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written by reader Scandium, Cobalt, and Water Purification: CleanTeQ Holdings

By hendrixnuzzles, February 6, 2017

A Microcap Teaser Solution In Advance !!
(Australian stock exchange CLQ, OTC pinks CTEQF).
CleanTeQ is sure to be the answer to future teasers you will be reading about from resource gurus, To save you all the trouble of solving them, I decided to write this article.
My portfolio was grotesquely overweight in gold and silver positions, and in moments of anxiety I thought it would be a good idea to diversify and take a few positions in something other than gold mines, royalty companies, Mongolian exploration companies, and small-cap copper miners with major operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Thus I made a small speculation in CleanTeQ, solely on the basis that mining titan Robert Friedland was the Chairman, and CleanTeQ was the only resource company I could find that seemed to be in a position to mine scandium, a very rare metal that sells for a couple of thousand dollars a kilo.
My due diligence was so slight that I was embarrassed to emphasize my position to the readers at Stock Gumshoe. We are supposed to study these things a little more than I did for CleanTeQ. And after entering at 50 cents, the stock promptly dropped to 35 cents or so, making me glad that I did not look foolish by publicizing my position.
As the weeks went by, I started to find more information on the company that I should have found out beforehand. This was partly accidental, partly from other Gumshoe readers, and partly from new announcements and company news that occurred after I took a position. But the findings were all very positive, and because the company is so interesting I thought it warranted its own thread apart from the hard asset thread which I moderate.
I have a full long position and high hopes. And I thank Secretsquirrel, Griffin, Larry McKenna, and several others who helped fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle.
Below are my findings, opinions, and summary on CleanTeQ Holdings:
BUSINESS MODEL CleanTeQ is a hybrid company based with three bases: scandium mining and production, cobalt mining and production, and water purification. This seems like an odd combination, but as you will see, it is not. It is a stroke of genius. And I will explain why we should care about scandium and cobalt.
(1) The company is starting production of the Syerston mine, the world’s only scandium mine;
(2) The company will also produce significant amounts of cobalt as a co-product to the scandium;
(3) The company has a large-scale water purification technology, which will target municipalities,
Industrial operations with waste water problems, and mines, which also have water problems

(1) Scandium is a very rare metal that usually occurs in only small amounts that are not economical to mine. It is mostly available as a by-product and the market is opaque, usually between private parties. Scandium has very beneficial applications in aerospace, aviation, and technology, but has not been widely applied because there is not a sufficiently reliable supply of it.
(2) Cobalt is essential in many batteries. Lithium gets all the investment press, but a majority of the battery formulations need cobalt, which is rare compared to lithium. Cobalt has a similar supply situation as scandium, it is mostly a by-product and is not commonly a prime mining target in and of itself. But demand for the electric energy market is growing rapidly and cobalt demand is growing and will continue to grow accordingly. Supply chains on cobalt are iffy.
(3) Water purification is a pressing need throughout the world. Cities with lots of people, industrialized places with lots of factories, or mines with waste water, all have a real and pressing need for large scale water purification. I think most people can accept this premise of widespread demand without a lot of documentation.

HOW DO THESE SEGMENTS RELATE TO EACH OTHER ? I cannot get too technical about the water purification technology, but I will try to explain what I understand, and how it relates to the scandium and cobalt operations. They call it Continuous Flow Ionization. Ionization is not a proprietary technology per se, but CleanTeQ has developed a way to implement ionization in a continuous feed, automated loop that improves volume, improves economics, is reasonably priced for installation, and can be custom-modified to specific waste problems. It can be used in conjunction with other filtration techniques. Further, it can be modified TO EXTRACT CERTAIN SUBSTANCES from the feed waste water. This is done by modifying the resins that are used in the ionization process.

Now it so happens that CleanTeQ has developed resins that can extract scandium and cobalt from waste water. So they potentially will have commercial sources of rare metals from the by-product waste of their water purification process !

HOW CLOSE IS THE WATER THING TO REALLY HAPPENING ? It is happening. CleanTeQ has signed a memorandum of understanding with a major Chinese municipality to implement their technology. There is a joint venture, 55% Chinese/45% CleanTeQ. Once the first one is up and working, China has a mind-boggling potential for water purification. For their teeming urban centers and for their mining and industrial locations, shall we say the potential is very large ?

CleanTeQ has 100% of rest of the world. CleanTeQ is closed-mouthed about other commercial sources, but they let on that they have been in contact with the likes of GE, Dow, and other big hitters. They state a pipeline target of $100 million by 2020; I predict they will do much better.

HOW CLOSE IS THE COBALT THING TO REALLY HAPPENING ? Very close. Battery useage is soaring and is the strategic target of many governments, corporations, and environmental groups. Batteries need cobalt.

HOW CLOSE IS THE SCANDIUM THING FROM HAPPENING ? This will take a while because the applications are high tech, with long lead times, and there is only one scandium mine in the world (CleanTeQ’s newly commissioned Syerston mine). CleanTeQ intends to develop the scandium market by being a reliable source of supply, and by driving the price down.
CleanTeQ will have viable margins with scandium prices up to half of current prices.

To give you an idea, the Russians made a few MIGs with scandium/aluminum alloys. They were faster, lighter, stronger. An addition of 0.5% scandium to aviation aluminum strengthens the frame, removes the need for riveting, reduces weight, and makes repairs easier. . The Russians dropped it because of costs; and Boeing and Airbus will not use it without a reliable source of supply. But there is about to be a reliable source of supply: CleanTeQ.

WHAT ABOUT IP PROTECTION ? I believe the IP and know-how moat is sufficient. CleanTeQ holds a perpetual license from a high-level Russian research organization that provided some of the foundation technology. I am not a patent lawyer and a lot of the know-how will be proprietary, not patented. CleanTeQ has been at this for over ten years, I think the barriers to entry are sufficient.

MANAGEMENT Totally a plus. Robert Friedland is the Co-Chairman and CEO, he has 20% of the company, great credibility and clout with the Chinese, and an unbelievable track record in mining. Sam Reggall is the other co-chairman. I know little about him, other than from my observations of him on an Australian investment show that aired last week. He was impressive.

MONEY AND FINANCES I don’t think there is anything at all to worry about. Friedland must be worth billions, the Chinese are in, and the concept has enormous potential.

Sources: as I mentioned, information is scant. My sources were the CleanTeQ website, presentations and and interviews with Friedland and Reggall, and the sketchy information on the brokerage sites. Nothing you cannot find on your own.

Long CleanTeQ

This is a discussion topic or guest posting submitted by a Stock Gumshoe reader. The content has not been edited or reviewed by Stock Gumshoe, and any opinions expressed are those of the author alone.



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July 7, 2017 4:52 am

”Elon Musk says Tesla is building the largest battery system in the world within 100 days — or it’s free”

Gonna need a lot of cobalt for such projects
Long CLQ.A

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👍 4092
👍 9968
July 7, 2017 9:23 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN: Not knocking your find at all, but the Tonka toys are assets and doubtless the loans are secured against those assets (at least). Id guess their value second hand is 20-30% of cost

👍 9968
July 9, 2017 9:45 am

Worth reading through as there’s quite a bit of detail/hard facts in one place….

From the article :

Clean TeQ owns the Syerston Nickel/Cobalt/Scandium Project in NSW, Australia. We agree with Sebastien Gandon from Seeking Alpha when he says that the company is quite unique. Syerston’s mineral resources along with Clean TeQ’s proprietary ion exchange extraction know-how are said to position CTEQF ready to become a relevant “supplier of key cathode raw materials to the lithium-ion battery market – nickel sulphate and cobalt sulphate“.

A new “Bankable Feasibility Study” will be released in Q4 of 2017. Thus, market participants need to be alert. Estimates of the mineral concentration in the area may be released, which could make the share price spike.


CTEQF is positioned to profit from the increase in demand of the cobalt metal, which new electric vehicles require. In this piece, we saw how the insiders’ stakes in the stock excited the market at the end of June. Additionally, the company is delivering interesting news every week, such as the cash payment of $2.6 million from the Australian Tax Office and the delivery of mineral samples to customers. To sum up, be alert on this one. CTEQF is one cobalt play that big money is getting behind

Long $CLQ

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👍 1233
biotechlong (btl)
July 9, 2017 10:11 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

Long $CLQ

The significant (approx. 6%) increase in CLQ SP in early ASX trading today (Oz time-Monday) may be largely attributable to the insiderfinancial blog article (published yesterday) cited in Secretsquirrel’s post. I see several near-term catalysts in 2H17, including expected announcement of formal off-take agreements and release of the new “Bankable Feasibility Study” in 4Q2017.

Also notable in this context is the fact that the market continues to focus almost exclusively on the Syverston cobalt sulfate and nickel sulfate resources, allocating virtually no value to Clean TeQ’s proprietary ion exchange extraction technology (with demonstrable ongoing commercial growth in Africa/Middle East) and related water purification technology (with high-level, high-powered exposure in the huge Chinese markets) – as discussed extensively by HN and others on this thread.

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👍 2794
July 10, 2017 9:49 am
Reply to  secretsquirrel

One thing, what’s happened to the Chinese 81 million imput, are they not aware of this or just lazy reporting/research……?

👍 1233
👍 9968
July 10, 2017 5:45 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Yes, Long CLQ, staying long….

July 10, 2017 9:37 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN, I’m with you on this one. You give so much to this site. I truly appreciate it as well as so many others do. It doesn’t matter what sector. You always provide so much. A sincere thank you to you.

👍 116
👍 9968
July 11, 2017 10:41 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Well, the big difference is that you HN take the effort & put down a huge amount of time in writing about these leads…and a lot of people (me included!) don’t always do this and follow up the companies in such a extensive matter. A big kudos to HN, and keep up the good work!

👍 159
July 11, 2017 12:21 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN: Luvin’ it and grateful

July 14, 2017 3:01 am
Reply to  alanh

interesting article on HotCopper regarding Robert Friedland – could CLQ / CTEQF have landed a big fish?

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July 14, 2017 3:18 am

Although this is I-Pulse related mostly, I’d imagine that CleanTeQ would benefit and Ivanhoe as Friedland would naturally keep it in the family.

Thoughts anyone…..

Multi-billionaire mining maverick wants to harness nuclear energy in Earth’s core
By Josh Loeb

Published Wednesday, July 12, 2017

In keynote speech at London Stock Exchange, Robert Friedland hailed ‘industrial magic’ ultracapacitors and compared making money on oil to ‘engaging in the cocaine business for a little while’

A multi-billionaire financier wants to drive hundreds of miles of tunnels into the centre of the Earth as part of a mammoth project to deliver clean energy to civilisations for all eternity.

Robert Friedland, 66, a charismatic maverick mining entrepreneur who is also chairman of specialist energy tech firm I-Pulse, said a major government was considering funding his project to harness heat generated via nuclear fission taking place deep inside the Earth.

In a keynote speech during an event at the London Stock Exchange, he told mining industry insiders: “The centre of the Earth is a nuclear reactor. We’re living on a nuclear reactor because there is enough remnant uranium in the core when it’s under that massive pressure that it stimulates a natural fission reaction. That’s what drives all the heat that causes our continents to be floating on a molten core.”

He added: “We think there is enough nuclear fuel in the planet to sustain that heat for, best guess, modern science says five billion more years. So in the scale of human affairs, there is an infinite amount of heat right inside Mother Earth, the nuclear reactor. All you have to do is tap it, and the nice thing is it’s there 24 hours a day.”

Friedland, a colourful character with an interesting past – he was once arrested and jailed for selling drugs as a teenager and lived with Steve Jobs while at university – said he had been working on the project in secret for more than a decade and had never spoken about it publicly before.

He said: “We want to drive hundreds of miles of tunnels in that hot granite and pump water into those tunnels. It turns to steam, the steam turns an electrical generator, then when the water cools off, it condenses and it goes round in a closed loop. There are no global warming effects. You get a Nobel Prize and you solve the stupid problem – for ever. And the neat thing is, it’s going to be done by people that came out of the mining industry, the stupidest business in the world. Now, any questions?”

Friedland said I-Pulse had high-tech ultracapacitors capable of creating “enormous amounts of power with very small amounts of energy”, something he described as looking like “industrial magic”.

High energy pulse electrical power provided a means of more efficiently fragmenting rock, recovering valuable material in mining applications and “making solids behave like liquids”, as well as being a non-invasive method of revealing, at the surface, the presence of mineral deposits or revitalising production at underperforming oil wells, he said.

I-Pulse is headquartered in Tolouse, France, home of ‘Aerospace Valley’, and the company uses know-how that was a spin-off of the French military nuclear programme.

Friedland told Natural Resources Forum delegates, including a former UK government minister: “We are working in the automotive market, in aerospace, in luxury packaging, in high-precision metal parts, in the battery industry, and we’re working with some of the biggest names in the world. Our automobile partner is the world’s largest manufacturer in automobiles. Our partner in luxury goods is the world’s largest luxury goods manufacturer.

“The key thing I’m trying to tell you is this is not science fiction. After 16 years of being kept top secret, this is real, this is in the industrial process. This is real and you can see it, and if we allow you to see it, I can guarantee you this is better than going to Disneyland.”

Friedland’s mining company, Ivanhoe Mines, has interests in South America and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and he declared he was “willing to make money on oil and gas as a bridge cash flow” to reach his goal of “totally changing the world” by building huge zero-emissions alternative energy infrastructure including giant grid-scale batteries that would help combat climate change while preserving human civilisation.

“It’s sort of like engaging in the cocaine business for just a little while in order to build schools and hospitals,” he quipped – and he predicted new technologies were set to drive enormous demand for copper.

“We think in the early 2020s you’re going to need a telescope to see the copper price,” he said. “We’re looking at putting 100 megawatts of solar at our copper project in the Congo. We’re in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The land is flat and we’re near the equator. The sun is shining a lot. It’s extremely cool to have a solar-powered copper mine to make the copper you need to make solar-powered copper mines.

“We’re going to give everyone a hot foot, just like Elon Musk gave the big manufacturers a hot foot. He forced all the major manufacturers to move all their electric cars programme forward by, say, a generation – General Motors, everybody – because this little guy making 80,000 cars a year gave them a hot foot. We’re going to do the same thing with the major mining companies.”

During his speech, Friedland, who has the ear of senior figures in the Chinese Communist Party, also praised Beijing’s efforts to blanket large areas of Chinese desert with wind turbines and solar panels.

“They don’t care what The Donald says,” he said. “They don’t care what The Donald thinks.”

He delivered a parting broadside against London Mayor Sadiq Khan, criticising him for allowing cyclists to expose themselves to deadly air pollution when riding on bike lanes next to major roads. Electric and self-driving cars could help curb congestion and improve the air, Friedland suggested.

On the subject of autonomous vehicles, he added: “What’s a car going to be? In 10 or 12 years you won’t have to dial for a car. You won’t have to screw around with your iPhone calling Uber. You are just going to say ‘I want my car’ and that device that’s sitting somewhere is going to hear your words and your car will be there waiting for you. 90 per cent of the value of the car is going to be in the software because it will be an entertainment experience.

“You will be able to have a board meeting. You’re going to be able to watch three-dimensional hologramatic pornography in the car.

“You won’t be driving it. It’s going to be an experience… It’s going to be an entirely different entertainment and transportation experience, and it will certainly be electric unless it has a hydrogen fuel cell in a cold environment.”

Friedland’s net worth has reportedly surpassed $2 billion.

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👍 1233
July 14, 2017 3:30 am
Reply to  secretsquirrel

Friedland told Natural Resources Forum delegates, including a former UK government minister: “We are working in the automotive market, in aerospace, in luxury packaging, in high-precision metal parts, in the battery industry, and we’re working with some of the biggest names in the world. Our automobile partner is the world’s largest manufacturer in automobiles. Our partner in luxury goods is the world’s largest luxury goods manufacturer.”

All this has nothing to do with I – pulse

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July 14, 2017 3:56 am
Reply to  Johnnn

True, most mentioned in that paragraph we are aware of, but the luxury goods is a mystery to me.

The drilling of holes in the Chinese desert was very revealing, Friedland is as we know already in conversations at state level. What metals etc would be used for such a project, scale sounds massive.

👍 1233
👍 9968
July 14, 2017 2:23 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I-Pulse has a strong French connection and the largest luxury packaging company brand wise is Vuitton Moet Hennessy.

👍 1233
July 14, 2017 3:27 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

3d printing that uses scandium tailored to each customer?

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👍 9968
July 14, 2017 4:06 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

On one hand it’s a real journey to the center of the earth and on the other it’s a space odyssey and there’s me thinking that CleanTeQ was Friedland’s main innovation. Instead it’s I-Pulse. Either way I’m sure all his companies we here are invested in will do very well. CleanTeQ especially being the closest we can invest in this. China is wrapping up the cobalt battery supply chain early as it will lead this forthcoming energy revolution.

All sounds good to me,

Long $CLQ Long $IVN

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👍 1233
July 14, 2017 4:47 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

$CLQ This is a very interesting company, but not as interesting as RF. Some of Jobs must of rubbed off on him, maybe some Wosniack too. I-Pulse sounds like so much overkill but they are talking about mining asteroids. Space is such and interesting place to work in, anything that requires lubrication is a problem.

Cobalts’ time deficit time may not be that long in (2-3??) years. BioSolar sent another news release on their new anode design. The way the release reads is they are eliminating an expensive material from the design. They also have a partnership with Top Battery.

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👍 3700
👍 9968
July 14, 2017 10:30 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

It sure looks that way HN. If I could find out what he is working in the way of vanadium and storage batteries.

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👍 9968
July 15, 2017 3:33 am

scy is a new scandium mine about to be built.

👍 9968
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biotechlong (btl)
July 16, 2017 9:09 pm

$CLQ long

CleanTeq AGM is this Wednesday. Anticipate good news and solid reassurances from top management re company game plan and timeline. Perhaps we will see an announcement re formalized off-take agreements and/or updated timeline for 4Q2017 release of the new “Bankable Feasibility Study.”. Would not be at all surprised to see 5-10% SP hike.

👍 2794
July 17, 2017 2:24 am

Late flurry on the asx today

👍 9968
👍 9968
biotechlong (btl)
July 17, 2017 3:15 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

$CLQ long

HN, the 15 June 2017 ASX announcement notices the 2017 AGM set for July 19, 2017. Here is the link:

The relevant announcement is the 5th one down from the top of the list on the linked page.

👍 2794
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👍 9968
July 18, 2017 6:16 pm

Clean energy transition to increase demand for minerals — World Bank

A new World Bank report released today highlights the potential impacts that the expected continuing boom in low-carbon energy technologies will have on demand for many minerals and metals.

Using wind, solar, and energy storage batteries as key examples of low-carbon or “green” energy technologies, the report, “The Growing Role of Minerals and Metals for a Low-Carbon Future” examines the types of minerals and metals that will likely increase in demand as the world works towards commitments to keep the global average temperature rise at or below 2°C.

Minerals and metals expected to see heightened demand include: aluminum, copper, lead, lithium, manganese, nickel, silver, steel, and zinc and rare earth minerals such as indium, molybdenum, and neodymium. The most significant example is electric storage batteries, where demand for relevant metals: aluminum, cobalt, iron, lead, lithium, manganese, and nickel— could grow by more than 1,000 percent if countries take the actions needed to keep global warming at or below 2°C.

The report shows that a shift to a low-carbon future could result in opportunities for mineral-rich countries but also points to the need for these countries to ensure they have long-term strategies in place that enable them to make smart investment decisions. In readiness for growth in demand, countries will need to have appropriate policy mechanisms in place to safeguard local communities and the environment.

Big winners will be aluminum, copper, lead, lithium, manganese, nickel, silver, steel, zinc and rare earths.

“With better planning, resource-rich countries can take advantage of the increased demand to foster growth and development,” said Riccardo Puliti, Senior Director and Head of the Energy and Extractive Industries Global Practice at the World Bank. “Countries with capacity and infrastructure to supply the minerals and metals required for cleaner technologies have a unique opportunity to grow their economies if they develop their mining sectors in a sustainable way.”

The future demand for specific metals is not only a function of the degree to which countries commit to a low-carbon future, it is also driven by intra-technology choices. The low-carbon technologies that emerge as most applicable and beneficial, will play an important role in defining the commodity marketplace of the next 50 years. For example, the three leading forms of alternative vehicles — electric, hybrid, and hydrogen — each have different implications for metal demand: electric vehicles require lithium; hybrid vehicles use lead and hydrogen-powered vehicles use platinum.

Demand for individual metals and minerals will reflect the component mix of low-carbon technologies, corresponding with economic changes and technical developments. To position themselves well, countries will need reliable sources of economic data and market intelligence, as well as the capacity to turn that information into plans, investments, and sustainable operations.

Based on current trends, it is expected that Chile, Peru, and (potentially) Bolivia, will play a key role in supplying copper and lithium; Brazil is a key bauxite and iron ore supplier; while southern Africa and Guinea will be vital in the effort to meet growing demand for platinum, manganese, bauxite, and chromium. China will continue to play a leading role in production and reserve levels in practically every key metal required under low-carbon scenarios. India is dominant in iron, steel, and titanium, while Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines have opportunities with bauxite and nickel.

A “green” technology future has the potential to be materially intensive, the report states. Increased extraction and production activities could also have significant impacts on local water systems, ecosystems, and communities. As countries develop their natural resource endowments, it will be critical that sustainability, environmental protection, and options to recycle materials be integrated into new operations, policies and investments.

“The Growing Role of Minerals and Metals for a Low-Carbon Future” report is intended to contribute to a richer dialogue around the opportunities and challenges for resource-rich countries that a low-carbon future presents. The analysis is designed to support policy-makers and other stakeholders in the areas of extractives, clean energy and climate change to better understand the issues involved and identify areas of common interest.

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👍 1233
👍 9968
July 19, 2017 4:09 am

Nippon dragon resources has new similar tech to 1 pulse. .. GBLEF is cobalt with Chinese backing

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Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
July 19, 2017 8:33 am
Reply to  motion

Wow, that’s a blast from the past — Nippon Dragon was briefly a junior speculator darling about three years ago and I wrote a bit about it here. Be wary of companies that claim to have incredible new technology but have teensy market caps and can’t seem to get any traction with customers — the only thing that has really had an impact on their financial statements in three years is that the number of shares outstanding has doubled, and real change and new products take much longer to make an impact than most of us could imagine… especially in “old” industries like mining and manufacturing.

Doesn’t mean it can’t work in the end, of course, and I haven’t followed Nippon Dragon and don’t know if they’ve actually made any real progress in building products or getting orders, but my experience is that a lot of these kinds of little tech companies turn into zombies over time, just churning out new shares every couple years to keep paying management.

👍 22027
July 19, 2017 4:11 am

not knocking cleanteq. mind you.

👍 9968
July 19, 2017 7:01 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Travis the only knock for ME is not more moving north fast enough, ha ha. sold it for that. Keep up the good work.

👍 3
July 19, 2017 4:19 am

MGX for lithium, mg., silicon.

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July 19, 2017 7:10 pm

on mgx again, oilfield water waste cleaned of MINERALS b4 being pumped back in ground. LOTS OF INFO ANND INDUSTRY PRESS. you might like it.

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👍 3
July 20, 2017 8:21 pm
Reply to  motion

Do you have a link so i can evaluate the INDUSTRY PRESS? Is mgx the stock symbol or part of the stock name? Sorry for dumb questions.

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👍 26
July 20, 2017 8:53 pm
Reply to  mhardin54

MXG Minerals – No Position Twitter: @MgxMinerals
Last Trades – CSE: XMG CA$0.87; U.S. OTC: MGXMF $0.70;
FKT: 1MG €0.60

👍 11604
July 19, 2017 7:14 pm

GBLEF in Canada just got Chinese money for there big big big projects.

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👍 3
👍 9968
July 20, 2017 1:47 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

FRiedland and riggall both a speaking at sprott next week

👍 9968
July 20, 2017 11:07 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

From a Rick Rule interview:

Yeah, I think the cobalt market will go higher than lower. Cobalt is a unique commodity in that demand for it is constrained only by supply. That’s very unusual. The utility of cobalt is spectacular. The ability to derive new fabrication uses for cobalt is constrained only because the fabricators don’t see where the supply would come from if they developed new uses for the material. Sort of like that old movie about baseball. If you build it, they will come.

In truth, cobalt is a very odd material in that the more supply there is, the more demand for it will arise. That’s the bullet case. The bearish case unfortunately is that economic supplies for cobalt occur in Congo and Russia. Stop. Congo and Russia make fabricators nervous because they’re nervous about consistency of supply. They make financiers nervous because you wonder if after you develop some supply you will still own it. They make investors insecure because investors watch television and get fairly lurid reports with regards to Russia and Congo.

Investors want cobalt in places like Canada. There is cobalt in Canada but the Canadian cobalt supplies, with the exception of by-product cobalt at Voisey’s Bay and in Inco at the Ultramafic complexes, is too small to ever develop into bottom quartile cash cost producers.

The only exception that I see in terms of the availability of cobalt in jurisdictions that are believed to be politically secure would of course be the Syerston deposits in Australia controlled ultimately by Robert Friedland.

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👍 1233
July 20, 2017 2:17 am

Can someone please clarify for me the the next step in the terms of the Sandstorm-Mariana buyout. My Fidelity account shows the cash payment form 13 July I believe it was. And the cash conversion shares are showing as a new holding with a cusip number but no cash value or NYSE ticker. Do I need to do something more to officially tender the Mariana shares, or is the conversion to the new NYSE ticker automatic but presently stalled somehow? And has there been any indication of whether the Sand shares I have in other accounts can be converted to corresponding new NYSE listed accounts? Automatically? Or for a conversion fee? Thanks for any information any of you may have.

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👍 91
👍 9968
July 20, 2017 9:05 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles


Is the sale a taxable event in total or just the money part of the proceeds?

FYI my transaction still in progress at Schwab.

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👍 1691
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👍 9968
July 20, 2017 10:07 am
Reply to  alanS

I use Fidelity and had the same question. I called the rep last week. The cash from the deal went into my account on July 13. However, the stock transfer to $SAND takes a few weeks — according to the Fidelity Rep.

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👍 454
July 20, 2017 10:47 am
Reply to  michmana2


What is the answer to the taxability of the transaction question?

👍 1691
👍 9968
July 21, 2017 8:24 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

RE: Mariana-Sandstorm payout terms
HN: I have taken it up the ladder with Fidelity, 3 times now receiving a slight different story each time. (They seem a bit confused, even the back office people.) Today I was told that the all the shares to be distributed went on the London exchange (presumably because of the Guernsey connection) and thus must first be converted to Cdn shs or toUS shs on the NYSE Market exchange.

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