic, for what it’s worth, is no longer the CEO.

Nautilus’ first project that they hope to build, Solwara 1, is, at the very least, an interesting testing ground for what they hope will be a new generation of underwater mining equipment — they and their contractors have been modifying deepwater oil drilling equipment and underwater robotic vehicles to develop the capability to mine ore and transport it to the surface for processing. The technological challenge seems absolutely ridiculous — this isn’t something that happens to be under just a couple hundred feet of water but can be fairly easily reached, this project is almost a mile underwater, roughly similar to the depth at which BP is having a devil of a time capping their spewing well after the Deepwater Horizon explosion.

So it’s no surprise that nothing is working as quickly as one might have hoped — just as it’s no surprise that the company suffers from the perpetual optimism of almost all of their peers in the mining world. I wrote about Nautilus a couple years ago when it was being teased by a different newsletter, and at the time they expected to begin production in about two years … which might have them producing ore right now. They did get the environmental permit back in January, but the application for the mineral lease and the approval of their development plans are still apparently pending (they were submitted about 18 months ago).

And when will they actually be producing? Well, they are doing more exploratory drilling this year, aimed at expanding and defining the resource and getting to a deeper depth, but it’s going to be a long, long, long time before they’re selling ingots — just last week they released their preliminary estimate for the offshore production system and the key take-aways I pulled from that release were that capital costs were estimated at about $400 million, and it would take 30 months to commence commercial production. And that’s after they get approval from Papua New Guinea for the mining lease and plans, and after the board approves the plan for the offshore production system … and it doesn’t include plans for how to process and concentrate the ore after they get it off the barges and onto land.

On the positive side, they do have a lot of cash — they have no debt and the company is currently valued at about $280 million, but they have $196 million in cash on hand. So that’s a good start, though of course it’s a fraction of the funding they’ll probably need to reach any kind of sustainable commercial level of production. They were in much the same position two years ago, though at the time it was closer to $300 million in cash, so over two years of continued exploration and permitting they’ve spent about $100 million. Given the groundbreaking nature of this project, even if we assume that the mining lease is issued as expected by the end of this year, one would have to guess that there will be technical problems and challenges that we can’t even imagine at this point.

So how do you figure out how much this is worth? That I can’t say, except that it’s probably worth something, so if it got down to closer to cash value I’d be significantly more interested (that’s about $1.25), but I find it very hard to believe any projections about when the actual mining project might start and when in the future they could possibly become profitable. And to be honest, the cash per share figure is really just a convenient valuation crutch, since they’re likely to spend all that cash and more over the next couple years and there’s not much chance they’d liquidate and send you a check for your share.

So as you might have imagined before we even started this little note today, yes, there is a catch — it’s great to hear about a hugely concentrated resource of gold and copper held by a little company with a plan to extract it, but the list of things Nautilus Minerals has to do that have never been done before in order to extract that ore is pretty daunting, even 13 years after they first started commercial exploration.

I’d guess that those institutional investors like Teck Cominco and Anglo American aren’t counting on this company adding to their bottom line anytime soon, and we’d probably all be best off if we thought similarly — I’m not against a lottery ticket every now and then, and there are catalysts including this Stansberry call next week and a possible mining lease being granted later this year, but they’re not going to be calling this lottery’s winning numbers for at least a few years… absent any big news from the company over the coming weeks, it seems unlikely that the 20% jump in the shares today or the bump we may see when Phase 1 releases its report and holds the conference call would be sustained for very long.



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jon loren
July 12, 2010 7:20 pm

Thanks to a world-changing Cold War blunder, you have one brief window to bank 180 times your money on their 64¢ shares

July 13, 2010 12:32 am

placer dome was bought out by barrick. they did make a 7mil investment in nautilus years ago but nothing has been mentioned about it since they were bought out. teck also made an investment in the drilling program but pulled out recently. they still own shares in the company.

July 13, 2010 12:33 pm

A few years ago I invested in a London-listed company called Subsea Resources whose plan was to salvage metals from sunken ships' cargoes. It was a good plan until the company's salvage vessel sank, leaving me equally underwater. Just thought you'd like to know…

July 15, 2010 4:41 pm

Got into Nautilus back ~1.00….got out on this pump. As the gummer says….we ain't close to being close yet. I'll jump back in below 1.25…or more likely close to 1.00 if it reaches that…just to hold a lottery ticket or to wait for the next pump. If it never gets down there again…I won't lose any sleep. Not to disrespect their efforts, but this is still a high school science project…a very expensive one. jmo…jt

July 23, 2010 1:40 am

What a great story Londonian. "Subsea Resources" salvaging sunken derelicts – sinks their own ship and subsides, into a "sub-sea resource". LOL. =:-) Reality is odder than fiction.

July 23, 2010 5:11 pm

Does anyone know what price level the Stansberry report is recommending for their subscribers to buy?

July 24, 2010 3:11 am

If you look at most modern surface gold mines they crush the rock and use cyanide to leach the gold out of the crushed rock and end up with huge ponds of cyanide contaminated tailings & water. If you did it on a ship, you could probably pump the cyanide tailings & water over the side. But i think people would notice when fish started dying in the area. Technical challenges are extreme. I would give them 1% chance of success. Considerably better odds than the lottery!

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August 7, 2010 3:04 pm

Hm. This article makes it sound like the Gumshoes are being used as patsies in the process of pushing this kind of stock.

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March 17, 2011 1:02 am

Im very new to investing and bought onto the porter standberry hype. i bought into NUS at about $2.50, stupid i know, but i was excited to put my money somewhere. I want to pull out of it now, should i wait until it hits $1.70's then buy some more to get my avg down?

now whenever i have a dumb idea i come do a search here first 😛

March 17, 2011 8:30 am

I am a subscriber to many of the Stansbery & Associates newsletters. Overall, I think the information and advice is great. I first heard about NUS about a year ago. I tracked the price for awhile, intending to buy when it lowered. The range, then varied from 1.68 to 1.94 (USD). I felt this was too high. Various times throughout the year, I considered buying. Then, I decided to put my money to use on more immediate returns, as NUS is a very LONG play.

March 23, 2012 2:42 am

I just saw a new teaser that reminded me about this one.

March 23, 2012 1:54 pm
Reply to  T1 Florida

You are right, T1 Florida. This new teaser in March 2012 is almost identical to the one they were running in July 2010.

March 23, 2012 7:09 pm

I have followed NUS over the last couple of years and have been lucky enough to make a few $$ on their ups and downs. They seem to have accomplished a lot over the last few years and are starting to get all of the pieces together. Government backing, shipping agreement, planning for robotic equipment, and they still have the interest of a couple of the gold majors, also their sampling has found many other minerals on the sea bed. But their science hasn’t been proven in the real world and they will be burning through a mountain of money before any gold gets vacuumed to the service. Haven’t made my mind up on this one. But if its being promoted again by S&A, it may catch fire with the gold bugs. It’s bounced .30 in the last couple of days.

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March 23, 2012 9:24 pm

decades ago i invested in sands off costorico beeches. lost money . they were touted by so called reputabie people.
stansbarrys write good ignore there promotions

March 24, 2012 1:21 pm

Very interesting comments about Nautilus. I’m a wannabe petroleum geologist and and would like to about the lifting problem. Due the phenom known as specific gravity, rocks at 1600 ft depth become very light. So therefore
the power requirement is much less than we all might think.

March 24, 2012 3:08 pm

I spoke with Mike Johnson VP Strategic Dev at PDAC. No mention of specific full production target, as focus is on test of equipment within a year. Re: “and it doesn’t include plans for how to process and concentrate the ore after they get it off the barges and onto land”. he said their plan now is to load on ship onsite and send direct to refiners in China (grade is good enough not to need concentrating) . Core samples are pretty impressive if you like copper. Mike seemed decent and knowledgeable and no hype from him. Company is listed in Toronto but offices are in Australia. I wish them well and an interesting adventure… not an immediate investment option IMO.

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Milan Todorovich
March 24, 2012 4:13 pm

Owned this one for a while and made a little, but it seems to go sideways and down more than up. If they ever really start production, I may buy it again.

March 24, 2012 8:03 pm

Nautilus. I am aware of this company 5 years ago when it was penny stock. Oxford Club’s new chief editor ran a spiel on this company not long ago calling it “Gold Fountain” in its solicitation for sunscription. I wrote him that he failed his “due deligence” explaining that the same description appeared 5 years ago about billions of dollars of gold and showing pictures of equipment of gold extraction. And after 5 years and apent $215,000,000, all they can produce was an agreement with the government, no tangible exploration record, no feasibility study, and extrapolate the value of billions dollars worth of gold from a few grab samples. At his rate, they can spend another $250,000,000 over the next 5 years and the company remain in the same status and those people subscribed to you newsletter will lose a fortune and would know what the resuld to him would be. I have not seen the spiel since.

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March 25, 2012 11:06 am

Bring the stuff up with underwater barges using giant ballast tanks and compressed air. Ever tried to hold a basketball under water?

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March 28, 2012 5:23 pm

looks like Stansberry is pushing this one again. got a newsletter today promising

The “gold sands” discovery of a lifetime‏

Dear S&A Digest Reader,

S&A’s Frank Curzio has been following one of the most exciting gold discoveries we’ve ever seen:

“[It’s] located in one of the most unusual places on Earth. When I tell you where it is, I’m sure you will be surprised–it’s a place no man has ever set foot…”

We’ve just put together a video presentation that gives you the full details of this exciting situation…

And how, for investors, it could mean a fortune in the years to come.

The story is just amazing. For the full details, click here.


Sean Goldsmith
Editor, S&A Digest

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March 28, 2012 6:20 pm

I noticed they are promoting this again – with the same promo material
March 28th 2012

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