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Friday File: “Greatest Innovation in History” solved, plus a new fund holding

A few things to blather on about for you today — a teaser, a new mutual fund I’ve been following that has some appeal (and some of my money now), and some quick updates on my portfolio.

First, though, I want to call attention to our discussions here at Stock Gumshoe.

Most readers will never submit a comment on Stock Gumshoe, and most folks who look at articles on the internet will never even read the comments that follow those articles. That’s largely because comment sections on financial sites are generally populated by mindless “this stock is awesome, shorts suck!” posts, angry trolls or, more commonly, by spam (try to find an online news article where the first comment isn’t, “I make millions working from home, it’s so easy I want to share it with you at!”)

Some of that creeps through here at Stock Gumshoe as well, of course, though we fight it every day (our software rejects at least a couple thousand spam comments on a busy day, though so many are about Viagra that it’s fairly easy to sift them, and we have to manually monitor a few dozen others that trigger our stop words or contain a bunch of links, and we try to screen out pointless personal attacks or profanity)…

… but for the most part, we have a good and participatory community here of readers who like to comment on matters of substance. And I think there are still many more readers who could benefit from the wisdom and insight that can sometimes come when you spend a little time in our discussions threads — whether it’s just a back-and-forth with a like-minded reader hashing out an idea over a day or two, a bit of debate back and forth over something I’ve written about, or a sustained community of folks who are interested in particular stocks or sectors, as our contributor Dr. KSS has coalesced around his biotech investing ideas. That doesn’t mean all of the discussions are always to everyone’s taste, and certainly there have been flare-ups of poor behavior and anger from time to time, and a lot of things get posted that I personally disagree with… but there’s a wealth of information, only slightly hidden, for those who have the time or inclination to participate more actively.

So here’s my sales pitch: ...

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