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Stansberry’s Investment Advisory

Overall Rating

Rating: 3.9/5. From 110 votes.
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Rating from 480 votes
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Investment Performance

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Rating: 3.5/5. From 139 votes.
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Quality Of Writing/Analysis

Rating from 115 votes
Rating: 3.9/5. From 115 votes.
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Value For Price

Rating from 116 votes
Rating: 3.6/5. From 116 votes.
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Customer Service

Rating from 110 votes
Rating: 3.9/5. From 110 votes.
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April 7, 2014 11:46 pm

I complained to Stansbury Research about their arrogant and incessant marketing practices, and their ridicule of me becasue I chose not to subscribe to one of their more expensive services. Their response was to cancel my subsritption to SIA and refund the unused portion (about 10 months). I’ve been a subscriber for more than 3 years but now apparently I’m not deemed worthy of their services. Interesting approach to doing business, wouldn’t you say. Bottom line, if you plan on subscribing to any of S&A’s services, be prepared to be deluged with never ending emails soliciting you to purchase addtional subscriptions. Actually it will be a relief for me to be free of this and their arrogance.

👍 7
May 16, 2014 10:12 am

Excellent source of investigative material. I’ll recomended!

👍 2
May 18, 2014 6:28 pm

I subscribed for a while but I did not understand
much what is their reason to recommend.
When I tried to cancel by e-mail, they said they do not accept thru e-mail, I have to phone them.
I called to take off auto renewal setting on all
subscriptions but they did only one subscription.
So I called to cancel all subscriptions to end.

👍 6
Leo m
Leo m
June 14, 2017 11:53 pm

Have used them past eight years. Well worth modest annual fee. Very satisfied with my results. Few recommendations went south, most have been profitable. Great write ups and recommends firm stops losses. If you folow the metal recommendations you would have done fine.

Bill Pennock
Bill Pennock
June 15, 2017 7:54 pm

Despite the advertising, which is obnoxious, the newsletter itself is very well written and researched. I made more money by many times than the cost and learned more about investing from this newsletter than anything else i’ve ever done. But really, if all you do is read the advertising and listen to the videos you’ll likely feel like it’s junk. His newsletters all come with money back guarantee (with a 10 % honesty fee, my words not his) so they are very little risk. He’s been ahead of the game on many many large market trends. Yes there have been misses, imagine that he really can’t see into the future, but his analysis are spot on in many many cases and his teaching is truly excellent.

Fred Yawnick
Fred Yawnick
June 17, 2017 6:30 pm

They are full of themselves. He is the doom and gloom king and his track record of stock picks sinks…..

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June 17, 2017 8:34 pm

I’ve followed Steve Sjugerrud on their staff for years. Done very well moving w/ his sector ETF recommendations. Stay away from the commodity moves.

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October 24, 2017 1:20 am

Typical investment letter con. They get you in with a basic membership but then charge you astronomical fees for the better quality newsletters. Then they have an inner circle lifetime membership that’s supposed to get you access to everything they publish or ever will publish. It’s not true. They simply create spinoffs or separate corporate entities to deny new letters to their members. Oldest trick in the book.

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June 14, 2021 8:43 pm
Reply to  Kpax

I agree but this is the m.o. of virtually all of these financial newsletters. Its a big con.
Are they worse than the others — probably not. Still pisses one off that the we get sucked into their expensive new newsletters. Guess it proves that if we get sucked in we are as dumb as they think that we are.

👍 1
November 5, 2017 2:19 pm

I have subscribed for a little over two years. I am satisfied with the subscription and have done well with it. I like to use it as a “foundation” and then do some of my own due diligence to make up my mind. I don’t blindly follow it, but I have been pretty successful with the picks I have followed.

👍 10
cabaoke guy
cabaoke guy
November 27, 2017 10:50 am

Oh soooooo much hyperbole. But usually fun and informative.

November 27, 2017 2:24 pm

I have subscribed to SIA for about 4 years now. I also subscribe to a couple of other Stansberry publications. I very much enjoy Mr. Stansberry’s writing and analysis and have profited significantly from his recommendations. I sort of pick and choose which recommendations I buy (I don’t have infinite money) but I’ve done very well on what I have bought. I thought Shopify was the most ridiculous recommendation ever (he sells his razor there) but man has that puppy made me a lot of money. This newsletter has paid for itself many times over in my experience.

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May 18, 2018 1:02 pm

Bought a lifetime subscription to several Standberry newsletters for $1500 in 2012.NowThey want more money. I thought lifetime was lifetime

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April 22, 2020 12:02 am
Reply to  Dave

I agree……..LOL

June 21, 2018 11:41 pm

I first heard Porter Stansberry many years ago at an investor conference. At the time I had made a big chunk of change by anyone’s standards, so I thought I could do better. Well, people do change and become wiser through health or other issues. I remember his spiel, so recently I listened to several of his radio talk shows…and loved them all. Afterwards, I decided to try one or two of his products. So far, each pick has been good; subsequently, I’ve decided that he is a straight shooter and a man with integrity. I only wish his offices were in my time zone because each time I call with a question their offices are closed. They are a well-run organization, even though there are many arms and legs. I always get answers if I need anything: just not on my time.

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👍 45
April 22, 2020 6:10 pm
Reply to  pair

HAHA, sounds familiar.

July 5, 2020 2:04 am
Reply to  pair

A “straight shooter and a man with integrity.” Are you serious Clark? He was charged with fraud by the FBI and fined 1 million dollars. Additionally, he has refused to cooperate with authorities investigating the death of his “best friend.” Check out Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix and you may reconsider your evaluation of his character. I am not saying he is guilty of anything in Rey Rivera’s death but his lack of cooperation is concerning at best.

October 28, 2018 5:34 pm

Of any newsletter I have followed (a lot), Porter seems to have the best results. Still nothing to write home about but he says up fronts that these are a hedge. He’s not looking to get rich on shorts or long puts. He writes well, does his research, and has a good track record.

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👍 8
November 17, 2019 7:53 pm

I subscribe to several Stansberry publications and am happy with the results. One thing I particularly appreciate is Porter’s and others educational articles which have helped me better think through my investing activities. I give them an “A” for general and even specific investing education. I’m glad I subscribe to the newsletters they send me.

👍 81
mark pasnak
mark pasnak
June 5, 2020 8:12 pm

I’ve been a Stansbury subscriber for about 8 years and thoroughly enjoy his writing. He often will give you a long lesson in history to make a point which I personally find both interesting and entertaining as well as informative. He does his homework and is usually right although his timing is far from perfect. Here is what he’s good at: identifying “capitol efficient companies” . These are “Buffett” picks like Coca Cola, Hershey, McDonalds etc., where they don’t have to constantly invest capitol to compete or grow. These are “forever” stocks. These are all really fabulous investments that are you really can’t go wrong with over the long haul. Then he has “World Dominators”, giant companies with consumer recognition and good will. Also, sound investments…usually, think GE and IBM. His best work is his evaluation of insurance companies which he calls “The best business in the world” and for good reason. If you read his work on this you’ll be tempted to invest in nothing else. I’ve done very well with all but one of his picks in the insurance field. He keeps you up to date, tells you when to buy on all of these complete with helpful and easy to understand charts. Dividends and buybacks , debt, cashflow, price and so many metrics are considered. The man really does it right. Now, here’s what he’s not so good at. Precious metals and mining. I’ve lost my ass every time I’ve followed his advice in this area with the exception of his royalty picks which are really the way to go in metals. Bonds and options, I’ve never participated so I can’t say for sure but stocks have blow these away for quite sometime now. Shorts….he has really, REALLY been off the mark on these. It’s not that his research is bad, it’s just his timing has totally sucked and with shorts as with options timing is everything, same thing with his China buys/sells. Go with a few of his basic services like Stansbury Advisory to get a feel of his style. It is well worth the money, I pay $99 a year total for 3 of his best publications. (I may be grandfathered into that price, not sure what it would cost now) He does have “lifetime” memberships but there is no such thing. He can change and does change what that means and the costs constantly. Too much info for all of that anyway. He really is upfront and honest with great customer service. He has many “experts” working for him that have their own pitch and yes, they do pitch. Gumshoe is a fantastic resource to wade through the bs and get to the point. I highly recommend you give Stansbury research a shot. I’ve learned so much and overall done really well with his research.

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July 5, 2020 1:47 pm

My experience is that most Stansbery recommendatons are relatively conservative. Those who say they’ve done well with this group need to factor in what has been happening with the overall market during this time. It has been up, up, up. So is it Stansvberry that is so great or is it the fact that one is long in this bull market?
Yes, they always want more money. Travis will be glad to know that they are getting very little from me. I did subscribe to a Gilder report when offered way cheap this year and so do have his ‘portfolio’ list. Of course much more money is needed to get the inside scoop on the ultimate high flyers.
Furthermore, their lead man, is it Steve or Porter, I forget, admits to making and having most of his money in real estate.
I do recall Steve, I think, urging his readers to go out and buy a house about 10 years ago when the housing market was way down. That was a good call.

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KIlgore Trout
KIlgore Trout
November 25, 2020 12:18 pm

A friend had been a long time SIA subscriber, so I was able to look it over before I joined. I have been a subscriber for a couple of years now and I highly recommend the service.
Two things I most appreciate are 1)that most recommendations come with a “buy up to” price recommendation and 2) most recs also have a trailing stop sell % to exit any position that turns south quickly.
Stansberry is very focused on proper position sizing and limiting losses while letting winners run.
But they do send A LOT of emails. Doesn’t bother me as I have them going to an email I use pretty much for junk.

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March 11, 2022 4:48 pm

I have a lifetime subscription and have paid the $49 or so per year fee. As an aside about other Stansberry products and their lifetime subscriptions. I had purchased a lifetime subscription to True Wealth – Commodities and Steve Sjuggerud decides to cancel this service and offers me a lifetime subscription to a service of his that I did not want. And Stansberry didn’t give me a dime of the money I paid for a lifetime subscription, not even in credit to use to pay for their annual fees!

Lastly, where in the world is Porter Stansberry?

👍 20
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