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written by reader Scandium, Cobalt, and Water Purification: CleanTeQ Holdings

By hendrixnuzzles, February 6, 2017

A Microcap Teaser Solution In Advance !!
(Australian stock exchange CLQ, OTC pinks CTEQF).
CleanTeQ is sure to be the answer to future teasers you will be reading about from resource gurus, To save you all the trouble of solving them, I decided to write this article.
My portfolio was grotesquely overweight in gold and silver positions, and in moments of anxiety I thought it would be a good idea to diversify and take a few positions in something other than gold mines, royalty companies, Mongolian exploration companies, and small-cap copper miners with major operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Thus I made a small speculation in CleanTeQ, solely on the basis that mining titan Robert Friedland was the Chairman, and CleanTeQ was the only resource company I could find that seemed to be in a position to mine scandium, a very rare metal that sells for a couple of thousand dollars a kilo.
My due diligence was so slight that I was embarrassed to emphasize my position to the readers at Stock Gumshoe. We are supposed to study these things a little more than I did for CleanTeQ. And after entering at 50 cents, the stock promptly dropped to 35 cents or so, making me glad that I did not look foolish by publicizing my position.
As the weeks went by, I started to find more information on the company that I should have found out beforehand. This was partly accidental, partly from other Gumshoe readers, and partly from new announcements and company news that occurred after I took a position. But the findings were all very positive, and because the company is so interesting I thought it warranted its own thread apart from the hard asset thread which I moderate.
I have a full long position and high hopes. And I thank Secretsquirrel, Griffin, Larry McKenna, and several others who helped fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle.
Below are my findings, opinions, and summary on CleanTeQ Holdings:
BUSINESS MODEL CleanTeQ is a hybrid company based with three bases: scandium mining and production, cobalt mining and production, and water purification. This seems like an odd combination, but as you will see, it is not. It is a stroke of genius. And I will explain why we should care about scandium and cobalt.
(1) The company is starting production of the Syerston mine, the world’s only scandium mine;
(2) The company will also produce significant amounts of cobalt as a co-product to the scandium;
(3) The company has a large-scale water purification technology, which will target municipalities,
Industrial operations with waste water problems, and mines, which also have water problems

(1) Scandium is a very rare metal that usually occurs in only small amounts that are not economical to mine. It is mostly available as a by-product and the market is opaque, usually between private parties. Scandium has very beneficial applications in aerospace, aviation, and technology, but has not been widely applied because there is not a sufficiently reliable supply of it.
(2) Cobalt is essential in many batteries. Lithium gets all the investment press, but a majority of the battery formulations need cobalt, which is rare compared to lithium. Cobalt has a similar supply situation as scandium, it is mostly a by-product and is not commonly a prime mining target in and of itself. But demand for the electric energy market is growing rapidly and cobalt demand is growing and will continue to grow accordingly. Supply chains on cobalt are iffy.
(3) Water purification is a pressing need throughout the world. Cities with lots of people, industrialized places with lots of factories, or mines with waste water, all have a real and pressing need for large scale water purification. I think most people can accept this premise of widespread demand without a lot of documentation.

HOW DO THESE SEGMENTS RELATE TO EACH OTHER ? I cannot get too technical about the water purification technology, but I will try to explain what I understand, and how it relates to the scandium and cobalt operations. They call it Continuous Flow Ionization. Ionization is not a proprietary technology per se, but CleanTeQ has developed a way to implement ionization in a continuous feed, automated loop that improves volume, improves economics, is reasonably priced for installation, and can be custom-modified to specific waste problems. It can be used in conjunction with other filtration techniques. Further, it can be modified TO EXTRACT CERTAIN SUBSTANCES from the feed waste water. This is done by modifying the resins that are used in the ionization process.

Now it so happens that CleanTeQ has developed resins that can extract scandium and cobalt from waste water. So they potentially will have commercial sources of rare metals from the by-product waste of their water purification process !

HOW CLOSE IS THE WATER THING TO REALLY HAPPENING ? It is happening. CleanTeQ has signed a memorandum of understanding with a major Chinese municipality to implement their technology. There is a joint venture, 55% Chinese/45% CleanTeQ. Once the first one is up and working, China has a mind-boggling potential for water purification. For their teeming urban centers and for their mining and industrial locations, shall we say the potential is very large ?

CleanTeQ has 100% of rest of the world. CleanTeQ is closed-mouthed about other commercial sources, but they let on that they have been in contact with the likes of GE, Dow, and other big hitters. They state a pipeline target of $100 million by 2020; I predict they will do much better.

HOW CLOSE IS THE COBALT THING TO REALLY HAPPENING ? Very close. Battery useage is soaring and is the strategic target of many governments, corporations, and environmental groups. Batteries need cobalt.

HOW CLOSE IS THE SCANDIUM THING FROM HAPPENING ? This will take a while because the applications are high tech, with long lead times, and there is only one scandium mine in the world (CleanTeQ’s newly commissioned Syerston mine). CleanTeQ intends to develop the scandium market by being a reliable source of supply, and by driving the price down.
CleanTeQ will have viable margins with scandium prices up to half of current prices.

To give you an idea, the Russians made a few MIGs with scandium/aluminum alloys. They were faster, lighter, stronger. An addition of 0.5% scandium to aviation aluminum strengthens the frame, removes the need for riveting, reduces weight, and makes repairs easier. . The Russians dropped it because of costs; and Boeing and Airbus will not use it without a reliable source of supply. But there is about to be a reliable source of supply: CleanTeQ.

WHAT ABOUT IP PROTECTION ? I believe the IP and know-how moat is sufficient. CleanTeQ holds a perpetual license from a high-level Russian research organization that provided some of the foundation technology. I am not a patent lawyer and a lot of the know-how will be proprietary, not patented. CleanTeQ has been at this for over ten years, I think the barriers to entry are sufficient.

MANAGEMENT Totally a plus. Robert Friedland is the Co-Chairman and CEO, he has 20% of the company, great credibility and clout with the Chinese, and an unbelievable track record in mining. Sam Reggall is the other co-chairman. I know little about him, other than from my observations of him on an Australian investment show that aired last week. He was impressive.

MONEY AND FINANCES I don’t think there is anything at all to worry about. Friedland must be worth billions, the Chinese are in, and the concept has enormous potential.

Sources: as I mentioned, information is scant. My sources were the CleanTeQ website, presentations and and interviews with Friedland and Reggall, and the sketchy information on the brokerage sites. Nothing you cannot find on your own.

Long CleanTeQ

This is a discussion topic or guest posting submitted by a Stock Gumshoe reader. The content has not been edited or reviewed by Stock Gumshoe, and any opinions expressed are those of the author alone.



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👍 9968
👍 9968
August 1, 2017 2:13 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thanks hn, looks very interesting and right next door to CleanTeQ….

👍 1233
👍 9968
August 1, 2017 10:43 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

After reading the above and doing some further dd I to have taken a position. Imo as a stand alone or take over, in the current climate looks promising.

👍 1233
👍 9968
August 2, 2017 9:13 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN-for information purposes, was there any reason you did not sell (temporarily) any of your Ivanhoe instead?

👍 1691
August 2, 2017 9:18 am
Reply to  hedy1234


Great article on Ivanhoe today on SA.
Analysis of Platreef mine.

👍 1691
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👍 9968
August 2, 2017 10:32 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

It was over $4.00 recently.

👍 1691
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August 2, 2017 5:37 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

sorry wrong link …this is on hot copper…….
1,665 posts.
Post #:
locky27 said: ↑
Much appreciate it if you knowledgable permanent posters would give a opinion on how you think this problem could be overcome…

Then there’s Platina (ASX:pGM) next door with the Owendale deposit. They haven’t done nearly as much work as Scandium International and Clean TeQ. That’s also a similar deposit. Their only problem is that their neighbor, Robert Friedland’s Clean TeQ, has all the water rights tied up in that area.

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August 2, 2017 7:25 am
Reply to  rubberworm

Platina have a very poor 4.6k t cobalt measured and indicated.

as a scandium play it has potential but not with current mgmt.

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👍 9968
👍 9968
August 2, 2017 10:26 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Hn it came from –

And was said to not quite be the case by a poster with good credentials. Another bloke there implyed that Platina’s water supply had been placed elsewhere away from the CleanTeQ area it seems.

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👍 1233
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👍 9968
August 2, 2017 9:53 am

$CTEQF Cold war cobalt

This is a good article on the Clean TEQ process at the pilot plant in Perth.

$CTEQF long

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👍 3700
August 2, 2017 2:01 pm

I thought a small position in PTNUF was brilliant, and was surprised my order got totally filled today. Also nice that it closed up over 8% on my purchase price, on a % basis, I’m up more with PTNUF in one day then CTEQF in 8 months [for whatever thats worth]. But got like 20 times more CTEQF than PTNUF. The former is an investment and the latter a speculation. My thoughts are CTEQF partners or outright buys PTNUF at some point. But just bought a whole lot of metal in the ground for dirt cheap, and if they turn out to have significant cobalt, this will do fantastic.

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August 2, 2017 2:06 pm
Reply to  renbycage

possible correction, not sure if market is closed right now, I’m in Amsterdam right now, no idea what freaking time it is in US.

👍 9968
August 3, 2017 1:28 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Don’t I know it, with such a large position in CTEQF I keep an eye on australlia to give me a heads up which way things are moving. I was also filled at 8.21. Totally fine with the entry price, from what I can see, it has hit 13 cents already. When I purchased my CTEQF at 62 cents, it was sitting at an all time high. Normally I don’t like to buy at all time highs, but CTEQF was a unique case, it was clear we were still WAY early. But as it turned out, after an initial run up, CTEQF could have been purchased for over 20% cheaper if we had waited. But zero regrets, my style when I see an opportunity is to jump on it, and that has worked well for me.

👍 964
August 3, 2017 1:38 am
Reply to  renbycage

Sounds funny, but I’ve learned when I’m evaluating an investment, and the hairs on my arms stand up, jump baby jump, its what I call the tingle.

👍 964
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👍 9968
August 3, 2017 3:37 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Yes, and liquidity also way better for CLQ, but other factors push me to OTC, despite your points I think at the end of the day, it’ll turn out to be basically the same.

Since I just purchased platina from an idea gleaned here, wanted to thank you for your contribution to discovering that opportunity.

👍 964
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👍 9968
August 4, 2017 9:51 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

It will be great if it works out well, but the thanks is for the idea only, and holds regardless. I take the idea and make my own decisions, winner or loser, that is on me.

👍 964
August 2, 2017 11:31 pm


I opened up a new issue of my Stansberry Research subscription called Commodity Supercycles.

And what pray tell was this months reco?

None other than IVN.

The article (12 pages long) confirms all the intel HN has been telling.

It also states that Friedland has secured $1B in capital to support the first stage of Platreef.

The analyst believes that IVN should sell its stake in Kipushi and use the proceeds on the other two projects.

They say its a buy up to C$6 per share.

They do not like buying on the OTC.

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👍 1691
August 2, 2017 11:34 pm
Reply to  hedy1234

If they soon make a reco on CLQ….
Bob’s your uncle.

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👍 1691
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👍 9968
August 4, 2017 11:35 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Kipushi will be going to CLQ in time as they have the tech to remove the $1.5b Co and Zn from the tailings dam. It even implies this in a 2014 article.

Maybe that’s why Friedland sees CLQ outperforming IVN?

August 5, 2017 1:13 am
Reply to  Johnnn

“is in the final stages of negotiation for a “very large water treatment plant somewhere in Asia, a $30 million project” due to be announced any day now”


very exciting article

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👍 964
August 5, 2017 1:41 am
Reply to  renbycage

Don’t get too excited now. It appears from the link that that article was written June, of 2014. That sounds like the already known Chinese partnership. It also states in the article that Clean TEQ has recently come to the attention of Robert Friedland that seems to support the date. I wouldn’t be surprised if we heard of something else shortly.

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👍 3700
August 5, 2017 5:22 am
Reply to  Griffin

I wouldn’t be suprised if kipushi is still in the plan. Old article though
But with Zn and Co running hot who knows – would compliment Syerston nicely

👍 9968
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👍 9968
August 5, 2017 12:31 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Mind bogling really, sometimes think we on here are the only ones seeing this apart from CleanTeQ of course who are fully aware if this and probably more.

👍 1233
👍 9968
August 5, 2017 5:45 pm

Just posting this, not read it all in depth. Is current and has nice graphics.
Hope the link opens, I had to register, but it’s very simple and fully free.

Should You Follow This Trend For Clean TeQ Holdings Limited (ASX:CLQ)?
Chris Amalia August 2, 2017

Clean TeQ Holdings Limited, together with its subsidiaries, provides pollution control solutions in Australia. CLQ’s insiders have invested more than 2 million shares in the large-cap stocks within the past three months. Generally, insiders buying more shares in their own firm sends a bullish signal. A two-decade research published in The MIT Press (1998) showed that stocks following insider buying outperformed the market by 4.5%. However, it may not be sufficient to base your investment decision merely on these signals. I’ve assessed two potential reasons behind the insiders’ latest motivation to buy more shares.

Over the past three months, more shares have been bought than sold by Clean TeQ Holdings’s’ insiders. In total, individual insiders own over 191 million shares in the business, which makes up around 33.11% of total shares outstanding. Latest buying activities involved the following insiders:

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👍 1233
August 5, 2017 6:01 pm

This mentions CleanTeQ quite a lot in comparison to the article which is about Ardea Resources in Australia.

At Clean Teq’s current share price, Syerston has an Implied Project Value of roughly ~A$400m on a fully-diluted basis. This compares to a ~A$65m Implied Project Value for the KNP. (For the sake of argument, we’ll ignore Lewis Ponds and assume that Ardea’s valuation is due solely to the KNP.)

Syerston certainly deserves a higher valuation for the following reasons: (1) the Robert Friedland premium, (2) the project’s 18-month head start, and (3) the fact that Syerston has publicly known project economics. There is a good argument to be made that Clean Teq shares themselves are well undervalued.

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👍 1233
August 5, 2017 10:54 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

Good read thanks for posting. I put on my watch list.

In the article they mentioned “warrant over hang” which looked to be 1 warrant for every 3 shares. I’ve never seen that mentioned before. In this case it is not a problem because they can’t be exercised till 2020. Investapedia says there is no rule thumb and it is more a matter of dilution.

👍 3700
August 6, 2017 4:01 pm
Reply to  Griffin

Are you concerned that the “warrant over-hang” mentioned in the article cited by secretsquirrel above refers to Clean Teq or to Ardea Resources? As I read the article it seems pretty clearly to be in reference to Ardea. And I didn’t find the way it was dismissed as insignificant in the article very convincing.


👍 91
August 6, 2017 4:21 pm
Reply to  alanS

The term as used in the article was referring to Ardea. It kinda of caught me by surprise since I hadn’t heard before. I think the author was actually referring to the ‘loyalty options’ to keep favored employees in place. The options weren’t exercisable till 2020 so weren’t going to be an immediate factor..

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👍 3700
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👍 9968
August 8, 2017 5:05 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thanks HN, I guess you could also consider that as if the stock doubles before the warrants can be exercised the dilution won’t hurt, but then that’s conjecture.

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👍 3700
August 7, 2017 10:24 am

$no ticker

Copper up to $2.91.

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👍 1691
👍 9968
August 7, 2017 2:47 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Lens cleaned so I can see IVN $10++

👍 1691
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👍 9968
August 8, 2017 5:58 am

Regards PGM unsure how relevant this is to us here with a position?
I didn’t want to cut n paste the content but this information was being discussed on

From the link above,

Munni Munni – Platinum and Platinum Group Elements

In August 2015 Artemis entered into an agreement with Platina Resources Limited to earn a 70% interest in the Munni Munni Platinum Group Elements Project (the “Munni Munni Project”).

The Munni Munni Project hosts the largest intrusion in the West Pilbara and hosts a JORC 2004 compliant Resource of 24 Mt @ 2.9 g/t Platinum Group Element (PGE) + gold (1.4Mt Inferred, 9.8Mt indicated and 12.4Mt Measured) (0.83Moz platinum. 1.14Moz palladium, 152Koz gold and 76Koz rhodium). Munni Munni is the largest as yet un-mined primary PGE Resource in Australia.

The Project is contiguous to Artemis tenements on all sides and continues the Company’s vision to consolidate a previously fragmented tenement holding region.

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👍 1233
👍 9968
August 8, 2017 4:27 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thanks for clarification on that. Consensus seemed to be that the deal would be advantageous to Platina anyway, so that’s good.

👍 1233
👍 9968
August 8, 2017 4:48 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Great research/analysis hn,

Clearly one autoclave each (hopefully), good sweeter for concluding a deal.
As you say Platina will need finance – but that’s one of RF’s specialities.

The CleanTeQ royalty, what could that be?

I do wonder which out of the 2 companies is currently undervalued, Platina is the bigger risk, but it does seem very cheap?

Long $CLQ
Long $PGM

👍 1233
👍 9968
August 8, 2017 9:19 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thanks for reply, yes I’d say that’s pretty much how I see the position with both companies.

My position in CleanTeQ is second to Ivanhoe although Colorado is closing in, in third. Platina being so cheap I might double up anyway as CleanTeQ being next door the dots will surely connect….

CleanTeQ as you say is now on the investment level, some serious players involved and have many directions to expand. Safety in such a wide diversification if anyone of them fall to the side. No brainer really.

👍 1233
August 8, 2017 9:50 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

Hi SecretSquirrel-
Are you keeping up with Nano One?
Thank YOU for alerting us of this equity.
Been long since the day you posted.
Best2You – Ben

Chalk another one up for the great Gummunity! 🙂

👍 11604
August 10, 2017 6:04 am
Reply to  SoGiAm

Hi, no I’ve not been keeping up with Nano as got side tracked I guess. It was originally Hn that mentioned it and I followed on from there.

Great as looks like Nano is working out well, where do you see it going from here btw?

👍 1233
August 9, 2017 4:00 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

hn: You wrote, “Both of these stocks [$ClenTeQ & $Platina] are so small that US brokers will not permit them in retirement accounts.” I realize that this is secondary to the main point of of your post but for the record, my experience with Fidelity has been quite different. I have bought shares in both these stocks through Fidelity in both my and my wife’s Roth and Traditional IRA accounts for well over a year now and in other “dubious” companies for even longer. All I had to do was to verbally sign-off on a seemingly endless number of disclosures and releases. Took half an hour to wade through it all on the phone, but no great hassle in the end. (I do have Premium Account status and a 40-year+ history with Fidelity, so maybe that made a difference, that and the fact that they apparently decided some time back that I was bonkers.) You recently suggested I climb the escalation ladder regarding the status of my Mariana/Sand buy-out shares, and that was good advice—after 4-5 phone calls I finally got the registered. So you were right: as the ancient Chinese sage said, “Perseverance furthers.” (Unless perhaps Fidelity has changed their policy re: retirement accounts in the intervening years, having encountered a few other such seemingly crazy individuals. Oh yeah, there is yet another sign-off required if you want to buy 30,000+ shares of any foreign stock.

YMMV, but do let me and the rest of the Gummune know you if you manage to get past their lawyers. And again, many many thanks for helping with your great research and analysis and also helping to prove that we are not quite as crazy as some at Fidelity might think.

Alan        long $CTEQF and $PTNUF

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👍 91
Jeffrey M
Jeffrey M
August 9, 2017 8:37 am
Reply to  alanS

I hold $CLEQF in my wife’s IRA at Fidelity as an FYI. Planning to add $PTNUF in the near term. Thanks HN and everyone else who contributes on this thread

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👍 775
👍 9968
August 8, 2017 8:13 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I also see the logic behind these two companies doing something synergistic that increases the value of both of them. Its a powerful cobalt/scandum play, if you believe in these two metals, which is supported by the facts surrounding both of them. It doesn’t take a lot of future vision to understand why they will both be money makers.

One of the very interesting things that I have noticed is as recently as 2015, cleanteq/syerston was a scandium project, with almost no mention of cobalt or nickel at all. Then after 2015, its almost like they were digging for gold and struck oil, these high grade nickel and cobalt findings just seemed to come out of nowhere. Perhaps Friedland and his magic secret pulsy-magneto photon ray analyzers were able to identify the true value of this property unbeknownst previously, and the story is just the same next door, these platina guys kind of lucked out that Friedland just discovered they got a whole lot more than they thought, and now they are in a position to let clean teq do all the heavy lifting to extract the value of what’s in there. Long CTEQF, long PTNUF

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August 8, 2017 8:24 pm
Reply to  renbycage

You could well be right renbycage, either way a jv of sorts or a CleanTeQ buyout would be advantageous to all share holders imo.

“Perhaps Friedland and his magic secret pulsy-magneto photon ray analyzers” good quote, sounds like out of one of those 50’s sifi films except that it’s now true due to ipulse’s technology c/o RF.

👍 1233
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👍 9968
August 8, 2017 11:53 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

In the article I posted today there were several things mentioned that brought CleanTEQ to mind; ” Without in any way diminishing the dangers of our resource dependency, I do want to note some
positive development s taking place – largely in the area of novel metals and minerals processing.
These are advances arising out of necessity – the need to efficiently extract minerals from low-grade
deposits. In some cases, this effort is driving process improvements that point to the ability to
extract minerals from unconventional sources, feedstocks if you will. I’m talking about historic mine
waste piles, eWaste, and potentially and perhaps most interesting, extracting rare metals from coal
deposits” and “In a study done with co-author Sandra Wirtz, we found that five “gateway” metals – Aluminum, Copper, Nickel, Tin and Zinc – provide our access to 25 of the more arcane “technology metals” discussed here.”
Though there was no mention of CleanTEQ and I don’t know that I would consider CleanTEQ novel what else is there. Environmental hot spots come to mind also I wonder how many of those could be cleaned up with ion beads. I want more CLQ too but just don’t have the funds left hopefully one of my other stocks will pop.

$CTEQF long

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👍 3700
August 9, 2017 12:24 am
Reply to  Griffin

Griffin I think you have caught the scent of possibilities. Coal and iron slag has been a source of cobalt for years as apparently it is sequestered by plants and bacteria, such as the iron fixing bacteria that laid down those huge beds of ore in Australia and Mesabi range in Minnesota.

Autoclaves have recently been mentioned,,, they are just huge steam pressure cookers such as are used in canning food commercially and in extraction industry. At room temperature chemical reaction doubles at roughly every 10 degree Kelvin, increase taking more and more degrees heat increase as temperature rises. Crushed ore or slag would yield a concentrated brine to make resin and electrolysis extraction more efficient. Old gold and silver mines left a lot of metal behind in the tailings that could be recovered that way.
The Earth is a closed system so nothing is ever truly used up,,, only scattered, so difficult to re-use at times. All the copper that has ever been used is still here, same for iron, zinc, etc as well as carbon, oxygen and so on and is re-concentrated by natural processes,,, although sometimes taking eons. All the coal and probably most of the oil was once CO2 in the atmosphere until captured by plant life and bacteria etc.

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👍 7797
👍 9968
August 8, 2017 4:46 pm

$AMYZF Senate Testimony on Resource Security – July 18, 2017 by Dan McGroarty

Mr. Dan McGroarty is a Consultant for Texas Mineral Resources, Graphite One, American Manganese,
and Rio Tinto.

This is a four page read and to the point.

$AMYZF long

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👍 3700
August 8, 2017 8:00 pm

Platina up date:

Release Date: 09/08/17 09:18
Summary: Significant increase to the Owendale Mineral Resource
Price Sensitive: Yes
Download Document 2.55MB

Hn does this add anything, thanks.

Also this was interesting….

Well I guess it all depends on the emerging size of the scandium market……..
but yes CLQ 450 million dollar market cap… they can go out and buy autoclaves. Its impressive, very impressive, but you have to pay 17.8 × as much to be a part of it. A lot of levity for PGM to move on the scandium cobalt in that deferential. Maybe scandium is like uranium. Maybe if you can make your plane/car/bus/train lighter by one third, then you really dont care all that much as a producer if you pay 2000 per kg or 3000 per kg?

CLQ and the fact they have gone for the autoclaves can be seen more as a positive in my mind..they think it is worth the while, and clearly see the potential there now. They might try to corner the market, but you can be damn sure they will promote the market. PGM were never going to be producing scandium before CLQ in my mind anyway…

It would actually be worse if CLQ didn’t bother with the scandium.. Because at the end of the day who among us really understand the opaque nature of that market? They have decided to increase their capex at this point in the market because they see it as worth the while. BULLISH!

We can sit next door, cheap as chips, do an easy bag or three, (easy) and all the while CLQ go from strength to strength. And while we tick off boxes without having to inject massive capital the nature of our ore body becomes apparent via the nature of CLQ’s. The difficulties associated, the mining and refining will all be revealed to PGM at no extra cost to PGM. Awesome.

Friedland will win again , but will rise faster, maybe get taken out.

Your opinion on this always appreciated Hn, always hope can be of some assistance in posting stuff I come across, fully loaded on CleanTeQ but might increase position on Platina Resources.

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👍 1233
August 8, 2017 8:07 pm

Hn appreciate your interpretation of the following thanks SS.

Release Date: 09/08/17 09:18
Summary: Significant increase to the Owendale Mineral Resource
Price Sensitive: Yes
Download Document 2.55MB

Also of note is

Last post was Well I guess it all depends on the emerging size of the scandium market……..
but yes CLQ 450 million dollar market cap… they can go out and buy autoclaves. Its impressive, very impressive, but you have to pay 17.8 × as much to be a part of it. A lot of levity for PGM to move on the scandium cobalt in that deferential. Maybe scandium is like uranium. Maybe if you can make your plane/car/bus/train lighter by one third, then you really dont care all that much as a producer if you pay 2000 per kg or 3000 per kg?

CLQ and the fact they have gone for the autoclaves can be seen more as a positive in my mind..they think it is worth the while, and clearly see the potential there now. They might try to corner the market, but you can be damn sure they will promote the market. PGM were never going to be producing scandium before CLQ in my mind anyway…

It would actually be worse if CLQ didn’t bother with the scandium.. Because at the end of the day who among us really understand the opaque nature of that market? They have decided to increase their capex at this point in the market because they see it as worth the while. BULLISH!

We can sit next door, cheap as chips, do an easy bag or three, (easy) and all the while CLQ go from strength to strength. And while we tick off boxes without having to inject massive capital the nature of our ore body becomes apparent via the nature of CLQ’s. The difficulties associated, the mining and refining will all be revealed to PGM at no extra cost to PGM. Awesome.

Friedland will win again , but will rise faster, maybe get taken out.
Life is good Fiendish

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👍 1233
👍 9968
August 9, 2017 11:55 am

$ECSIF eCobalt Provides Feasibility Update and Commences Pre-Construction Activities on the ICP

As this is an update there is not much detailed information the final release will be in September. The most significant thing I see are the Mill property has been purchased in southern Idaho and the infrastructure task required to facilitate construction of the mine have been fast tracked.

$ECSIF long

👍 3700
👍 9968
August 9, 2017 11:49 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I see CLQ monopolising the whole scandium market at $1000 – $1250 kg. They got everyone else by the balls! Processing it as a by product for a tiny add on is pure genius – it’s a free money printing machine.

August 10, 2017 12:45 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Off the top of my head 173 TPA for Sc CleanTeq could do. I’m tired of looking this up. They can and will go under 1500/kg . They say and will corner the whole Sc. Market for years to come. There is NO real market for Sc now. They came up with 1500/kg to get end users into using Sc. And they will go lower if needed be. They will be the king of Sc until the market goes above 173TPA. Ok just to be sure here it is for TPA from old E-Mail…James

Part 7.2 of the attached PFS release details the info you are seeking. We can produce up to 170tpa of scandium oxide but we showed the economic impact of producing and selling only 50tpa because the market is currently very small. The additional capex was A$20M for a scandium recovery circuit. Extract below


Assuming an average scandium head grade of 53ppm (for more details please see ASX announcement dated 20 September 2016) and a processing recovery of 85%, the Project has the potential to produce up to 170tpa scandium oxide over years 3-20. The incremental up front capital cost of the scandium RIP recovery and purification circuit is A$20 million (assuming a recovery circuit capable of producing 50tpa of scandium oxide). Given the scandium is recovered as a by-product of nickel and cobalt production, the incremental cost of recovering scandium is relatively low.

The Upside Case assumes 50tpa of scandium oxide (Sc2O3) is extracted as a by-product and sold for US$1,500/kg Sc2O3. These production and pricing assumptions are consistent with those used for the dedicated scandium project assessed as part of the Scandium Feasibility Study (for full details see the ASX announcement dated 30 August 2016).

So I was 3 TPA off in my head. But CleanTEQ will clean up JMHO and thiers I think.

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August 10, 2017 3:37 am
Reply to  rubberworm

CLQ ie “RF will own scandium”. This is what Kaiser said.

They will monopolise the whole thing at $1000-$1200. At a $20m add on it I said essentially a money printing machine

August 10, 2017 3:38 am
Reply to  rubberworm

CLQ ie “RF will own scandium”. This is what Kaiser said.

They will monopolise the whole thing at $1000-$1200. At a $20m add on it is essentially a money printing machine

👍 9968
August 10, 2017 10:37 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

This what Ben said last night regarding Sc….”Over the medium term we expect to see other producers of scandium come on line but i believe we will have a market leading position with the lowest cost of production.

👍 9968
August 10, 2017 3:39 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

It might be possible for CLQ to monopolizes if their initial price is low enough to keep most everyone else out of the market. That is essentially what Microsoft did with DOS and a little help from IBM.

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👍 3700
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👍 9968
August 10, 2017 12:00 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Platina can just sit pretty, keep paying themselves for digging a few holes here and there, let Cleanteq do all the heavy lifting establishing a scandium market, and proving the value of what is almost a parallel deposit….. until they are happy with someones offer to pay them money/stock/royalty package, then they can move on with new level of enrichment.

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👍 9968
August 10, 2017 1:41 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Exactly, Platina do deals as we know. Doing a deal with CleanTeQ makes good sense. I’m guessing of course but RF must be looking at it through his telescope….

Long CLQ
Long PTM

👍 1233
👍 9968
August 10, 2017 2:54 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

What I would wonder, is if cleanteq bought platina, would it increase their annual cobalt production, or, alternatively, extend the life of the mine. Increasing production would be great, extending life maybe not, as who can predict the demand for cobalt that far into the future, with alternatives to cobalt being worked on right now. Also, they probably have all the scandium they can sell for the next decade or two already, would nailing down more be over-kill?

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👍 9968
August 10, 2017 6:20 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Cobalt production is very cyclic as new metal is mainly a by=product of copper and nickel mining, if outside of African/Congo supply.
It is not a scarce metal but about half the world supply is possibly from slavery/child labor in Congo,,. Australia has about a sixth,China, Russia,Cuba,Canada jointly another sixth and rest of world, the final sixth.
Us gets most of supply from recycling scrap,,, old jet engines etc and buys the rest from Canada and other sources.
CTeq can profit by boosting production when copper mining slows,,, as it does periodically.

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👍 7797
August 10, 2017 3:48 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I know your right HN. The cobalt market is driving near term producers that have the finances to expedite their path to production. eCobalt $ECSIF is doing the same.

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👍 3700
👍 9968
August 11, 2017 10:45 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I don’t know that they do or don’t. They have purchased equipment for the and have it in storage, but I haven’t seen an inventory. Also don’t know if that includes the mill. Since the Feasibility Study is due next month I’d better send a email to IR and find out what long lead time equipment hasn’t been ordered. I’ll let you know.

👍 3700
August 14, 2017 3:27 pm
Reply to  Griffin

$ECSIF HN, here is the reply from eCobalt;
Hi Larry,

Below is an excerpt from the “Project Overview” page of our website that describes the equipment we have in Salmon ready to go up the hill:

” Approximately $16M worth of long lead time equipment was previously purchased and is stored in warehouse and staging areas outside of the town of Salmon, ready for transportation to the mill site. This equipment represents all major components of the mill and concentrator, and includes the ball mill, flotation cells, hoppers, grizzlies, etc.”

btw I replied and asked about replacing cobalt in the lithium battery and recent dip in the spot price of cobalt. It would be nice to get their view.

$ECSIF long

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👍 3700
August 14, 2017 7:09 pm
Reply to  Griffin

Here’s the reply I got back from the IR at eCobat;
Hi Larry,

I believe a replacement for cobalt or lithium ion batteries will eventually be found but I think it’ll be decades, not years. With regard to the cobalt spot price, it’s not surprising there would be some small pullback’s along the way considering how fast the commodity has risen in value.



Travis the double post below can be deleted having computer problems

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👍 3700
August 14, 2017 2:50 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I didn’t remember what eCobalt had posted about equipment they had bought so I posted IR to find out. They posted back a quote of what I forgot.
Hi Larry,

Below is an excerpt from the “Project Overview” page of our website that describes the equipment we have in Salmon ready to go up the hill:

” Approximately $16M worth of long lead time equipment was previously purchased and is stored in warehouse and staging areas outside of the town of Salmon, ready for transportation to the mill site. This equipment represents all major components of the mill and concentrator, and includes the ball mill, flotation cells, hoppers, grizzlies, etc.”

$ECSIF long

👍 3700
August 10, 2017 5:38 pm

I have been following this excellent thread but have not seen any reference in the past few days to the significant fall in value of IVPAF stock. Could it be that it’s being sold as tensions and violence are increasing in the DRC and we are getting closer to September?

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August 11, 2017 2:06 pm
Reply to  eagerbeaver

Yes that and NK, everything else is the same,

👍 1233
👍 9968
August 12, 2017 6:26 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thank you HN. Yes, after posting I realized that I might be on the wrong thread and I discovered the discussion on your other one. If full civil war does break out in DRC, I wonder what Ivanhoe would be worth valued on Platreefs alone. Also, we should hedge with alternative and safer sources of cobalt in the event that it rockets in value.

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August 12, 2017 6:32 pm
Reply to  eagerbeaver


👍 9968
August 11, 2017 5:57 pm
Reply to  eagerbeaver

$IVPAF – Eagerbeaver, here is one reference I found quickly by using ‘Comment Search’ on this thread for ‘September’ you may also try DRC, political, Congo etc. to find more. Best2You – Ben Thank YOU HendrexNuzzles! Have a great weekend ALL! $IVPAF, watching closely to re-enter after the DRC calms down:

👍 11604
👍 9968
August 12, 2017 2:42 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles


If you believe what you wrote, your best strategy would be to dump what you own and average down in increments.

You could also buy some calls to cover a quick upside move.

There are also some bio techs on fire sale if you follow Dr. Relentless.

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👍 1691
👍 9968
August 13, 2017 1:59 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN- Understand but the odds are long against that happening. Also calls would cover that short term jump.

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👍 1691
August 12, 2017 6:50 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Lundin Africa Oil AOIFF fell more than usual in the past few days. Hmm…I wonder if it’s related to the proximity of Kenya to the DRC.

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August 12, 2017 8:29 pm
Reply to  eagerbeaver

#Kenya – At least eleven dead as post-election unrest erupts in Kenya

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👍 11604
👍 9968
August 12, 2017 6:32 pm
Reply to  SoGiAm

Thank you for your help SoGiAm. Yes, I’ve been searching.

August 10, 2017 9:42 pm

MHO this has hurt CleanTeQ SP and even more so this week…

👍 9968
August 11, 2017 1:03 pm

HN & others, has anyone considered or paid 2K for the new Casey Predictable Profits Formula? It seems to be targeted to developers & explorers that Myron, HN & other gummies discus on these threads. Would really like to have the information, but DO NOT really want to pay the 2K to subscribe.

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👍 26
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👍 9968
August 12, 2017 6:54 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

The obvious conclusion is that the newsletters are getting their ideas from threads here!

👍 9968
👍 9968
August 12, 2017 10:32 pm
Reply to  mhardin54

The stock they recommended to watch is Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. SBB.TO; SGSVF OTC. This was a free gift if you listened to their presentation. It was not a recommendation to purchase at the present time.

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