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Without Borders

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Rog Blake
Rog Blake
March 25, 2009 7:57 pm

Yet another offshoot from Casey’s International Speculator, this newsletter proposes to investigate opportunities in real estate, equities, and business around the world. The trip reports make for interesting reading, though I quickly tire of the overall tone.

In general, the authors believe you should move to places with undervalued real-estate, such as Argentina or Uruguay, open a bank account in a tax haven such as Panama, and buy stocks in companies from just about anywhere other than the US. They also propose ideas for new businesses in various locales, as well as providing reports on the overall business climate.

The overall performance of their stock picks was pretty bland, though they seem to have averted a big haircut last fall.

I miss reading the country reports. They were much more interesting than the typical review of $500/night hotels, $300 dinners, and tourist destinations. If the subscription price was closer to $20/year rather than $200/year, I would probably continue my subscription.

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February 26, 2013 9:38 pm

Was one of their first subscribers. Right out of the gate they made three recommendations that they claimed to have persoanlly researched and visited. One of those just happen to be one I had researched and visited just 30 days before. My conclusions were almost opposite theirs. In fact, their write up on the company gave me the impression that they had not really checked the company out first hand, but perhaps third hand. The company did not do very well. Some issues later they recommended a company that I was quite familiar with. They made some comments about the company and those that run it that could not have been so. Not even maybe. I’m not saying they didn’t check the company out, I’m saying I don’t think their judgement is all that good. Better you have that good dinner out and save the money.

👍 13

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