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Friday File: $30 “#1 Crypto Stock” Pitch… Plus Quarters from Fastly, Cloudflare, Roku, WESCO and more…

I’ve got a lot of ground today, but I thought I’d start us out with solving a teaser pitch for you… you’ll see why I chose this one in a moment.

Marc Lichtenfeld is out with a new pitch for a high-end Oxford Club service he’s launching called Predictive Profits ($1,497 “on sale” from $4,000, no refunds), and the key tease he’s dangling to get subscribers is “the ticker symbol for my #1 crypto stock” that will be revealed in a special report that he calls “The Tiny Crypto Stock Every American Should Own.”   That has generated some reader questions, and I’m seeing the ad a lot over the last day or two, so even though it’s not at all a tough teaser to solve we’re going to spend a little time on it for you, my favorite reader.

Here’s the intro to the tease:

“DON’T Pay $50,000-Plus for Bitcoin (Do THIS Instead)
✔ 36 crypto opportunities
✔ One investment
✔ Under $30”

And, as in so many of my favorite teaser pitches, he shows some Google images of the company’s headquarters to make it seem like he’s a private eye on a stakeout, really doing boots on the ground research…

“In this unassuming office building…

“10 minutes from Wall Street…

“One tiny company is collecting cash 24/7 in a market that NEVER closes.”

Exciting, right? And though it’s in New York, it doesn’t trade on a major US exchange — exotic!

“It doesn’t trade on the New York Stock Exchange…

“The Nasdaq…

“Or any major American exchange, despite being smack-dab in the middle of New York City and the world of finance.

“The average person doesn’t even know it exists.

“But if you know how to claim shares of this under-the-radar company…

“You could collect a substantial sum from the crypto markets.”

The ad then rolls through a lot of the general “crypto is growing” stuff that you already have heard many places — companies like Tesla are buying in, big-name investors who shunned it years ago are piling on, and the total market value for all cryptocurrencies has gotten too big to ignore, over $2 trillion now.

And he posits this as an easier entry to the market for regular folks…

“This crypto opportunity costs less than $30.

“And it’s a STOCK… not a token or coin.

“So you WON’T have ...

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