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Stansberry’s Investment Advisory

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Rating: 3.9/5. From 110 votes.
Rating from 479 votes
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Rating: 3.5/5. From 138 votes.
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Rating: 3.9/5. From 115 votes.
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Rating: 3.6/5. From 116 votes.
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Rating: 3.9/5. From 110 votes.
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gumshoe fan
December 19, 2010 11:54 pm

I am not a Stansberry member and hence cant rate him. I saw this video that he created and hence am sharing it here.

He says the dollar will no longer be the world’s reserve currency and do US will no longer be able to print US dollars as it used to. This is going to cause hefty inflation of epic proportions and this is going to happend next year. This promo video was too long that I didn’t have the patience to see it till the end on what needs to be done. Has anyone seen the full video and what are the steps he suggest? Also, is it valid?

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DK (canada)
December 20, 2010 8:05 pm

Dec 19 review – i started watching the video and quickly realized it was likely a typical sales rant, so i closed the browser, whereupon i received a warning to “cancel” the action or i would would a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make great sums of money while the average American consumer would be driven to the poor-house by a devalued US $.
When i “canceled” the action – the entire video turned to text. I was then able to scroll down (saved an hour of my time) to find out that for a mere $49, i would get “ALL THE ANSWERS”………….

December 22, 2010 12:29 pm

Gumshoe… I listened to the entire video. It was 80% assertions and opinions about the USDollar troubles, Inflation, and potential chaos in the markets and in the streets.

20% was a (low risk?) marketing plug for his reports that help educate investors in gold, silver, and other defensive instruments. You sign up for his newsletter at a discount… get the free reports… and you can cancel, risk free at any time and keep the reports/book.

His assertions are worth researching and deciding for your self. I am not a subscriber and will need to do more research before I consider subscribing… and getting all the free stuff.

Has anyone subscribed and recieved the stuff mentioned in the offer? If so, please let us know your level of satisfcation.


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January 31, 2011 8:23 am

I too listened to the video describing the woes of the dollar. I then did some online research on Mr. Stansberry and his firm. I decided not to take advantage of the trial offer because I found several articles impugning the integrity of the firm and its advice. I am continuing to look into this offer.

February 2, 2011 11:30 am

I subscribed because of the video. I was most interested in the five special reports not the newsletter and I can tell you the five special reports did not seem so special to me.

I can afford the money if it turns out to be a waste but China did come out last week and call for an end to the $US worldwide currency and that was the basis for the video but they are not the first to suggest that the US might lose it’s standing as the worlds currency.

Yesterday I received an offer to subscribe to Christopher the secret messiah newsletter for $249…that just sounds too crazy for me. I researched him a bit and I am not convinced that he is a prophit but the suggestion that he is makes me wonder if this whole Stansberry & Associates deal is a scam.

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February 2, 2011 9:00 pm

If you watch Stansberry’s video to the end you will see he has taken the news pieces we have seen for the last 8 months and assimilates them into a logical financial conclusion;it is not rocket science. The dollar now dominates the world and there is a push to eliminate it as World Reserve currency, sell oil and other commodities in another, yet to be decided currency as we are in such huge debt with no way out. The devaluation of the dollar will happen as a result and we will all be hurt massively. How would you feel if one morning you wake to find all your cash and assets are worth half, this is how it will happen if US Gov’t does it. As he points out, Tim Geithner says we will NOT devalue the dollar; does this sound familiar like ‘read my lips no new taxes”? This scares the crap out of me as I know it is coming whether our government does it or the world and markets do it for us.

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February 6, 2011 11:36 am

It is all ways puzzling to me that people who pretend to have the key to enormous profits are willing to pass on their knowledge for just peanuts.They should put their money where their mouth is. The truth is most likely that they get rich by fishing for suckers instead of risking their own money, and remember – any prediction is 50% correct.

Masxon X Hamilton
February 6, 2011 4:59 pm

When I retired and started full time managing my investments, like a lot of you I took a look at the Agora Publishing’s (owned by William Bonner) numerous investment newsletter subscriptions. Bonner has indeed made a fortune from publishing promotional rags on travel/foreign real estate (International Living) to investment (The Oxford Club, The Soverign Society, and many more including Stansberry and Associates Investment Research. After a short period of experimentation using their financial advice – I found I could make almost as much investment gains as I could flipping a coin – assuming I kept the coin.
All of the publications share one thing in common – they are pricey subscriptions that market off each other’s mailing lists. Most ads start with how the respective author or touted finanicial guru have discovered this earth shattering “SECRET” that they will share only with you (and few thousand others) if you will just pay them $xxx for a subscription where you can get a constant flow of their secret information (and offers from all their other many newsletters).
All of the publications are well-crafted subscription sales vehicles, but where accuracy is far down the list of the pubs priorities and tantalizing speculation is at the top. They also have something else in common – a target audience of those who lack the intellectual ability and the critical thinking skills necessary to question why anyone who could discover “SECRETS” that “might” make you a multi-millionaire in short order – would not utilize that information quietly for their on financial gains. Even the most basic deduction skills should tell anyone that observes Agora Publishing holdings’ – that it is obviously more profitable to publish investment advice newsletters – than it is to use the same “SECRET” information in their own investment efforts.
The new “Secret Messiah” about the unfailing money-making prophesies of newsletter writer Chris Weber (not much of a secret) by newbie Stansberry Ass. – Jarrod Feintuch is no different. It’s another “secret” come-on about Chris Weber – who apparently is a wanna-be William Bonner and has his started his own little publishing empire underway called Weber Global – who is also apparently in these difficult economic times getting a little assist (or has become a part of?) from Stansberry Ass. It turns out to be just another end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it takeoffs from Frank Stanberry’s recently Agora promoted video. Yes, we all know the world currencies are in trouble – on the other hand they have been since I was born in one way or another. Exactly, how the world is going to adopt an entirely new currency – is a bit of a stretch – not being able to adequately manage the existing ones or to agree on their values.
In conclusion, if I have learned one thing from the Agora financial newsletter publishing crew, it is that I should have been publishing financial newsletters instead of researching stocks all these years. Fear, confusion, and speculation have always sold the financial “news.” Sex also sells – but I’ll let Agora crew explain the total lack of it in their publications.

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Masxon X Hamilton
February 10, 2011 3:44 pm

For got to include my rating.

Double D
February 21, 2011 11:04 am

I subscribed to get the 5 free booklets on; Investing in silver, $ Investments you don’t have to report, Easiest way to make money in a risky market, Gold Investors Bible and the Worlds most valuable asset.

The newsletters are interesting and somewhat helpful and I have dropped a few hundred here and there to try their recommendations out but I’d say I’m a bit hesitant knowing all I have read about their service (not that you can believe all you read). Like I mentioned, some of the information is helpful but not earth shaking news. A little digging on the net and you can have this info for free. And farm land as the worlds most valuable asset (from one of their free reports) is surly an apocalyptic view of investing. After reading it, I joked with my son while on our way to church. I suppose we are all supposed to become farmers and sell food for 400 times cost to mass our fortunes, while those poor souls who didn’t head the warnings suffer exorbitantly high survival costs.

I don’t know if I will fully subscribe after my initial 4 month trail period. At this point probably not.

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February 21, 2011 2:49 pm

After watching the lasted video of Stansberry Investment I was wondering if anyone was willing to elaborate on the Research Reports of 1)The 4 Investment Assets You Do NOT Have to Report to the U.S. Government. 2)The Gold Investor’s Bible. 3)Secrets of the Silver Market.4)The 100% Secret – The Easiest Way to Make Money in a Risky Stock Market. 5)The World’s Most Valuable Asset in a Time of Crisis. One reviewer said they were not that great but could some tell more?
For those you who did not sit through the video. It spoke of the dollar tanking, which will lead to rioting. He painted a picture of blood in the streets and you needed these reports to save yourself and your wealth.

Thanks CaptChris

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February 22, 2011 9:36 am

I subcribed because I say a video in which he claimed to have called the latest financial crises.

After getting my username and password I read all his reports prior to the crisis and I did not see one where he called the crises. As a matter of fact quite to the contrary they were still recommending the market.

I called their customer service line and got a huge run around.

I canceled my subscription. I think they’re a fraud.

M Scholl
February 23, 2011 1:28 am

After seeing an Alex Jones advertisement on tonight’s Hannity for http://www.endofamerica2011, I decided to watch the online video at this site.

As an aside, I have been watching the economic collapse since late 2005 and following various housing and investing blogs in earnest since mid-2006 and I can tell you that never once have I ever heard of Porter Stansberry or anyone with a similar sounding name.

In this video presentation which is all text, he bills himself as one of the early predictors of the U.S./world economic calamity, however, this boast is news to me.

Investor Bill Ackmann, Robt Schiller, Nouriel Roubini, Peter Schiff, Mike Morgan, Patrick Killelea of, and even George Soros and random posters on Craigslist housing and money forums predicted this, but I’ve never come across Stansberry’s name in the process.

What I thought would be a 1/2 hour or so presentation turned into an hour-plus *long* tiresome on-and-on diatribe on the U.S. economy ending in a sales pitch.

Basically, (so you don’t have to listen to the whole nine-yards) is Mr. Stansberry recommends getting your money out of the reach of the U.S. Govt based upon recs from an asset protection attorney.

There is only one authority who could fit Mr. Porter’s description and that would be either J.D Adkisson or attorney Chris M. Riser – both who co-authored “the book” on asset protection which anyone can buy off Amazon. Titled “Asset Protection – Concepts & Strategies for Protecting Your Wealth.”

Porter Stansberry also recs (surprise!) buying gold and silver. Which is nothing new since 2006.

I would describe his presentation as rather pitiful, considering he is planning on making $49/year (normally $99/year!) newsletter subcription sales pitches during a time of distress in our country.

Attorney Mike Morgan RIA of and Behind Enemy Lines gave this same info for free back in 2008/2009. On the other hand, Mike is a true American while Stansberry is an opportunist.

Short List: Save your money, get out of debt, buy some gold and silver coins or bullion, have a 6-month emergency food and water supply, have cash at home, read Dmitry Orlov’s book Reinventing Collapse. The collapse of a superpower is not the same as a collapse of Yugoslavia or Ireland or Greece.

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February 24, 2011 4:12 pm

Normalcy Bias or Chicken Little Syndrome, pick your poison.
I listened to Stansberry’s presentation and was left with that uneasy feeling you might have after hearing a good tent preacher deliver a hellfire and damnation sermon. Fortunatly the feeling left me in about three minutes. This guy wants to sell you salvation so pass the plate and likewise pass on his offer.

Chelle Lee
March 2, 2011 8:38 pm

Here’s an offer for $49.50 for a year or $69.00 for 2 years

March 10, 2011 11:36 am

To give Mr Stansberry the benefit of the doubt, I viewed the entire length of his video, which in retrospect was a complete waste of time. If his problems with the SEC aren’t a big red flag for you, then go ahead and give him your $49 for his investment “information”…I’ll keep mine in my pocket or better yet, buy food with it. And after you give him your initial “buy in”, be prepared for further sales pitches for the more expensive information which he limits to a “select” group of subscribers. Mr. Stansberry is just another hustler. What makes him even more sinister is the slick presentation of his grift… a video which distorts the facts with use of half-truths to try and con an unsuspecting public with fear into buying into his scam. You don’t have to buy his “information”, it’s already out there being commented on via various sites on the web. You will need to do a little leg work to find it…unless of course you’re posting here as a shill for his operation. If you’re not, then I will give you a piece of his investment advice from one of his “free” guides. This one is particularly hilarious because in his promotion he states that it has nothing to do with buying options, but then tells you in one of his guides to sell “naked put options” as an investment strategy…one of the riskiest investment vehicles you can employ. If you don’t consider this as a deception and scamming, then you deserve to part with your money. As a previous poster commented, if you are genuinely concerned about possible turmoil leading to food shortages, the best strategy is to store several months of food and water…better than buying gold coins and bullion.

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March 14, 2011 3:21 pm

I have been subscribing for a few months and all I get for my money is crazy nonsense. The “Secret Messiah” newsletter which costs more money. The “Grail” deception technology newsletter, which costs more money, the “32% clause” newletter which cost more money, The “Chi-tab” newsletter which costs more money. What I want is investment advice, what I get is recycled crap. Even the actual stock picks they give in between all the crap, are crap! Save your money.

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March 24, 2011 9:05 am

i can’t say i know or love stansberry…but we cannot deny that he has been correct on SILVER. his ‘movie’ which i have endured calls for holding both gold and silver, and for what it is worth, since the ’08 financial crisis…both have done quite well. his proposition that the historical price ratio between the two is 16:1 should not be simply discarded. since the video was released in 1/11, silver is up 20%…and the 52-week range (with the low one year ago and the high this week) is 16.25 – 37.18. i am fortunate to own some silver (along with gold and several other hard commodities)…but keep your eye on silver.
stansberry’s message is the debt crisis, the devaluing of the dollar, and the likely replacement of the greenback as the world’s reserve currency. anyone in touch with the financial markets and the levels of deficit spending in both the bush and obama administrations should not turn a blind eye to the underlying concerns that stansberry bases his arguments on.

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March 28, 2011 12:27 am

I subscribed to Stansberry’s Investment Advisory for less than one month. I think people here give him too much credit to call him “egotistical” or “opinionated.” His is the very stereotypical wow-and-wiggle writing of a run-of-the-mill mailorder get-rich guru such as hundreds appear every decade since 1950. It is much easier to get rich by convincing people that you can make them rich, rather than by actually knowing or doing anything.

That said, Mr. Porter is one of the better hucksters, because he does has some important insights. However, as often happens with these types, 90% of what he knows is actually in his initial advertisements. Yes, America is in serious trouble, and I thank Mr. Porter for making this clear. However, think twice before you completely follow his advice, which is as follows.

1. His newsletter, most of which is actually you paying him for the privilege of receiving advertising for other newsletters. As for the stock advice–why not subscribe to Motley Fool Stock Advisor for $49? That too is a product of shameless braggarts but Which at least has a proven track record of about 15% annually, albeit with -35% downturns in bad years.

2. “Gold Investor’s Bible.” A mish-mash of conflicting opinions that can be reduced to three sentences. The best way to own metal is the Swiss ZKB-group gold, silver, platinum ETFs. But only useful for non-US citizens because of the “collectibles” tax. Neglects also to say that metal prices always crash in a recession.

3. “Most valuable asset in a crisis.” Buy farmland. How? What? Why? No advice, except Mr. Porter happens to have a buddy in Argentina selling farmland.

4. “Make money in risky markets.” Selling puts. Incidently I am reading several books about puts. It looks interesting but Mr. Porter’s 5-page report does not give adequate information nor even list the few good books vs. the many bad books. Just gives his usual pep talk and tells you to go sell puts.

5. “Secrets of the Silver Market.” Instead of silver, keep an eye on the silver processor SLW, buy low and sell high. Excellent advice, I believe. But value the stock as you would any stock, not according to Mr. Porter’s simplistic silver-ratio analysis.

6. “Four assets you do not need to report.” a. Foreign bank accounts below $10,000. b. Foreign land. c. Hire a lawyer to start an offshore trust. d. ZKB gold and silver ETF’s. All this makes sense, perhaps, if you have 2 million and you think the USA will collapse. After which your horde might be worth $100,000, if by chance Switzerland is not nuked and you can hire Rambo to get you over there…

In conclusion, the SLW was a good tip. Also the advertisement educated me that oil prices “must” double as the US dollar “must” ceases to be the world’s reserve currency. This was worth the $49 subscription. However I may unsubscribe, just to stop Mr. Porter’s tiresome newsletters–mostly selling me other worthless newsletters for as much as $1,200 annually.

(P.S. Here is my own advice for surviving Armageddon if you have 3 million. Walk down the nearest country road. Find ten struggling, friendly, honest farmers with cows, pickups and shotguns. Offer to pay for half of anything they need like a greenhouse, home insulation, septic pumping, etc. In exchange only for the right to buy their produce forever at a discount. That will be $1,200 please.)

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April 1, 2011 10:43 am

Now you can get the “Blackout” discovery for $3,000, but you must act fast,it is your last chance. Wow, how about more investment advice and less ads trying to take my hard earned money.

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