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Rickards: “This $0.70 Crypto Game Changer Could Make You a FORTUNE in 2018… Starting Next Monday”

What's being touted as the first recommendation by Rickards' new Crypto Profits newsletter?

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, January 22, 2018

Pretty much every publisher has jumped on the cryptocurrency bandwagon, and this latest one shouldn’t come as much of a surprise… Jim Rickards has styled himself as a currency guru, with his “Currency Wars Alert” and plenty of pitches about the impending demise of the dollar or other major currency moves in recent years, and now he has launched a new service about cryptocurrencies with Agora.

That service is called Rickards’ Crypto Profits ($2,000/yr), and he says he’ll be providing one recommendation per month… but that it’s just now that he has decided to recommend his first cryptocurrency.

So what is it? That’s the deep, dark secret that we’re teased with in the ads. Here are the clues he drops:

“A few days ago Jim Rickards told me he’s ready to make his first ever cryptocurrency recommendation…

“It’s a tiny crypto that’s trading for just around $0.70… [N.B. let’s check the price again before we record. Even if it’s higher, we still expect it to go much higher. It’s actually $0.53 as of Wednesday morning; a better entry point]….

“Jim says this window of opportunity to cash in BIG could close as soon as next Monday.”

OK, so there’s the urgency that every good teaser pitch requires — they know damn well that if you say, “this might rise 1,000% in a year” that you will probably take your time to think about it before giving them your credit card number… maybe even talk it over with your spouse, do some research, you know — be thoughtful.

But if they say “you’ve only got a few minutes to decide, this will be old news by Monday!” — well, then they’ll be able to convince quite a few folks to jump over the fence and come join their party right away, without looking around to see if maybe there’s an angry bull on that side of the fence… or even just a lot of cow manure to slip on.

That’s made even worse by the wild and crazy cryptocurrency markets, of course, since everyone has heard stories of the neighbors or in-laws or whoever else that got 10,000% returns on some cryptocurrency or another and is living on easy street… the “FOMO” trade (fear of missing out) is helping to drive even the stock market to wild new highs, but in the cryptocurrency world it sometimes seems like FOMO is the only thing driving prices. That discourages research, thinking, and caution, and encourages fast decisions and rash choices… like, for some people, plunking down $2,000 for a completely nonrefundable subscription like this new one from Rickards.

So at least slow down for a moment and think about that: How many things would you buy, sight unseen, for $2,000, with no recourse if it turns out that it’s junk? (or is even just completely different than you expected?) Some of you can afford that and would write it off with a laugh, I’m sure, but that’s a lot of money for most of the folks who see these investment newsletter ads — for the average person in the US, that’s about three weeks of take-home pay (or, worse, most of the money they had set aside for retirement savings for the year).

But enough preaching from me… what is this cryptocurrency that Rickards is pitching? Here are the hints I gleaned from the pitch:

“In the last few months of 2017, this coin already grew from around a penny to approximately 70 cents per coin….

“This $0.70 cent coin is better than bitcoin.

“Bitcoin doesn’t hold a candle to this coin….

“Some publications are already calling this crypto “the biggest winner” of 2018.

“CNBC calls it the “new hottest cryptocurrency of 2018.”

“And Fortune says we could see $87 billion flowing into this tiny crypto by next year.”

But the big urgency here, we’re told, is that IBM is “backing this currency” … and that there’s some kind of news expected:

“Soon, IBM is going to make a massive announcement regarding its plans with this coin…

“It could happen as soon as next Monday.”

And there is apparently other adoption happening, too:

“Deloitte has started implementing this coin for internal transactions and witnessed a 40% reduction in their costs….

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“This is not just some random no-name company.

“It’s Deloitte, one of the largest accounting and consulting companies in the world.

“If you’re running a bank, wouldn’t you like to cut your costs by 40%?

“Of course you would.

“That’s why a dozen banks have already lined up to adopt this coin…

“With more on the way.”

So what little cryptocurrency are we being teased with here? This is almost certainly the Lumens token, from Stellar (often the cryptocurrency itself is called Stellar), usually abbreviated XLM. This one has grown quickly, now it’s a top-ten coin when measured by the size and dollar value of the circulating supply (the “market cap”, per, is about $8.5 billion now — still tiny compared to bitcoin or ethereum, which together account for more than half of the dollar value of all cryptocurrencies put together, but much larger than most of the thousands of “tokens” that are vying for cash and attention).

And yes, Stellar has partnered with IBM and Deloitte — the goal is to build a network for fast transactions across currencies, with Lumens being the interim currency that is used to make everything work quickly. It is a cryptocurrency, but it’s not one that’s built on mining or on work — the participants in the system don’t earn tokens, but everyone who wants to use Lumens to facilitate transactions will need to have some inventory of the tokens in the future. The security of the system seems to be built on their own “consensus protocol,” whereby different participants in the network and choose who to trust to verify transactions. So it’s a blockchain, a public and distributed ledger still, it’s not a private or proprietary network (like Ripple is, apparently), but it’s one that is supported by partners and participants, not by miners who compete to participate.

Sounds kind of interesting as a concept, though I have no idea what kind of math you have to do to try to determine what a “lumen” should be worth. The transaction fee is set at .00001 XLM for each operation, and I guess the assignment of “trust” and the actual sending of a payment would be two operations, so that’s .00002 XLM for a basic transaction, or at the current price of something close to 50 cents per XLM “token”, that would be a fee of one thousandth of a cent. Each account is required to hold a reserve of XLM as well, at least 0.5 XLM (about 25 cents), so in order to participate in this network as a sender or recipient you’ll have to have at least a quarter “invested” in Lumens. Both of those requirements seem to be set solely to discourage bad actors and hacking, the actual fees go back into the pot and, essentially, help to fund stellar’s R&D and create the 1% annual inflation that is written into the network, from what I can tell.

So yes, it is a real cryptocurrency that is being tested by some real technology and financial services companies — though those relationships are almost certainly not exclusive in any way (IBM is doing a lot of blockchain work, presumably with many of the existing networks as well as in building their own proprietary software). I have no idea whether that means XLM has any kind of edge on becoming the foundation of the global money-transfer system in the future, every large bank and financial institution is researching blockchain integration or implementation or creating their own blockchain-inspired protocols and it’s probably going to be a while before any consensus emerges about what blockchain or cryptocurrency protocols become valuable business tools or get effectively “built in” to the next generation of internet protocols.

Here’s how Stellar describes itself, in bitcoin terms:

“The main differences between the Stellar network and Bitcoin are the following:

  • Stellar is based on a consensus algorithm rather than mining. This means transactions confirm in a few seconds.
  • The supply of lumen increases at a fixed rate of 1% a year.
  • Stellar aims to let you transact in your currency of choice (fiat or digital).

“The hope is that the currency itself will be mostly a behind-the-scenes currency, and that the Stellar network will help provide more liquidity between currencies.”

They even have the beginnings of a graphic novel that illustrates their notion of “consensus,” which even a dummy like me can appreciate.

I can’t tell you which cryptocurrencies will go up or down, of course, because there’s almost no economic rationality tied to any of the cryptocurrencies. I can’t tell you with any certainty why bitcoin should be at $100 or $1,000 or $100,000 per token, which means that, as far as I’m concerned (and yes, my brain is limited in its ability to process these ideas), these are simply speculative barometers of sentiment.

Which isn’t to say that blockchain or distributed ledgers are a passing fancy or a fad — I do think there’s a chance that they could form the foundation of the next internet, and that we’d all probably be better off if that’s what happens… but drawing any kind of line between that sentiment and a price, in US$, for any particular cryptocurrency is nonsensical to me. And any guesses about “valuation” are, frankly, even tougher for a token like Stellar Lumens, where there is not even a reward to be earned for building and maintaining the network.

What does that mean? Most cryptocurrencies are, to my way of thinking, really a distributed reward system, with the benefits of creating a new web protocol “token” being shared among those who invented it, those who work to support it (the miners who verify transactions), and those who fund the company that’s developing it (the ICO “investors”), and the “real” part of that work, (the micropayments that miners receive for verifying transactions, for example), has been completely overshadowed by the speculative folly of bidding up the future value of those tokens.

So I get the idea, and it makes sense and we could see some really powerful technological changes in the next decade if and when blockchain technology is used to dramatically improve and democratize the internet (and make transactions far faster and safer, obviating the need for all those “trusted” counterparties like banks), but I still can’t tell you whether ethereum should be worth $5 a token or $50,000, or whether Stellar Lumens and its consensus-based verification model will be in huge demand. To me, that’s all fuzzy guesswork (I do own small chunks of a few of the big cryptocurrencies, ethereum and bitcoin and bitcoin cash, but I’m fully accepting of the fact that those positions could go to zero overnight).

And with that, dear friends, I’ll pass it back to you to discuss — I can tell you that Rickards is almost certainly touting Stellar Lumens, and he thinks IBM might make some big, loud announcement about it sometime, and IBM is already a big participant in the nascent Stellar network of “validators’… but I suspect that “announcement” talk from Rickards is as much about inspiring your quick action in pulling out your credit card as it is about any fundamental reason why the Stellar Lumens story will change overnight.

So… whaddya think? Excited about Stellar Lumens or any of the other blockchain or cryptocurrency tokens out there? Have a valuation argument you want to make? Think I’m a knucklehead? (You’re not the only one who has that sentiment, don’t worry.) Our ears are open, please fill ’em up with a comment below.

P.S. The most rational explanation I’ve read for bitcoin and blockchain and the potential value that many of us see in these ideas (if not necessarily in any specific token) was in the New York Times Magazine last week — definitely worth checking out if you’re just trying to get your head around the whole crypto topic in general.

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January 23, 2018 6:17 am

Interesting reading here but recently got involved in a much more interesting project called EDO it is an electronic dollar to replace all paper money. I could talk about it for a while but make up your own mind by visiting EDO dot AC

January 24, 2018 4:15 pm
Reply to  Dan

did you see how it dropped 99.5% on 1st day of trading ! ?? doesn’t bode too well ..

👍 87
January 23, 2018 9:05 am

Ive been following Rickards on twitter for about a year now…I am shocked to see that he has started a crypto newsletter. Everyday he bashes crypto and says that crypto has to no value. This definitely makes me wonder about his credibility.

👍 27
January 25, 2018 5:16 am
Reply to  safeace

Maybe he realized he was wrong?

👍 29
January 23, 2018 2:01 pm

Yep, Rickards has exposed his greed, he needs these $$ to help pay for his mktg costs, believe it!

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January 23, 2018 11:26 pm

This market is incredibly interesting and should be treated like you do things like super cheap research stage Biotechs. Have a basket of them you believe in for whatever reason and trade as you go to minimize risk while maintaining a core position in the ones you truly understand.

I have been drinking from a firehose on this for a long time and it’s still an amazing amount of info per day and week. It is not going away…either CryptoCurrencies or BlockChain but there will be an absolute culling repeatedly.

Having said that Ripple and Stellar Lumens both have solid chances as do a few others.


I hold many thousands of coins in 20 or 30 projects and do not profess to be a guru but I do believe that BlockChain will absolutely “Dent the Universe” in a mind-boggling number of industries.


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👍 56
January 24, 2018 11:26 am

I am fairly new to investing and just recently experienced my first Pump and Dump which took a chunk out of me that I believe will live in my memory for a while. The ravings of the likes of Rickards reminds me of how I got hooked into it.

So I think that besides just selling worthless advice, folks like Rickards are profiting from the Pump and Dump side as well, basically by Naked Shorting.

Is it possible to wait for one of these hawkers to start squalling about a stock then jump on for the ride but jump off before the sell off starts?? Feels like juggling with matches and gasoline cans but I wonder if it could work….?

The basic idea is to jump on when they start squawking them jump off when they start saying they think this thing is going to have a huge run up in just a couple of days…

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👍 1
January 24, 2018 6:31 pm

I’ve been considering taking a dip in cryptos, even initiating an account in Coinbase. I’ve been looking at Stellar and one called NEM. From what I can tell, you have to buy something like Ethereum or Litecoin and then exchange it for Stellar or NEM on an exchange site. Last I heard Stellar was <$1 and NEM was <$2. Wasn't planning on throwing more than $500-1000 at it. Still haven't made up my mind. Any opinions?

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January 24, 2018 10:50 pm
Reply to  Britt

Britt, yes start on coinbase but you will need to transfer LTC or ETH over to a different exchange to buy NEM or Stellar both interesting coins. A few exchanges below.

Coinbase $10 free BTC for both of us when you join Easiest exchange to use for USA investors

Binance Has the best coins and high volume

Coss Newer exchange, check out their COSS coin

HitBTC Great exchange to use, one of the first I starte

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👍 140
Craig Reynolds
January 24, 2018 6:35 pm

Holly crap! I just went to the Stellar website to read up on Lumens. I wonder if Rickards bothered to do that? They GIVE Lumens away for FREE and their intent is to give away 95% of all Lumens! They have already given away 1,694,618,200 or almost 2 Billion of them!!! How the heck are they going to be profitable to those that actually decide to buy them? You can read about it here.

January 25, 2018 9:08 pm
Reply to  Craig Reynolds

How do you get the free Lumens…

👍 1
Eric Miller
February 5, 2018 1:04 am
Reply to  Craig Reynolds

If you understand the personality behind Jed McCaleb, it would not surprise you as to the quick and dramatic moves that he makes. That is one of the reasons he could not make it at Ripple. The observer in an article about the way he left Ripple, described him as a man-child. A bit unstable.

M Light
January 25, 2018 8:32 pm

Love your very smart analysis of all these “scams”.
Any thoughts on Stansberry Portfolio Solutions?

Keep up the excellent work.

January 25, 2018 11:26 pm

Help Wanted! I transferred in xs of 1BTC from Coinbase to Blockchain to hold there for further transfer; never made it, I think because Blockchain email had not been verified; got stuck and apparently still resides in Blockcypher. None of these 3 respond to my requests. Where can I find help to get my BTC back to Coinbase. Thanks

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👍 2
January 26, 2018 12:41 pm

IMO, one should make Ethereum and Bitcoin the foundation of a cryptoasset portfolio. My own allocation is 50% ETH, 20% BTC, and 30% alts.

I personally stay far away from questionable coins like XLM, Ripple, Tron, etc. I prefer platform alts such as Aeternity and Ardor, and project tokens such as Augur, Golem, 0x Project, and Decentraland.

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👍 -1
January 26, 2018 7:09 pm
January 27, 2018 9:22 am

Excellent “uncovering” of what was another long winded and sidewinded pitch for the Rickards $2000 mumbo-jumbo.

I got more out of your post here than I did reading the “Big R” mile and half long hype.

If their information is worth the $2k they try to wring your neck to get, why not just give away a bite sized offering and tell what the crypto is (or any product for that matter) – – and earn the audience’s trust and respect.

In doing so, I’m confident they’ll open their wallet joyously without having to be teased for thirty minutes and bored out of their skull.

It’s not rocket science… Show me something as good as what Rickards is teasing/rambling about, and if I see the results, heck, all you’ll need to do is send a simple email with a link to a page that reads…


I’d be all in and I suspect a heck of a lot more buyers will be as well.

I’m so over the hype of marketing. Get to the freaking point!

I’d like to commend you on getting to the point in this post. Good job.


January 27, 2018 11:23 am

There is no doubt fortunes being made right now in crypto currencies, especially in ICO investing. An ICO is similar to an IPO but with much less regulation. You can purchase the coin at lower price before the coin is release for trading on public exchanges. Companies are able to raise millions in weeks or even days.

I’ve done really well investing in ICO’s like ClearPoll(POLL), Utrust(UTK), Enjin(ENJ), BlackMoon(BMC) and Appcoin(APPC). Small investments have turned into huge sums.

A 1 ETH investment in POLL’s ICO was worth about $250 at the time. That returned 2800 POLL tokens. POLL traded for $10 at the high and is around $3 now. $250 turned into $8400 – $28000.

A .25 BTC investment(worth $1000 at the time) into UTK’s pre ICO returned 36000 UTK tokens. UTK traded at $1.4 at it’s height and is around $.4 now. That $1000 investment turned into $50000+ at the high and is still worth $15000.

There are tons of ICO’s out there, DYOR = Do Your Own Research.

Here are a few I am interested in or investing in now:

KYC.Legal Link to register:

3 days left for Discount 26% from final price KYC.Legal Current rate 1 KYC = 1.85 USD. What is KYC Legal? Service that allows to verify users and to prevent fraud. It is based on blockchain technology as a tool for protecting and validating personal data of Internet users.

Cryptopus, Blockchain Brokerage Marketplace Pre-ICOlive 59% bonus! Sign up here:

Coin Metro is doing a pre ICO flash sale today only, use code hardcap to enter the flash sale. Coin Metro is
Get in early for the pre ico pricing and 136% bonus. Use this link:

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bill Connelly
January 27, 2018 8:26 pm

2nd japanes vrypto to lose MTGov wiped out when they lost 400.000.00

January 28, 2018 4:19 pm

As Travis noted, Stellar is a solid network with a global footprint, substantial Corp. buyin, fast transaction speeds, and low transaction costs.

The goals for Stellar are lofty – to basically “own” the international payments space. Their use cases also include in-country payments for countries under-served by banks and bank account holders (think southeast Asia, India, Etc). For this opportunity area, they are partnering wisely.

Stellar Lumens XLM is a core holding for me, and I believe XLM is a screaming buy under $1.00. I don’t expect it to remain at these levels long. ATH in the 0.80’s, should be easy to blow through that minimal resistance.

For those thinking “Ripple”, the networks are similar and somewhat competitive, but they are more complementary than competitive. My position in XLM is five times larger than XRP, because I believe the use cases and opportunity for XLM appreciation are five times larger than for XRP.

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👍 128
March 9, 2018 9:47 pm
Reply to  CryptoInvestor

How does one buy Stellar Lumens XLM? And, later, how does one sell them? Thanks.

👍 1
March 11, 2018 2:03 pm
Reply to  sophie

Hi Sophie,

To buy Stellar follow these steps.

First you need an account on something like You can register there or use this link to get $10 when you register and trade on Coinbase:

Link a bank account to coinbase and add buy either BTC(Bitcoin) or ETH(Ethereum) I suggest ETH. You will be taking this currency and sending it to a different exchange where you can buy XLM.

Next, you need an account on an exchange that offers XLM, I suggest You can register on their homepage or use this link for a bonus when registering:

When you have an account on Binance you can send ETH(or BTC) from Coinbase over. When you have that on Binance you can trade it for XLM.

I hope this helps.

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👍 140
April 3, 2018 11:06 pm

Thank you – what about Robinhood? Is that any good to trading crypto especially Stellar?

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👍 21915
Jerome Feneau
August 22, 2018 4:32 pm
Reply to  sophie

You can use Binance or even Kraken as a crypto currency trading platform

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January 28, 2018 5:26 pm

Who are Rickards’ potential customers? I’m an old lady who has built a retirement portfolio by a combination of buy-and-hold of blue chip dividend stocks and experiments with small amounts on some up-and-coming tech stocks that I understand. I don’t understand cryptocurrency–but still, a couple of phrases from Rickards’ tease plus association with IBM and Deloitte, and I Googled up Stellar probably just as fast as Travis did. Who wants to pay $2000 for such obvious advice?

I’ve seen Stellar recommended by some other pundits recently, so I will be watching for a way to purchase a small amount that doesn’t involve mining and wallets and other things I don’t have time to learn and don’t want to have to keep track of. For example, I bought a small amount of GBTC rather than bitcoin, sextupled my money in six months, pulled out half, and am watching to see where my now free ride goes. Even if it drops to zero, I took my win (and gave great Christmas presents) when it was at its all-time high, so any more I get out of it is pure gravy. I’d be very happy if the Palm Beach folks are right that in another year bitcoin will go to $30,000–I’d be able to give even better presents next Christmas!

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👍 15
February 6, 2018 4:59 pm
Reply to  jeanlorrah

You are wise. You do due diligence. Unfortunately there are many people who don’t.

puppy stocks 2018
January 28, 2018 7:14 pm

This has nothing to do with Rickards Crypto play, but with GBTC/Bitcoin Trust.
I wanted to know if anyone knows when the GBTC stock split will take place, all info I have read to date says it was suppose to happen on Friday January 26, 2018. Split 90:1 SHARE so based on BTC at current levels stock would be valued at about $18.13USD a share it trades OTC shadow pool and tried to place a trade on Friday through my account but trade was rejected. My broker says they are not privy to any info from Grayscale Investments.

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👍 2
January 31, 2018 5:31 pm

It split between January 26 and 29. That’s when Google’s chart, which apparently hasn’t caught up with the fact that it’s a split, shows a dramatic “drop” from $1644.37 to $19.44. I hope your broker has it straightened out by now,

👍 15
February 6, 2018 5:01 pm

Don’t you have to be accredited to buy GBTC? (Basically you have to be $rich)

February 6, 2018 9:53 pm
Reply to  vic

$GBTC – Currently trading at $12.32 #Best2ALL!

👍 11604
George Lu
January 29, 2018 2:25 pm

Crypto Coins are well and good, but my fiend bought bigcoin at $700 and bought something worth $400 and received not change back from his purchase. The retailier kept his coin because he couldn’t make change. What’s regulating the coin change when your bitcoin price is worth more than your purchase

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January 29, 2018 2:40 pm
Reply to  George Lu

Then he overpaid and it his fault. Bitcoin goes to 8 decimals. He should have only sent $400 worth of bitcoin. IF he sent one whole coin, that is on him.

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👍 410
January 29, 2018 7:24 pm

Probably tracking newly-listed cryptos may have some opportunities:

Alexander Hero
January 30, 2018 1:45 am

IT’s down 10 cents

February 2, 2018 3:07 pm
Reply to  Alexander Hero

The best company in the space is Neptune Dashnodes (DASH:CA) (NPPTF:US) most undervalued and huge upside. The founders of the BTL Group (BTL:CA) which went from .40 to $18 are the people behind Neptune Dash

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