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“‘Hack’ the Stock Market” With Your 18-Digit Code!

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, December 14, 2010

Dr. David Eifrig is one of the Stansberry writer/editors, and for a couple of years now he has put out the Retirement Millionaire newsletter that seems to be largely focused on ways to get special perqs and discounts as a retireee … as well as a bit of financial commentary and ideas, I’m told (I haven’t seen the letter).

But he’s also a former Wall Street guy, and a while back he launched one of the “upgrade” newsletters that publishers love so much: Retirement Trader, which is far more expensive than the “entry level” cost of Retirement Millionaire (the latter has mostly been sold for $49 or $99, the former is priced at $2,500 and currently “discounted” to $1,500). This letter apparently takes advantage of Eifrig’s trading expertise from his days at any number of big investment banks to give specific trade recommendations.

And one of those recommendations (this strategy seems to be the primary focus of the newsletter, though it’s a little hard to tell), is to “hack” the stock market by using a special 18-digit code and “unlock your brokerage account for instant cash.”

So what is it? This is how he describes it in the early stages of the long ad letter:

“In a nutshell… if you have a computer at home, there’s a very clever way for you to ‘hack’ Wall Street trading platforms. This enables you to sidestep buying conventional stocks… and pocket cash in just a few minutes.

“Implementing this ‘hack’ simply entails entering a short piece of computer ‘code’ into the system of an online brokerage account… and thus receiving IMMEDIATE cash. (It usually takes anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.)

“The best part is, you don’t have to know anything about computers or programming code to do this.

“That’s because I’ll show you how to use a piece of already–written ‘code’… All you have to do is cut and paste it into a brokerage firm’s website.”

Sounds kind of like what we’ve heard from other folks in the past, doesn’t it? Apparently it’s kind of tricky:

“You will need an online brokerage account to do this. But not all accounts work with this ‘hacking’ code.

“So if you already have an account, you may have to request that your brokerage ‘unlock’ a certain feature which will enable you to do this. Or you may have to find a different brokerage firm altogether. “

And then this …

“I don’t want to get too technical here, but the point is, some people place orders for crazy investments they hope will make them a fortune. They put money into the system like a gambler going for the jackpot… When in fact, the trade doesn’t work most of the time.

“Instead, their dreams expire worthless. And the money they used for their gamble… never to be seen by them again. But I’ve found a way to ‘hack’ around the system and grab that money for ourselves. “

So yes, you’re probably getting the idea about what this is — and you’re right, it is a kind of options trading (the good Dr. is even good enough to use the word “options” in the ad a few times, so we can’t claim that he’s completely obfuscating the issue, though he doesn’t actually say what kind of options trading he recommends).

And he describes the risks:

“The good news is, when you follow my ‘hacking’ instructions EXACTLY… you’ll end up with one of two possible scenarios:
In the first scenario, you’ll get to keep the money, and spend it any way you like… and that’s the end of our ‘hack.’

“In the second scenario, you still get to keep the money… but you’ll also be required to buy the underlying stock. I’ll tell you more about this risk later. Because of the possibility of having to own the stock, we only do this ‘hack’ around solid stocks… to keep the risk to a minimum. And you’ll know the risk involved for each play at the start so there will be no surprises.)”

So … if you’re already a reasonably savvy investor and options trader you probably now know what this is: He’s recommending selling puts options. That is, you use either your margin account or a backstop of cash as your collateral, and you sell to someone the right to sell to you a stock at a certain price before a specific expiration date.

Even if you haven’t done options trading you probably know what a call option is — that’s an option to buy shares at a set price before a set expiration date (ie, an AAPL March $350 call option gives you the right to buy 100 shares of Apple for $350 per share before the options expiration date in March — and in exchange for that, right now you’d have to pay something in the neighborhood of $9.50 per share (so $950 per contract, since the contracts almost always cover a round lot of 100 shares). Incidentally, call options have 18 digit codes, too — that one happens to be AAPL110319C00350000, you can probably figure it out yourself but buried not-so-deep in that “code” are the stock ticker, the expiration date, the type of option, and the strike price.

Well, a put option is just the opposite (well, not really the opposite — the opposite would be the person who sold you that call option — but conceptually, we’ll call it the opposite). The put option gives you the right to sell the shares instead of to buy them, so people usually buy put options either as a bet that a stock will go down, or as a hedge against their position (ie, they own 1,000 shares of Apple and they’re nervous as hell that the stock might tank, but they don’t want to sell … so they buy some put options to protect themselves a bit in case the shares do collapse.

And I’ll use the same example — let’s say you want to make sure that you can sell Apple for close to today’s price of $320 to protect your profits … let’s say we’re a little cautious and we’ll round down to $300. You can buy the right to sell AAPL shares at $300 anytime between now and late March for about $11 per share (again, you can only do this with options contracts that represent 100 shares, so you’d pay $1,100 per contract). That contract is worth nothing if Apple stays above $300, because as long as the market keeps the price higher you’d be crazy to sell it for less than the market price … but if Apple falls to $250 for whatever reason, that put option quickly gets to be worth about $50 (you could theoretically buy shares for $250, then exercise your put option and sell them to someone for $300 … though in practice you’d probably just sell the put contract to close it for roughly the same profit, which is far simpler).

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So that’s what a put option is — and whether you buy a put option or a call option you’re speculating that the stock will move in your direction, with the likelihood of that happening (as interpreted by the market) being the primary driver of how much that option costs. Most of the time speculators and traders do this with “out of the money” options — like either of those Apple options above, meaning contracts that are valued purely on “time value” or “premium,” they wouldn’t be worth anything if you had to exercise the contract today. Like the Apple put option above, the right to sell AAPL for $300 today is worth nothing (or almost nothing, the same put option with an expiration in three days is selling for about ten cents), but the right to sell it anytime between now and March is worth, sez the market, $11 a share — that $11 can be called the time value or the premium for that option, and it naturally erodes over time unless the stock is moving quickly in the right direction (you’d pay a couple dollars less for the same put option expiring in February, just because you have less time to be “right,” and there is no way to stop the calendar from moving inexorably forward).

So that’s where Dr. Eifrig’s strategy comes in — it’s clear from his teasing commentary that he wants to bet against these speculators who are making wild and unlikely bets (most options expire worthless) … which means he would take the other side and sell you your put option. That’s what he means by the line that in one of the scenarios “you still get to keep the money… but you’ll also be required to buy the underlying stock.”

So if instead of buying those AAPL options, you could sell the AAPL put option contract for March (again, this is just an example — Eifrig says that he does this only with “solid stocks” but doesn’t hint as to which ones he’s trading right now), and you would get to pocket that $1,100 per contract. If the stock stays above $300 for three months or so, the option expires worthless, as most of them reportedly do, and you just pocket the money. If it drops to $250 and someone exercises the contract on the other end (it will be automatically exercised by most brokers right before expiration if it’s “in the money”, though it could be exercised earlier at the buyers option), you have to then spend $30,000 to buy 100 shares of AAPL for each contract (or put up $5,000+ to buy back the option and close the contract.

So that’s the big obligation that backstops the $1,100 you got in “free” cash — which means, you’ll be unsurprised to hear, that if you want to sell that option contract you’ll have to have enough liquidity in your account to make your broker comfortable with you holding this obligation (ie, enough cash or margin to actually buy 100 shares of AAPL at $300 for each contract you sell) — different brokers use different calculations to determine how much actual cash you have to have available and “locked up” against that contract, it might be half or a quarter of the total, for example, depending on your approval level and your margin account and your broker’s policies, or if you’re restricted to using cash-secured puts you’d have to have the full amount in cash (so for this expensive stock, that’s $300 X 100, or $30,000 in cash to back up each contract). Still, tying up $30,000 in cash for three months and earning $1,100 for doing so is a pretty strong annualized income stream — if you do something similar over and over that’s $4,000 a year, so income of well over 10% on your money. Of course, the risk is that if you wake up one morning and AAPL shares have fallen 30% overnight because Steve Jobs was seen naked dancing in a fountain with Bill Gates, you wipe out four years of these kinds of modest returns in an instant.

That’s an exaggeration of the life of a put seller, of course — much of the time you might be making closer-in bets, or bets that are further “out of the money”, and you’d hope to have enough capital that you can do this with some diversification and let the odds work for you … and choose the stocks that are almost surely not going to collapse overnight. Of course, if you sell puts against stocks that have low volatility your earnings would also be lower, but most stocks aren’t nearly as expensive (in terms of just the share price) as AAPL so you wouldn’t necessarily be exposing such a big sum to just one contract. There are also other ways to limit your risks, though doing so always cuts down on your income a bit — you could, for example, buy a $280 put option at the same time that you’re selling the $300 one … you’d cut your income in half, but you’d also put a fairly tight limit on the amount of loss you could potentially take.

It’s often said that the “smart money” are the options sellers, since they know that the odds are with them and they can just harvest the time value from options contracts over and over … but that “smart money” also tends to be institutional investor money, and they have massive accounts and a far easier time being very diversified and rolling with it if they turn out to be wrong. There are several advisory services and newsletters that offer similar strategies to this, with the most widely advertised probably being Lee Lowell’s Instant Money Trader — though lots of folks also use the more familiar and comfortable but conceptually similar covered call options selling strategy (meaning instead of holding cash or margin and selling puts to give someone the right to sell to you, you hold the stock and sell calls against it to give someone the right to buy from you).

And it’s true, if you’re an active trader you can probably generate far more consistent returns by selling options than by buying them, just make sure you research the strategy well and understand what you’re doing, and what your risk exposure is for any particular trade.

I don’t sell options myself, and I can’t tell you which stocks to try it on — I know that a lot of my readers sell covered calls, and probably a great many of you are far more accomplished options traders than I am, so feel free to chime in with a comment below if you have particular strategies or ideas that you find valuable (or, of course, if I made a mistake above … though people rarely need encouragement to point those out!)

If you’re completely new to this and haven’t traded options before, your broker will ask you to fill out a form and sign it to apply for the right to trade options in your account (even if you can buy options now, you may need a higher level of clearance to sell options), and they should send you the standard options book from the CBOE … by all means read it even though you probably won’t want to, then do your research, be careful, and enjoy!



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December 14, 2010 4:42 pm


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December 14, 2010 5:23 pm

Just a few comments; you only need 30k not 300k to settle an APPLE $300 PUT contract.
Maybe I am just a stickler but your 18 digit code illustration ( AAPL110319C00350000 ) has 19! In a more productive vein, I have actually generated thousands selling APPLE puts all year long! Try it, you will like it!

December 14, 2010 6:33 pm

I understand the opportunities and risks of options trading but how does the "secret 18 digit code" help you. Can you pick a specific option to sell that is so far out of the money that there is little chance of exercising the option? When you buy or sell an option the broker generates the 18 digit code.

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December 15, 2010 4:13 am

I trade stocks though 0 experience with options. I would like to learn. Please share with me any suggestions regarding good books, seminars, web sites etc.

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December 15, 2010 5:17 am

How do they come up with "hacking" the stock market? Sheesh!

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September 9, 2012 8:45 am
Reply to  TheBigM

As is always the case, these things are not as good underneath as the glitter on the surface!

I WAS a subscriber to this Stansbury service and lost almost $60K over several years by faithfully following their advice, using tight stops and daily monitoring. Never quite figured out how the majority of my investments could do so badly though! Much of what they recommended either went bankrupt, or experienced stock crashes overnight, making Stop Orders worthless. I found their recommendations to be extraordinarily poor overall.

Lost my shirt with the good Doctor’s Put opportunity on PUDA Coal, which crashed overnight after enormous fraud was revealed and my PUT was triggered forcing me to buy a large amount of worthless shares at $6 each.

Thus I advise . . . BE CAREFUL. It’s your money not theirs that is getting gambled, and it seems to be easier to lose than to succeed!

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Scott O
Scott O
July 21, 2013 8:43 pm
Reply to  Burky

I don’t see PUDA in either Retirement Millionaire newsletter or Retirement Trader advisories at the time of its precipitous dropoffs in 2011. It’s a small Chinese coal company, nothing like the blue chips Eifrig typically recommends. Exactly when and in which vehicle did Eifrig recommend it?

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September 3, 2014 1:55 pm
Reply to  Burky

Never buy Chinese or foreign stocks. They tend to shaft you. Take your money and leave you empty handed.

December 15, 2010 9:15 am

I trade options on a regular basis. Just a word of warning, NEVER sell uncovered calls. The theoretical losses are limitless. As far as selling puts, it is the bulk of my trading.

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December 15, 2010 11:10 am

I sell naked puts for years. To filter my selection I subscribe to an option service where I can set up my filters. (Costs me $60/month, not cheap but I make much more.) I sell 4-6 weeks out puts (short term), when the stock is either in an uptrend and corrected or just reversed from a downtrend. I sell puts at least 15-25% out of money, with premium 1-3% of the stock price. And never for a stock that has an earning announcement during the life of the option!

I monitor my positions. I don't protect it but occasionally –very rarely, maybe 1-3% of the time– I buy back with a loss. Also occasionally, when I am lucky, the stock moves up quickly. In such cases I sell out-of-money calls as well. More income without more margin requirement!

This is very profitable, much cheaper than his newsletter, but in all fairness I check my positions 2-3 times per day.

Good luck and thanks, as always, for the excellent writeup.

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September 3, 2014 1:58 pm
Reply to  JaJo

Jajo, Thanks for sound advice. I always like to get a different perspective.

robert cassa
robert cassa
January 4, 2015 8:06 pm
Reply to  JaJo

I know its been a while since this comment but what service do you use for selling puts.My thanks.Bob Cassa

D.M. Ryan
D.M. Ryan
December 15, 2010 12:52 pm

I don't mean to be back-seat-driver'y, but Dr. Efrig is pushing the selling of both kinds of options. Senario 1 talks about put options, while Scenario 2 talks about call options.

The giveaway for scenario 2 is, " In the second scenario, you still get to keep the money… but you’ll also be required to buy the underlying stock. I’ll tell you more about this risk later." The "risk" is the stock being called away after it's rallied above the strike price.

I have to say I'm enjoying the sleuthing – thanks for the service.

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T1 Broker
December 15, 2010 3:42 pm

I'm looking for book recommendations that teaches this "selling puts" strategy. I've looked at the book offerings at Amazon, but don't know which ones to buy that have real strategies that actually work in making money. Suggestions are welcomed.

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December 15, 2010 7:50 pm

Dear Gumshoe, what an empty advice this time

December 15, 2010 10:36 pm

Has it ever occurred to anyone that options ought to be outright illegal? It all reminds me of the old Abbot and Costello routine: "Whose on First".!

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December 18, 2010 10:59 pm

Look up “The 36% Solution”… at least I think that’s the percentage in the title. It’s a good book on the basics, but I found I had to tweak it a little.

Therefore I don’t do it monthly, and only by selling options in the opposite direction of the primary trend when the odds are 97% in my favor. This means you need to learn some technical analysis as well….. and get good at it. It’s not for everyone, but you can do this as a business and make good money starting small and then building up from there

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December 19, 2010 6:27 pm

I have subscribed to the Retirement Trader newsletter for a few months on a trial basis, and have just cancelled it (cancellation fee was 10% of the subscription) because I know enough about selling naked puts (and covered calls) myself, and don't need to pay $1500/year just for the reminder… This newsletter was supposed to teach us, old dogs, some new tricks, but in reality it only offers put selling recommendations (aka "bucket system" in the teaser that got me).

A few additional notes and observations about selling puts (or selling covered calls):
1. The best scenario is when the stock goes a little bit above the strike price and the put option expires worthless. You end up keeping the option premium (aka: "free cash") and not having to own the stock.
2. If the stock goes WAY HIGHER than the strike price, you may regret not buying it (or buying calls) and missing the big upside move. You still get to keep the "free cash", but this time it is only a small consolation prize compared with what you "could have" had…
3. The worst scenario, of course, is when the stock goes WAY BELOW the strike price. Try to avoid this by choosing a strike price below a technical support level, or choosing a stock with a nice dividend yield. The dividend acts as a "protection" because as the price goes down – the yield goes up and makes the stock more attractive.
4. Selling puts is better than selling covered calls because it involves only 1 transaction, and you don't have to put the entire cost of the stock upfront. Also, in scenario 2 above (stock shoots up) the puts lose value quickly and it is possible to close the position before expiration with 1 transaction.
5. If your account does not qualify for selling puts (e.g. cash account, or retirement savings account) then buying the stock and selling covered calls is an equivalent strategy with the same profit/loss potential as selling puts. The difference is that this requires 2 transactions (with 2 commissions) and you need to have enough money in the account to purchase the stock.

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January 18, 2012 12:59 pm
Reply to  OptionPost

Where or what is the best way to learn about this? Is the newletter a good place to start for a novice?

Stansberry CS
Stansberry CS
February 14, 2012 9:48 am
Reply to  SQV

If you have any questions about Stansberry and Associates, please do not hesitate to call customer service at 1-888-261-2693. We would be happy to assist you. We are open Monday – Friday 9-5 EST.
Or email at

January 2, 2011 11:22 am

Hey, I'm an internet marketer and I'd be very happy to work with any of you having provable success with your own systems to create a product that explains your system to newbies. Contact me at

January 2, 2011 7:45 pm

great info; really appreciate it

January 8, 2011 3:50 am

Hi all, I'm totally new to this trading world and I'm fascinated so far and very nervous to say the least. Does anyone care to comment on how much they are making per year consistently doing this full-time? Thanks !

January 18, 2012 6:02 pm
Reply to  HGE

HGE, If you open an account with TDAmeritrade ( )
(you don’t need any actual money) and sign up for there “Thinkorswim” program. If you then open it as a “paper” trader they give you $300,000 of play money to trade stocks, options or forex.
For play money the stock ticxker has a 15 min delay, for real trades it is real time.

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January 11, 2011 6:51 pm

What I am not understanding is that their promo states, that 'Sometimes the "code" works for only a few hours. Other times you can use it for a day or two."

I would also like to say that Stansberry (they publish the subject service here) is part of Agora Publishing. http://www.Agora- publishes all sorts of "advisories" and, in total, they tell you what you want to hear. Stansberry says the world is going in the toilet, and another of their writers will tell you things are peaches and cream. When I first saw this, I did not know that it was Agora. They publish International Living, where they would be happy selling you the magazine, which may also recco living in downtown Havanah. I subscribed to one called Money Map, and I think the writer was Martin Hutchinson (my guess another Wall Street Washout. He reccod a bunch of stocks, I put charts up on all of them and 80% of the reccos tanked. They come up with all kinds of buzzwords to get you interested, but I would look at it this way. I doubt that you will ever see a performance record for any of their publications, so I doubt very much that someone like Hulbert even bothers tracking them.

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Phil Hoff
Phil Hoff
October 29, 2011 3:41 pm
Reply to  RBM

RBM said, in reference to Stansberry “I doubt that you will ever see a performance record for any of their publications”. Au contraire. They publish the record of all of their investment advisories every February.

January 14, 2011 2:20 pm


JaJo wrote 4 weeks ago:

"I monitor my positions. I don't protect it but occasionally –very rarely, maybe 1-3% of the time– I buy back with a loss. Also occasionally, when I am lucky, the stock moves up quickly. In such cases I sell out-of-money calls as well. More income without more margin requirement! "

I am quite new to options trading. I think I understand the basic concepts, but not the specificities. Could somebody explain me what does "buyback" mean and how it can be carried out? Can you buy back and close the position with a slight loss at anytime during the 'life' (or the term) of the option? How much does it cost? (Is there a universal formula with the help of which one can calculate potential losses in advance)?

Another: how can one 'protect' a naked put position?

Finally: does it make sense to sell out-of-money calls if stock prices move up quickly? Isn't it too risky? Or it is about determining relatively high strike prices that are unlikely to be achieved (even if stocks move up quickly for a while – which I realize is a teaser for many little guys who then would soon buy call options because the only thing they can imagine is that the stock market goes up, and up, and up… 'cause their planner said so)?

Thank you very much for any helpful comments.

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August 25, 2011 3:54 pm

I sell both calls and puts. The best way to buy a stock you want at a price you have determined is reasonable is to sell a put. 45 days out is the best time to do this and if you are put the stock (you have to buy it) then you can turn around and sell a call. This type of trading is only for a portion of your portfolio that you feel safe enough to place at risk as nothing in life is fool-proof. By using low risk stocks that are in a trading range, ie. MSFT, you can generate 2 – 3 percent every 4 – 6 weeks.

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Stansberry CS
Stansberry CS
February 10, 2012 9:38 am

If you have any questions about Stansberry and Associates, please do not hesitate to call customer service at 1-888-261-2693. We would be happy to assist you. We are open Monday – Friday 9-5 EST.

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