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“New FDA-approved medical device could make you rich”

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, March 27, 2007

This one comes to us from Peter Stansberry as part of an ad for his Phase 1 Investor service … which he’d like you to subscribe to in exchange for learning about this fabulous company in a special report.

In fact, he’s promising that his biotech analyst will reveal the name of this company on Thursday to subscribers … and since we’re here on Monday night, I figure I should reveal it today, a few days early, to take some of the pressure off. After all, this is a really expensive newsletter service they’re launching, I’m sure they’ve got plenty to worry about …

Here are the teasers:

“A medical company with a proven breakthrough technology that treats a debilitating disease”

“this company is already receiving praise in leading publications”

The Wall Street Journal has a quote on the company, too, for added gravitas: “the hottest selling new medical device on the market.”

Has already alleviated the pain of 30,000 Americans … and may soon be “Improving … even saving … the lives of 12 million.”

Dang, that sounds pretty appealing. And since we’re in the middle of the meeting hype for the American College of Cardiology, and everyone’s already freaking out about stents and heart drugs, we better go ahead and figure this one out (oh, yeah, it is for a heart-related condition … that’s a bonus clue for you).

How about some specifics for the clue machine?

The company’s device is used in an outpatient procedure — it’s minimally invasive.

It has a 79% success rate.

They quote Business Week as saying, “… it is quickly emerging as one of the most promising new treatments for [this disease].”

So they think this medical device maker is “The future of healthcare… A no-brainer place
to park a small portion of your money”

This newsletter is holy-crap expensive, at $4,500 a year according to the ad I saw, easily 10X what most of these cost, so I’m sorry if the Stock Gumshoe takes a little wind out of their sails … but they can afford it …

And when all of this information goes into the nearly omnipotent sleuthometer of the Stock Gumshoe, the truth comes out:

The company they’re almost certainly going to reveal on Thursday in their special report, How to profit from the “hottest selling medical device on the market” is …

FoxHollow Technologies (FOXH)

I don’t have a lot of time to go into it now, but this is an interesting company that I’ve considered investing in in the past — their SilverHawk plaque-removing catheter thingy is quite impressive, it’s a tiny little needle-sized machine that essentially chews up the plaque in the arteries to clear them out. Lots of chatter about this one out there, so enjoy learning about it. If you promise to come back to this site when you’re done, you can go here to check out the Business Week article on FoxHollow.

It’s been public for a little over two years, and it’s never been much cheaper than it is now (moving from $20 to $50 or so and back), but I don’t know why it’s currently down — to me, it doesn’t look all that expensive if the growth is really to come, and it does indeed have a patented procedure that’s FDA-approved, so it’s at least something … whether it’s enough to make money with, well that’s up to you to discover. Happy researching!

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One Guy
One Guy
March 27, 2007 2:41 pm

If you’re looking into this one, I just had a reader comment by email on the questionable nature of the doctors’ endorsements of the SilverHawk — might research all the bad press they got back in the Summer of 2005 when it was disclosed that many of the doctors received compensation and/or got to buy shares cheap before they endorsed the product. I don’t know how significant this is today, but it’s certainly worth reviewing.

May 2, 2007 9:46 pm

I came to the conclusion that they were referring to CO2 laser for relief of angina and that the company was PLC systems

One Guy
One Guy
May 10, 2007 2:45 pm

Hi — that may well be an interesting company for investment, but it’s not the solution to this teaser. The exact match of the BW article quote and the financials confirm that it’s FoxHollow.

Sell me on PLC Systems — what’s good about them?


April 20, 2008 8:24 am

Want to clear your blood vessles and keep them clean and healthy, in one year this reversed my atherosclerosis CIMT from deadly to healthy! I can give fellow gummers no greater gift!

February 24, 2009 7:14 pm

We’ve worked on projects similar to this; if they’ve actually created a device that’s minimally invasive and can remove plaque from arterial walls, they’ll be rich soon.


February 24, 2009 7:15 pm

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